A cynic, would opine,' Face diapered sheeple use less O2,& this is to our benefit, eh?' to which this ol' mechanic/UofT, would concur.

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"The masked folks are indeed leading us all to the gas chamber. They need to wake up and take responsibility for our children’s safety and healthy development, as well as the health and wellbeing of the others they share this planet with and stop tearing up the very fabric of our humanity. It is more than just a mask."

I agree whole heartedly with every word of this. Every time that I see someone in a face covering, I feel the exact same righteous indignation that you have described here, for the exact same reasons. I even feel a pull to approach the masked fools and ask what motivates them to diaper their faces.

In fact, I did ask the cashier at my grocery store last week why she was wearing a mask. Her answer was that she had been ill the week before and she didn’t want to make anyone sick. I really don’t think that she was virtue signaling. I could tell by her demeanor that she was inescapably burdened by the belief that that she could kill other people with her breath. She is only about 22 years old, in many ways she is just a child. What in the hell has happened to the children of this world on our watch? We have to recognize that the lie of viral theory is the most powerful lie that the predator class has in their entire arsonal.

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What we need to understand is that masks are at the same level as the moronic religions...


And since ALL religious charms don't work, no matter the amount of faith one dumps on them, masks follow the same fate!

OPERATION COVIDIUS was good for one thing: it removed the mask of billions of meek and coward modern moron slaves. Before this operation I didn't had any factual evidence to support my theory that the herds of modern moron slaves will obey and comply to the most absurd things, and today I have the evidence and so my theory is now a fact.

In 2020 I've made this one...


Clearly the herds of moron modern slaves do enjoy slaving in this beautiful Free Society!

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I wrote an article about all this being about a rebirth of superstition. https://www.shrewviews.com/p/the-death-of-science-and-the-rebirth

The masks are indeed a talisman. It has no scientific value in doing what it is purported to do...and most people even know this "but wear it anyway"...mostly to show their loyalty to the cause. The ones buried a little bit deeper in the Covid hole do not care if it has scientific value, they just believe if they wear one, they will avoid the great Covid demon.

Modern medicine, to its embarrassment, it dependent quite a bit on this faith thing, because what we "think" actually does make a difference in many cases for medicine to work. Placebos, nocebos, and all that. Religion relies on it as well. It is the power of the mind that is at work, not some material talisman (Christianity opposes using crystals, talismans, or similar symbols). But it is easier carrying around a "thing" to keep our mind focused.

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Nothing is free in the current Secular Ruling Families wonderful societies/civilization!

And this is not debatable...

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Dec 29, 2022·edited Dec 29, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Many people who still choose to mask are the *good sheep*. They are victims of 5th generation warfare. Many of these people are "meek," meaning they've had their nose to the grindstone working to support their family and loved ones, stayed out of partisan bickering, typically avoid debates of money/religion/politics. They are the hobbits of the modern world: "keep your nose out of trouble and trouble won't find ye..." They are not on the front lines for reasons that have nothing to do with ideology or truth, but simply because they do not like being soldiers. And that's ok.

Those of us who *are* soldiers are fighting for *them*, not because we aim to change their view or their opinion, but because we want to *nourish* their view that the world is essentially a good place where regulatory agencies fight for our safety, where scientists are truth-seekers and doctors care about their patients more than their salary, where people will sacrifice themselves for others by wearing a mask, getting an experimental "vaccine," or staying at home. It's a fictional world, like the Land of Oz, but we've lost a part of ourselves if we abandon the hope of achieving it.

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If you're hoping to achieve something, even as idiotic as the one described, that just means you'll never achieve it.

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Define "something", "one", and "it" unless you're a bot.

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C'mon Andy... Your reaction just means that you don't know what "hope" is, that you don't know what you described and that "it" refers to the "something"!

As for the stupid 'bot' stuff... I'm not one of those moronic AIChat servers.

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I was the good sheep in the first through eighth grade, (probably because of the nuns). But at 59, I’m quite the opposite. I will ALWAYS question authority. DO NOT COMPLY.

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Very good points. I agree we've lost a part of ourselves if we abandon the hope of paradise. The problem is that the mask wearers, who believe they too are "fighting" for that paradise trusting government to hand it to them if they are compliant with their rules, are being bamboozled, as you know, and they really are not doing anything for the paradise reward. In fact, the are working against it. This fact rather mucks up any idea that we should just let them alone and fight "for" them. Ultimately, in the end, they will be thankful for our fight. But we obviously did not work toward the same goals.

Still, I like what you say here...it is an interesting perspective.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Older people with masks make me sad. Young people with masks make me furious.

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I’m the same way.

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Good point...I feel the same way...the elderly have enough real fears to deal with to apply yet another one that is entirely fabricated. It would have been nice if our culture actually did something positive for them in protecting their health through all this...flu can be dangerous for the elderly...the fanatical fear that has been pumped into them of course only makes the flu more likely to cause harm.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have mixed feelings about the mask wearers. On one hand it amazes me how they are still asleep and still so willing to comply with the completely debunked "science" of mask-wearing. On the other hand, I like easily identifying exactly which side of this craziness they are on. It doesn't make me angry (or want to kick them, lol) as I feel that they have the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. I can't do to them what they did to us when we were discriminated against, called names for choosing not to wear masks, and treated like disease carriers for being unvaxxed. I want to be allowed to make my own choices so I feel they should be able to make theirs -- Just leave me alone!!

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Well, you are just a nice human being.

I actually do not believe they have the right to make those sorts of choices, just like there are things anyone cannot do freely if they live in a community culture...we have certain social rules, like, for example, we can't walk around in public naked if we felt like expressing ourselves that way. Wee cannot have sex in public. We can't have children as sex slaves, or rally people to commit hate crimes.

I think wearing masks is culturally damaging...it disrupts social functions and since it is basically set up by an agenda bent on destroying humanity through lies and subterfuge, then people are not basing their choice to wear one on truthful information. I think they are dangerous to children, stunts their social and intellectual development, and just like we don't allow children to smoke, we should not allow them to wear masks....

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Dec 31, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Great points. However, I still feel that wearing a mask is a little different than your examples. Although it is damaging, it is their choice... just like smoking. I do agree completely that forcing children to wear them in schools, etc; is unacceptable. I can't imagine taking the right of a parent away to decide what is best for their child. That is a slippery slope and as a parent I wouldn't want anybody telling me what to do with my child if I felt I was doing the right thing to protect him/her. (Even though we know the masking isn't.). We have to get people to wake up without turning into the dictators that we have been fighting against all this time.

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It is a slippery slope and dicey no matter how you look at it. But in my view this isn't a "choice" like smoking is a choice (and there ARE rules about smoking in public now where that personal choice can affect the health of others.)

I am also not proposing a "law" against masks, or even a rule, I am saying that people are ignorant and arrogant about it and through public pressure (not even this really, more like personal pressure to do what is right) and information and knowledge people should, IMHO, realize that mask wearing affects the greater good as well as their own personal and spiritual health.

It is the law, the rule, that turns us into dictators. I don't care if people take the vaccine IF THE INFORMATION ABOUT IT THEY RECEIVE IS TRUE...and if it isn't, it isn't THEIR problem (other than it adversely affecting their own health). The problem lies in the assholes twisting people's arms, or making mandates, and brainwashing.

And we actually DO live in a society that dictates how people relate to their children. Child abuse is a big deal, and you can bet your knickers if someone is hitting, yelling too much, or otherwise abusing their child and the state gets wind of it they are going to take away that "right" as a parent. Now, I know you were not referring to that specifically when citing your example. Yes, the state has no business telling a parent how to raise their child as long as they are not hurting them...but the state decides the definition of "hurt" and I am with you 100% when that definition becomes state propaganda....yes, it is slippery indeed.

As I said, I want no rules or laws from authority regarding whether people wear masks or not....BUT....that doesn't change personal responsibility to humanity. Considering the reason people wear masks is a bucket of lies, their decision is entirely suspect...it isn't some subjective fashion statement to wear a mask.

Change in the culture cannot come from the top down...it is about individual character, and just "doing what is right" which is a personal assessment based on, what I believe is, an innate since of "goodness" and "love"...idealistic, yes, but I believe is very real.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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Is that a good BOOM or a bad BOOM??

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Definitely a good 💥…🙌!

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I must confess.

I have been trying to practice 'curiosity' instead of 'judgmentalism.'

I had gone through all of the reasons why masks are absurd at best and a mark of betrayal at worst and felt content that I could use my logical mind instead of my base reactive one when challenged.

One pleasant day in autumn I was relaxing and waiting for my bus to take me home when a fit looking young man came strolling along - wearing a mask and a smug look - the only mask wearer around. I was so inflamed by this offensive vision (tells us more about me than him) that I was temporarily blinded and inadvertently got on the wrong bus.

I was thus greatly inconvenienced.

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Funny story. Yes, all this can certainly cause stuff we don't want! Like your description...I think that is all part of the "divide and conquer" plan...

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This post, more than any other, made me sign up and support your Substack! Spot on!

I'm to the point of laughing and shaking my head at everyone I see still wearing a mask. I've seriously looked at moving and even visited other states where this nonsense is not nearly as present or acceptable. It's given me somewhat a sense of "peace" if even only momentary to visit. I'm in the medical field and enough is enough. Tolerance and patience was good for a while but it's time to change.

Good one!

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You nailed it there, my friend...and thank you so much for the subscription!!

I also, on good days, laugh...in fact, I have developed that macabre sense of humour that isn't really appealing, but helps get me through the day.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I wonder whether the pain is to great for them to believe that their “ lying authority “ has sold them a bill of goods and continues to do so. This same authority has ( they believe ) brought them safely and comfort . Awakening means de constructing their world ……much easier to comply and believe . I do believe that some of these people know the truth but are unable to face it head on .

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I agree....I am sure there are all types out there, those in denial, those that know the truth but refuse to face it, those that will never know the truth and don't care to.

It would take a really special person to admit they were wrong and face up to reality. I'm sure as time goes on we will more of that type.

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Hang in there. Anytime I see the word whoa spelled woah online, it is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I had to try to let it go because the new spelling seems to have gelled. Gobs of intelligent people spell it wrong too.

If the human race is giving itself a Darwin award, then we may deserve it as a species. Humans =Parasitic blight on planet Earth, otherwise, maybe a few will survive. Peace be with you. It does help to actively try to see good things, stop and smell the metaphoric roses.

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Yes, that is a lesson I need to practice myself...always attempting to see good anywhere you look.

Funny about "whoa"...haven't noticed that, now it will drive me nuts. My "annoying word" is "anyways"...with an "s". When I was younger this bastard version of "anyway" was rare to find and was written up in books about "Words that are Not Words." Now it is so commonly used I think it finally made it into the dictionary. I HATE it that just because a wrong word is used a lot legitimizes it. ARRGGGHHH@#@*$(!!

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

After experiencing the insanity that was Nazi Germany, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote that "Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice."

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That's a good one, and so true.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Oh how I have tried to be "tolerant" and assume a live and let live attitude towards the face diapered, but I cannot. I have had a visceral reaction to masked people from the very beginning and I can't get over it. Mask wearing is a form of compelled speech and I'm just not somebody who copes well with being told what to say or do. By early May of 2020, before mask mandates were even in place, I fled Toronto to what was our country home and never came back. We sold our place in the city that fall and I have managed not to kick any maskers by virtue of living in the country.

I wore a mask for maybe 20 minutes in total during the entire scamdemic -- because I can't deal with not breathing and they make me panic, and because I refuse to play along with the delusion that face coverings stop anything other than normal human interaction. It wasn't easy and I rarely entered into any shops for almost two years. There were a few that were either tolerant or that I knew were against the agenda.

While the mask wearing has increased a bit where I live, it's no more than 20%. From what I hear, the percentage in the cities is more like 80%. I hate being back in Toronto and find myself wanting to yell at people incessantly! I haven't kicked anyone, but my stink eye has been honed to perfection. I just keep telling myself that so long as enough sheep keep masking up voluntarily there won't be a need to bring back the dreaded mandates.

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“My stink eye has been honed to perfection.”


Mine has as well! We’d make a great team. If looks could kill (kick)-lol!

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Oh my...you sound SO much like me!! I have also found the masks so repellent. There is something really obscene about the way they look, and as the article states, I have developed such a repulsion to people wearing them. I know this isn't good, that I should be more patient, but it is so difficult seeing that manifest stupidity walking about.

I have wondered why people do not call them "face condoms"...maybe some do, I have just not heard it yet...

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You hit the nail on the head!

Three years of this BS - I remember laughing at the silliness of masked faces emerging form an international plane in Feb. of 2020, little did I know that the bulk of humanity would soon be following suit - have completely eroded the little tolerance I used to have for stupidity, gullibility and spinelessness. Anyone who complies with unlawful and anti-scientific measures and "mandates" at this point is an enemy of humanity. They have and are pouring the soap on the slippery slope to global, totalitarian techno-facism...

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Very well put Athena. That too is how I feel...it is so nice to read people's sentiments and realize I am not alone. It is interesting to me how you and others feel pretty much EXACTLY how I do!!

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YOU ARE NOT ALONE Dr. Hayden!!!! My bf is so sick of hearing me talk about this, I think I’ll be sleeping on the sofa again! Lol!

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Though it doesn't change much about the sorry situation we find ourselves in, it's a relief to find other sore thumbs sticking out of this sea of ignorance, cowardice and blatant criminality. In order to not feel so isolated (except for my husband, almost everybody I know and deal with drank the cool-aid) I created a telegram group at the beginning of the scamdemic for similar-minded people from various countries to exchange actual news. That's what has kept me sane.

More sleepwalkers are finally waking up, but for them it's too late. They have taken the poison.

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I think there are sub groups of mask wearers, my list in no specific order. 1. Those who really are scared of getting sick and think it will protect them. 2. Those who for many reasons want to hide their face (teens with acne etc.) 3. Virtue signallers (likely have a ukraine flag and pronouns in their bios) 4. The completely oblivious sheep who do it because others are and no one has told them not to. 5. The rule followers. I try to be kind to those who are scared and those who are hiding. I try to ignore the others and avoid them where ever possible. I have a bit of a hearing issue and honestly it's much easier to communicate with the unmasked.

I have multiple bad experiences with masked men in Toronto. Once while walking my dog and walking on the left side of the side walk (dog training, forcing my dog to follow me) a masked man was trudging towards me carrying grocery bags and wearing a mask outside (stupid). He screams at me, "YOU'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FUCKING SIDEWALK". No mental illness there.

Another time I was again walking my dog, and a man approaching me, not wearing a mask, pulls one out when he's about 25 feet away, puts it on, passes me and then takes it off. FFS. And then there have been multiple times I've had the stink eye for not wearing one on the subway prior to the lifting of the mask mandates.

I get angry with mask wearers, but not so much anymore, I'm just really sick of it now. And as I've said multiple times, at least you can spot the crazies.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Total Agreement!

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I like your mask wearing categories...very good. Your "masked men" experiences are frightening. I have become so brazen, and vulgar, if someone said "You're on the wrong side of the fucking sidewalk" to me I would yell back, "yeah, go fuck yourself"...totally inept, but I really want the opportunity to hurl insults.

Good for you not being so angry any more...I am really just starting my anger phase...I look forward to being more like you, it is healthier.

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