I agree 100% with the points you are making. Generally people are completely oblivious to what is happening right before their eyes! I always like your references to books that sound so interesting Todd ie Fatherland!

In thinking of who may be behind this push to totalitarianism, this clip suggests it goes further than Klause Schwab, the WHO, WEF and USA.


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Right on Todd……I’ve thought of all of things so often. My neighbour said he was going to get his booster, “to help out the community get over this” - 2 weeks ago! The non vaxxed have definitely become the “enemy”, so much so that they can’t see the true enemy at the end of their noses - the enemy who is about to destroy everything they love and cherish. You know, like their community activities, their property ownership, their cars, their travel around the world, their jobs…..And frog slowly boiling is exactly what is happening. I went to my specialty meat shop to get my wild salmon yesterday and asked the owner if he’s concerned about what’s happening in the world and getting his meats…..he said “Why? What’s going on in the world? I don’t watch the news” Well how does one answer that question standing at the counter with another customer behind me, other than “I’m glad you don’t watch the news, but you should maybe start paying attention”. Good Lord🤦‍♀️. Oh, they are very clever. They’ve been working on this for a very long time. The virus thing was masterful. People are so scared now of the next thing that they can’t even hear the absurdity of it all or notice all the people dropping dead around them. Oh…..and most people look at me like I am a nut bar when I mention Klaus and his sci-fi characters at his side. Thanks for the article…..they always make me laugh, cry or sigh!!! What a reality we are living in!

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Thank you so much Rebecca for the comment! You are so right on as well. It is a very interesting phenomenon and I keep writing about it hoping at some point I hit it dead on. It truly is like people have lost any sense of responsibility for their own lives. Maybe everyone really is so busy that they just don't have time to pay attention to something they think is just "taken care of." But if that is true, when did this happen? People have ALWAYS been busy, I would think a lot more busy in the past when they had to do things like make their own soap to keep clean, or grow all of their own food after clearing their property of trees and giant rocks...

I saw a meme today that basically said people (sheep) act as if they believe that powerful people just "got over" seeking world domination...that somehow everyone is just to be trusted. That just astounds me that people no longer believe that they have to pay attention to stuff like that. I do sometimes wonder, seriously, if some chemical has eaten away part of these people's brains...it seems that way.

Thanks again for the comment!!

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Right! Exactly! Like THAT could NEVER happen again!!! Been happening for thousands of years, but lucky for us, we don’t have to worry about that anymore🤷‍♀️.

I am certain of it that there is a certain thing going straight to the brain and affecting people. Maybe it’s combining with all the fluoride people are consuming. (Just learned that they fed that to the Jews in the concentration camps to numb and sedate them)

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