A few time ago I've made this one...


The number of umans that do want to live forever is very limited... It includes the Secular Ruling Families members and the Billionaires and Millionaires. All the rest don't even dream about that!

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The number of humans who want to rule the world are limited too. The rest that may appear as if they want to rule the world are just minions. They think they will get something out of backing the real kooks. But they won't.

I am reminded of the ending of the movie "Don't Look Up" where the elite all end up on some distant planet...if you saw the movie, you know the rest..

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

T.H. I have long been thinking of reading Spinoza, but I don't know where to begin. Can you make a recommendation? And more thanks for more truly well-fleshed perspectives. We have been entrained to reject and kill ourselves -- to fight against the environments that nourish us, the bodies that support us, and the spirit wisdom that guides us!

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Oh my, I wish I could recommend a good start...you will have to google that one, and I am sure you will get something worthwhile...sorry.

I would recommend, however, a very interesting book about Spinoza...a Irvin Yalom "historical fiction" novel titled "The Spinoza Problem"...it is was an interesting book.


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Thank you <3

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Last year I came across this old speech by Russell Means he delivered in 1980 that I had never heard or read before:

"“I Am Not a Leader”: Russell Means

1980 Mother Jones Cover Story


It made me rethink how I've thought of Russell Means, what he stood for. Compared to what I was told to believe he stood for. By both those who supported him and those who opposed him. He has some profound insights he shares that were prophetic. He goes into great detail how disconnected the European mind is from nature, the natural peoples. How our science is built upon an absurd understanding of the natural world, how we overvalue our intelligence and reasoning, use fancy words to trick ourselves into thinking we're smarter than we are, and that we are in control of the natural world, which we are not.

It's a very long speech. But well worth reading in its entirety. I pulled some lengthy excerpts for my treatment of it in my Stack last year. By no means are the excerpts the only important and valuable sections of it, just picked and chose ones that spoke loudest to me and put it in context to other related subjects of our times:


I think any fair reader of Russell Means, even those, like me, who thought poorly of him before, will find his insights valuable and enlightening. And showcase how much we have in common with one another when we hear each other's true voices, unfiltered by authorities and sources with agendas to divide us.

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I will definitely read this...if I had three Genie in the Bottle Wishes, one would be to be a fast reader (well, if I actually had a magic wish, I would wish that if I touched a book to my forehead it would all transfer to my brain...I would still READ fiction though!!)

I am a very slow reader...my wife can read 50 books in a year to my 30 or so. I am ashamed to admit that (of course, in my defense, I read complicated books! Currently engaged in "The Gulag Archipelago" which I already read most of when I was 22)...

Definitely will read your stack article...

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Right! Like uploading a Kung Fu program to Neo in the Matrix!

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Makes me think of that John Travolta film "Phenomenon"....where he obtains supernatural powers and becomes a genius...one reason being he can flip through a book and retain everything in it...


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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And that makes me think of another John Travolta film, "Boy in the Plastic Bubble," where the concept of hiding from the microbiology of the world was possible by living inside a bubble, isolated from human contact was introduced. Like we were told was possible by health "experts" since 2020, and many people still live believing, hiding behind their facemasks and face shields and hiding from society.


Thing is, the concept was, is a lie. They know it's a lie. The real life the movie was based on was a tragedy of a lie, deprived the child of any kind life worth living, died anyways. There's no such thing as a "germ-free isolator."


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I've often thought this...before I knew that 99% of everything we are told is probably a lie...I thought "I don't think that's possible"...just like, as intriguing as the thought is, I don't think people would survive on another planet (like Mars) as a colony...meaning being born there, living a full life there...I think that thought is a "transhumanist" thought as well...I don't think humans can pull themselves away from nature (Earth nature) all that easily, it is joke to think they can, but again, such a thought is a materialist, soulless, assumption. We need Earth's nature to survive...even the microbes a plastic bubble blocks out.

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Man's best friend protects us from threats we see, and threats we don't see. Not just for babies and children as this presents, for all of us, young and old alike:

New study suggests dogs protect babies against infection


The actual study:


[Note: Footnote #26 contemplates RSV infections, dogs providing protection to children. Now that Germany has decided a new vaccine is necessary to protect children from RSV this gains increased relevance.]

A comedy break that informs us of common sense we used to all have before 2020. When we still were connected to the natural world:

George Carlin, Germs, Immune System


Amd about that whole transhumanism thing, depopulation, etc, Carlin was ahead of his time:

George Carlin, It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It


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If one were to go far enough down the rabbit hole you could see the film being an example of psychological priming. Putting the very concept into the public mind in a film like that allows for the concept to be received, accepted later on, and becomes useful to the powers that be.

I'd put TV series like MASH and ER in that category when it comes to masking. Masking has never been conclusively been proven to protect patients from infection, not even masks worn in operating rooms. Even saliva dripping into an open wound doesn't cause infection, unless the doctor or nurse was actually sick and infectious; neither sweat nor saliva has ever been shown to cause infection in surgery. Is it gross? Sure. Is it infectious? Nope. But with so many scenes of doctors masking, washing hands, hypersanitizing procedures beamed into living rooms for so long the idea of placebo masks being medically effective, necessary was singed into the public consciousness.

All masks except N95's and respirator masks are called placebo masks. For visual purposes only. The illusion of hygiene. To settle down the nerves of people who are afraid of catching something in a medical facility. Psychological pacifiers. Never deemed medically efficacious. But, because people were primed by shows like MASH and ER they believe they are. Psychological priming, Boy in the Plastic Bubble, MASH, ER. Has created a nation of germophobes, easily frightened by alarms about invisible nature and implanting the belief that man can control invisible nature.

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Great read,Todd. One of your better ones and there are quite a few. They tell us to ignore the real killers as you say and that is precisely why we should continue not to! Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Thank you so much!! And thanks so much for the link!!

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I've been noticing that even among many of the not-sheep, they're gobbling up the mythology of the tech in the medical system.

They believed there was an engineered virus, despite the fact that total deaths in 2020 were similar to previous years, despite the pandemic. Denis Rancourt clearly showed this and total deaths only went up after the jabs came out. So what engineered virus?!?

They gobble up the scary bogeyman stories of how HIV inserts were used in some vaccines, causing AIDS type side effects, despite the fact that AIDS was caused by toxic drugs. Same with the jabs... https://rumble.com/v2wng7s-murder-by-medicine-with-celia-farber.html

I find this an equal disconnection from nature as those that trusted "the science" and went along with the jabs. Why? Because both sides ignore the facts of reality in favor of mythology.

I also see this transhumanist push as another myth. Neuroscience has repeatedly showed that each one of our brains store things differently, based on our past experience. Like nature, our brains develop differently based on differing conditions. They'll never be able to read our memories and thoughts, but somehow we believe the snake oil salesmen with their vaporware, much like this mRNA fiasco.

Connecting to nature is liberating, because I know that despite whatever powers the "gods" of science claim, they're constantly hitting brick walls in their implementation of things.

Like the wizard of oz, their only power is the microphone to convince us that we're going to be eventually under the control of biotech, because none of it worked and still doesn't work.

And that's why, like the AIDS crisis, they resorted to poisoning people and blaming the sicknesses on the made up virus. The myth of viruses pretends to come from nature, but it's the invention of a medical system that purposely ignores toxins in order to keep us afraid of nature. Scientism, like any state religion, benefits from keeping people afraid of nature by promoting "dangerous entities" such as viruses.


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You present very important distinctions here and I thank you for bringing them up. You use the word "mythology" to describe the selling of a bill of goods. The "mythology of science" or of "transhumanism." Why do we, who understand God's creation of nature, ever for a moment believe that man can create man, or create life, or create an AI robot that even comes close to replicating humans. Those who believe this are hard core materialist/reductionists, who believe the material machine is what makes life. Those of us who do not believe this, understand it is soul that makes life.

I have written about this before but rather obtusely. My own experience with AI, particularly with music synthesis, is that it always falls short, VERY short, from the real thing all the while the inventors are touting their invention as "better than" the real thing.

We are being seduced into believing the technology, AI, robots, etc will make a better world for us. But even from a technological/material perspective it ends up disappointing, and from a spiritual perspective it is insulting how vacant it all is.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Haha yeah. If they wanted AI to be as intelligent as a human being, it would need to have the same conditions growing up as a human. Because it can never possess a body like ours, it's thinking and learning will never be like a human.

In your example of music, it cannot hear music like we do, so it relies on mimicking human music to understand what we like. There's tons of error in that, much like deep fake photos show that it cannot understand how hands should look and will show too many fingers or too little 😂

Whitney Webb has said that they're so far back on AI that they're scanning children's brains to find a way to bootstrap consciousness.

This will also be fruitless because a human develops based on their perceptions which includes inputs from their body that they'll never be able to emulate. They're trying to copy nature as a shortcut without understanding the most basic reason why we are human.

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Yes, I agree, they ARE WAY behind even with the "material" aspects of "being human." They have not touched on the spiritual/soul side primarily because the people that pursue this nonsense do not even believe soul exists!! So they will not even try to create an AI version of it.

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