Feb 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

is this a great article? or am i thinking it's a great article because of the implants....... anyhoo...


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I am very dense this morning, you are going to have to explain "implants"...

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

if you were a paranoid you'd understand. lol. see? sometimes you think you are being 'very clever' but in reality nobody knows what the heck you're talking about. i love it.

couple great articles this morning by the way. i'm trying to find a podcast from years ago where they described the blood flag ritual in germany. if i find it i'll pass it on.


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But you must be more clever than me...I don't know what you are talking about.

People here seem to get it...I am very impressed...although my cleverness is nothing to write home about. Some of the folks at Off Guardian don't get it at all...which is sort of scary. Many people there are so wound up....I can understand why. Of course some could be trolls and using ChatGPT

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

paranoid people tend to think they're being followed, watched, implanted with devices, etc. thus i thought the comment was appropriate for the original article.

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Ahh...got it...for some reason I focused on breast implants when you said "implants"...says a lot right there. Thanks for clarifying..

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ahahahaha. was just getting a helmet at the shop. i think the salesgal would'a had you pretty mesmerized. lol. i barely escaped with my card firmly in my pocket. shiny, roaring machines and attractive sales staff is a deadly mix.


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Feb 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Now that we’ve awoken and question the truth and reality of most events, indeed we are called the crazy people with a tin-foil hat (my husband actually calls me a nihilist because I don’t trust any institution, government, MSM,... any longer). I was listening to vax injured testimonies today, and was reminded that they are also called insane by their doctors (because whatever happened to them CANNOT result from the shots), and some of them were offered psychiatric treatments. So wherever one is on the spectrum against the narrative has the probability of being called nuts by the Believers. An easy way for them to avoid the questioning!

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i think you're a nihilist.

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Yes, yes....I do wonder if this is changing and/or will change enough to make any difference.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Psalm 2:1: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” What is their aim? “Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us” (v 3). He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision (v 4). God’s fundamental laws will and must be rejected to put man on the throne. (1 Sam 8:7; Acts 7; 1 Cor 10; Romans 1; 2 Tim 3-4; Heb 9-12).

Psalm 96:5; 115:3-8 For all the gods of the nations are idols, but it is the LORD who made the heavens. My God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak; Eyes they have, but they do not see; They have ears, but they do not hear; Noses they have, but they do not smell; They have hands, but they do not handle; Feet they have, but they do not walk; Nor do they mutter through their throat. Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them.

"To combat these mighty foes, a merciful God has given us three greater powers: the blood of Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Word of God." Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994)

"The Bible is the only book that hangs its entire credibility on its ability to write history in advance without error." Chuck Missler (1934-2018)

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Thank you...

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Feb 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

breaking! oddball couple in pickering discovered having a glass of wine and cooking dinner. with music playing. seemingly unafraid. government agents have been dispatched.


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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Here's a typical example of something that seems crazy and we must be crazy to believe it:

A Catholic bishop in LA was murdered this last weekend. The story just seems strange...lack of media coverage, conflicting narratives, etc. Even on ABC news, one article said the death and police response was on Saturday in, but Sunday in another story. I thought, hmmmm....there's something not right here. My shrew radar started beeping. Sure enough, this bishop was not hit by a random drive-by shooting, or simply killed by a disgruntled acquaintance who was owed money; this bishop was shot in the back of the head, then laid *on his back* with his hands over his chest as though in a coffin. Apparently, this is a Jesuit-Masonic murder "of the king" ?!?! The bishop had previously been invited to Bohemian Grove and admitted to it.


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Interesting...have you heard of "The Family" or "The Fellowship"?

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

nope...only Family Guy and Fellowship of the Ring lol

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The Rockefellers, CIA, the Mobs, Epstein. Read Whitney Webb.

Also the only people who get to the top by walking over others are psychopaths. You're not paraoid. You're just not a psychopath. :)

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My sense is you don’t really know who is a good person until they are tested. We were just tested en masse and the vast majority gave the devil a proverbial finger. (Instead of giving him THE finger as they should’ve, HA!) 😁. Now, when the devil comes back for his next fix, they’ve already said once they are in, and, in for a penny, in for a pound. At what point can we then say they are not in fact a good person? Is a lack of courage excusable, do such folks still get a pass and get to stay in the ‘good’ file indefinitely? If they’d be willing to throw you on the next bus to re-education camp so you’ll just shut up already and stop bugging them with all your crazy conspiracy theories, and they get a special bonus and collaborator award for their effort, are they still good?

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My golfing buddy is a retired firefighter and we talked yesterday about the train accident in Ohio. Fact - a train derailed loaded with toxic chemicals. Train derailments happen fairly often more than 1000 every year in the US alone. Many people would be horrified to know what is in those tanker cars rolling through their neighborhoods. Highly toxic and highly flammable liquids are rolling by in those innocent looking train cars. Railroads have been notoriously bad at maintains the rails and the cars and have been abusing their workers with poor working conditions for years.

So a car turns over filled with highly flammable and toxic chemicals. They are monitoring the condition of the car, the fire department arrives and starts pouring water over the overturned car to cool it down. The car however continues to heat up and pressure to build. If nothing is done, the tanker car is like the worlds biggest pipe bomb exploding with trendies force sending shrapnel for miles around. Standard procedure at this point is to drain the car by building a moat around it. You can’t find enough tanker trucks in a short amount of time to pump out the liquid and then where would you take it? And who to say the tanker truck won’t blow up? So you drain the tanker into a pond that you build to the best of you ability in the short amount of time that you have. So now what do you do? It’s winter a storm is coming in, you can’t rust letting the pond get swamped by snow or rain, You can’t truck it out. Every minute it’s leaching into the ground. So standard practice days you burn it off. By setting it on fire.

No conspiracy or evil doers here. Maybe we need better plans. But it is how our real world work.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And the film, that doesn’t raise any flags for you?

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There are a lot of things that should raise flags. Even if you have a viable explanation that makes it seem more probable that things occurred as per Occam's Razor (simple, "real world") then if you throw in the confounding variables...like the strange synchronicities regarding the movie, the CDCs change of definition, etc. you are back to square one. I say "makes sense" because it DOES make sense...but it doesn't mean that is the answer.

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Makes sense to me.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

“Insanity -- a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.”

― Ronald D. Laing

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Shrews are accused of being paranoid and "conspiracy theorists" about the "vaccine", government, the FDA... But I always thought that sheep are paranoid about "catching the virus", and about anyone "not-vaccinated" or not wearing a mask. I wonder which of the two types of paranoia is more delusuonal.

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IMHO putting two and two together and logicaly reasoning through a situation and coming to the conclusion that something is going on that isn't as we are being told is not paranoid. There are ALWAYS missing elements, or else no one would be tricked. Although in these cases it seems that the only thing that stops people from seeing the truth is linked to the line "they just wouldn't do something like that"...

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I hear that a lot--like with the ‘chemtrails’--that’s what got me started into paranoialand for real, very many years ago now. I do feel like I’ve heard it all, and then came Convid! WOW! Nice to know we can still be surprised. But ‘they just wouldn’t do something like that, implying ‘to themselves’ just doesn’t hold water at all. Folks willingly self-abuse all the time. When I hear that lazy comment now I just shrug and say, “sure, no one’s ever played Russian Roulette before.’

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Good post on feeling the pressure of conformity, and sticking to one's guts. ;) To me here's the money quote, after weighing the details and big picture: "At least true enough to say it is true."

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Thank you...I thought that was funny after I wrote it...It is nice to know at least someone got it...

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I guess it would be paranoid to suggest that huge trains derailing and spewing deadly substances on to land, river and, eventually, sea, requiring evacuation of residents, might help with the agenda of getting people off the land (which is to be an asset managed, enjoyed and monetised by the elites and not sullied by the presence of horrible humanity) and into smart cities full of people living in rabbit hutches, surveilled down to their marrow at every second of every day? Especially when explosions in chemical plants seem to be a bit of a thing just now, along with burning food plants and PCR-'verified' bird flu outbreaks allowing poultry flocks to be culled. Yep, I guess all that would be paranoia.

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Yep...we are all paranoid fruitcakes...

All kidding aside, we DO still have to be aware that SOME things we encounter and correlate to the "agenda" isn't really part of it. But man, these days, I wonder about that.

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I agree - it's like blaming every young death on the quacksines. But there are patterns. And if you normally get a dozen or so food processing plants per year in the US suffering a calamity like a massive fire, and then in one year you suddenly get over 100 (while exactly at the same time you're being told to eat crickets and lab-grown meat) you definitely can't say that any one fire or explosion was deliberate, but you can definitely say that it's likely around 80-odd of them weren't accidents.

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Yep, and why the first call went to the Department of Defense (sic), who presumably gave the go ahead to make it all exponentially worse by creating a dioxin holocaust (super sic) by lighting it all on fire.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very good article , yes those in power have exercised much of their power in evil ways and are in fact evil liars ( much of the time ) . My conundrum is that we ( the royal we ) have given them much of this power either thru apathy, a desire to have a stressor free “ happy “ life , blind trust , blind acceptance, lack of discernment…..I could go on ! Who then are in fact the evil ones …..?

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I think there is a serious difference between conscious evil and unconscious evil. Complacent action and intentional action. I do think the masses have a responsibility they have seriously shirked...but it is difficult to say they are evil. Maybe...is letting millions of children die every year because we just don't think it is important enough to put on our priority list evil? If so, we are all probably evil in our ignorance and lack of care...even for ourselves!

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Agreed! Thank you for making the distinction; though, the passive evil is still gravely horrid.

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Hi yes agreed , not suggesting that there is any defence for corruption and conscious evil but that it’s not just about them …

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It's very hard specifically because everything looks normal just now. One of my daughters said that to me when she got upset at me mentioning THAT subject again. 'Everyone else is just getting on with their lives. Things are back to normal'.

Except they're not. Because on 1 March, the UK government closes its public 'consultation' on data sharing (aka all-encompassing digital ID, sold as a convenience) even though hardly anyone knows it's there, and it's only been there since 4 Jan. If there's little opposition - and there will be little opposition because they haven't told people it's there or what it really means - it will pass into legislation by the end of the year. And next year we'll have the Pandemic Treaty in place (they hope). And in 2025, Billy has kind of promised us a whole new Catastrophic Contagion that will kill children. So, no, nothing has really gone back to normal. It's just gone back to elite conspiracies carrying on quietly in the background, until there's a 'breakthrough case' of the next thing in their agenda (oh, and I forgot to mention that 15-minute cities are being trialled all over the world, for our own good).

Stay paranoid - you know it makes sense. :-)

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I just finished article due out in a few weeks called "Steady Burn" which addresses just what you say in your first sentence. We are in the worst situation right now, and one can find themselves wishing for something horrible to happen in order to kick us back into WTF mode...everyone is indeed getting on with their lives...all part of the plan I am afraid.

I thought, at some point, that Covid was going to keep rolling on into the end game. I am not sure why it didn't...although deaths and illness from the vaccines may be the "silent endgame"...it is so slow in manifestation people do not see it as such...i.e., your daughter thinks all is back to normal. Most sheep do.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

Thanks, Todd. I look forward to reading the article. As a quick update to my comment, I just read an article from The Daily Mail that includes:

"Downing Street today ruled out taking up Sir Tony and Lord Hague's advice [to introduce digital ID]. The Prime Minister's official spokesman said: 'There are no plans to introduce digital ID [...].'"

They said that while there's an actual consultation on the Gov.uk website on digital ID/data sharing. How do you deal with politicians who can lie through their teeth when the evidence that they're lying is on their own website? Orwell was right - they aim to get us to deny the evidence of our own eyes and ears.


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deletedFeb 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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Here is something from a freedom fighter friend of mine Guy Crittendon


For 25 years I was the editor of a business magazine I cofounded in 1999 titled HazMat Management. We published hundreds of articles — some of them award-winning — about pollution incidents, chemical plant spills and fires, emergency response, personal protective equipment, and so on. Although I'm a writer by training and not an engineer, I received an incredible education over the years in environmental science and engineering.

With that in mind, I can tell you that the train derailment in Palestine, Ohio is one of the worst chemical releases and contamination events in modern history. The town should be evacuated immediately, and intense testing must be conducted of the town and surrounding area before people return home. Apparently animals, birds and fish are dead or dying in a radius extending hundreds of miles from East Palestine.

I've held off commenting for a while as I know from experience these stories evolve and change quickly. Although some of these points require further confirmation, it's worth noting that apparently the US EPA changed its safety threshold for Dioxin from 100 ppm to 100,000 ppm three weeks before the derailment. Also, an alarm signalled that a wheel and axel overheated, but managers called to instruct staff to ignore the alarm. (If true, this is very damning.) The rail line is owned by Blackrock and Vanguard etc.

This appears to be an act of deliberate domestic terrorism. In my 25 years editing HazMat Management I never heard of vinyl chloride being set ablaze in an open culvert, spreading vastly more toxic byproducts of combustion over hundreds and even thousands of square miles. The specific form of Dioxin will cause birth defects, sterility, cancer and early death for many people. Exposure safety is in parts per billion or less for this form of the toxin. It's worth noting also that residents of East Palestine were given roles as extra in the recent film White Noise that described precisely what has just happened in Ohio: a derailment and fire of hazardous materials in East Palestine. Some of the people whose properties are now contaminated appeared in the film, which screams of predictive programming. And they were given digital monitors a few weeks ago to trace their health in case of such an emergency.

Lastly, it must be stated that East Palestine sits in some of the best farmland in America. Most of the farms are family owned and operated, including many farms in nearby Pennsylvania that was also affected by the smoke plume. And this is Amish country, so this is an assault on independent food producers, farmland, food supplies, and rivers such as the Ohio and Mississippi that will transport Dioxin all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.

With this event we see the future of rural living and farming, if the globalists and their apparatchiks aren't stopped, and soon.”

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