That point about how Pharma isn't even attempting to cover their tracks for any repercussions is extremely eye opening, Never actually thought about it but you're 100% right.

The point about mirroring I also loved, such a subtle thing to think about but gives a great perspective on how the aristocrats get away with so much

Keep up the good work ! The shrews will burn down Aristocratic Valhalla

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On point as ever. I was taken by Naomi Wolf's quote about "mirror imaging." She is really talking about emotions rather than thinking, which I would call internal dialog - words and language based. The subject of emotions could be very contentious. Humankind presumes you will feel emotions at given events and situations. What if you don't? Does that make you a bad person? Many would think so. You are supposed to *feel* something.

I tend to advocate control of both emotions and internal dialog - having a "self-observer" seeing yourself in action... learning to curtail emotions which are often negative and send you hither and thither in life.

I'm not convinced that the global power brokers (or malevolent overlords) lack emotion. They no doubt hide it. But they might well be driven by rampant negative emotions... hatred and disdain for the "under classes," for example.

Naomi Wolf is excellent. I wonder if she met me if she'd think, "I don't think like the good doktor..." And me intuiting the same about her.

I see myself more like a cat in the way I go on. But if neighbors need any help, even if it's pretty big time, I'm there. Echoing Ayn Rand, I'd call that rational self-interest.

I'm not convinced by Naomi's thoughts on the power brokers. Mirror imagining is a valuable concept. But I just wish I knew somebody like Tony Blair or Klaus Schwab personally - enough that they trust me... as then I'd be able to read them a lot better than what we see via the media.

Tony Blair actually comes across quite well ... even if you hate him... what I notice is he has a lot of control of his eye movements... these give away how you are thinking, or roughly anyway. OK, he might have a teleprompter going on... I'm sure he has on occasion... but I'm pretty sure some of the videos I've seen he doesn't have one. Have to observe Klaus Schwab more... not a pleasant prospect, but what you have to do in the apocalypse!

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Just a warning to all of you who read the Todd and other Substacks, I have been starting to get emails that appear to be from various Substack sites that I follow saying they are responding to my comments.

Here's a few examples:

Good Citizen’s replied to your comment on 101 Steps to Enslave Humanity (Part One: 1-56).

I bring you good tidings Let’s converse ㈩𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟔𝟔𝟑𝟐𝟑𝟓𝟐𝟕

Good Citizen’s replied to your comment on The Clickety-Clack of Bleating Hearts.

Text㈩𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟔𝟔𝟑𝟐𝟑𝟓𝟐𝟕 I've got something essential to share to you

NE -nakedemperor,substack.com replied to your comment on Where all Conspiracies Begin and End - the Banking system creating Money out of Thin Air.

I bring you good tidings Let’s converse ㈩𝟏𝟕𝟖𝟔𝟔𝟑𝟐𝟑𝟓𝟐𝟕

Since they all have the same number and similar message,

I'm sure this is some new scam, but since I don't write on Substack, I;m not sure who to report this to.

Please pass this on!!!

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Strange...I've gotten a few emails from people who want to talk...they have seemed strange as well. I generally do not talk to anyone that writes to me that I don't know...I just don't have time. I will write, but no phone calls...thanks for letting us know...

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Think about how much raw data has been acquired during this medical experiment to which millions/billions (?) of people gave their consent.

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Not official consent! Which is one of the strangest parts of all this....!! I don't think anyone gave INFORMED consent at least.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

As we know, the world is a complex system and there are many influences active during these past 3 years. An additional factor to consider is the United States has been in active collapse for at least 20 years now. We have many signs of a collapsing country; massive income disparity, massive government corruption, tearing social fabric, increasing suicide rates, and more people unable to get their basic needs met (food clothing and shelter). We are in the pillaging phase of a collapsing country.

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Very good, and thoughtful, points.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"Many people consider the vaccines were a mistake...But if this were true, why haven’t they stopped the vaccination campaigns?"


To add to that: Doctors, researchers, vaccinologists all knew this in 2021. Pfizer and all the government health agencies knew this as well. There's a narrative trying to gain traction that we are *just now* learning about the risks, but as Naomi Wolf points out, these people knew years ago.

Catherine Austin Fitts talks about a "parallel society"...a group of people (I'm guessing a few million people?) who run the world and don't follow any laws or rules that we are forced to follow. These people have no empathy for the "masses" because they truly think they exist above and outside of the masses. I'm sure there are some living in San Diego, and I may have met some (the Salk Institue and many of the biotech giants work in SD). When you meet these people they talk to you in a way that makes "condescension" seem like an inadequate term. They talk to you like someone visiting the zoo would talk to one of the caged animals.

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Interesting...I think the Naomi Wolf comment about "mirror imaging" is very important to consider. People at that level, movie stars, sports stars as well as political "high ups" and insanely wealthy people, are not the human beings we are, they do not possess the same sort of empathy, if any at all...some do I am sure, but many of them see the rest of us as gnats buzzing around their heads...that just seems like common sense to me....like visiting the zoo and talking to the caged animals.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I used to say that the so-called elite is incompetent, but I don’t say that anymore. I think there are levels to this what is happening at the moment. They have been studying us for a long time now, they know what makes us obey and follow their madness.

The experiment of the last three years was a success, now they know for sure how gullible the majority is.

Even those of us who see through the veil of deception get caught in the “red or blue, left or right, Russia vs Ukraine” paradigm.

The operation of deception is still happening in real-time.

There is a positive thought somewhere out there--psychopaths make mistakes. They don’t fully understand human nature and eventually, they make mistakes and those mistakes eventually will take them down. Sad part is that while we are in this madness we will lose innocent people.

I am hopeful but I don’t think I will see the “golden age” of human potential.

The Hindu Goddess Kali has a lot of work to do before she can retreat back to her realm.

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oooo....so so well put. Yes, Kali is very busy, and you are so right saying there is a lot for her to do before she can retreat back to her realm. I am with you on not expecting to see the golden age of human potential...in fact, that could be more than a thousand years from now.

Yes, I used to think the same about the elites being incompetent...now I think they are rather brilliant...but they do make mistakes, certain little individual mistakes, i.e., I think Trudeau made a mistake by enacting the emergency act to get rid of a few pesky truckers....this is the way to get to a narcissistic system...annoy them to the point where they blow. I could be wrong, but it did seem he goofed with that and it will eventually hurt him.

Do you think there have been other mistakes?

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Trudeau is a perfect exhibit of a psychopath, Tony Blair is jealous :)

Not sure what mistakes they made already, the August of 2020 was a weird one, they allowed us to travel within Europe. We went to Hungary and there were no restrictions (apart from the need of putting a cloth over our faces when shopping).

Here in the UK while debating vaccine mandates for health workers they allowed Dr Steve James to express his views on TV. That was a weird one, I am still confused why they aired it.

Perhaps there were other mistakes but overall they achieved their plans so far.

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I think this democide is performed through death by a thousand cuts - and started right at the outset with the first plandemic measures:

- anyone sick requested to stay home until they turned blue and then finished at the hospital with a ventilator + remdesivir;

- all the elderly either abandoned or euthanized in the care homes in spring 2020

- all the postponed operations and screenings that resulted in the demise of the non-Covid patients for lack of care;

- the suicides from depressions and bankruptcies due to the lockdowns;

- the vaxxines and their immediate or longer side effects (on both ends of the spectrum, increased mortality and decreased births);

- the apparent destruction of our food supplies as well as energy capacity (I wonder what Bill Gates intends to do with all the agricultural land he amassed- GMOs on some and nothing on the rest?); how many of us will die of cold or hunger in the coming years?

- the mutilation of the genitals of the children with the trans madness: that many that won’t reproduce or that might kill themselves when coming back to their senses and seeing the damage they did to themselves.

I might be tempted to expand it to even earlier (30 to 50 years) with the expansion of junk food (and zero education on nutrition or exercise for the population), the natural cures for cancer or other ailments that have been crushed by “the medical complex”... I’m sure you could all come up with more items to add to that crazy list.... SIGH

The idea presented by Todd of what they might intend to do to/with us is truly the very deepest and darkest point of this rabbit hole so far. I hadn’t gone that far. But isn’t it what they’re doing in China already? So it’s sadly a reasonable hypothesis...

I left Kanada for Mexico in the fall of 2021 (before being prisoner in my adopted country) and got vaccinated with the Sinovac there (although totally useless, it was at least a “real” vaccine that I was willing to risk - while having over the counter Ivermectin to help my immune system) so that I could come back and sure to go home (France - another nightmare) last summer. So I wonder what that makes me to the masters. Not mRNA but not pure blood either.

In any case I have always considered myself like one of you - and I will never have another vaccine nor vaxxine in my life, for sure!

Thankful to have this space for exchange of thoughts and soul. Merci à tous!

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well when the big 'ol comforting arm comes across your shoulder. tugging you a wee bit closer to the famous man, you might start to understand. he pours a large dose of impeccable scotch. drops in exactly 2 drops of dangerously cold ice water. he says," you have distanced yourself from the ordinary. you, we, are special. we have been watching you. would you care to come to a gathering next weekend?"

so. you are the one in ten thousand? one in one hundred thousand? that will shrug off the arm? the fame? the limitless porn movie that you see your life becoming? we are all, fallible. we past 50, should know the power of ego. i'm tempted to be more descriptive. totally unnecessary. you know what im saying.

are any of us the ones to shrug off the arm?


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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

There is one gap in the global genocide theory.

Mass immigration into the US or the UK, seemingly does not require the invaders to be jabbed at all.

The "elites" want us white Western devils dead, but not the poor migrants.

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Right. My understanding is that those who are migrating across our borders illegally aren't required to get the jab even though non-US citizens flying in legally for visits still need to be vaccinated (only the US and China require it for visitors). What frightens me too is the future genocidal plans they may have for us. Maybe this was just the warm-up. They're rolling out annual trivalents that include Covid and the flu vaccines. And if digital IDs go through as planned, our health, identity, and financial information will be available to them and they will control what we are allowed to do in order to live and eat and move about. If we allow it to get to that point, it will be very difficult to resist their "medical" requirements. They will have almost complete control.

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That's what a meant by not all the questions are answered! There could be all sorts of confounding variables in this story. I think the basic point I was making is that at the very least they don't care if a lot of people die as a result of their actions, and yes, I would go a layer down for that and say they intentionally wanted to cull the population. Maybe that wasn't the only purpose in the jab, to kill, maybe the intention was to sterilize and the deaths we see are collateral damage. Sterilizing is not "as bad" as killing already living people I guess....

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I would like to hear from others who have lost a kinship with other humans. I just had lunch with my multi-vaxxed, true believer best friend of forty years. I am glad my husband was with us because I don't think he would believe me if I described how she now treats me. She was impatient, irritated and critical of everything she used to value about me - an inquiring mind, a skeptic who questions things in order to learn, someone who investigates alternative health, etc. Her smugness and disapproval of practically everything about me, left me feeling completely invalidated. She is not the same person. Does the vaccine destroy the soul? My mind is spinning with these massive changes in her behaviour. I wonder if at some deep level she might be afraid that I am right about everything that is happening in the world. Is my situation unusual or commonplace? I guess the only upside is if she dies from her recent heart health issues, I won't be as devastated as I would have been when we were close.

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I, for one, have lost ALL of my friends, except for one who is a fellow shrew, the only shrew amongst them. There are a few vaxxed that still hang out on FB, but I don't even know if they know much of anything. The friends I have lost are not just FB "friends"...I lost my longest running friend I've known, and been friends with, for 30 plus years. I said something negative about Fauci and he gave me a lecture about it and then I never heard from him again...with repeated tries to reconnect from me. This guy was one of those soulmate friends. He flew to Chicago from LA when my wife was having brain surgery and stayed with me when she was in the hospital. Poof, gone. Another friend I had known even longer, poof, gone. (And I never got into arguments with either of them, although they both knew I was an infidel.)

My sister (one of them) has basically retreated, although we have sort of repaired a few things over Christmas and are on speaking terms again. My own wife thinks the same way your friend does, but I have to give her credit for putting up with what she sees as living with a Nazi. It is only when the subject comes up that I see how much she must find me disgusting.

I have several close friends who have lost their best friends, like you and I have, to this insanity. It is one of the most perplexing parts of all of this, when we can be seen with such hate and disgust when all we stand for is freedom, fairness, love, etc. It is very odd.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think my wife puts up with me in roughly the same way as you describe in your situation. All the same here about losing friends and changed attitudes. Well, my life has changed much for the better, with more understanding and more interesting friends. who also go through the same war.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The pain and loneliness of being awake among family and friends who are asleep is a horrible feature of our current situation. Especially troubling is the moral dilemma of whether to preserve some relationships by staying mute and being a witness to the risk of their unknowing self-harm, or speaking up and losing connection. I suppose that I can understand their lack of awareness if they have not been exposed to any news that's not on mainstream media--though still, intuition should alert us to questions about the contradictory narrative. But when I've actually brought information up, or send articles or videos, and told friends where they can learn more, I've been so disappointed by dismissals and the absence of curiosity. I still don't know how to fully understand their reactions when they've been informed but still shoot the messenger.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The former friends just can’t live with the implications of what you (we) are saying: that everything around us (media) is fake, and our governments are no longer there for you. That is too much to bear. Better then to diminish us / our view, and push us out of their lives.

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I just got into a big argument on Off-Guardian being accused of not "telling the whole truth" in my articles. I argued that the sheep are not ready for the full truth, and we would lose them immediately if we dumped the whole story on them all at once.

They accused me of advocating censorship, and treating people like children. Yes, I AM treating people who are acting like children like children. But my decision to feed sheep the truth slowly is my decision...I have no problem with other people dumping all this on them all at once, I would be curious to know if it worked!!

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A critical thinking mindset is considered to be threatening. We are seen as annoying because we point out things that people would rather not think about. You nailed it - there is a complete lack of curiosity.

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I have played both the roles of "please listen to me" and "I won't talk about it if you don't talk about it"...most often with the same person. Neither approach seems to work for me.

Obviously the "please listen to me" fails miserably. Not a single friend did listen, and typically I lose them entirely. Maybe, if played right, they will shift into the second approach, which eventually, in my experience, falls apart. I don't know if there is just an underlying energy that you can't ignore or what, but those few friends that I've tried this with eventually abandon me, or do end up "talking about it"...and it then falls apart.

I do have to keep it up with my family, but it is difficult. The truth just pops up occasionally and it falls apart momentarily. I suspect the day will come where it will not be recoverable. I used to think when that day comes they will realize they were wrong, but I no longer believe that will happen.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It's discouraging to hear what you and others have had to go through as well, but it is encouraging to know that I'm not alone in this. We have each other.

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who said "the death of one is a tragedy and the deaths of many is a statistic?" I'm still uncertain about the vax versus covid itself for all the mayhem. Maybe I just don't want to see it.

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FYI, that quote is usually attributed to Joseph Stalin, but a bit paraphrased (he said something like "If only one man dies of hunger that is a tragedy....") Of course many people throughout history has said similar things...

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I waffle around with that myself, but the reports I hear is that the mayhem is only affecting the vaxxed, which kind of cinches it...and also from the reports I hear, Covid is only prevalent with the vaxxed now. Although nearly everyone has had it.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I believe it is important to make an important distinction between (1) illness caused directly by a covid-19 (SARS COV-2) infection and (2) the flu-like symptoms ('Covid symptoms") caused the spike proteins which have been produced by the body following receipt of an mRNA Jab(s).

The "Covid" which is stated to be "only prevalent in the vaxxed" is believed largely to be illness/ symptoms caused by the spike proteins created by the body following injection of the experimental, DNA - altering, mRNA serum (which still only has Emergency Use Authorisation).

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Certainly seems viable. Although it is hard to say if anyone at all has been "infected" by "Covid 19"

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

What 'covid' is or isn't - what they call 'covid' - is another thorny issue. My personal belief, after doing lots of research, is that it's not a thing. It's just a story.

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I would tend to agree...in fact, I DO agree...Covid is the flu dressed to the nines for the fancy party she was invited to attend. Covid is Pygmalion.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I believe it's also many other conditions lumped together and relabelled, on the pretext of not fit for purpose PCR tests... But most people I know who've 'had covid' have had a cold or flu - or even 'stomach flu'...

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Most certainly.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I do believe that "something" was doing the rounds.

At a wedding last year, almost all of the guests got infected with a lurgy, that became evident a few days later.

A mild flu - ish, but maybe more contagious

It certainly wasn't the electric wiring in the tent, or the phone signal, no matter how many people try to convince me otherwise.

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Well, many people do not buy the germ theory, or that viruses even exist. Few people seem to believe (or at least they don't voice it) that you can talk just about anyone into being sick. This is more "terrain theory" lingo...that the body already holds disease but it is at bay, and if coerced out of its "suppressed" position can wreak havoc. So the "talking into being sick" is nocebo, and it includes seeing sick people around you and being convinced they are contagions. Or hearing on the news you can get sick just being around ANYONE sick or not...

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I don't buy germ theory. As far as (apparent) contagion is concerned, the resonance hypothesis is quite compelling. e.g. the menstrual cycles of women living in close proximity tend to synchronise. How? The best explanation I've seen on 'shedding' (and this would apply also to 'contagion') deals with disruption of personal electromagnetic fields, put forward by the Australian building biologist Gerard Bini (will find link if anyone wants to check it out.) As long as we're obsessed with germ theory, we won't look elsewhere for plausible explanations.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Good morning Doctor! Excellently summarized on the motivations for the vaxx campaign. After all, what plague is so deadly it needs massive propaganda 24/7 to keep people afraid of it and off balance from fear and bystander apathy to keep them from critically thinking. What vaccine is so effective you face the loss of your economic ability to live your life and work if you don’t obey a mandate. My own family members would sharply disagree with what you wrote, and it have a statement that unfortunately ends their emotional opinions. I ask them just because you don’t like what is said, it’s it wrong and why? I want to keep

Talking and don’t snap out such a statement but keep an open body posture and a low voice.....still can’t keep the dialogue going though...

Personally I think Google is a big tech propaganda platform. If you look to another search engine, Brave, Presearch, even duck duck go I (again personally) would strongly recommend looking for Dr. Joeseph Mercola, He has a recently updated article over which supplements to use to detox from Mrna. Using NAC, zinc and a number of others. I was ignorant and got the johnson and Johnson, had health issues, but it’s been over a year and a half and now feel just fine, I credit the recovery from the article, and regular cardio to increase blood flow, cellular turn over and such.

Please keep writing!!!

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Duck Duck Go committed seppuku in a massive own goal, when they bragged about censoring results about Ukraine that didn't fit their chosen narrative.

Never used them since.

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Thank you EH...I was close to getting the vax myself...understandably so considering how they hyped it. A killer "virus" is certainly plausible (at least at the time I thought it was). I am putting out an article on Feb 11 titled "I Would Have Taken the Vaccine If..."

Yes, too, my family (most of them) would not care for this article. (No Other Explanation).

Thanks so much for the comment! I'll keep writing if you keep reading!!

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Dr. Todd, you will enjoy fellow substacker Jan Wellmanns article posted on his substack "Coherent" "The Five Percent Riddle: Are They Destined To Save The World?" it is right up your alley, and it makes perfect sense.

Jan Wellmann theorizes that the purpose of the current onslaught of chaos and medical tyranny may not be to completely carry out democide but to locate the Shrews so that we can be picked off in order for the real democide to be rolled out unhindered.

Jan calls us Shrews the “Fivers” because we represent approximately 5% of the population. We are the true enemies of the New World Order, therefor we are the critical group that they need to eliminate if they are going to succeed. I think this is a logical piece of the puzzle. Enjoy!

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I realize reading your comment that I have really erroneously used the word genocide to describe what really IS democide. I have just gone along with most who have been using genocide as a description.

I definitely will check this out...and the idea you present (that Wellmann presents) sounds logical to me...a ferreting out process. I have a friend who poses this interesting idea: the sheep are basically soul dead, so essentially useless, whereas shrews are very focused on soul, on spirituality, as well as being excellent "manifestors"...therefore we are needed in the new world...the "masters" are also soul dead, reptilian most likely, and are not capable of manifestation. So we are being preserved so we can be put into slavery and become the minds that can manifest for the masters...chilling...and a bit out there...

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Wow! That theory is sooo creepy and persuasive.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I knew someone who began his working life on long term unemployment benefit to then become incredibly wealthy. When speaking of a handy man working on his estate he said ‘what does he matter? I can buy loads of men like him’

That’s how these Globalist Uber mensche Bankster types think. As individuals and even as a society, what does it matter? They can buy more of us (3rd world open borders?).

Same sentiment mirrored in Sir Clarke health secretary in UK knowingly buying contaminated blood products about those infected.

And they think we are breathing and eating and using up THEIR resources. It’s both a psychopathic and sociopathic viewpoint.

Gallingly they hide behind Philanthropy. I guess they are helping - THEIR OWN KIND. Not Human Kind.

PS their kind are prob other Luciferians.

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We need to flip the script and make these "elites" start believing that there is pain waiting for them in every shadow and poison in every meal.

They have tried to mentally destroy people, so lets return the favour.

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Many people say this isn't intentional murder because they are getting rid of their followers but not their enemies, us. BUT...maybe they want to keep a certain untainted stock so they have a supply of unvaxxed blood and organs to harvest from...and also a breeding stock for more slaves...jeesh, this gets uglier and uglier...maybe it would be best to get jabbed, we may be in for the biggest nightmare...

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

If they were really clever, they would have created the vaccine to cause little harm to their devoted followers, while clearly identifying us skeptics from the sheep.

THEN, release a second pathogen that the sheep had been unknowingly inoculated against, but that us skeptics were not protected against.

I really must stop having these thoughts.

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Aka Marburg

They’ve discussed Marburg openly.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A while ago, when many were asking why didn’t we follow the herd I came up with one premise that might fit with GloboCap criminals.

If I was to decimate the human race, who would I need left afterwards. A bunch of complicit followers who comply no matter how idiotic the Simon says rules were? Or those who think for themselves?

So if there was a problem in the future that novel thinking was necessary, as no matter the plans, G*d can throw out some doozies, I’d want someone to think about how to get away from that lava flow. Not those waiting around for someone to lead then to safety. Better yet, those that thought, ‘hmm something’s not quite right BEFORE the lava even starts to glow.

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