Hi Todd, cannot think of an intelligent response - but want you to know I have read this - and agree with all you’ve said..

Maybe another topic might be how weary the shrews are getting of searching for the truth.. I am finding a general fatigue creeping in and far less is being shared.. I suppose because there is so much now that we do know- little point in passing it on..

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Thank you Barbara…I really appreciate your comment. Comments are what keep this substack going, otherwise I feel that I am writing in invisible ink! It is isolating enough going through this nightmare we are going through!

You have inspired me to start an article titled “Freedom Fighter Fatigue” about that weariness you describe here…I feel it too…

Bless you!

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Yesterday I went to support the CPSO rally in Toronto. Of the 112 people on my list, I found 5 interested in joining me. I attended a CPSO rally several weeks back and expected to see 1,000 people.. I estimate 200 attended. Yesterday there were perhaps 100. It was an excellent rally and I learned a lot about what the CPSO has been doing.. I hope every last one of them are held accountable! But I am sure the organizers were disappointed to reach only 100 people! There were a number of very good speakers- some doctors and nurses - and people who had experienced injuries.

Looking forward to your article on fatigue..

And maybe our exchange here will inspire me to head back to Toronto to support the rally for the Dutch farmers today!

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Thank you for this article…it helps me make sense of what is happening with my family and friends. I find it pretty fascinating the differences between shrewdom and sheepdom!

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A subtle difference, and I still can't figure out exactly what it is.

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And this fascinating (U.S Centric) story about how and whom are responsible for shaping perceptions:


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Thank you for this. As I continue on my personal journey through lies and deceit, I find the cancer goes deeper and deeper than originally suspected. I have had a tendency in my articles to put the floor of corruption much later in history than it actually is, i.e., the Washington Post adhered to respectable journalism in 1972 and earlier. Silly me. One thing I do believe the Internet has done FOR us, as sloppy as it is, is to allow alternative news sources to come forth and be accessible. I know James Corbett calls it "open source intelligence." And if not squashed by the powers that would find this alternative conveyance of truth a serious threat, it could be the very thing that saves us.

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Nice article. We talk about it this way at Living a Good life Church, a rational, intentional community.

"Since we are critical thinkers we are very careful about which beliefs we ingest. All of us are constantly bombarded with unproven theories from questionable sources of information. The process of cultural secession from dominant narratives can challenge one’s social moorings and open the secessionist’s mind to all sorts of anti-establishment theories. We tread carefully into these murky waters and use our critical thinking skills to arrive at our beliefs."

And this from my web page:

"In a social media-driven information age that simultaneously avoids important ideas and saturates us with false information, I try to be both a "spreader" and a "sifter". I will help you discover important wisdom and filter out inaccurate nonsense - and then help you do something with the awareness."

Bright minds think alike (:.

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This is amazing. I almost feel like my work is received from the ether through some kind of antenna array I have installed in my head. Obviously I do not plagiarize, but it seems that very often what I write about is out there in other forms. I suppose that makes sense, truth is truth, and it shows up everywhere...THANKS FOR THE COMMENT!!!

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