We are definitely in a spiritual and also a psychological war! So how do we stop it from attacking our friends and family? How do we put and end to all this madness?! My soul is telling me...we must fight fire with fire and use the same tactics...but with God, love and light! We need to come together in a spiritual way to break them out of this. But to open their hearts we need to use psychological techniques to unbrainwash them. Its time for an intervention! Or should we sit and stir and just wait for them to wake up?

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Oh my Jessica, you sound just like me! Read my article "Hail the Dirt Warrior" (https://shrewviews.substack.com/p/hail-the-dirt-warrior?s=w) you might resonate with that. I think we must follow our calling...whatever feels like the path you are supposed to take, whether it be fighting the righteous war (just as Krishna advised Arjuna to do in the Bhagavad Gita) or taking a place of contemplative and passive peace. It is all in the call to love, the righteous fight is not a fight of hate, it is a fight of love, love for your fellow humans who can't fight, or definitely for the children...as long as your heart leads you...that's the hard part.

Fighting fire with fire is often necessary to move around the molecules and make material change, it is basically an alchemical process, which does include fire and destruction. But your heart must always lead, and if you are using a material form to follow your calling (such as the way of the dirt warrior) it is easy to fall in the dirt and be consumed by it! Lead on sister!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Reminds me of In The Flesh from The Wall by Pink Floyd. Here are the lyrics - https://www.pink-floyd-lyrics.com/html/in-the-flesh-2-wall-lyrics.html

So she could be a crazed diva having a public hissy fit. Or it could be more diabolical than that. These performers tend to sell their soul at a young age when they are gullible and willing to do anything to achieve their dream. So maybe some "elite" decided to get a message out that people will be shunned if they don't follow "the current thing". So they go through the rolodex of "stars" they own and land on Lupone and tell her that it's time to pay up. Have a public meltdown with lots of cameras recording the event. And there you go - a manufactured "news story". What lingers in the mind of the sheep is that they don't want to be on the receiving end of this in the future.

I am so over attending live events. I used to enjoy live music but I didn't enjoy exorbitant ticket prices, uncomfortable venues, overpriced concessions, bad sound and on and on. A lot of the same goes for watching live sports events. I live 2 blocks from the Rogers Centre but haven't been to see a Blue Jays game in forever. I'd much rather watch it in the comfort of my home with the added bonus of being able to watch replays that don't get shown in the stadium if it makes the umpires look bad.

So now you add in masking, proof of vaccination ("show us your papers!") and the damn QR code scanning so they can track your device, can tell you that somebody with a cough may have been there so kindly lock yourself away from the world for a few weeks. No thank you.

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May 27, 2022·edited May 27, 2022Author

Jeesh, I never thought of this as being a "staged event"...that certainly is possible. I know Ms Lupone is known for these outbursts, so yes, of course, it could just be business as usual for her. In that case, it is the "topic" that is troublesome. Someone told me recently that she once yelled at someone talking on a cell phone in the audience. At least there was some sort of logical sense in that...still inappropriate, but hell...this outburst over something that really made no sense other then assuming the authority over the "rule" this person was "breaking"...that's what bugs me...

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May 27, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Gosh, I agree with you about the hoops one must jump over to attend a live event. However, I do think professional theatre should be treasured and supported. Yes, I am totally stunned by Patti Lupone’s unprofessional rant. In my view it is more a personal problem that caused her to behave in such a terrible way toward an audience member…her problem being fueled by what is happening now with the crazy mandates…unsupported by fact.

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Thank you Small Shrew...agreed. As I said above, this is certainly part and parcel of Lupone's NPD-type personality. but it is the topic that triggers the reaction that bugs me. We all have demons, but it is important to note what calls our demons to lash out...someone chasing us with a crowbar? Or someone sitting in the audience with a useless mask below their nose...?

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May 27, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yep, that makes it another whole ballgame.

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