Nov 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

...the thoughts occurr... the significance of the choice and objective, the fig leaf, artificial light...Lucifer and light...'even the devil comes dressed as an Angel of light...' then, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," or " "Ceci n'est pas une pipe," and, it may be artifice and artificial light, does that mean it's artificial fruit? Have I chosen to burry my head and be mislead, seduced by a tree whose "fruit" is a self-pollinating, inverted flower?

I do not know.

Why do I even wonder, I wonder...

Thanks again, Todd!

You always cause a welcome, reactive, introspective self-examination!

Looking forward to more...


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Thank you...I like they way you think...

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

No, not dense, not at all. Quite the contrary.

You wrote a piece not long ago about the middle east conflict, I mentioned something about turning my attention to things like indoor gardening under LED's (rather than arguing).

I set up an indoor garden and light lab!

However, it occurred to me that fig leaves could be said be be an underlying theme of willful coverup and self-deception.

However, in my case, practically speaking, I decided to pass along the info as part of my decision of turning to positive -- unrelated to horror and terror -- action, and the demonstrable fact that I had taken myself up on my own advice!

I will send you a copy of the Triumphant Fig Leaf Unfurling!

(My apologies, spell checker is turned off on this device...)

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Ah! That is what I thought you meant...I see the LED is part of the growing process...and I commend you on your decision. I love it.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I recently learned about Mort Sahl, one of the greatest, but somewhat forgotten standup comedians, who also aided Jim Garrison in his JFK investigations https://rumble.com/vonnsd-mort-sahl-the-comic-vs-the-cia.html

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Me, I was five.

It haunted me, too, all my life, until, one day, it dawned on me: he never knew what hit him.

I felt relief, at the thought, for the first time in my life since seeing Oswald murdered live on TV indelibly impressed, even more deeply, the lawless horror, upon my malleable mind -- well, we didn't actually see it, I mean, my brother, dad and I were sitting, looking down at the Toronto Star, spread out on the floor, with the TV on on a shelf on the wall, when the panicked "Oswald's been shot!," instantly drew our eyes to the screen only to witness the football-match like "instant replay," about half a dozen times, which caused my dad and brother to chuckle, nervously, at the crassness of it all, and me to begin to question what kind of world I was living in.

The question has never ceased to puzzle me, and, despite my own "relief" at the thought that Kennedy never knew what hit him, I never lost interest in reading everything that came to light that might help clarify the events, until now.

Now, I don't.


Now, it's LED's and attempting to raise an indoor Violette de Bordeaux fig tree.

Let me tell you, I wish I could show you, about the perfect, truiuphant leaf, unfurling from the tip-top of the now about 2½ foot tall miracle, about the dozens of leaves popping off vigorously from top to bottom, both branches, everywhere, after three weeks acclimated indoors since November 1st.

Violette de Bordeaux are self-pollinating.

LED's have made leaps in efficiency and economy.

3 x 24 watt "bulbs" provide the equivalence of 3 x 300 watts incandescent, nearly a kilowatt, while consuming only 72 watts.

And there's plenty of excess light spilling from that intense pool that I will try my best not to waste!

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Sorry...I must be dense, but I am not getting the LED thing. What am I missing?

I can see the interest in the Violete de Bordeaux fig...but the LED reference escapes me.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yeah, well you have to read Mark Shaw’s books regarding the definite link between 1962 Marilyn death, 1963 JFK, and then in 1965 Dorothy Kilgallen. Plus Geoffrey Shaw (no relation) wrote convincingly on the CIA assassination of Vietnam’s beloved Catholic President Diem in 1963--with 3 weeks later JFK dead in Dallas.

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I just put a bunch of his books on my wish list.

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But also: The Lost Mandate of Heaven by Geoffrey Shaw is presenting undeniable evidence of the complete coverup of Vietnam’s Diem assassination by the usual suspects. You might call that the beginning of our weaponized intelligence. JFK was gone less than 3 weeks later.

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Great. Collateral Damage is probably the best regarding all three--Marilyn, JFK, and Dorothy. But you don’t have to wait. He has videos of his talks at Allen Public Library and elsewhere which give a hour summary. But it is still worth the book read as it is too difficult to truly appreciate without writing.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Aaand the old joke…

Q-How can you tell when a politician is lying?

A-His lips are moving.

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The older I get the more I believe that everything they tell us is indeed a lie. Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You know the honest politicians because they are the ones who are dead.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Did you know that Bush Sr’s father was involved in a plot to overthrow FDR? Businessmen and bankers determined to stop the public assistance. But the government was so embarrassed that they got so close to pulling it off that they covered it up and let them go

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Prescott Bush also backed the Nazis during WWII. Nothing is a coincidence, see my Image for the Day @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/2023/11/22/79181/

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I was sitting in the classroom. 2nd grade. The phone rang and the teacher answered and then stopped the lesson. Then the principal came over the loudspeaker and said that the president had been killed. The teacher started crying. I wasn’t used to adults crying-they were always in control-and it scared me to see her cry. Like you said-burned in my memory.

But we believed what we were told.

As an adult, I realized many stories didn’t make sense. And leaders in other countries who didn’t agree with this country seemed to die mysteriously. And the people running this country seemed to do whatever they wanted and weren’t held to account. I watched and wondered. It wasn’t necessary to believe anything they said. You can get through life pretty well ignoring politicians. And if you assume everything is a scam, you’re not as surprised when the narrative changes or disappears as if it never happened.

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It is amazing to me that when you have the blinders removed and see things as they are, you come to the realization that it would be nonsensical for things to be anything else.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

That it has to be the way it is because of the way people are? Or that it’s so obvious WHY it is the way it is?

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I mean that when you see the truth, you realize that to have expected the world to be the way you thought it was before doesn't make any sense. The JFK assassination for example, with Kennedy so against the war in Vietnam, there is no way that the powers above him who were benefitting from the war would not take him out. And that is just one example...everyone is blind to think that the powers in the world work things out decently, with reason and rational thinking making every attempt to keep people from being hurt. But in reality the world is run like the mafia, people are killed left and right, and no one with power cares at all about the minions. When the blinders are off you can really see how it just makes sense.

I think both of your statements are correct. It has to be the way it is because the people in power are following human nature. Power makes them narcissistic and corrupt, and ugly and uncaring. That's the way "people" are. And when the blinders are removed you can also see how clearly obvious it is the way it is.

I do believe there is a better way. I do not think that human nature is ONLY evil. In fact, I think the most powerful human nature is love. I just think the world has gotten so complicated. God is dead, and man has killed him. Evil will run rampant until people start to see the true purpose of being human again. To love.

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Okay. Well put. But I think it’s probably closer to the world is not “like the mafia”, the world IS the mafia.

And man killed God because he doesn’t want to be responsible to anything or anyone. “Don’t tell me what to do”

You make me think of my brother 👍

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People that believe these lies nearly always use only the lying media as their source. They are addicted to a TV set as their saving drug.

I have recently seen 2 videos showing that NO planes hit the towers. The first shows how they did it and mistakes that expose it. The TV and Internet ran with it and everyone thought they witnessed it happening. We all seen these videos! The second shows the tower exploding with no airplane.

While it is true that those videos could also be hoaxed, pilots have came forward stating that the planes were stripped and converted to cargo planes that they personally later flew.

Synchronicity abounds in this world and while on vacation in Mexico in 2006, I met the architect that designed the steel 1/4 inch thick heavily corrugated jackets of these towers. He believed it was an implosion.

Looking at a picture of depth of these corrugations should convince even crazy Joe that a thin aluminum airplane would fall to the streets but only an undamaged terrorists passport was laying there.

No way in hell can a plane go through the Pentagon's thick concrete walls and not leave engines and wings laying there.

As for Kennedy's assassination that bullet made some interesting directional turns.

Bobby Kennedy had powder burns behind his ear according to the book, "Cause Of Death" written by a forensic doctor. Annnnd WHO was the woman in that polka dot dress? Some very sloppy security on this job!

Of ALL of these however, the COVID hoax and vaccine assassination of billions, (Give it time) was the utmost in evil. Only the saline injected assassins and their closest allies and family that claimed injection and it's benevolent promotion will escape other than those of us who don't eat BS!

From what I have read, the "Titanic" was an insurance fraud scheme serving the dual purpose of getting rid of 3 men opposed to the World Bank.

The plane that exploded over Scotland was for the assassination of CIA, coming to testify about other CIA involved in drugs.

Another great Read is the book, "Clinton, Bush And The CIA Compromised" By CIA agent Terry Reed written with the help of John Cummings. The MSM blocked giving it any credit and made Reed out to be a liar.

The liars abound and they are all tied to the destruction of liberty mostly for the gain of power and money. Warmongering is a big and great business except for the peasants that provide the cannon fodder.

At the time, police arrested Mossad agents in a van intent on blowing up a NY bridge.

I am convinced this whole escapade was to escalate and promote a middle East war by the Bush crime family.

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Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes but when Everything is a Conspiracy, nothing is . . .

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True. But not everything is a conspiracy, everything is a lie.

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Please don’t despair so quickly. It stops one from seeing the Good, True, and Beautiful when they come, wherever they can be found.

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Thanks for this...supports my comment "on and on and on and on" as well as supports the idea that the "narrative"...the lie...is the concept filled with nonsensical contortions...like how a plane could pierce the trade towers, how could they fall in nearly free time, etc. etc. It is the conspiracy theory that is filled with fact and truth and science. The lie is a flimsy as a wet paper bag. So fascinating how "they" can get everyone to believe this garbage..."they are such good salesmen, they could sell ice to an eskimo"...

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The Unauthorized Biography of GHW Bush - obscure book but well worth the read.

Cheney was high up in Halliburton who got the contract to 'rebuild' Iraq.

And yes, all is built on lies.

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Author

I'll try to find the book...looked...is this it??


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Looks like it. My copy was only a knocked-off pdf but the author is the same.

Not so obscure, I guess.

Tough slog at times but worth it. Names names and opens eyes.

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Lady Bird Johnson reportedly was a major stock owner in the same outfit which had the Viet Nam rebuilding contract. Kennedy wanted to end that war before it got going too far. Another reason Johnson wanted him out.

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But according to Geoffrey Shaw’s book The Lost Mandate of Heaven, there was a much wider USA coup behind President Diem’s assassination. And JFK was dead 3 weeks later.

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The reason most wanted him out!

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Only in America, it takes 60 years to figure this out.

Same with the fraud of shots... For so long people ate the bullshit happily.

A big f u to all the people who gaslit us for having honest doubts about key issues.

George Carlin was right, it's called the American dream because you gotta be asleep to believe it.

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When I was a young adult I wore an American flag pin and hated George Carlin or anyone who opposed the Vietnam war...I was an American zealot...now, 50 years later, I have made a 180. I still love the ideals of the "American dream" but I sure am no longer in love with those in charge.

Even when Trump started the MAGA campaign I would belligerently ask, "why make America great again, it already IS great!"...yeah, it was THAT recently that I was still in the dark. Now I get it.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The Bush Crime Family dynasty. As long as it survives the JFK assassination files will never be released. Patriarch Prescott Bush, his long business banking partnership with the Rockefeller's that included being Hitler's Banker during...during WWII. His business and legal partnership with Allan Dulles, OIS/CIA top official. Son George HW Bush in leadership at the Ft Worth CIA office on scene at the same time JFK's brains were blown out...after promising to destroy the CIA. Gerald Ford, the Warren Commission's top investigator, the only completely unelected POTUS ever, who appointed a Rockefeller his VP and who appointed GHWB his CIA Director. Groomed to become president, only temporarily derailed by Reagan's unexpected 1980 GOP primary victory. Who's New World Order Fascist speech drawn from Hitler's era ringing through organizations with origins linked to Bush's tenure as UN Ambassador under Nixon, like Klaus Schwab's WEF. His son, George W Bush's hands on the 9-11 attack, ensuing imposition of a surveillance state and electronic hackable voting systems after the 2000 recount. And the Cheney's who have been the political muscle enforcers and forever war/surveillance profiteers for the Bush Family Crime Syndicate for decades. (Explains Liz/Dick's hatred of all things MAGA).

No. The JFK truth files will not come out until the Bush Crime Family Syndicate is dead, or in prison. Like national traitors belong. One day the Bush name will be pictured next to "American Traitor" in encyclopedia's instead of Benedict Arnold's.

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I wonder if the George Scherf conspiracy is a fact.

Supposedly Prescott being a Nazi and sent to spy on Tesla.

Our country was full of Nazi war criminals brought over by Operation Paper Clip.

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Since you brought up Tesla...Nicolai Tesla had a student he singled out as his best and brightest, who he developed a lifelong relationship with following their meeting. A protege who understood him and his work better than all of the other students: John Trump. Donald Trump's uncle.

When Tesla died in the middle of WWII the US government sent John Trump into Tesla's home/lab in NYC to examine all he found inside to determine if there was anything of use for the US during WWII and if there was anything they needed to keep enemy hands from taking. John Trump was the only one who knew what Tesla was working on, could understand the theories and be trusted with the information. Armed military guards were stationed outside Tesla's home while John Trump went through everything in Tesla's lab for many months following his death. The story is there was nothing of note found inside the lab, nothing useful. That's the story, anyways, and they're sticking to it.

...Since you brought up Tesla. I'll leave that out as a separate piece of information to be aware of. Coincidence?

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I'm hesitant to weigh in the George Scherf story. I've seen enough legitimate sources to satisfy my understanding of the Bush's being in the US well before Nazi's in Germany were a thing. And Nazi's from Germany weren't the only game in town. Nazi's in Germany were a product of UK and US investment in Germany following WWI.

Despite the Great War England and Germany royals were closely aligned. The House of Windsor, rulers of the UK since 1917 were actually the from the German House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, they changed their names because of WWI. And they played for both teams. As was/is the case for most monied and powerful families. They position themselves to maintain the same high elite status under any system of governance, under any government structure. Their loyalty is to their status, not an idea, philosophy or even the people they rule over, other than concern for the lower classes as chattel, property.

The C-SPAN video I link to above goes into how the wealthy all-powerful Thyssen family played all sides of global politics after having their assets stripped when Germany was forced to pay war reparations following the Great War. They diversified their financial and political holdings in Germany, the Netherlands, UK and US, western liberal capitalists, national socialists, fascists, they'd keep wealth and privilege no matter who won or lost future global contests.

The wealthy and powerful have been fixated on eugenics for as long as it's been a thing. They believe they are truly cut from a finer cloth of man than all others, their blue blood better than all others. born to lead and be high society. They elevated Darwin's theory of evolution above all others, including God's design because it favored their beliefs about themselves relative to all others. The notion of all men being created equal has been an anathema to them since the founding of the US and notions of self-determination among co-equals threatened their privileged existence.

The eugenics movement was just as strong, if not stronger in the US than in Europe from the late 1800's - early 1940's, Buck v. Bell "Three generations of imbeciles is enough" SCOTUS 8-1 ruling prevails as settled law in the US to this day. Was even raised as a defense by defendants at Nuremberg, on trial for their implementation of a master race plan that included crimes against humanity was following the lead of a movement they saw growing in the US prior to WWII.

Fascism and eugenics goes hand-in-hand. Central authoritarian, planned economies, government-business, public-private partnerships all enable the ruling class to impose their will on the people they rule, maximize profit and maintain their status. Weeding out the undesirables, the useless eaters, the asocial, disobedient, disabled from the gene pool to allow for their uncontested rule of a slave working class, controlled by psychological manipulation and propaganda. Goebbels studied the work of Bernays and other leading manipulators of the early 1900's to make Germany into what it became under Hitler.

With that understanding, Operation Paper Clip was just a continuation of the same intentions for the future of humanity in the west that existed prior to WWII. But because of WWII they had to be more discreet about it, more deceptive. The Bush's were key to this. The family, Prescott Bush and his parents, grandparents, Herbert, Walker, were leading blue bloods, eugenicists themselves. Prescott Bush went to Yale in the early 1910's. George HW Bush's membership in Skull and Crossbones was as a legacy member following father Prescott, not the first in the family. It truly is a tangled, wicked web, more in additional comments.

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Perhaps related to the Bush Crime family and eugenics, bankers, wealthy, fascists, medical/psychological tyranny, is this very interesting news clipping I discovered over the summer from the 1913 New York Times.

The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play J. D. Rockefeller

Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation Social Workers Approve https://www.newspapers.com/article/31090629/edward_l_bernays_medical_review_of/

It describes a play that was shown to the powerful and connected. Eugenicists. "Damaged Goods." About men of high society who sleep around with prostitutes and lesser women, bringing back disease like syphilis to families, deforming children, etc. It uses the term "White Slavery" to describe the sex trade. It pushes the idea of infectious disease as it was still a relatively novel understanding of them at the time.

John D. Rockefeller, father of allopathic western medicine, based in petrochemicals, products of his Standard Oil.

Edward Bernays, father of propaganda, advertising, marketing, who coined "quacks" to describe natural healers like homeopaths as allopathic medicine outlawed and replaced natural healing as a business model.

Simon and Abraham Flexner, who's Flexner Report was the notorious #FakeScience used to outlaw natural healers for Rockefeller's petrochemical business model of medicine.

State Senator Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A network of prominent socialists, communists with ties to Karl Marx, names like William Jay Schleffilin, descendant of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, ran the largest pharmaceutical company giant and Big Pharma trade association head for decades, Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association. Leaders who advanced the idea of "Medical Sociology" in concert with "Marxist conflict theory" that shows how the ruling classes can enact power through medicine. Doctors, psychologists, clergy, industrialists, all aligned with socialism/humanism values. And all eugenicists. And it includes an otherwise not noteworthy mention of six unnamed students from the Yale University Civics Club being invited to attend the play. Prescott Bush was a student at Yale in 2013. Was he in the Civics Club? Was he one of the six students who's names were on the exclusive VIP list?

This type of information is out there. Just takes sleuthing and putting together patterns, connections. This article has many of the names of the wealthy and powerful who otherwise stay unknown, while names like Rockefeller, Carnegie and Gates take the limelight. A fascinating read. Makes me want to go back and get my hands on old newspapers looking for these types of names and the eugenicists, fascists and socialists of the era. Who's descendants are carrying on the family work. If said list could be found perhaps we'd see the name of Prescott Bush on it? The evil runs deep, wide and long. Long before Operation Paper Clip. And what freedom, individual liberty is facing is a monstrosity that has been built up for centuries. Since the founding of our nation. The plan for its extinguishing put into place over a century ago. We are not in a battle for the faint of heart. God placed us here, now, and is opening up our eyes because he made us of the stuff it will take to have his will and design for mankind be preserved, truly realized. Play time is over.

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Wow...that is a lot of very interesting information. I know very little about the "Bush Crime Family Dynasty"...lead me to some good books on the subject...

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I'll get you pointed in the right direction with this article in this 2004 UK Guardian article:

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

UK Guardian, September 5, 2004


Which came from the work of a Carter-era DOJ Nazi hunter prosecutor, John Loftus, who gave this speech in Florida in 2000, at the same time that "hanging chads" were being counted in the state for the 2000 recount...which was directly responsible for the implementation of the hackable computer voting system that's criminalized transparency and audits. Coincidence?

Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Banks

Sarasota Reading Festival

C-SPAN, November 11, 2000

https://www.c-span.org/video/?160639-1/unholy-trinity-vatican-nazis-swiss-banks (47:59)

(Discussion on Prescott Bush runs 20:44 - 34:44)

I wrote a stack about it in May, 2023


More at:

The Bush Crime Family History | Prescott Bush Helped Nazis, Kennedy Assassination, Vietnam, Reagan Assassination Attempt, and more

February 26, 2016


American supporters of the European Fascists


Also, this documentary features John DeCamp's revelations about the Franklin Cover-up and the tentacles that story has to very powerful people in national politics, including the Bush family. A Sound of Freedom of its time. DeCamp makes this comment in the final few minutes of the documentay, that rings very, very true in our times:

"If you can control about three or four key elements you can totally control a state. You can make right, wrong. You can make truth, falsehood. Falsehood, truth. If you control the media, if you control the justice department, if you control the police, you own the system."

Conspiracy Of Silence (1994 Banned Discovery Channel Documentary)

"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp"


And GHWB served as Nixon's UN Ambassador when shifted from Nationalist Taiwan to Communist China, then served as first US Ambassador to Communist China...was when the modern equivalent of the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Fascist-Communist pact against western liberal capitalist society was inked, collective authoritarianism vs individual liberty. Bush's in on it with a lot of others. But none so dastardly and lie to your face treasonist as the Bush's.

How George H.W. Bush became Beijing’s ‘old friend’ in the White House

CNN, December 1, 2018


“There’s no doubt Beijing sees him as the best friend China has ever had in the White House"

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Every word you wrote could have been written by me (if I was an articulate writer, which I am not!) as to my evolution from skeptic to disbeliever.

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I’m really appreciating the writers to at can put these feelings into words, and to have these writings to look back on as the next thing takes over.

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Thank you AnnR...I have to think a lot of people could have had similar experiences...

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Re the moon landing I have no idea if it happened or not, only that some of the footage purporting to show it is certainly fake. And given the propaganda stakes at the time, and the Hollywood capability, the US would've been reckless not to have bogus footage in the can "just in case". This feels a good line between what I can genuinely establish and what I might speculate.

Interesting you concluded with "trust your gut". I'm guessing you've seen Tucker's recent vid where this is a central message. I've circulated that vid far and wide.. a well articulated message at just the right time.

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If someone put a gun to my head and asked me if the US landed on the moon in '69 I would say "no, they did not". My gut says no, and after further investigation the only valid argument that they did is that they said they did. And since they have good reason to lie about that, then we can conclude that too is a lie. It makes me very sad.

I have not seen Tucker's talk on trusting your gut. Please post the link. I try to keep up with his talks but do miss a few. I did watch his January talk, while still at Fox, about JFK before writing this article.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yep, that's pretty much where I land re the moon landing too, I'm just careful with "normies" to differentiate what I can substantiate (eg those absurdly perfect photos allegedly taken from a chest-mounted camera) from what I speculate.

Here's a link to Tucker.. this whole segment really resonated for me: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trust-your-gut-tucker-carlson-warns-chaos-ignoring-your-instincts-during-history-changing

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Thanks for the link. Great talk...

Yes, too, about being careful with normies...unless you want to engage in one of those old fashioned discussions where everyone contributes what they know, and feel, etc. without anyone attacking anyone's character etc, it is best to keep silent.

I miss the days where people actually thought "conspiracy theorists" were "interesting" and "mysterious" regarding what they knew....long gone.

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deletedNov 22, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
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I would be curious to know what Jackie was feeling about the whole presidency. At that time in history I am sure she had a ton of pressure to be the proper first lady and proper wife to the second in command of the Kennedy Dynasty. Every time I have seen her speak in public she is like an automaton.

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