Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It is a very unfortunate that this feature is only available on the app really. Typing on a phone is no fun and does not really encourage complex coherent thoughts. On the other hand it would be good to discuss in the group, if it only where available in the normal web interface ...

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Yes, I agree...I just added the feature just to see what it is like...I do NOT want to diminish the online commentary at the level of the articles themselves, I am worried the chat may do that...so we'll see. As I said above, it is just an "added feature"...you won't be missing much probably if you don't participate. I also may move the chat feature to something outside of Substack, like Signal. We'll see.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Perhaps I'm the last human who hasn't yet wanted to own a smartphone excepting those rare occasions when lost or horribly late. Now getting a few such notices I feel late, not yet lost, but still not really wanting a smartphone. It's the first time I've thought I might be missing something.

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Don't get a smartphone...you will become dependent on it...it is the first step to zombie-ism. Stay here with your wonderful comments...

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I don't think I quite understand you...please doesn't unsubscribe, you will still get the free articles (if you pay the small fee you will get them all!!) You can still comment (on a laptop, a phone, a desktop, an ipad, anything). The CHAT room is only for continuous chatting...it is an additional feature, you can completely ignore it if you like...

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