Spring is coming, and the hungry little birds soon will be screaming for the worms. How annoying.
Shrews eat worms too. We are hungry.
I do have to say Substack does live by a new model of commerce—you pay directly for what you want. Drop a nickel in the cup, and out comes something you probably will enjoy reading. Only a nickel isn’t enough these days. Today’s $6 (for 12 articles) is yesterday’s nickel. I think this is the way of the new future (the good one) regarding journalism. We will all have to pay for it, directly, and if we don’t, it will surely dry up.
As I pleaded with you last month, STAY WITH THE SHREW CLUB!! We need to bond together, fellow shrews. I have a modicum of free will left, and do freely choose to spend the inordinate amount of time it takes to write three articles a week. How about throwing me a few bones? I am painfully aware that what you may throw are not merely “bones” but hard-earned cash. I do appreciate anything you can provide to make this endeavour seem to have some worth. Kind words help as well . . . as many of you have been so gracious to shower upon me. THANK YOU!!!
We are a thriving community here . . . the discussion is worth the subscription fee alone. So please consider.
Since I do offer free content weekly, think of it as a donation. Buy me dinner one night this week with your yearly subscription! It is only $60, and with that $60 you will get about 100 articles you would not have otherwise gotten!
And besides that, you will be helping me out immensely. We still live in a world where we have to pay money to survive, and I am trying to focus on writing rather than seeing clients. I think it is a better way to spend my time.
So please consider that $60, or, if you would rather not commit to a year, the monthly $6 is great. Cancel any time.
Thank you!!
Carry on, brothers and sisters!
Dr. Shrew
If you would like to support my efforts to write articles that you enjoy, but would rather not at this time commit to a yearly or monthly subscription. Please buy me a cup of coffee! The gesture would be greatly appreciated!!
You are an angel. Thank you so much for your wonderful support and dedication to shrewdom!! Do you have any suggestions as to what would enhance your membership?
You know my situation, but I do so enjoy your thoughts. If things change you’ll be one of the beneficiaries Lol
Money well spent to the point of wishing I could send more in appreciation. Thank you for all you are, and do.
No suggestions, just please keep writing.
You are so kind! Thank you for these encouraging words...it is what keeps me going...
I am very happy to be a paid subscriber because I get so much enjoyment out of your writings and the comments you inspire. Thank you
You are an angel. Thank you so much for your wonderful support and dedication to shrewdom!! Do you have any suggestions as to what would enhance your membership?
Just keep doing what you’re doing and thank you