Just 'discovered' this post by searching who is writing what, about covid... Great to find more skeptical fellows:) I started to write in march '22, when I found out about sub-stack. But my 'covid home research' was done ever since Jan 2020, when something didn't add up, and then totally derailed our human lives... My personal believe is, that the “higher ups” know too much about what's really in the injection materials, so in their cases simulation was necessary. They knew about the confidential Pfizer data, from very begin and thus playing a russian roulette with every shot out there.. It is actually much, much, much worse. The genetic 'footprint' left in bioinformatics analysis of the Spike genome, leads to the first patents I was able to find related to it from 1987...

Whoever is interested in more scientific explanations, please visit my sunstack, sorry sub-stack at:


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Hey! Going to check out your stack after this...thanks for coming aboard over here!!

Yes, everything you say I have to agree with...but of course have the usual resistance to accepting such a horror and evil doing. But, to be honest, the extreme of this is really the only completely plausible explanation. You really cannot rely on the theory it is all about money and power, or that the vaccine was just a mistake, or a necessity to kill a certain number of unfortunate souls to save the rest...none of those more "reasonable" explanations cover it all...the only one that does is what you say here...God help us all.

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We know that the minister of health here in Malaysia didn't get jabbed. (And we know he's a WEF graduate).

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That's interesting...did he get Covid?

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Well there's a far-out theory that those who say they "have covid" are pleading guilty and willing to offer up names and evidence in a secret tribunal. That's certainly wishful thinking because it implies that the "good guys" have already won and are in the mopping up stage.

But stepping away from fairytale land, I'd say that they are doubling down on the "we-never-said-the-shot-would-prevent-you-from-getting-Covid" line (but they did say that...often.)

Regarding the idea that they took a saline shot: Does anybody really believe that the POTUS would take a "shot" that has known and immediate side effects on live TV? Would the military even allow that? What if he went into anaphylactic shock? Yeah, there's no way the pres took that jab on live TV.

Also, wasn't there a story about six months ago, where elite business owners in Europe were caught buying black market vax passports? I was skeptical of this story because it could be used to promote tyrannical proof-of-papers laws, but still it showed that many well-known people had faked their "vaccination."

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Very good points Andy...the first "theory" you presented you had heard is indeed a fantasy. I will never believe that Fauci, for one, would ever "fess up"...that's like thinking Hitler would have turned "good guy" and started a day care centre for Jewish children. Never trust a bad guy who says he has reformed...sad but true.

Of course...it is one of those double bind situations that if we all know that these devils were all aware of the total crap they were jabbing people with there is no way they would jab themselves!! I do not understand all the shrews I hear saying "oh my, Fauci got Covid, and he was quadruple jabbed!!! Imagine that!!! Doesn't that prove the vaccines don't work???" NO...HE WASN'T JABBED!!!! We already know they don't work, we don't need Fauci to prove that to us. So why does he admit he got covid?? Well, I think the article and all the great comments have presented some pretty cool, and very plausible, explanations.

I like what you said about jabbing the POTUS...the makes perfect sense, I had not thought of that!!!


PS...send me your email address, the one you are using here to subscribe...I can't seem to find it...send to thoth@auraboros.com

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I just realized that I was commenting without subscribing...sorry about that. I just subscribed and will upgrade to paid as soon as possible :) Thanks for fighting the fight.

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How did you do that? I didn't think non subscribers could get to the comments page...its fine with me, but my understanding was that couldn't happen...cool...thanks for the thanks!!

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Hey Todd…personally I’m getting sick of the hypnotized. They will continue to contort themselves into twisted pretzels so they don’t have to see the truth even when their loved ones suddenly die or are maimed after the vax. I get more than angry because it is they who are walking us into the slaughter house. I see them as the threat…way more than the few in positions of power. And I don’t believe for a second that the world leaders have been vaxxed. Now they are saying “I took paxlovid and it saved me”…just marketing another drug. And the sheep don’t even hear that the first 4 shots didn’t work! A client of mine, as shrew as they come, told her MD who was bullying her that she just doesn’t get sick. The doc told her that she could thank all the vaxxed and masked people for that!🙆‍♀️….I am so done with hearing their kindergarten reasoning!

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Oh my, thank you SO much for expressing this...I feel exactly the same way but I have not had the balls to express it, so thank you. I have been using "sheep" and "shrew" in my articles, and I had a person on the Off-Guardian commentary say they are offended by using "sheep" to denote all of the poor victims of the agenda...brainwashed and pushing into this sheep behaviour. I felt badly about that...and thought of myself then as a heartless person. Poor sheep.

Deep down inside, though, I still felt resentment toward sheep, as a whole, and figure they have definitely been given enough information and time to figure this out. Their ignorance and psychic immaturity will very likely not only destroy me, but the entire world. I still love them as people, and I would never want to punish them if they took their blinders off...but as they are now, no, no, no. I do not feel much empathy for them.

And yes, they ARE walking us into the slaughter house, and yes, the masses ARE the true threat...they are under a spell, yes, but they are the ones carrying out the evil bidding of the puppet masters. The zombie archetype comes into play here...the "undead"...the body that has lost the original soul that inhabited it...it becomes necessary to metaphorically kill the zombie to save your own live...in this context it isn't "kill" it is "fight against"...hopefully it never comes to "kill."

Another therapist friend of mine said they have a client who says she is afraid to go into the hospital for any reason because she is afraid they might kill her and harvest her organs. She believes that unvaxxed people (her) are soon going to be the only healthy ones out there, and thus greatly sought after for healthy organs, hearts, livers, reproductive organs, etc. I felt a shudder. Metaphorically that makes perfect sense...and maybe one day even literally....jeesh.

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I was going to comment on JT and Sophie’s fake jabs, but another reader has elaborated. Probably the take away is that we have seen SO MANY LIES about so much that we really cannot believe anything..

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well, you believe these were lies, that's already a good start;)

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I think it extremely unlikely that the senior predators had any of the ‘treatments,’ nor that they had, or will take, Paxlovid.

But, by wittering on about the treatments they do achieve (a) continual implanting of the reality and acceptability of the jabs and drugs into the minds of a trusting and willingly gullible public – i.e. conditioning and advertising and, (b) a defence against future law suits for these medical products – “But, I took them myself! Would I have done so had I thought they might be dangerous?”

Just my thoughts.

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Thank you...this helps me formulate some new ideas...so now, to me, it looks like this...

1. They wish to shift the focus from "safe and effective" to coerce people to take the jab, and four of them so far, to "avoid death or serious illness"...this now becomes the REASON to get jabbed, who cares if you get it...if you are jabbed and get it, it is nothing. In other words, they now are promoting a leaky vaccine...

2. People are tired of Covid, so they tell people (CDC) to not worry about getting it anymore, BUT make sure you are fully vaxxed because when you DO get it, and you will, look at us, we all got it, you don't want to die...so get jabbed.

3. no longer any focus at all on preventing catching the Covid cold...BECAUSE, they now WANT it to spread in order for Bosshe's prediction to come true...more jabs, and more spreading to put as much immune pressure on the virus, then more deaths. Isn't that the deadly combo? Everyone gets Covid, and everyone is jabbed.

We'll see what they do once everyone jabbed starts dying of Covid...

Any thoughts on this?

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Sorry for the delay – I’ve only just seen your reply for which many thanks.

Certainly, I agree with your points (1) and (2) -my impression is that they have cleverly ‘normalised’ both the acquisition of CV-19 and the treatments. Thus, the jabbing (socially virtuous) can continue without the fear that initially accompanied the first jab. Such a relief! We all love routines!

I might add, because Fauci, Biden, Bourla et al are aspirational figures, copying what they do is both safe and desirable.

Your point (3) – sounds absolutely right. I hadn’t thought of that but, now that I do - it would be both wicked and effective – consistent with the whole Agenda.

It takes us a while to get down low enough to see eye to eye with these creatures, doesn’t it?

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Your last sentence is a gem...so so right...one thing I love about this substack are these comments...it really does help me to flesh out stuff and see what other like minds are thinking...like you say, it does take effort to figure this stuff out...and it is very cool to hear what other people have come up with. Thanks so much for participating!!

When you know what human beings are capable of, it isn't much of a stretch to see this acting out of pure evil. Again, I am surprised that everyone is so forgiving, and so determined that people are NEVER evil (except for certain select ones, like Putin of course). People are CAPABLE of evil, but not everyone IS, but if they start doing evil crap it is no surprise to me at all. Why are we like this? I do a lot of reading of history, I am also a psychologist...but of course that is not the reason...not at all...what is it?

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Thank you so much for replying and for allowing me to share what little I ‘know.’

I don’t want to prattle on myself, but I must admit to my limitations. (At least I’m honest!)

Thus, I avoid dwelling on the nature of evil – it’s just too much for my little brain to cope with. However, I deal with the concept by labelling those who are evil as being deficient. And it is a curse to be morally inadequate because it limits the ability to understand (and enjoy) the full workings of the world. Evil is a profound disability.

The other thing that helps me is the saying from a battle-hardened American detective whose name, regrettably, I did not catch – “People do evil because they want to – and because we let them.”

This saying allows me to avoid ignoring and suppressing something that requires accepting and addressing but without the unwise, ego-centric crusade to eliminate or defeat evil which can be seductive and contaminating. Thus, we acknowledge evil but ‘manage’ it as best we can in a civilised manner.

It seems that fear, very understandably, underlies much, but we dress it up as being prudent or cautious. As a result, many of us appear unsure of ourselves and tend to err on the side of ‘safety’ – not wishing to draw attention to ourselves (and our weaknesses), so we tend to go along to get along.

With a little guidance and the knowledge that the unknown is not totally unknown, I hope we can do the best we can by lowering the fear factor and edge towards a more insightful and less fraught world.

I hope my ramblings are of some interest, even if I can’t adequately address all of your concerns – it’s a big subject!

Kindest regards.

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Yes, it IS a big subject and you did exceptionally well addressing it! A very well written post, thank you! Hope to hear more from you!

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I used to think none of these politicians had taken the jabs, but then the appearance of side effects in some of them (eg GB with Newson, an Australian senator gots a Bells Palsy) made me think they were.

If they hadn't, I think they'd be pretending to be in the best of health surely, not revealing they'd had covid and been worried about it sufficiently to take paxlovid?

I really do think we underestimate the extent to which ideological belief twists these people's view of the evidence.

Think of these people just like the peron you meet in the street in terms of susceptibility to propaganda and groupthink. I doubt they are any more immune. In fact they will be less so, as they will have constructed a psychological defence mechanism around their core beliefs to prevent them from facing up to the truth. Recall that the perpetrators of Nazi crimes went to their deaths not believing they'd done anything evil - it was all for "the greater good".

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You are absolutely right...I felt the same way, but then started to think of the CIA/Espionage concept of "need to know." I believe a large majority of the people who are "in charge" and pushing this narrative forward are caught up in the lies as much as the rank and file. Like soldiers who are just following orders but don't know what the generals know who are giving the orders.

I do believe the "way up there" folks don't get the jab, as Sanjoy in his comment below says, the "big guys" have not been jabbed, but a "big guy" like Biden is totally in the dark, and probably was jabbed...at least with SOMETHING...

The reference to the Nazi regime (no matter what anyone says about being tired of Nazi reference, they are an excellent source!) is right on. Thanks for the comment!

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My guesses on that threesome: Fauci and Bourla are in on the depopulation eugenocide and have no way taken their holy jabs. Biden is not in on anything, as he is demented. His Deep State handlers, who are in on the eugenocide, don't want to risk Biden's remaining capacity or life with a jab -- until they deem that it's time for him to go.

But I don't really understand the scripted chorus of "I'm quadruple jabbed, have tested positive with mild symptoms, and am thankful for the protection, blah blah." Maybe it's just more menticide -- spewing nonsensical statements such that their cult followers will stop trying to think at all because it's so pointless.

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I do tend to agree that these key high ups have not taken the jab for real. I studied all those photos too and unless they were just photo ops for a jab taken in private, i.e. fake just to get a pic, they certainly were deceiving...some photos even have the cap still on the syringe! Trudeau is one of those bumbling idiots that was told what to do and then over does it, his handlers probably continually face-palm watching his antics. He thinks he is a high school drama club actor.

I actually wonder if all of this is to shift from the mantra "safe and effective" to "it keeps you from dying". Fauci et al get sick but don't die (you can't have everything) and then tout the four jab solution is to avoid death. Yes, it is very odd, but that seems to be the only thing that makes sense, and sort of "we never said the reason to take the four jabs now is to avoid getting Covid, it is to avoid dying, that's all, and look at me, I am proof that works." I love this...it is as if these people could say, "get up everyone morning, turn around three times clockwise, then there times counterclockwise, tap the top of your head three times. If you are alive the next day is proof this ritual works." There is no way to disprove something like that, unless you don't do it and are still alive the next day...but then you are just ignored. Think of all of us who are vaccine free and still kicking...go figure.

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An excellent question Todd and thank you for raising the debate. This has bugged me from the start and I used all my training as an humanistic counseller to figure the mental gymnastics involved in people of obviously sound mind simply denying the evidence - even now with all the facts at our disposal.

I referred again to a well known book by M. Scott Peck, 'Further Along the Road Less Travelled' where he lists ten tests to determine the existence of a cult and what it means to its committed members. I further re-examined another book of his; "People of the Lie"; I have experienced similar examples in my practice.

Furthermore, a close and dear friend of mine is a fully committed Jehovah Witness and as an experiment I studied with their teachers for two years learning about their literal interpretation of the Bible and seeking clues to explain the blind faith openly paraded by the adherents. I prepared a final report for the JW local leaders known in their circle as 'circuit overseer', after all their genuine zeal, I at least owed them that.

I confess that I haven't yet arrived at a definitive conclusion but I now have a better understanding of this irrational phenomenon of the mind as opposed to the brain or dare I say an affliction or sickness of the spirit. My work with AA also confirms for me the power of belief as opposed to a critical thinking rationale when a suffering addict first accepts that only a power greater than us can relieve them of their pain and suffering.

Thus I determined to test my findings against the Covid PsyOp and wrote an essay based on Scott Peck's parameters for others to question and consider. It is such a dark subject that I injected a spoon full of humour to help the medicine to go down:


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I read your article my friend...EXCELLENT...I left a comment there...

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Thank you Todd - I am suitably humbled and I replied before reading this.

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I do not believe they were injected with real product. Probably saline. Fauci take a clot shot? Anyone in that "in" group (definitely not higher... actually lower life forms akin to slime, feeding on decay... just more in control of the media at this time.) ...are just stoking the narrative, as usual... and taking time off to "recover". Many photo op news clips have been declared fake by nurses.

Take Trudeau, for example... (Please, as the old joke goes...) The medical professional administering the shot does not use her left hand to anchor, if I remember that term correctly, the spot where the needle goes in. She also awkwardly grips the syringe like a dart, presumably directed by the camera operator to avoid blocking the view. Then, just to really push the most obscene fakery right over the top, Trudeau gushed for the camera about the druggy rush he felt.. The high. What does he think he's selling? That clip should have dissuaded anyone with a shred of sanity.

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Oh that’s interesting re Trudeau’s high comment. Good god🙄

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I saw that one and was suitably impressed.

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Read the comment above for my take on man-boy Trudeau...I think he is overly anxious to get approval and validation from his puppet masters, like a kid...and he makes a lot of mistakes with his power...

Yes, I believe too what you say, as the other comments present, there is probably a line of division between those "in on the secret" and those that are just puppets, like the other sheep...believing their own shit (take Australia's Covid Czar who got injured by the vaccine...he took his own poison). I do feel Fauci, and a bunch of others, totally faked it...maybe or maybe not got Covid...either way, is using his "recovery" as proof the vaccines worked as advertised. Us "vaccine free" folks just say, "well, it is proof you DIDN'T have the jab because if you did, you would probably be a lot sicker."

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