Thank've made my day. I wish Jerm would put me on his own show...I was on once, but not first we used to discuss specific articles I have written. Now it is just a babble session. Which is fine with me...I really enjoy it...
lol Hey! It's "intelligent babble", so it could be worse.
I like listening to smart people hash out ideas and you and Jeremy both have that rare quality of being able to listen and think at the same time...and admit you may not know everything. That's so refreshing and it invites the listener to engage in the brain play with you guys! It's not just "a show" to hear opinions. It's a show to think.
To you both!!!
Oh...and I too, prefer the long form, video content with no ad breaks.
What you say here is very astute and insightful. And believe it or not, I make a conscious effort to avoid sounding like someone who thinks he knows everything...or even like someone who thinks he knows a lot of things. I don't know all that much actually. And even what I THINK I know, I could be wrong about. I guess I do know a bit, since I have studied a lot and do have advanced degrees (which does mean I have a lot of information crammed in my brain). But I certainly don't as much as many people know...and again, what I think I know, could always be wrong.
So that is very nice to get that affirmation from you...and you saying that it is refreshing is really meaningful to me because when I admit I don't know something or am corrected, or otherwise fuck up (like when I said South Africa was still part of the Commonwealth of Britain) I do still feel foolish and am afraid people will think I am a dolt and stop thanks!
Ah contraire! Just the opposite happens to me. I think know it all's are trite and obtuse. It's why I do my best not to be one. haha... It's very hard work, too. Especially when you DO have a brain jammed full of information. ;-)
But, thankfully learning is a lifelong pursuit. The dolts are the one's who stop before the finish line!!!
No "catching"...I know very little about anarchy as it is presented these days. Only Larkin's book. Philosophies typically do not become implemented in society, so for anarchy to be only a philosophy doesn't do us much good. Once again, nearly with all of the sweeping changes we wish for, I don't think it is going to happen unless the slate is wiped clean...or...we give it a thousand years or so. Just my opinion.
I think it's possible to practice it one's self, regardless of what the flock is up to. It may not "catch on" or be implemented, but I don't worry about what "laws" and rules everyone else wants to follow. I am comfortable making my own! teeheee for some semi-intelligent comments on the convo.
Democracy for 300mil.
It's why we have states and each of those states have their own constitutions. At least, it used to be why. The federales were NEVER EVER supposed to have this "mass control" apparatus over us all. Politics should be local, and used to be local. What DC was doing didn't have much of a bearing on our lives, back in the day. But now, due to gubment doing what gubment does (meaning grow beyond all bounds and bloat like a dead whale) they're determined to shoehorn us into their vision and beat us when we balk.
I feel like a mule, and will take some of that anarchy, yes sir. Please, and thank you!
I never, ever thought I'd label myself an anarchist. But then, I never thought my gubment would get so darn stinky.
Well, I been busy. Roasting peanuts, in fact and making peanut butter from raw peanuts has been a fun, new skill to learn. LOL! It's not hard, but to get it to taste good, there are thing's you gotta do.
Now I like you even more...
After the last few days, it's so nice to hear people agree on something!
Aw, thank you Doc. You're pretty incredible too!
Thank've made my day. I wish Jerm would put me on his own show...I was on once, but not first we used to discuss specific articles I have written. Now it is just a babble session. Which is fine with me...I really enjoy it...
lol Hey! It's "intelligent babble", so it could be worse.
I like listening to smart people hash out ideas and you and Jeremy both have that rare quality of being able to listen and think at the same time...and admit you may not know everything. That's so refreshing and it invites the listener to engage in the brain play with you guys! It's not just "a show" to hear opinions. It's a show to think.
To you both!!!
Oh...and I too, prefer the long form, video content with no ad breaks.
What you say here is very astute and insightful. And believe it or not, I make a conscious effort to avoid sounding like someone who thinks he knows everything...or even like someone who thinks he knows a lot of things. I don't know all that much actually. And even what I THINK I know, I could be wrong about. I guess I do know a bit, since I have studied a lot and do have advanced degrees (which does mean I have a lot of information crammed in my brain). But I certainly don't as much as many people know...and again, what I think I know, could always be wrong.
So that is very nice to get that affirmation from you...and you saying that it is refreshing is really meaningful to me because when I admit I don't know something or am corrected, or otherwise fuck up (like when I said South Africa was still part of the Commonwealth of Britain) I do still feel foolish and am afraid people will think I am a dolt and stop thanks!
Ah contraire! Just the opposite happens to me. I think know it all's are trite and obtuse. It's why I do my best not to be one. haha... It's very hard work, too. Especially when you DO have a brain jammed full of information. ;-)
But, thankfully learning is a lifelong pursuit. The dolts are the one's who stop before the finish line!!!
Jerm's correct. It's a philosophy.
Glad he caught you on that, Doc. ;-)
No "catching"...I know very little about anarchy as it is presented these days. Only Larkin's book. Philosophies typically do not become implemented in society, so for anarchy to be only a philosophy doesn't do us much good. Once again, nearly with all of the sweeping changes we wish for, I don't think it is going to happen unless the slate is wiped clean...or...we give it a thousand years or so. Just my opinion.
I think it's possible to practice it one's self, regardless of what the flock is up to. It may not "catch on" or be implemented, but I don't worry about what "laws" and rules everyone else wants to follow. I am comfortable making my own! teeheee for some semi-intelligent comments on the convo.
Democracy for 300mil.
It's why we have states and each of those states have their own constitutions. At least, it used to be why. The federales were NEVER EVER supposed to have this "mass control" apparatus over us all. Politics should be local, and used to be local. What DC was doing didn't have much of a bearing on our lives, back in the day. But now, due to gubment doing what gubment does (meaning grow beyond all bounds and bloat like a dead whale) they're determined to shoehorn us into their vision and beat us when we balk.
I feel like a mule, and will take some of that anarchy, yes sir. Please, and thank you!
I never, ever thought I'd label myself an anarchist. But then, I never thought my gubment would get so darn stinky.
Good points. I feel the same about anarchy.
The Lagoon is BAAAACK.
Are you wearing a grass skirt?
How did I miss this?
Well, I been busy. Roasting peanuts, in fact and making peanut butter from raw peanuts has been a fun, new skill to learn. LOL! It's not hard, but to get it to taste good, there are thing's you gotta do.
Big fan of Jeremy. Great interview as always.