Check out my latest interview with Jeremy Nell on TNT Radio!
Was an epic interview..
Interesting comment…tell me why it was dangerous territory…
O, sorry - I confused you for a second with Steve Falconer from Spacebusters...
Sorry, my bad. Jerm will be dropping that conversation soon.
Now I’m reallly intrigued!! Send a link for this conversation, I want to know what was “dangerous territory”….my convo with Jerm was about education, and IQ, which was a bit blasé…
The podcast isn't available to the public yet, but will be soon.
I'd suggest watching "CoronaGate" as it ties into the convo Jerm had -
Thanks…yeah, that is a bit more touchy than a convo about IQ. You think Jeremy will “take this down”??
Your convo with Jeremy was very tame, so no danger there...
However this one, that still needs to drop, well that is a whole different ballgame.
When people go where this upcoming convo goes, people disappear off the internet.
Have you watched the full five hours?
I would actually like to watch this...the only "weirdo" presentation on public schooling I have been exposed to is David Icke's lizard stuff...
Was an epic interview..
Interesting comment…tell me why it was dangerous territory…
O, sorry - I confused you for a second with Steve Falconer from Spacebusters...
Sorry, my bad. Jerm will be dropping that conversation soon.
Now I’m reallly intrigued!! Send a link for this conversation, I want to know what was “dangerous territory”….my convo with Jerm was about education, and IQ, which was a bit blasé…
The podcast isn't available to the public yet, but will be soon.
I'd suggest watching "CoronaGate" as it ties into the convo Jerm had -
Thanks…yeah, that is a bit more touchy than a convo about IQ. You think Jeremy will “take this down”??
Your convo with Jeremy was very tame, so no danger there...
However this one, that still needs to drop, well that is a whole different ballgame.
When people go where this upcoming convo goes, people disappear off the internet.
Have you watched the full five hours?
I would actually like to watch this...the only "weirdo" presentation on public schooling I have been exposed to is David Icke's lizard stuff...