Please chime in. I am very curious to know what my readers think of this, and if you have any predictions yourself. Again, I don’t want to appear that all I see is doom and gloom, but quite frankly, that is all I see. I actually live day to day in denial, but when I put my thinking cap on, this is all I can come up with.
What we have gone through the past two years is not over, far from it. Most people, the normies, believe when Covid is “over” all is finished and back to normal. Some may believe it is still not safe to go into the water, the #CovidIsNotOver crowd, (still wearing masks, still staying away from fellow humans, still not hugging or shaking hands) but most normies believe we are headed for the new normal, cautiously, but still a return basically to the days before March 2020. At least that is my personal opinion.
Most of us on this side of the fence (shrews) don’t believe it is going to be that simple. (Again, my opinion.) An awful lot has happened, but an awful lot still is yet to come before the great reset can take place. Everyone has different ideas of what that “yet to come” looks like, ranging all the way from a total and complete genocide where a large percentage of people on the planet will perish, to a massive sterilization taking place, to Covid being complete allowing for another more deadly virus to enter the picture such as polio (already talk of this), anthrax (already talk of this), Marburg (already talk of this) or HIV (already talk of this.) Some believe (as I do) that Covid is ramping up for an encore, this time a deadly one.
Even if there is no medical bioweapon released, most of us believe that the powers that be are far from completing their psyops silent war against humanity and we certainly see evidence for this in other aspects of our society, aside from a release of deadly pathogens. We see it clearly in the direction of the “woke” cancel culture; we see it in other transhumanist efforts such as gender manipulation, brain chips, electronic identification and surveillance systems, among many others. So whatever they have in store for us, it is going to be a problem, and any of us can make predictions regarding what is next.
I choose the following as a likely scenario for several reasons. One is that the population still has the stench of Covid fresh in their nostrils (quite literally) and it would be a shame to waste that emotional and psychological programming. The reason there has been a bit of a lull in the process is probably because they are waiting for that natural progress of viral mutation to take place and the agenda may have gotten ahead of itself thinking it would happen sooner than it is happening. You know Mother Nature (actually she has little to do with this), she is full of surprises. Or possibly this delay was intentional, the “last meal, or last wish, before execution” sort of thing. The lull could also be intentional priming for the final blast, as BF Skinner, the father of behavioural science, discovered while fooling with his pigeons (that story for another time.)
I also feel that there is still much to gain from a horror show of deadly disease. If they really are going for a reduction in the population, this is still a very effective way to do it. Another reason is that they have released the evil spirits and they have no more control over them than we do—Pandora’s box has been open; they might as well let it complete its own inevitable process.
Other tell tale signs this prediction is plausible: the people who set all this up are not totally letting go when there is no medical reason to hold on. Why are mask mandates still in place in may parts of the world? All public transportation in Canada, hospitals and other medical facilities, certain industries and certain employees of certain industries, for example, still have mask mandates, (as well as large public gatherings). Why are people still debating whether children should be vaccinated, or whether certain places should still require a vaccination certificate to enter? Why is Big Pharma still pushing boosters or other special Covid medications? Why is China still hell bent on “zero Covid” and has an entire city imprisoned? On and on—these are just a few examples. Clearly Covid is still big business.
So, without further ado, this is my prediction. Obviously it isn’t really “mine”—many people predict this as well. These are not only my conclusions, but the conclusions of many scientists around the world. I am not a doctor or scientist so I am not claiming any expertise in anything presented here. Please follow the links for more information from the actual source or the actual studies. And keep in mind; this is a prediction, not a clear certainty, thank God.
1. Due to the obvious viral/immune pressure put on the Omicron variant it will indeed mutate to a more virulent mutation. This is based on Geert Vanden Bosshe’s very robust work on the Covid pathogen.
2. The unvaccinated will of course be blamed. The unvaccinated all along have been blamed for any new variant due to the “fact” that they are the breeding ground for any mutation. This is predicated on the false notion that the unvaccinated are continuing to get sick from Covid and therefore are the hosts for any viral evolution. We know this to be false because it is the vaccinated that keep getting sick with breakthrough Covid, over and over again. The Walgreen* study clearly shows this, as other studies that never make the mainstream have shown it since day one. The unvaccinated have retained a robust innate immunity and therefore have been slowly building up a healthy immune response to all forms of Covid. Yes, the unvaccinated can get Covid (typically a mild version), but the variant will come out of the breakthrough Covid amongst the vaccinated because they are the ones offering the viral pressure. (Please see Bosshe’s work for the science behind this.)
3. Many lives will be lost to this variant, and the push for the booster vaccine to deal with it will reach frenzied levels. More persecution will be meted out to the unvaccinated and more pressure will come from authorities to segregate and punish the unvaccinated. Needless to say any booster will further the inefficiency of the vaccine to stop Covid—the genetic effect the vaccines create is the very thing putting pressure on the virus to mutate, again, see the links. It will continue to mutate into even greater virulent and transmissible variants.
4. The agenda will continue it’s destructive path toward central global control.
Things that will be false:
1. The virus was created by the unvaccinated.
2. To control the virus, people will need more vaccinations.
3. To control the virus more stringent controls will have to be implemented, vaccine passports, lockdowns, social distancing, and masks.
Things that will be true:
1. The vaccine program, from the beginning, puts pressure on the virus to continue mutation into a more deadly and more transmissible disease in vaccinated individuals.
2. The only way to stop the carnage that will follow is to immediately stop all vaccination programs, particularly with children, and implement a prophylactic medicinal program with known treatments of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
3. #2 above will more than likely never happen.
Please look up Geert Vanden Bosshe’s work to understand where all of these predictions are coming from. This is not only from me. Most of this is coming from Vanden Bossche’s work, and is supported by many other competent scientists and doctors around the world. Also, Vanden Bossche could be wrong! Some actually say he is “controlled opposition”—that his predictions are part of the “fear mongering” agenda. Maybe this prediction is “planted” and when it doesn’t happen the shrew viewpoint in general will be discredited.
This prediction is rather specific as well, it may not happen exactly this way, it may not happen at all, it may be another virus (as suggested earlier). The part I am pretty certain of is that something will happen to further this agenda.
So, I turn this over to my readers. What do you think? Do you agree? And if not, what are you thinking is the next chapter in this “War of the Worlds” horror story?
*For the actual index created by Walgreens go HERE
I don't agree at all about the scientific basis for the predictions, although I do think that the sociopath's agenda is depopulation and the institution of a feudal/slave tyranny for the remainder of us.
The only science used in this whole psyop is psychological science -- in particular, the science of coercion. Convid will come back when, and where, the sociopath abusers -- or more likely their shills -- think that people will tolerate it without killing the sociopaths.
There's no evidence of a new disease called Covid, which is why I call it Convid. The only so-called evidence is PCR tests. But the PCR tests were made without any isolated virus and never validated against a clinical gold standard (unlike all other tests in medicine, except for HIV/AIDS, which is another massive fraud).
And there's still no isolated Sars-CoV-2 virus. Sure, there are titles of papers in which "viral isolation" is claimed. But the methods show no isolation, i.e. no separation from all other entities.
And the so-called whole-genome sequencing is just a joke. They have a soup of genetic material, perhaps from the alleged virus and definitely a whole lot else (from fetal bovine serum, for example). Then this material is chopped into a zillion fragments, which are sequenced. Computer programs look for overlaps between the sequences and try to thread these overlaps into a "whole-genome sequence." But there are more than a zillion ways to do so, so they need some way to prune the trees, so they make guesses based on previous "similar" sequences (like the alleged sequences for Sars-CoV-1).
And, surprise, you get a final sequence similar to the alleged Sars-CoV-1 sequence. But even with all this rigging, there are still many ways to piece together the fragment sequences into one long sequence. So you get many different answers based on the method of guessing that your program uses. These so-called answers are "variants."
I think that Vanden Bossche is an agent of the Vaccine Deep State. His fear-mongering has two purposes. First, it spreads fear of variants, which is great for imposing totalitarian measures. Second, it gives a cover story for jab injury ("The variants caused it.")
If Vanden Bossche's warnings are so threatening to the Vaccine Deep State, why do the top links when you google "geert vanden bossche" point to his own website and to his claims? Why are his videos available all over the internet?
Meanwhile, doctors like Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman, who have been patiently explaining the fraud of virology, are treated differently. The first links when you search for them are to Kaufman's alleged denial of reality or to Cowan's giving up his medical license.
I have a similar view about all the lab-leak stories. They are just fear mongering to keep up the bioweapon possibilities for use in further psyops. But the only bioweapons in this whole Convid fraud are the ones being injected into arms now.
And there's no way the sociopathic elite would make a bioweapon that could harm them! And I don't think that some magic vaccine would keep them safe, even in their own minds. They know that all vaccines are poisons, because they created them, and are used for population control.
It's much better, for propaganda purposes, to make a completely fake bioweapon with no biological basis. In that way, you can dial up and dial down the fear as you want, just by using fewer or more PCR tests or by changing the definition of a positive test (e.g., as was done for the fake Omicron, to make it so prevalent).
So far, I have seen excellent responses from Tom and Sanjoy as well as your article Todd. So I thought I would make this a separate comment that touches on some aspects of each.
So if we are just talking about the convid/clotshot prong, my "guess" is they are experimenting with different "flavours" that are strategically being dispersed around the world. They have carte blanche now to freely experiment on all of mankind because who is going to stop them? The sick demented mad scientists are just bursting with excitement.
So I suspect some of these "flavours" involve sterilization, immediate deaths of certain undesirable "useless eaters", experiments in bio-engineering to see if advancements can be made with man/machine integration, experiments in direct control of people by "flipping a 5G switch" to either create Manchurian candidates, to effect some kind of mass zombie response to something, or to effect immediate dispersed die offs (can't have them happening in one area or it might raise suspicions), or simple vanilla placebos so there can be a bunch of sheep to bleat about how they've had there 10th boost and they feel fine and even got their free coffee!
And of course there is the long standing involvement in Eugenics so that the ones who survive at the end of this are the "right ones" in their eyes.
These are just guesses, coming from some average Joe who's read his fair share of dystopian sci-fi, and who has spent some time wondering what an evil, twisted, sick fuck of a scientist or someone directing those sick fucks would think up. It is not a pleasant world to imagine.
And as has been stated by the other comments, add to the mix massive inflation, food supply scarcity, lack of income, lack of housing to buy or rent, lack of gas, strategic cutting of electricity and internet access, it is going to be a long, strange trip. But I would much prefer making that trip with my eyes wide open and try my best to zig and zag when I need to. Pretty much the only reason to hang around knowing what we know is going to come down at this point.
I don't know if this is what those rich, entitled assholes referred to by many as the "elites" have in mind or not but I think it's important for us to be open to all possibilities and do our best to plan for different outcomes and help each other out as best we can.
Thank you all for a plentiful amount of food for thought!