Sep 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I was in the mode of picking and choosing my masking battles but that changed for me. A few months ago I went to a Toronto hospital for an appointment with my rheumatologist. He was always condescending and clearly ego-driven but he knew how to give shots in my knee and thumbs to relieve pain--without causing pain. He was very proud of his abilities and often had residents with him, guiding them precisely so they learned well. On this particular day I'd refused to wear a mask in the hospital, was hassled by the women at the front desk and then, still maskless, was quickly whisked into an examination room. When the dr arrived he was fully masked, looked at me with disdain and proceeded to inject my thumbs in such a way as to cause such pain that I yelled--something I've never experienced before. Then he wrote a phone number on a piece of paper, threw it at me and said to call there, his office, for my next appointment. As he was exiting and I was repeating his instructions about calling his office he looked back over his shoulder and said "for people like you." Of course I'll never see him again and if anything, he's galvanized me--never comply with masking.

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This story is horrific! When I hear anything like this it really frightens me. People, this doctor you describe, have surely lost their minds.

After experiencing all of this I am convinced that human beings are always just one step away from becoming monsters. Maybe only some of us are one step, and others are several steps away.

Your doctor is an example of what happened in Nazi Germany with just ordinary people. One minute they are normal, the next moment something has snapped inside that makes them monsters. And it can happen any moment, to seemingly anyone. It is quite scary.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you for that validation. It is indeed horrific and it is definitely a parallel to what happened in Nazi Germany. Have you read The Nazi Doctors by psychologist Robert Jay Lifton? To quote from the introduction: "Psychologically speaking, nothing is darker or more menacing, or harder to accept, than the participation of physicians in mass murder." By the way, the rheumatologist--a male--is Jewish. That, too, happened in Nazi Germany, i.e., Jewish doctors saving themselves by joining with the oppressor.

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Your experience is actually worse. This guy had no reason to treat you that way, he wasn't being threatened, it was pure evil and vilification of you as a non complying person. His own virtue assessment based on hate. It is all quite frightening.

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As a health care professional I had to wear one until May? Can’t remember now. If they bring them back I will not comply. Period. Fini. Done. Fuck you Kieran Moore. How’s that Pfizer grant working out for you? Fuck you Eileen d’vila. How much has Pfizer paid your husband this year?

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

At a store that had masknaz at door, I pulled it (not regulation mask but a tiedyed bandana) up over my mouth, not my nose, and kept walking. Put it back around neck as I went down the aisle. When another worker ask me abt mask, I said, "I'm almost done here and kept moving." I think I was asked 2 more times and did said same. My shopping trip was cut short becuz by then I knew I was on the edge of confrontation. Before I left the house I had prep, ie looked at my list for the must get now items.

Avoiding mask wearing clinic, they stress me out with their bad 'tude even w/o mask BS so no love lost there. Yes, I roll the dice.

When attempting to respond to total insanity, one must walk a fine line betw total self-respect and staying out of trouble; there's sort of continuum there w relative mitigating factors. Even if one is very brave, the trouble is an energy to avoid.

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My doctor's appointment went well...a sign on the door that said "No More Masks!" and explained that you COULD wear one if you desired (I think they should outlawed) but you didn't have to. It was a cardiologist I was visiting (just routine because I am old) and I wonder if they know more than they tell (considering they must be seeing a rise in myocarditis). One of the technicians told me he was "against all that mass vaccination stuff"...

I was all prepared to say, "sorry, I don't wear masks" but I didn't have to. My blood pressure was up due to the stress of confrontation.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am totally against the concept of wearing masks, both for reasons related to "mechanics" (they do not work, period) and for "ethical-principles" reasons - it has never been the practice in public health to require a behavior from someone unless we are certain that the individual represents a risk to others (we can "force" a psychotic-aggressive person to be hospitalized in a psychiatric facility...).

On the other hand, even with my strong opposition to masking, I must admit that I have not been a "non-complier". There are many absurd rules and regulations with which we comply, in order to not get in unnecessary trouble. In the times of the declared "pandemic", if I was required to wear a mask in a place where I definitely HAD to go, I would wear it to avoid getting into arguments; I am not comfortable claiming a medical exemption that is not true. If I could just not go to a place where masks were required, I would just not go; like I stopped shopping at my local Walgreens, because they required people to wear masks.

Fortunately, for the last year or so, masks are not required anywhere where I live; therefore, I have not worn one in probably a year. With the recent "uptick" of "cases", there have been rumors of reactivation of mask mandates, but they have not happened where I live.

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It makes me very sad to hear there are Walgreens where you live...

Considering your line of work, I would figure it would be tough to stay employed without following the rules. I think we will be entering into a new phase of this nonsense, and it might make more sense for many of us to stand our ground more firmly than we did before. I am speaking only for myself here as everyone's situation is different.

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Never did, never will. Went to the doc and got medical exemption then memorized PHAC paragraphs about defending it. Argued a lot, still never put one on.

Some see an exemption as a copout but I figure that if you can’t beat them, outthink them.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Can you share the relevant paragraphs, and maybe Todd can put 'em in a post for us.

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In BC, it was on the normal gov site but has since been archived. Here is the only link I could find and yet it doesn't go back further than Sep 2021. In all the pdfs I saw, the pertinent paragraph was #3. It describes the exemption.

In the specific one I used in 2021, there was also a paragraph #4 about not getting hassled because of the exemption and how face shields were not a substitute. I cannot find that one but will post here if I do.


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A lot of this stuff has been removed from the internet or is very difficult to find. I was researching the effects of vaccines on pets (dogs in particular) and could not find a single thing that was not mainstream, typically biased, information.

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I don't think there is any cop out here as long as there is resistance and a conscious intent to be non compliant, even if we are sometimes in situations where complying makes more sense to non-complying.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Absolutely not. I showed up for a skin cancer removal procedure without one and the girl at the front desk had a conniption but the doctor and nurse treated me without a word. I'm done with the mask bullshit.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

So I wonder what that means? There's request (order from The State), we say No, they have some drama and that's it. No order to get out or resched... They really aren't sure they are doing the right thing, huh? It's rules of the workplace, try to keep job?

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At present there is a very loose noose on all of this. During the height of Covid when people believed they would drop dead when breathed on it was a bit tighter. I can't help but think we are going back to that some time soon, but they need a rapidly sweeping contagion to do it...where they can implement the "infections" count off, deaths, etc. They have not yet done that...we'll see.

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Your experience seems to be the norm...refusal after request, conniption but acquiesce, then not a further word...

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I think seeing a Dr would be the only instance I would wear one if they required it, and in fact I saw one this week because I was starting to feel a little rawness in my lungs and they asked me to wear one since it was a possible lung issue. I reluctantly diid it because this week my daughter is getting married and I have to travel and I didn't want to take the chance I could be getting pneumonia and I wanted to get an antibiotic. Any other time I more than likely wouldn't. However what surprised me was that my Dr. wasn't wearing one nor was most of his staff. I remember a couple of years ago he was hospitalized for Covid and when I saw him last week he tokd me had just gotten 3 vaccinations all at once, so he is definitely a vax person. I told him good for you and he didn't say anything more about vaccines or try to push any on me, I think by my history, he knows where I stand on vaccines. I think the last jab I had was for tetnus and that's probably been 10 years or more, To go to the store, a restaurant, or any where else I wouldn't comply. Linking your article today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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That's so good that you have a regular Dr. who knows you. That continuity of care is important. I really notice a difference when I don't have that.

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Yeah...we also must remember there are times where a mask may actually be appropriate! I know if I had symptoms, I may be fine to wear one...in fact, before Covid, that was a common thing to ask people in a waiting room at a doctor's office to wear a mask if they were experiencing cold or flu symptoms. Although probably just as stupid to do, it isn't part of the current psy-op, so what the hell.

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People are overlooking one big thing: Masking is HARMFUL, not NEUTRAL.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023

Even if you have symptoms, they do not make a difference... according to studies decades old, when they tested masks in hospital settings with patients confirmed to have influenza. Even knowing that, it has been customary for decades in hospitals to wear masks in a similar setting (known sick patients). In such a circumstance, it may seem justifiable, even if we know they do not work (like "just in case"). Wearing a mask is absolutely absurd in a setting where no one is sick.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I will not wear a mask. I also had a faux exemption lanyard. When I went to my local bank to do business a teller would come outside the building (masked) and see to my request while I waited. Granted, it's a small village. No one asked to examine the lanyard card or question the source. But I had my reply ready in case they did: "Unless you are my physician you are not legally privy to my health concerns."

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I never wore one.

I had a lanyard with 'I am exempt from wearing a mask' that I wore when i had to take my kid to a hospital appointment.

It was not an official lanyard. I was declaring myself exempt.

No one questioned it.

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Where do I get one? Although right now I want to make a scene. Maybe when all this gets old, I'll want to quietly not comply.

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T.H., in 2020 I got my lanyard and a bunch of hand-out pamphlets in 2020 through Citizens For Free Speech -- I checked and they still offer these items. https://citizensforfreespeech.store

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I had one as well. And it worked.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I almost did at a place that does X-rays, etc Friday because I was coughing a lot...but I didn’t.

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I wanted to not cough others but realized that the mask would only hurt me and my sinuses hurt and so I couldn’t breathe well anyway and the mask would make it worse.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I live with a fully vaxxed wife so I can't defiantly say I will not wear that! So I find ways around it. Early on, when baseball games started back up, I noticed many players with these gaiters around their necks that they would pull up when around other players. So I ordered that and told my wife I wouldn't wear the mask she had carefully picked out for me (yeah she wasn't happy). So I just walked around with this gaiter on my neck and if confronted, I pulled it up to my nose until I could let it drop.

I guess it's people like me that caused them to clarify the mask mandate to be "medical looking mask" which is just hilarious. They pretty much gave the game away there. You just need to appear to be protecting yourself.

Anyway, I liken it to restaurants where they insist you have a dinner jacket or tie. You do what you have to get by. Being a rebel and defiant just leads to a bunch of hassle with riled up sheep and I don't usually want to talk to them at the best of times.

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I believe there is a difference... In a restaurant, if they require a tie and coat, you can ask why, and they will answer: "because it is our dress code and we say so". They are in their perfect right, and you are in your perfect right to go somewhere else.

With the masks, they have some BS reason supposedly related to "public health" and "the common good", which does not make any sense... Still I agree that I have not found it helpful to become "defiant". My specific comment below... or above...

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A dinner jacket and tie is not part of a psyop to destroy humanity!! :-) Or is it?? Ha!

I often joke that I do not want to be the ant that chooses to be one that sacrifices her life (all ants but a few are female) making up the "ant bridge" so her sisters can cross the river without drowning. The ants making up the "ant bridge" typically perish for the good of the colony. Screw that. Ha again...

BUT there is a time where that sort of sacrifice will be necessary, and I think most of us here will step up to the plate. The difficult question is are we at that point now, and if we think we are not, and we can keep making these personal choices to look out for ourselves, will it be too late to save us all when we are certain that time has come?

I will stick with what I said in another comment...we can make a ruckus, as I believe we should. Now is the right time for that...especially when our children are being murdered by these vaccines and a whole lot of crazy agenda crap going on (most notably trans crap). However, we still need to do, in my humble opinion, what we need to do in order to survive because a dead shrew is of no use at all. But beyond that...be a shit disturber...HAIL ALL SHREWS!!! UNITE BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE COMMON CAUSE OF SHREWDOM!!!

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OK, forward for sure.

But I hope shrews don't ever have a flag. Pleez.

I had to set a timer to deal w my commenting on the trans crap.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

how can you avoid it? if the butcher shop won't serve you without one? do you lurk around the corner outside, asking strangers to get your lamb chops like an 18 year old at the beer store? the majority of your friends, family, and society are fucked up for life. they'll never shake the weaponized fear that's been inflicted on them. i'll wear a mask, under my nose, if forced to. my line in the sand is the jab.

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I certainly can see this choice. And I do believe if this assault keeps progressing, we WILL be forced to comply, or die. I have always said I will NEVER get the jab, and I think I will definitely stick to THAT one...but if someone puts a jack boot to my neck and pins me down to the ground and jabs me, that's it.

Regarding masks...yes, there will come a time where we may not be able to eat unless we comply and dying alone of starvation huddled in a corner of our empty prison cell doesn't seem to make much sense..."live to fight another day"...

BUT...that being said, I think we can make a ruckus before it comes to that. We can refuse, and cause trouble, cause security to escort us out, get arrested, yelling all the way, make people uncomfortable, etc. We can still find food SOMEWHERE. Adopt a sheep as a friend and have THEM go and buy the meat at the butcher wearing a mask...blah blah blah...We DO want to choose what hill to die on, because we don't want to die for little reason...we need to stay alive...

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Why the fuck do we need to stay alive??? What's there for us? More tyranny? More bullshit? More restrictions? More sheep with crazy eyes suffering from the SS guard syndrom? More loved ones that get me, so sweet, but don't want to create any kind of noise whatsoever in order to try to defend our freedoms?

Tell me. What the fuck do I need to stay alive for?

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You are right. To each his own. I feel I have a calling to stay put until I am called to do otherwise. I am also old, and I figure no matter what I am not going to have to endure too many years of horror.

Still, that said, I do believe we should all do what we can do to stay alive. I personally think that is a given. And yes, fight…fight fight fight.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

We aren't fighting for ourselves, but for future generations.

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I am afraid you are right...depending on how old you are. I am 68, and I believe it will get a lot worse before it gets better. I will be long gone before it gets better enough that things are going on the right track.

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well sure. my buddy and i are planning some stunts if it comes down to it again. video taped from a distance. wearing a variety of different items. welding, hockey, motorcycle helmets to name a few. and i'll return to only speaking in a very poorly done russian accent when wearing a mask. it was fun last time. we also have a few of those goofy fake eye glasses with nose and mustache attached.

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sounds all montyPYTHonish fun. Take the absurd up to the next level.

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childish to the extreme. i'm good with pointing out the absurd

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I went to a pinto bean dinner followed by a dance party and discovered masks don't work very well.

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Are you referring to other forms of gaseous exchange? That is truly an idea! If I am around a masked individual perhaps I will let one 'rip' wait a moment, and ask: "Did you smell that? You did? I guess masks don't do much except signal your stupid compliance with an evil mandate."

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Never EVER, in any circumstances. Never complied before, won't now. If my life depended upon it, I'm not sure, but knowing that a mask is a Death Mask - the death of logic, science, rationality, liberty, in fact all that we in liberal Western democracies once held dear - it would be a hard choice. Giving up my right to breathe fresh air and becoming a slave to Medieval-like superstition and totalitarian control freakery is NEVER a choice I would make willingly under any circumstances. I could never respect myself afterwards if I did.

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Max Dashu did a recent YouT presentation abt items over the centuries have silenced women worldwide.

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You are my hero! What a great statement. I agree with what you say here 100%

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One of the worst, if not THE worst days of my life was visiting a supermarket the day after mask mandates were arbitrarily implemented by my corrupt government, and being the ONLY person in the supermarket not complying. That shook me to the core and still does. What happened to humanity that day?

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That was a bad day for me too. At our local supermarket, on a quiet Sunday morning, a staff member offered me a mask and I politely refused. When I resumed my shopping a customer walked up to me and said " I hope you die". Shocked, I abandoned my trolley and walked out.

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That's awful. Sorry for you. All I got was filthy looks - as much as you can determine a filthy look when a mask is covering most of a person's face.

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Ha! Same here.

I always hoped to see someone else at the supermarket without a mask.

One time i did catch sight of another unmasked person. It turned out to be my brother.

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Needless to say, if there were more people with your heart, mind, and resolve, we would not be in this mess. Which government? US, Canada, UK or other?

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UK, but no doubt very similar in US, Canada, Australia, NZ and many European countries.

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I dislike wearing a mask as it feels like it's uncomfortable breathing in my exhaust.

However, I would follow what I followed during the past.

In places where it's required, wear it halfway down with my nose exposed to breathe.

If confronted, oops, fix it and then let it drop again, 😂.

That's how I handled it when my job was big on masking.

Protesting it is a choice. When I went into a city on the train, I would leave it on my chin and rarely if ever anyone said a thing. When they did, I said oops and put it on to let the nose uncover after a minute.

Perhaps some call this cowardice because they dislike masks as much as I do, yet I'm playing along.

I don't think so. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This doesn't mean believing what they believe, but to try and meet the citizens half way. Even though the masks are ridiculous, showing a little oops here and there gives them the idea that I want to comply, but I'm not fully invested in it and will make mistakes. The mistakes show them that I'm not worried and perhaps it rubs off?

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This is an interesting take, and I have to admit it was basically my attitude during the last run of this craziness. There is a defiance I admire in this approach...never wearing it properly, but enough to keep from being ticketed or arrested, basically thumbing your nose at them.

I took a trip to Egypt at the height of all this in October 2021. I of course was required to wear a mask on the plane...I did, but it was a fake one. I loved it. I consider myself at times to be a dissident wandering the streets doing what is necessary to keep doing my work, but always throwing monkey wrenches in the work whenever I have the opportunity to, without getting caught. I don't think the French Resistance during WWII walked around Nazi occupied France with a placard saying "Fuck Hitler" on it...if they did they would be taken out of the Resistance, where they were making a difference in anti Nazi activity, and shot.

In this next round of insanity I will be more of a visible rebel, and may be arrested or ticketed, or whatever. But I will also make an effort to stay alive "to fight another day", and choose the proper hills to die on...and the hills to just let go to the enemy.

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Ironically, a plane is the one place I will wear a mask - the one I had before the madness, a Humidiflyer, which stops the mucosa drying and cracking during the flight, meaning I don't automatically get a lurgy after flying. As a singer, it has been a blessing. I used to get all sorts of funny looks donning it, with air staff asking me if I was ill... 🤪 Now I don't want to wear any mask, on principle. 🤣 Weird thing, life.

Other than that, never wore a mask and never will.

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Oh yeah the fake masks... It was funny that celebs had crochet masks that could let a fly through 😂. The cheese cloth masks were a godsend for me when I had to "follow the rules" at work.

Good point about explaining it as war.

COVID was a domestic war that happened globally. 😂

The resistance uses smart guerilla warfare to fight the machine.

I respect those that stand up to the machine and get arrested. I see them as the brave front line soldiers in a war. Sit ins and ex: Rosa Parks did this in the civil rights movement.

I can't afford that kind of sacrifice, but I'm playing my part in the resistance.

I feel like this time around, we have a big enough minority to break the hypnotic spell. Heck, I saw it happening on the train into the city even in summer 2020! Many adolescent kids and working class people didn't care and had no masks at all. I saw some people stay away from them, but the majority of the masked trusted their own masks to protect them without needing others to be masked.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Given we know now unequivocally that masks are the major part of the Pysops , then we should not comply 100%. That is coupled with the facts that 1). There is no proof of contagion and 2). That there is very little proof that viruses are pathogenic and exist .

Besides all that , I have not worn a mask from day 1 ( in everything from a hospital setting to an airplane ) by simply being very courteous. I just politely state that I have a medical exemption (which I did get very early on ) and I had offer to display it if necessary, but 95% of the time I don’t .

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I am curious to know how you got away with being on an airplane without a mask...I was under the impression there were no exceptions to this rule, and they would just not let you board, or escort you off under armed guard once you landed. I have a client who refused to put the mask over his face between bites of a meal, and he was arrested before deplaning once they reached their destination.

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I flew in Ireland , not US or Canada, so more leeway I guess here. I just firmly stated I had a medical exemption and presented it to them . If it became necessary , I was willing to draw up a notice of liability , placing liability on them if I was forced to wear a mask which could trigger my medical condition . I understand that not everyone would be willing to make that sort of a stand , but I think at this stage in the game , we have no choice . It’s a full on assault , so we can’t just lie down and take it anymore .

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I avoid wearing putting myself in a situation that requires a mask as much as possible. I do wear one when grinding fiberglass or driving cattle in a duststorm.

Since my horse can't catch a greyhound bus I quit robbing coaches.

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Yep. Robbing a bank or a stagecoach has always been a good reason to wear a mask.

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Funny! Yes, there ARE times when a mask is appropriate!!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This is very difficult. I have 5 doctors that I must see for all the issues I have. Two of them don't wear masks so that's easy. But instead of just feeling hostile, I ask them if they truly believe that the masks work for teeny viruses - one got defensive, the other 2 said they didn't believe it but would lose their jobs. I have respect for those people I know who have anxiety issues and are truly terrified of getting sick and for people with autoimmune issues. I'm not going to threaten them. But in general, I refuse and I am very vocal about questioning anyone who questions me to get them to THINK. I am an old lady so they never gave me too much trouble. Good grief. Hey, Dr. Todd, I want to know what you think of the Republicans Project 2025!

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Your attitude is the one I adopted toward the end of the last "mask mandate" run. I got a new doctor during that time who wears a mask. I asked him to take it off (if he was comfortable) so I could see his face during my first visit. He did, and his smile made me feel like trusting him, he had a soul.

This time around I am going to be a bit more militant about it all. I do believe every mask worn is another nail in our collective coffin, but I still have compassion for those that are fearful (as you say) those who want to keep their jobs, and those that cannot get medical care without it. My idealistic self says NONE of that is a valid excuse, and there should be 100% noncompliance...but...

Oh my...you got me with my pants down. I do not know what the Republicans Project 2025 is!! Enlighten me. I have to admit, I do not keep up with partisan politics as much as I probably should...I also do not live in the US (but AM a US citizen!!) so don't naturally hear much about what is going on down there...

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Will never wear one again for reasons of succumbing to social pressure or in order to people please ( anyone ) . If an issue of life or death for a loved one …..likely yea would not die on that mountain.

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Yep...pretty much my story. Although these days you can't be sure if NOT wearing a mask in a doctor's office, therefore NOT getting medical tests or procedures, is a good or bad thing!! My instinct tells me unless your guts are hanging out, medical "care" is more dangerous than letting God and nature (immune system, anyone?) take care of you. To quote Esther again, as I have a million times, "if I perish, I perish." There is a natural order to everything..."a time to live, and a time to die."

(the full Bible passage is this, which doesn't make much sense out of context, but here it is: "Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish." Esther 4: 16

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

We are dealing with murdering psychopaths, DO NOT COMPLY! You are free, act like it.

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Thank you!!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

In the doctor’s office or hospital only.

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Know that any doctor that makes you wear a mask is telling you straight up that their medical practice is more important to them than your health and your life. They will do everything to you that the state tells them to do, even if it harms you because their paycheck is more important than your health and your life. Just know that that is the character and priority of the person you entrust the most important thing to you with: your health and your life. Going to doctors who make you mask and demand you jab are like being the battered wife who goes back to their abusive husband. Sames.

Choose your doctor wisely. Better yet, find natural healers in the complementary and alternative healing arts practices. Most everything, including cancers, can be healed by them with gentle non-invasive practices. MD's and western medicine is only good at fixing broken bones and patching puncture wounds.

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When I am in those situations I always tell myself "the mask is for bacteria, and there may be compromised people here, so they are just being cautious"...which I know in my heart is not true. I am coming around with this one, I do not think I will wear a mask for routine doctor's visits, but if I have serious symptoms and need to see a doctor, MAYBE...(but only a fake one!!)

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I'll refuse, as I have so far, despite hospital appts (being made to sit outside the clinic like a detention!)

At one clinic, the nurse was abusive to myself and my husband and moved all the rest of the patients to another area. One man spat at me and called us horrific names. Nice... hey ho. I won't do it

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Yea!!! I have an upcoming doctor's visit, and I am going to refuse, and suggest I sit in the hallway and they can text me when ready for me. If they give me lip, I'm out of there (just tests) and will attempt to find a doctor who doesn't require masks. Hearing all of you chime in on this gives me courage...and if I don't get the tests, and I perish, then so be it!!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Believe me you will not perish for not getting a test.

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But if I don't get the test, and some horrible disease kills me, then I will perish. But I have no symptoms of anything bad...seems that we are constantly inundated with fears about dropping dead with no symptoms...in the good 'ol days NO ONE went to the doctor if they didn't have symptoms!!!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Stay out of hospitals!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

That's the aim!

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That's always my intention!!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Didn't wear one the first time and won't wear one ever. Now, I can't say what I'd do in a medical emergency; my greatest fear living in Canada is needing medical attention. I didn't see my dad in the hospital before he died because I won't wear a mask. I attended two funerals -- outdoors -- and wouldn't wear a mask even though we were told it was mandatory (which it never was, even in Canada). We will get to our house in Mexico by car if masks come back on planes and will get any non-emergency medical care there rather than here.

An oldie but a goodie which sums up my position:

I will not wear it on my face,

I will not wear it anyplace,

I will not wear it on my ear,

I will not wear it out of fear,

I will not wear it to get in,

I will not wear it on my chin,

I will not wear your dangerous mask,

I will not wear, it kiss my ass.

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Nice poem...!!!

You are a brave individual. And I commend you, and anyone else with this attitude. I am developing a very powerful "loss of confidence" in the medical profession these days, so I feel if a doctor requires masks I may as well go to a witch doctor considering the sense he/she has. Of course, no offense intended toward witch doctors....

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We have a family friend that works in the operating room as a surgical tech

She has to wear one then but is now a traveling nurse because she was fired from her local hospitall job because she refused the jab.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The reasons why surgeons and surgical techs wear masks in the operating room are completely different. They are protecting their faces from blood and fluids that can splatter from a surgical field. They also want to prevent their spit, which contains a lot of bacteria, from potentially contaminating a (theoretically) "sterile" surgical field. That has absolutely nothing to do with "preventing a viral illness". I know you know - I am not preaching to you 😁

The "vaccine" insistence of many hospitals is a matter for another (long) discussion.

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So odd how what you say here is practically common sense. Yet people are always referring to surgery as an example of "where masks work."

I also hear all of the time the comparison to urban Tokyo, where so many people are wearing masks as an everyday precaution—but against WHAT...my sheep friends say "diseases, of course"...and viruses in particular. Although there are some Japanese ignorant of science that think wearing a mask protects them from viruses, but I believe the primary reason is due to protection against pollution, exhaust from cars, buses and trains. These particulates are much larger.

I would not bet on masks being effective in even this sort of protection, but people wearing masks in Tokyo presents no rational reason to wear masks as daily protection against a virus.

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No hospital she now works in can be so choosey to require the jab. They lost many workers to the plandemic hoax and are now short of qualified hospital workers.

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I hear that everywhere...but part of the plan is to cripple health care...

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And to outlaw supplements unless they have rigorous experimentally backed proof of safety ... unlike the jabs which, apparently, now need none!

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Dr Seuss would be proud of that! Exactly my views.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

That’s the question. I have a mentally disabled friend, and when I need to take him somewhere I pretend I don’t know I’m supposed to “take precautions” and question why when asked, but if that’s the only way to help him? I don’t know what I will do next round

I swore I would not cooperate with the facial recognition people, but when my sister was in the hospital in 2021 and that was the only way to get in I stood in front of that stupid machine and made a face as it scanned me and I’m in the system

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It IS a tough question...I am pretty certain I would do just about anything to help those I love, and even those I don't know if I was ever put in a position to do so. I am not so sure if I would comply to save myself. I won't say I wouldn't because if I am stumbling into the ER with my arm hanging from a thread due to some horrible accident, and was told to wear a mask, I am pretty sure I would comply.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

No mask ever under any circumstances. I’m done.

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Good for you.

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