Awesome interview! I loved the denial conversation. It actually felt like Jeremy was in a bit of denial, as he tried to hedge on "extreme" views for each end of the climate/ vaccine debate.

Nonsense. We are at war and yes, this is democide. Here's what Michael Yeadon said last year (keep in mind he was the *chief scientist* and VP of Pfizer's allergy and infectious disease division):

"If you wanted, say, to depopulate a significant portion of the world and do it in a way that wouldn't require destruction of the environment with nuclear weapons or poisoning everyone with anthrax or something like that, and you wanted plausible deniability whilst you have a multi-year infectious disease crisis, I shouldn't think you could come up with a better plan of work than seems to be in front of me."

44:30 https://delingpole.podbean.com/e/dr-mike-yeadon-1617215402/

Yeadon also said, "I will fight for the truth as though holding the trigger of a machine gun until it jams, or I run out of bullets, or I die."

RFK, Jr. said he'll die in the trenches with his boots on fighting alongside us. (!!)

Naomi Wolf recently said, "sorry folks, but this is definitely genocide."

These are not hyperbolic individuals. They are staid scientists and lawyers. More importantly, they are well aware of the legal implications in using this rhetoric and wouldn't risk their career for a few more clicks on their website. I, for one, believe them.

[for further discussion, I also happen to believe RFKJ and David Ray Griffin about catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. It is very uncomfortable for us Covid and 9/11 truthers to acknowledge that the "leaders" of both movements (inasmuch as they are the most prolific and most quoted) devoted decades of research to proving that Big Oil has left us with a planet in hospice. And, yes, this could render us extinct in 12 years.]

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Wow…great comment and insights and information!! The guys you quote are two of my heroes…RFK I definitely put on a pedestal..and I never do that with people, so I don’t know what’s come over me with him.

Are you familiar with this concept of “false binaries”? I had heard of it before the interview but didn’t know much about it. That is what Jeremy was referring to with his climate change example. I THINK a false binary is created by the propagandist, citing an extreme as in opposition to the position the agenda presents…i.e., pro vaccine vs anti vaccine, pro science vs science denier….how many times have you heard shrews being lumped in one bucket of anti vaccine meaning against ALL vaccines, including ones that have been shown to actually do some good…then it is easier to call that shrew an idiot (actually, for me, that false binary is not entirely false…I will think twice before any needles goes in my arm these days).

Yes, I too have said many times, “this is the hill I die on”…and so far it is doing a good job of killing me…I am pretty battle weary, and we haven’t even started!!

I know intellectually that this IS genocide…and I know we have seen the beginnings of it, but, speak of denial, I don’t think my heart believes it…if it did I don’t know if I could make it through the day…

Thanks again!

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For some reason it won't let me upvote your post. When I click on the heart, nothing happens...it's broken hearted lol?

About "making it through the day": The years before waking up were some of my worst. I'm sure you could diagnose me and all the issues, but maybe one of them was the subconscious realization of how fubar the world really is. You brought up the fiber glass analogy about nascent shrews.

BUT....after waking up I felt incredibly liberated. Whereas before I was an introvert and dejected, the new awakened me was out meeting new friends, protesting downtown, writing on sites like yours, getting new jobs...it was like finally there was no more lying, no more pretending and less confusion. Instead of a Monty Python British serf, I was a (non-violent) soldier with a cause. Having said that, my wife and I (with five college degrees between us) are about one or two months from crushing poverty and homelessness for refusing the vax and masks. Hah! Whatever, we'll make it work.

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Wow! Cool!

I think the "like heart" sometimes has a delayed reaction. Refresh the page and it should show up, unless you have clicked it an even number of times, then the last click turned your vote off...

I hear you about the "waking up" and feeling "liberated"...also, living a life of lies will eat at you even if you are not awake...there is an energy to lies that we sense...2 and 2 don't equal 4, and even though we have been brainwashed to believe it equals 5, somewhere deep in side we know it doesn't.

I am, as I know others are, in a deep dissonance having many close loved ones being sheep. It is difficult for me to feel liberated and free at the moment...although I understand why you would...hopefully one day I will.

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