Feb 4, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I meant to comment when this came out. I always appreciate your postings, Todd.

What do I think? I think yes, maybe, and I don’t know. 😂

At the end of the day, genocide is nothing new. It’s the age-old way to control people you don’t like (go read Exodus 1 - genocide and infanticide, Matthew - infanticide). Truly, evil has always been at war against God’s creation, the pinnacle of God’s creation (humanity in general), and God’s people (Jews/Christians specifically). So it’s NOT ridiculous at all to me to assume there are people who have opened themselves up to evil entities. (What IS ridiculous to me is that people nowadays, especially my generation, seem unable to comprehend that governments have every capability of being evil towards its people and we should ALWAYS be somewhat suspect of them - not paranoid, mind you, but reasonably wary).

Do I think they were successful? That’s where I have to be solidly in the “I don’t know” camp. On the one hand, I’m with you. No way are billions going to be dead within 3-5 years. I do think there will be major long term death. Absolutely. On the other hand, scripture says “no evil formed against you will prosper” and even “if you drink poison it will not kill you” - how seriously do we take the words of Scripture? Are the days ahead days for miracles, for a reawakening of real faith? Faith that moves moves mountains and raises the dead? This I do wonder. (And I’m no Pentecostal Christian...)

Ultimately I KNOW the Lord is in control and sees what is happening. Evil is doing what evil has always done - trying to play God and obliterate His creation; and I assume it will also fizzle out, destroying itself in the process as it always does (not without carnage, of course).

In the meantime I’m trying to figure out how to reconcile those truths with the frustrating reality to being married to a sheep and devastated by it. So I’m a thorough hypocrite. ;)

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I agree that all of this is in God's hands, it will eventually sort out, but it could be a while. Truth and love WILL prevail...

I also am partnered with a sheep, and I know first hand how difficult that is.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If this wasn't intentional, why haven't they stopped it?

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That's a very important point to always keep in mind....

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This was 40 years ago, they aren't joking.

Jacques Attali, {Bilderderg)

“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.

Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.

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Wow, wow, wow...this is amazing. I tried to find the book on Amazon, but couldn't. Do you have a link?

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

sorry for the french subtitles. i'm sure this sentiment has been around for ages. long before Malthus.



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I'll check it out...

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Well Dr. Hayen, as an almost 28 year professional firefighter/EMT I've seen a lot of events happen out in the streets and homes that just makes you want to scratch your head and state, wtf. Quite a bit of it was violence against one "human" on another. It lies in us all but most civilized people keep those impulses in check.

With that said : what is happening now is the most evil, sinister, PLAN of death and carnage that has ever befallen the world. These evil spawn that have the resources and funding mixed with a psyco/sociopathic will, have now the means to destroy humanity. Their only restraint is that they don't fall prey to their own plan. YES, this is a depopulation event in my opinion. When the FFREAKs at the top TELL you they want less people on the planet I think I would listen to them.

Whatever virus that is circulating the word was released with the intent to harm or eliminate the most vulnerable, SCARE the living crap out of many so they would line up and take a shot that would eliminate them slowly and or sterilize them. Unknown to them, they would walk to their own death. How can we explain all the table top simulations i,e Event 201 etc and all the papers written like SPARS Event 2025, written in 2017, that laid it all out, then PRESTO here we are living those exact scenarios.

Have you ever seen most of the world governments ALL on the same page about anything? Congress exempting themselves from the poison jab. In Spain the wealthy. including the head of their largest pharma co. paying approx 250,000 dollars to be entered into the "vaxx" data base. so they could pretend they got the death jab. They know what's going on. Then you had two African country leaders and Haiti that refused to import the poison and look what happened very quickly.... The African leaders were killed and the Haitian leader deposed and the poison flowed. The hospital protocols that helped no one and killed many including a life long friend of mine at 56. As i stated, I have never seen such intentional evil unleashed on the people of the world as I'm witnessing right now. I could go on but you get the picture too. In the end it all spells...Genocide/ Democide. DO NOT COMPLY! Become ungovernable! Be careful out there.

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This is strange...I thought I replied to your comment days ago...and now it isn't here...Thank you for presenting all of this so succinctly ...it make it so clear seeing it all right here, and I know there is so much more...on and on...a nightmare.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

love the contradictions flying about from this donkey. https://www.westernjournal.com/doctor-warns-stroke-season-physicians-noticing/ i'm sure everyone has seen it. but if not. enjoy.

anyhoo. the wife has finished beating me over the head with the dog bowl after seeing the neighbor shoveling this morning. he was complaining about having 'covid' for the 3'rd time and i casually suggested that there's a shot for that. he's a liberal so i'm not worried about him having any weapons, but if looks could kill....... it just slipped out. i try to be kind to the jabbed. like overly kind. don't know what came over me. i think i'm getting mean. but seeing his 4 year old and 1 year old (yes. they try to mask a 1 year old) in masks is enough to enrage the most stoic of shrews.


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You are my hero.

That article is frightening, and hilarious at the same time.

Totally with you on the what it takes to enrage a shrew...

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The human body is an amazing self adapting healing organism. It’s impressive that we get away with all the abuse we put it through.

The vax is just one more unnecessary abuse. What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger.

Also I believe, there were different dosages in the vials and some maybe even saline. This is an ongoing experiment on mankind and they are learning on our dime.

Hence, the wide range of symptoms and adverse events.

It would also be a good way to commit the perfect crime, which cannot be attributed to the vax, ie global genocide.

If everyone started dying in a short period of time the vax would be pulled. Similar ironically, to the virus not wanting to kill the host, for its own prolonged survival.

In the end, we will never know for sure, as there are too many variables. PERFECT CRIME.

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Like your analysis about the different dosages. In the 3 years that I have been linking articles about this on my site @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ , I don't believe that I have ever seen anyone suggest that theory before, but it makes great sense. Then again, I could have missed that view as there is a lot out there.

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Very well put, Dr. Thank you...I wanted your insight, thanks for sharing this...

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Both the virus and the vaccine are bioweapons. When you look back over the last years, you can see the repeated events starting with AIDS and HIV, to reduce the population. There were several "scares' - bird flu, and such that never panned out. They have even been open about it starting in 2010 with the Rockefeller Lockstep plan, then Event 201 in late 2019 that EXACTLY described the scenario about COVID while the first cases were reported. Then last Spring the Monkey pox scenario that happened exactly one year later. The fact that almost every nation on the planet implemented the same dramatic protocols all at the same time is rather obvious along with the complete censorship of any dissenting opinions about the official narrative and shut down of traditional medications that were proven effective. Watching the Canadian Government close the bank accounts of the truckers who protested proved that digital controls are part of the plan. Catherine Austin Fitts, the brilliant economist, has excellent descriptions of how people could be totally controlled with digital IDs and now I see that those exact protocols are included in the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations along with the Conceptual Zero Draft of the Pandemic Treaty by the WHO. Everyone should familiarize themselves with these amendments that give the WHO the power to LEGALLY enforce their mandates on member nations and not be just an organization that has recommendations. It all ends in totalitarian control. It mandates rigid pandemic controls world-wide for the next pandemic (that they have already had a scenario world meeting about) Obviously, I have too much to say and I am way too emotional right now because I have been researching this stuff along with reading article after article after article over vaccine injuries. Yes, it is a gradual genocide process. The vaccine affects are different on people depending on their health, but in my own family I have seen my daughter go into very early menopause, my sister-in-law immediately had a stroke, and all that have taken vaccine get much sicker even with common colds. Who knows what's going to happen to populations as years go by. The WEF make no secret that they would like to reduce the world population in their plans for The Great Reset. Just listen to Yuval Harari talk about all the "useless eaters" in the world and he is Schwab's great buddy. Sigh.............

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I am so happy that you shared this with us, because what you say here is so important to "keep in mind" when sorting all this out. What you say is the reason I cannot say "it is an accident" "just because they are stupid" "an opportunity taken" etc. etc. There is SO much evidence, as you present here, that points to these nefarious intentions. It really is clearly an intention.

The vaccines my not be the tool to kill 3 billion people all at once, but it clearly is part of the intention and agenda to reduce population, to control the masses with deeper and deeper compliance, and to genetically alter the genetics of the masses. It is ultimately about control, and totalitarian rule. And yes, as you say, a "gradual genocide process". We must keep in mind that ALL of these things must be considered to make sense of all of this. They don't just want to "kill everyone" but if a lot of people are killed in the overall process, then all the better.

Thank you for this...

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have been thinking about a response to this but first Dr. Todd, I have this gift for you.


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Thank you. What a wonderful gift (I know you are being cynical). I saw this earlier today and can not believe this isn't a joke. If it isn't, it is truly astonishing....

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It's satire. But it's funny.

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Is it confirmed satire? I do not know this website at all. It certainly seems, almost without a doubt, to BE satire...but these people are so weird it would not surprise me if it wasn't. I am also very gullible, and when I first read it I was seeing red! It seems most people commenting took it seriously as well!!! Thanks again.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I scanned through their other articles, and they are most definitely satire. There are some very clever folks who have figured out how to capitalize on setting large groups into a tizzy. Hats off to them! Capitalism is brilliant.

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They did a good job. I see things like this as indicators as to how touchy I am. If I can't spot satire right away then I know I am VERY touchy...it is like when someone teases me, if I over react I know I need to make some adjustment. This one took a long time, and from reading the comments it seems it threw a lot of other people, unless some of the comments were planted as well!!

Good one on them! It was clever and well executed...they had me!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

OMG, dear Vivian! I looked at your "gift" to Dr. Todd. I have to share with you how hard I tried to tell my husband and 2 adult children about my research about the vaccines and THEY REFUSED TO EVEN LISTEN TO ME!!!!! They said that THEY were doing the right thing and that I was being ignorant, stubborn and a conspiracy theorist. So, I if I were a sensitive person, I would take offense to your opinion about why we didn't tell them. Good Grief, do you have any idea how hard it's been to be the "weird" outsider because they are so sure that I am wrong and they are right!!!!!

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Sometimes sarcasm does not translate in writing.

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If you read their articles it is NOT satire. They believe this!

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Read the comments on that article...no one supported it, most said exactly what you have said here...unbelievable...

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Which is why I say they don't care whether people are injured or die from the vaccine. Because they win either way. They are not going to kill so many that they put themselves out of business. If they make people ill, which they do with so many of their other products, then they can make and sell more treatments for the injuries they cause. The occasional slap on the wrist for wrong practice is a drop in the ocean for them.

As I mentioned before, it is pretty certain there are actors among them that have their own agendas. There always are such people. History is clear on that. Yet it is the almost invisible corporate players who are the most insidious, and the most dangerous because of it. They are the ones who make sure the wheels keep turning efficiently, and who know when to seize on an opportunity when it arises.

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Yes, the idea that many agendas swirling around simultaneously is not one that is discussed often. They may even be in conflict with one another's ultimate goals.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

What do I think? I am coming to the conclusion that it is a big transformation happening in humanity.

Evil forces don't know that they are evil, they think that they are doing the holy job of saving the planet and its habitat and we are the curve that needs to be flattened.

Injections are just one of the experiments to flatten that curve. There are other experiments happening along the injections; artificial food, bug flour in bread, megacities, gender/nongender issues and so on. The list is long.

Human bodies are adaptable, I think most of those who are jabbed will get through and will live with the spike floating inside them. Probably it will affect the possibility of having children.

It is interesting to see that their job to keep control over the "useless eaters" comes with more problems for them to solve. They think that they are smart and that thinking clouds their view, they forget that whatever we do there always will be problems to solve and putting new "plasters" over old problems will create even a bigger problems.

Psychopaths running this show don't want to acknowledge that they have a lack of empathy and that lack keeps them away from the possibility to see the world the way most of us see it.

We are selfish but we still have empathy and compassion within us. And it helps us to be decent human beings.

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There is so much wisdom in this...and truth. Yes, there is a lot going on and the jabs are just one of those things. The genocide idea does not have to be complete. Just a culling, or the beginning of an overall cull that takes out 10, 20, 30 percent in 20, 30, years.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you, Todd.

Please keep writing and I will keep reading your insightful work.

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You so kind. Thank you. That is my intention, unless I get swallowed up by this juggernaut.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Incredible comments! I realize more and more each day that shrews are so SMART!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think about this often. I believe something was released into the environment, most likely accidentally. It was a relatively mild chemical weapon from the illegal US gain of function research. They needed to cover that up. A countermeasure from the same research mix was deployed by the US DOD with production and distribution from their PHARMA contractors who were also working on the MRNA technology for medical treatments. I believe they are in love with this new technology and everyone wants to use it. They took a shot on it because they wanted to get it to market badly and it failed miserably. It was a phenomenally bad decision. Criminal. I do not see any depopulation intent. I do see lots of secondary gains from the incident, which make it look intentional, but that represents a Type 1 error.

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Each scenario, including mine (which matches a lot of the comments here) has a set of compelling questions that comes with it. I agree it could have all been an accident, with many opportunities coming out as a result. It could have been a criminal "experiment" to see "how it goes."

But if so, why are they in love with mRNA technology? Is that a fundamental desire to help people? Do they believe their mRNA baby could heal people of cancer, and other ailments, to make the world a better place armed with medical weapons that fix people, make them live longer, and happier? Meaning all of us, including Bill Gates' insane desires, is to make the world a better place for its burgeoning populace? Could be, I guess. Maybe there are two "intentions" running side by side here that really are opposites....

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

As naïve as it may sound I believe the people behind the MRNA technology, people like Robert Malone, believe it is a breakthrough methodology (Malone believes they screwed up this batch and it was not ready. It is "leaky"). They believe they are revolutionizing medical care to a new genetic frontier. IT is essentially transhumanism, which is why I oppose it. I am opposed to all genetic engineering on religious grounds. The military believes they have a powerful weapon system in which they can defeat any enemy attack with a near-immediate genetically matched countermeasure. I believe they are optimistic. Moderna has already released an MRNA treatment for myocarditis. They will have one for everything and they want all vaccines to be MRNA in the future. They believe this is the new great thing and they see huge dollar signs. An important question would be to the military. What was the SARS modified asset designed to do to the enemy specifically? Was it designed to create infertility, illness, death? We need to know. What are the specific intended effects and known side effects of this countermeasure? We need to know. There is evidence of substantial fraud, cover-up, medical iatrogenesis, and negligent homicide without getting into depopulation schemes. We should start there.

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Yes, yes, yes. Transhumanism is indeed at the heart of it. I read your book, I agree with where you are coming from. Ultimately this is all insanity, and if not the work of the devil, I don't know what is.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Mass sterilisation. They've been perfecting the formula for decades with third world populations, as this gentleman warned about in 2005.


And the underlying reason is peak oil. Industrial society is going away, and when it does, the population will decline sharply. So, they're trying to help it along, apparently. Kind of a sinister way to do it, to be sure. But there you are.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If there was ever an underlying reason for the past three years then this is what it would be about. I am still leaning on the side of they just don't care either way as long as the money keeps rolling in. But the eugenics issue has never ever gone away. It is a dirty word now, so kept under wraps. But people, rich, educated and many in the masses still think it is a good idea.

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I think you are right that maybe we have to understand that there may not be some global, evil, intention...some GRAND scheme...evil generally works the other way...reckless, unorganized for the most part, accomplishing basic needs such as the acquisition of power and money...eating itself in the process.

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I tend to agree with you. Mass sterilization is the easiest thing to implement. I always wonder why no one has mentioned the Dan Brown book Inferno…the book not the movie, they changed the ending in the movie…

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You know, I've often wondered why they changed the ending. Too close for comfort perhaps? Or again, just because they wanted a 'happy ending'.

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That's a question I've asked myself as well. I feel the entire point of the book was what they changed in the movie. Too close for comfort, considering what is happening now, may be the best explanation. The "happy ending" is also plausible...maybe the idea of accepting mass sterilization was just too much to ponder. Who knows. Unfortunately the change ruined the movie for me...I thought the book was entertainingly clever.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I totally agree with all you just said.

It's interesting that we will happily discuss mass sterilization of other animals we consider to be 'pests' but are too scared to talk about it happening to humans. Just keep everyone happy and everything hunkidory then hit them with it before they know what's happened! At least in Dan Brown's book it was completely random and royalty and the elites wouldn't be immune. I'm pretty sure many of them have paid for non-vaccine shots this time around. Look at what they uncovered in Spain with even the head of a pharmaceutical company paying for a fake vaccine pass. If that doesn't wake people up nothing will! And how much was it reported in the msm??

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I had a recent discussion with some hard core sheep, and it was astounding what they had not heard...didn't know about myocarditis, or blood clots...asked "so what is so bad about the vaccine anyway?" Amazing. And these people are smart (one is a PhD scientist) and well read...but only listen to NPR and read only the Washington Post.

I was quite surprised.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

This just dropped into my inbox from el gato malo substack re the dropping birth rates in Sweden. The graphs are pretty damning. It will be interesting to see if there are any birth rate pick-ups in the next few years, or whether it will continue on a downward slant. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/swedish-birthrate-data-november-update?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think covid was the required misdirection from the repo crisis of 2019. They needed to buy time to put the fix on the world economy, which they had destroyed in 2008. The vax probably has a sterilization component and an immune system weakener. Our overlords think there are too many useless eaters, and with AI promising to replace a lot of jobs currently done by humans, they have to protect us by killing us for our own good. Better to be dead than starve, according to them.


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Yeah…I’ve often thought the many deaths we are now experiencing was not really part of the plan, but was still kind of expected…it is the long term decline in health…the immune system compromise that will in the long run reduce population…but no one would ever correlate it with the vax.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

One of the main reasons for these jabs is sterilization or fertility reduction. ( family works in neonatal unit and its bad!! Babies born ill or dead at high rates!! This is where the true carnage lies and it is hidden from public) This is why they want to jab babies and kids to ruin their gonads and (finite) egg supply in girls. Secondly I think it works quite well to kill off seniors especially the weaker ones ( i heard from a lot of seniors dying the last 2 years for various reasons like a LOT) so social security is being saved and this must be done if there are less young people to pay into Social security and hold up the older non working folks. So Japan and Europe obviously signed off on this for this reason. So now they feel content to say people over 60 and with pre existing conditions to get jabbed and with the jab on the childhood schedule. Also this agenda is built around ongoing jabbing with mrna products this is important and they are banking on the childhood jabs and the flu/covid mrna combo every fall. This is ongoing mild poisoning of elderly every fall who are conditioned to take the flu shot. It will make them more susceptible to die from respiratory illnesses. Gates wanted a 15% reduction in world population fir his co2 calculation which he will be reaching soon. So it has been successfully but depends on ongoing jabs by a certain demographic. Also the first 2 jabs created Bluetooth mac addresses in the jabbed so this can be used down the road (soon) for the digital money system linked to esg which they 100% are going to implement. I dont know how they going to break the Bluetooth info to the sheep. This will be interesting since even the shrews (here) don't want to believe this. BTW we hear from young people suddenly dying but the real dieoff is in neonates and old folks and old folk homes ( still) so look over here so you don't look over there.... and I doubt all jabbed people are dying in 2-3 years but I guess it is a possibility if they all have heart damage...but I truly doubt it unless they keep getting jabbed. So seems we averted the worst thankfully. Total civilization collision will not happen it looks like since too many people are sufficiently armed with information thanks to your efforts and others. You could not stop them but you steered them away from the center of their target. They are NOT HITTING THEIR TARGET PERFECTLY FOR SURE.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

They are definitely hitting their target. Have you seen the before and after stats of EVERY COUNTRY in the world?

It’s absolutely mind blowing.

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You mean stats of excess deaths? No, actually I have not seen that many stats (if you have links that would be great, but I believe you 100%)...a few, that yes, ARE mind blowing. But I personally know no one that has died. That doesn't mean anything per se, and I am truthful when I say it doesn't create doubt that what we are seeing is horrific. But I wonder why everyone I know who is fully jabbed, FULLY, like with FIVE jabs, show not a single sign of discomfort. I then just wonder if the goal was to exterminate every single person who got vaccinated, or if there is a different plan. (Remember I am basing many of these questions on the credible doctors and research scientists who said everyone jabbed will die, or be suffering, within the next few years.)

I am just asking...and getting great answers. Any of them, even if wildly different, could be true and make sense.

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I don’t know how to post links. There’s an excellent video showing the before and after of the jab rollout of EVERY country in the world. It’s crazy!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I've known those who succumbed to SADS and I've known those of all ages boosted to the hilt with no problems. Or at least no known or publicly revealed problems. What I see a ton of is new anemias. And low magnesium. Low sodium. Low potassium. High eosinophils. High heart rates and/or blood pressures with increased HR and BP variability. I mean, these are sometimes incidental findings and sometimes the individual has a problem and labs are done, although the problem and the abnormal lab are not necessarily tied together. Example...pregnant and labs show high eos and low Mg. WTH? Or memory loss and labs show low Na and anemia. Maybe, but...So just weirdness. Some days I feel like I must be encountering a new species and I need to get to know this new type of human because it does complicate what once was an easy diagnosis, treatment, follow up. Now it has become...ok, so you have allergy symptoms. Damn, that BP is freaking high. And you're anemic. And you have a new tremor. And hair loss. And you've got a UTI again. And you have a low Mg. What kind of creature ARE you? This no longer makes good sense. I'm trying to ensure that I don't get biased by my own thoughts about this weapon but some days I just wonder.

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Jamie...are you a practicing medical doctor?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Psychiatry so I do labs rarely and no I'm not treating UTI or allergy but there are overlaps and of course I do ask about general health, med changes with GP and things like that. And they often just bring me labs or tell me about the anemias and whatnot. Many times I'm asked if their meds could be causing their physical symptoms or lab findings. Always happy to address that and help them reduce meds or whatever. But there's been a lot more "ER or hospital took me off of my longstanding antipsychotic because it caused my anemia" going on. Or "my gyn took me off of my mood stabilizer because they just found out it causes strokes". I am always willing to learn that down the road more harms have been brought to light, don't get me wrong. And there are real risks to any med you might take. But it's getting questionable.

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So you are indeed an expert...and you are a MD...where do you practice...?

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All really good points, and even if people don’t believe all of them, they certainly are all plausible.

Thanks for the last comment. Yeah, I think steering then a tad off course is the best we can hope for…all I ultimately want is a strong shrew community so we can be underground resistance in the future. And stay a family.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My thoughts too. I've also wondered if baby jabs will decrease sexual differentiation or inhibit puberty.

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Hey…that’s an interesting thought! Certainly possible…and again, like with most of this, we are pre-conditioned for it.

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I didnt really buy the everyone will die in 2 years stuff, and I have not seen that many, what I would call, unexpected deaths, all around y life. What I have seen is loads of bad reactions, most of which the victims seem to have recovered from. Whether or not everyone has knocked 20 years off their life is anyones guess. Time will tell the true impact on fertility but I do believe that has been effected and also that babies of the vaxxed are going to suffer in some way. Much of this depends on the quality of the vax that people get. I do believe that lipids are doing most of the damage and that thankfully, in many cases, these lipids have degraded over the time that the vials have been stored. I'm not sure anymore that cells can process the instruction to grow the spike. I mean, I'm not sure I knowanything anymore Todd. I'm sure you have felt the same way ;-)

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Yes Rob…I think the only response I would have trouble with is someone saying nothing at all nefarious is going on. I have always thought this vax thing is either a fast game, or a slower one…as time goes on the slower one becomes more possible. I think the people dying now is largely an afterthought (sad to say). It is the weakening of the system that is the real goal…myocarditis is part of that, and will continue to show up…clots, etc. The main end goal is a reduction, a big one, in 20 years or so.

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I should have made clearer that I do believe these jabs are killing people, but the problem, or should I say good thing, is that, if they are only killing outright say 1 in 2000 people, thats very hard to notice on an individual level, which is all I can definitely go on, the macro numbers suggest the deaths are very real, and im inclined to believe there is much truth in them, but i do try to be objective and scetical to everything, while being open minded enough to accept the worst when I see it myself.

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I'm pretty convinced it's deliberate genocide ('reducing the population') especially in the light of the historical context of the 'elites' or whatever you want to call them: the so-called eugenicist movement has been alive and well for generations - and dying (no pun intended) to get rid of most of us. This is all well documented (sorry I don't have the links to hand. but can find them.) I remember watching a talk about the memoir of the great vax hero Jonas Salk, who was in fact an unabashed eugenicist. Over time they've infiltrated and bought off enough governments and institutions and media to (apparently) pull it off (thanks to the global and instant reach of the internet). I don't know if the various jabs were designed to have this or that or the other specific effect. But it's documented that in (I think) Nigeria certain jabs were pushed on the people (before the current shitshow) that were found to contain an abortifacient, so they have obviously been experimenting.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Author

No one here NEEDS to supply links. I say you are all good researchers and are such until proven not to be! You can supply links just to better inform all of this…but none of us know much “for sure” and even links don’t usually “prove” much!

Everything that you say fits in my personal paradigm….thanks for sharing it!

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks, Todd. I dug out the link to the Jonas Salk book talk and was shocked to find it was posted in January 2019 (ie one year before the plandemic kicked off)! Absolutely spine-chilling and prescient: clearly a key piece that backs up the intentional, long-planned genocide hypothesis.


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Cool...thank you...

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Very thought-provoking question, Todd. I believe I made a comment about this in another of your columns.

It is hard for me to envision an intentional conspiracy to commit genocide and depopulate the world. Even if there were someone (or someoneS) with that agenda, I think that their intention would be to kill people in underdeveloped-overpopulated countries, kill the elderly "non-productuve" people, and maybe kill the shrews who are not complying with their mandates. But then, they seem to be killing the wrong people; people dying are more in developed countries, all ages are dying, not only the elderly, and certainly sheep are dying more than shrews. And although there have been certainly a lot of excess deaths, I don't think they are occurring at a rate to depopulate the planet in a long time, nor I see anything that I would call "genocide".

I believe there are a lot of malevolent economic and political interests behind these "vaccinations". They couldn't care less if they kill millions of people in the process.

Of course, I could be wrong.

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They want to kill the people who are used to freedom and keep those who aren't.

They want to kill the educated and keep those who aren't.

I think they're very happy with the results so far.

Those that think they're smart are jabbed to the max.

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Your argument is the only one that throws a monkey wrench into this “intentional genocide” possibility. I too wonder the same things you do. But if the genocide is slow, i.e. sterilization, doesn’t that impact most of the world, even the underdeveloped nations? Maybe they have another genocidal plan for them down the road.

As for not killing shrews. Maybe they figure if anyone is left they may as well be the ones that are capable of thinking. They can still round us all up and put us in work camps figuring out how to do stuff.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Frankly, I think that it wasn't intentional, I just think they didn't care. They've been doing this kind of thing for decades now. They have form. Not just with vaccines but medicine in general. It is the third biggest cause of death. For others, they are simply believers. Trained to believe medicine works and not to question. It would be easier to stop if it was intentional murder. This is much more deadly.

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I know it is impossible to agree with everyone! But I kind of do! I think there is merit in all of these comments. But if they didn’t care, what was the purpose in the vaccines to start with?

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At least one purpose of the "vaccine" was to usher in digital ID. The odious vaxx pass was a pretty good trial run.

Listen to the clip of Tony Blair from last week's WEF jamboree about how digital ID will be key as more "vaccines" are rolled out in the years to come. All part of what Catherine Austin Fitts calls the digital concentration camp.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You know, the BBC has a policy not to debate vaccines. They are not permitted to suggest or discuss in any way that vaccines could possibly be dangerous. This is a long term policy, not recent. The youth of today are educated to believe in the safety and efficacy of vaccines and that anyone who disagrees is a weirdo or dangerous, and definitely a conspiracy theorist. The same as chemo and radiation therapy are completely accepted as the norm despite actually being responsible for much unnecessary suffering and in the end an earlier death. People are terrified of illness and death. Terrified people will do anything to make themselves believe they can avoid these inevitable life experiences. The pharma industry exists to take advantage of this. They are the largest lobbying group in the USA. They pay for so many things including medic training around the world, hospitals and equipment, medical journals, advertising obviously. Their fingers in the education sector are particularly sticky and worrisome. Make no mistake, the pharmaceutical industry are one of the biggest players on the world stage, if not the biggest. Look at Gavi in Switzerland having diplomatic immunity just like a country embassy would. That is power.

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You said it...this is very well put, indicating the underlying foundation for what we are seeing has been around for quite some time...thank you.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The vaccines are firstly money. The whole pharmaceutical industry works in this way. And we live in an age that has an almost religious belief in vaccines, including the insane fear that goes with contact with unbelievers - the 'unclean'. With money comes power of course, and the desire to keep everything continuing the same way. I do think people like Gates have their own agendas. And the ugly head of eugenics is never far away. But the vaccine industry is a law unto itself and has been for decades now. In order to understand what went on this time it is necessary to look at the history of vaccines, especially since the 1980's. Vaccines for cancer are the holy grail of the pharmaceutical industry. And they are starting to try this now. They won't work of course. But the industry will still push them and the terrified public will buy the propaganda. The industry is a juggernaut out of control. And speeding up!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, it seems like they can come up with anything to inject into our bodies now and try to force it on us. Some are still not able to freely move about due to the vaccine mandates- healthcare workers or students, for example being placed for clinical is not a guarantee if you are not vaccinated , even when it’s been shown to be ineffective and even dangerous to take due to myocarditis.

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Well...this is the true problem. Even if this vax run for Covid isn't a successful attempt to kill a large part of the world's population, it is a start, and they can continue with it as they forceable get all of us eventually vaxxed with something..ALL vaccinations will soon exclusively be mRNA, so they've got it covered. And they would have to do it slowly or else people WOULD revolt. This is phase 1.

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This falls under the "its all about money and power"...which if I were not a person that always believes it is "more than that" makes perfect sense. Like with all of these ideas, mine included, there are questions that come up that cannot easily be answered.

I learned early on that cancer care was limited to the "big three"...surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy...essentially blocking out any research that doesn't fit in one of these three categories. This started with Nixon's "War on Cancer" in 1971...and of course has its underpinnings in Big Pharma's desire to rule the roost and hold the monopoly on cancer treatment.

I guess it would be easier to believe that it is only about money and power, which then rules out the genocide idea (if you kill everyone that gives you money and power then you eat the goose that lays golden eggs). But why not create a world of sick people, who toil day in and day out, only to spend most of their earnings on health issues?

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And why were the Georgia Guidestones destroyed?

These evil people TELL us what they shall do. And no one gives a listen.

If someone tells me they’re going to try and kill me, I LISTEN!

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Control of our behavior to normalize loss of freedoms was the reason that made sense to me. To cause division between those who are vaccinated and unvaccinated, masked and unmasked, to destroy our way of life, to make us afraid.

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That is certainly the bottom line, the ultimate goal. Reduce the population, eliminate some of the "useless eaters" (although Ivan's comment above makes you wonder why they are killing more 1st world people than the masses of poor) and create a more manageable world of people who can keep it running with minimal requirements.

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Thought provoking questions! I believe that it is a massive experiment and the added bonus is that it can be used to decrease the population. However, I don't believe it was meant to kill all the the recipients immediately...that would look bad and cause hesitancy. The vaccines were all different; some batches were worse than others -- those causing more physical damage than others and achieving the death counts they wanted. I believe that the mRNA and whatever it is they are injecting will definitely alter each person who took it..... to what degree? In what manner? Who knows! ( It is an experiment, after all). We know that it causes sterility in both males and females, thus creating a definite decrease in the growth of the population -- in this generation and who knows how many to come. Also makes me wonder what will future offspring of the vaxers have to live with -- poor health, physical deformities, etc?

I have many questions of my own ... Why is it so important to them to vax everyone?? What difference is it to them if some of us don't take it? There must be a reason that they tried to force it! I wonder why the boosters are not "needed" to be considered "fully vaccinated". Were 1 and 2 what they needed to inject for their experiment and the boosters are just an afterthought because of the declining efficacy? A bonus to earn them extra money? If they needed the boosters to fulfil the experiment requirements they would have had to somehow get everyone to take them, too! At this point it doesn't seem to be critical. ( Just some extra musings I thought I would put out here.)

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023

My two cents:

1. What we see is not intentional, but the logical result of a corrupt system. Our western society is running on the concept of organised non-responsibility for all those in power, i.e. they get to rule but if things go wrong they can not be held liable. Gains are theirs, losses have to be absorbed by the masses. Thus, if they see a chance to make billions with no risk (for them), they naturally grab this opportunity. If some (or even a lot) people die in the process or get otherwise impaired, well, bad luck, who could have known?

2. I am yet to hear a convincing argument on "Cui bono?" for any planed genocide scheme. Keep in mind, developed countries (ex-immigration) are already in a decline of the population. What would speeding this up by a couple of years achieve? Accordingly, if one really wanted to reduce the number of humans on the planet one would start with the fast growing emerging countries.

3. If you look at history, even large wars with significant casualties show only as small dents in the long term population trends. So such a scheme would not achieve anything in the long run in terms of population reduction, unless you really manage to sterilize most women. Keep in mind that a woman can easily have ~10 children, over 2-3 generations and assuming proper healthcare this would bring population numbers back up surprisingly quickly. Surely, people planing on such a scale with sinister ideas would consider this.

Summing it up in one word: no.

However, death and pain are there of course, but they are an "unfortunate" side effect, not the aim as such.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

They wanted to sterilize the west as they produce most of the co2. The childhood jabs will lower fertility

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That's an interesting idea, that could answer some questions. Their aim could be to eliminate as much of that carbon footprint as they could, not so much eliminating people, but eliminating Co2.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

No, it is coordinated and intentional. All actions seem to point to a common endpoint. They accomplished fertility reduction and a lot of old people got euthanized. Also I think the lifespan was reduced maybe even genetically so this will play out in the long run but will have a huge effect on population growth between sterility and lifespan. Old folks needed to go now since they don't have enough young people to support the retired seniors on government healtcare right now.

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Yes...but did they really kill that many old people? Across the world?? Old people are definitely dying, but did they really eliminate a large enough number to relieve SS and other such money drains? I am not questioning your theory, but am truly curious to know the impact.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

My understanding is that it takes a few years ( 2+ ) for longer term effects to become apparent. One of the many reasons development took almost a decade before.

Undoubtedly there are far more people dying than are being reported. The legacy media has a blackout on all reporting and the data collection systems only show a small fraction of the deaths. It's also been reported, around the world, that there has been a severe drop in birth rates.

Add in the deaths of despair ( overdose, suicide ) brought on from lockdown mania as well as the push for MAID in Canada and it looks grim. Hard to imagine this is just all coincidental.

More people are dying (of all causes) now than during peak covid yet we have zero concern, no daily death counts, no calls to action. They are still pushing for 4th , 5th doses. The national emergency is now going to start it's 4th year and new drugs are popping up under EUA on a regular basis.

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Yes, it ALL points to about the most nefarious and evil INTENTIONAL plan imaginable.

I agree we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. But I still think it is odd that everyone I personally know is fine. Someone else mentioned that 1 out of 2,000 people dying is HUGE but is not something everyone will see personally in their limited sphere of known people. Of course even though 1 out of 2,000 amounts, worldwide, to about 4 million, that still isn't enough to make much of a dent.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

And most of us will be the “remnants”. The death and breakdown of society will be astronomical.

And what about the shedding? How will that affect those not jabbed? This is an important question.

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Yep...we're pretty much all doomed. Sorry to say. We have to work fast to save humanity...the children that are already here have to be protected.

Anyway, probably best to stay a bit in denial and true that miracles do happen. If we all insist on that truth, and work hard, then all eventually will be fine....it will just take a while probably.

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Once I’m awake, I can never go back to sleep (denial).

“They set a net for my steps; my soul was bowed down. They dug a pit in my way, but they have fallen in to it themselves. My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast!” -Psalm 57:6-7

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

lol. i don't know what's in the shot. i don't know what a genetically modified spike protein is since i don't know what a 'real' spike protein is. naomi wolf claims that 70% of the first 2 doses were just saline. others have found that there were 'bad' batches. that different manufacturers were coordinating roll outs of 'bad' batches.

something IS happening. i'd bet a year's paychecks that the cause is the shots.

it feels more of an experiment. if too many kick it, the public would panic. if you loathe your own species, deaths are good. sterile younger folks are real good. if you're on the hook for old age pensions, same deal. if you're a closet totalitarian, control freak, some fine results have been realized. lots of boxes are being checked off.

i will predict more deaths. more injuries. more miscarriages. though i really don't think ghost neighborhoods and towns are the goal.

besides, they predicted us. a world full of only us would be an extraordinarily dangerous place.

for them.


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Ivan above commented that it would be suicide for the remaining humans to be shrews. In principle that is true, but I think they have a plan for us too. It seems shedding is a real thing, and lots of other ways to wipe out shrews. We may all be doomed. Its the children we have to protect, but they are hell bent on killing them too, and the parents for the most part are just going along with it...

(check this out, a bit out there but who knows...https://www.bitchute.com/video/kwVnbchSRAjO/ )

Yep, it seems to be a consensus that the goal isn't ghost towns...at least not right away. If they keep the deaths under the radar they can get away with it. I had a concerning conversation with two super sheep that are VERY smart people, and they had never even heard of excess deaths, or Sudden Death Syndrome...HAD NOT EVEN HEARD OF IT....and they don't live under a rock either! Selective listening at work. I think when that information hits them they literally don't see it or hear it. Amazing.

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1. Yes, somewhat "successful" and yes killing was their intention, but it was a grand experiment and I don't think they were sure WHAT would happen. They wanted to know a) How many would blindly obey and b) How many were consumed by the narrative, regardless of the obvious truth.

2. I think there are A LOT more dying than we're told, but more importantly, there are so many who've been disabled and had to not only remove themselves from the "work force", but are spending all their capital on the scam that is "health care". It's going to get worse before it get's better, I'm afraid. How many end up dying depends on a couple of things, which are a) How many boosters and other injectables they will continue to submit to and b) How long they trust their doctors to be able to fix them. Unless they take control of their own health, I don't see a good outcome for many.

3. The method to their madness is always based on control. They know they can't control 8 billion people, so they're trying to knock that figure down by many different means. Food, famine, pesticides and toxic poisons are just a few of their tried and true methods. Whether people "become aware of" the truth is really something I'm curious to see. I think the power's that ought not be have been afraid of this for a long time. They spray toxins everywhere and blame us. They destroy the environment and blame us. They go to war and kill innocents and blame us. They're terrified that we're finally going to figure this out and put the blame squarely where it has always belonged. Good. I hope I live to see it.

4. Oh, they wanted lots to die and again, I am not sure about the jabbed. I think it depends on the person and how deep they're sucked in to the program. There are ways to heal from these injections, but sadly most who were brainwashed enough to take them are still too damn brainwashed to listen. Those...those will likely die, especially if they continue to trust allopathic medical "doctors". Regardless, the one's who have taken them may never get their fertility back, as that remains to be seen. I hope they can have and raise families or...well, we're in for a long, cold Grand Solar Minimum.

5. Nah...the only crow eating is coming from the sheep. No one knew what was going to happen. Hell, we still don't even know what's in these damn shots!!! Terrifying. I think the more they switch over to 5G, the more electronic smog and toxic food people are exposed to, the worse it gets. They can mitigate their risks and even heal themselves, but ...yeah. Now I repeat myself and I have dishes to do.

No one knows the future, but we can judge based on the past and governments, for some weird reason, always end up genociding their own people. Always. Empires always fail in a cyclical fashion...usually every 10 generations or 250 years. Always. The United States is having it's "Pluto Return" and it's not likely to survive it. Not as we know it anyways. And our star is about to go into a long sleep and I think our gorgeous little space rock, pretty, blue and round is about to shake us off like a dog scratching fleas. I think those "powers" know this just as well as I do...

And I think they're trying to get ahead of the whole mess. 6 of the 8 billion people seem to be in their way.

Great questions, Doc!

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Once again, Janice, EXCELLENT points...thank you!! I have so much to say about all you presented I think I will refrain and let others comment.

I'll say a few things...

Before babbling, just wanted to point out I love your phrase "electronic smog"...did you make that up yourself or borrow it from somewhere?...its a good one...

I will jump around a bit...yes, I agree that the planet will eventually (well actually we are well into it) shake us off like a dog shakes off fleas. In fact, you could twist all this around to say that who we call evil are actually God's mercenaries called in to rid the planet of the "cancer" infecting it. I used to think along these lines...the humans were the scourge of the earth...but I see now that is part of the paradigm "the powers that shouldn't be" are advocating. We are God's creatures, and have a right to be here, we have to straighten up our act for sure, but it is not God's intention to eliminate us.

The bad guys here certainly want a better, cleaner, prettier, healthier world...but the problem is that they only want it for themselves and those they choose to be with them. I think they see to maintain that world there has to be some sort of "working class" or serfs or slaves...so there's the evil in it. The plan would be to naturally eliminate the useless eaters..over time...bad immune systems, heart failures, infertility, you name it. When that initial culling is complete, then they start to sort out what the remainder of humans are going to do (well, they are doing that already).

Anyway...great writing. Thank you.

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I've heard about electronic smog for years, but you can read about it in Arthur Firstenberg's excellent book "Invisible Rainbow".

I'm glad you're no longer quite so nihilistic. While the sheep are extremely irritating, humans as a whole, are pretty damn amazing. We're also really good at fixing problems and finding solutions. I think, without all the brainwashing, gaslighting, corruption, collusion, and corporate greed, we'd have a much pretty and safer home right now. Sadly, over the last century and a half or so, they've been not just "hiding" new innovations, but killing the people that come up with them. "Free energy" amazing farming techniques, cooperative systems that benefit humans as well as the biosphere...they haven't been allowed to flourish.

I don't think the bad guy's want anything but power, control, and to be "the elite", the ruling class, and I think they're willing to destroy everything to stay on top.

They may think they're smart, but I'm pretty convinced that they're actually really quite dumb.

Unfortunately, it's the sheep that have been consuming the fluoridated water, taking the poisonous, toxic injections and "helpful" pills, and staring at the flashing screens, so most of them aren't just dumb, but completely gone. It's been a race to the bottom. lol

And yes, while they're going to need some humans left to service "the machine", they certainly don't want too many. Not enough to figure out how evil they are and HAVE BEEN and fight back.

No one is safe. Even completely removing yourself from the "system" might not be enough to save yourself. And our star may just have the final say. I've read way too much Immanuel Velikovsky to think we live in a stable solar system. LOL!!!

But, I'm going to do what I can to resist. I will never comply. I'm comfortable breaking rules and saying no...and meaning it.

Thanks for the complements!

I love words. :-) Sadly, most people hate hearing the thing's I have to say. HA.

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Jan 24, 2023·edited Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think Bill gates had a target of 15% of population reduction and I think he is getting it. Pretty spot on it seems if you calculate fertility reduction and mortality increase over the next few years. Some might have wanted way more but I think they went with Bill Gates numbers. I doubt they could get the governments to participate for more drastic reduction but they did ok the euthanazia of seniors and partial sterilization of young people to 'save the future'.

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Your comment makes perfect rational sense. Keeping the population slowly diminishing makes the most sense because it is sustainable without a revolt. Sheep apparently will stick to the plan for quite some time before becoming wise to it. So far nothing has woken them up. I think it will be a slow process.

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Yep! Had to save those unfunded liabilities!

Murder the old folks first.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Well we were saying what they gonna do when they can't pay social security out, well now we know how they solved the problem and too many old people in Europe since they young already don't have many kids there. Solution: kill the old and bring in young immigrants. But still lower birth rate since you can always import the kids as many as needed. Just pin it on the climate.

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Makes sense.

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I was watching the time for judgement video on Open AI chatbot on lioness of Judah’s substack. So what would be my question?

If I wanted to massively cull the human population what Would be the best way of doing so without alerting or alarming large numbers of the population?

I’ve not asked if but here’s how I would answer it:

Make them think the method of killing device is for the good of society.

Make them think the method of killing device was for their own health?

Make them think those that died shortly after taking the killing method device died of other causes.

But for some I would sterilise most of them and certainly their children and for the majority who took it, I will kill them slowly and as so much time will have passed, they’d not connect it to the device.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Best explanation yet. I agree with a version of this. Hate to say it, but I think thats it.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

maybe .... they dont care what medicine they give us ? Or maybe, we just think to much ?

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Yes, maybe it is all just bumbling stupidity....we should never discount that possibility. We think too much because we try so hard to make sense of it...an attempt to make sense of random stupidity...

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Aw, come on! Give me more than that!! 🙂

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

"The Bible is the only book that hangs its entire credibility on its ability to write history in advance without error." Chuck Missler (1934-2018)

Jeremiah 28:8 The prophets who preceded you and me from ancient times prophesied war, famine, and pestilence against many countries and great kingdoms.

Micah 3:11; 7:3 "Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets practice divination for money. Yet they lean upon the LORD, saying, "Is not the LORD among us? No disaster can come upon us. Both hands are skilled at evil; the prince and the judge demand a bribe. When the powerful utters his evil desire, they all conspire together."

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

The prophets and laws were/are being FULFILLED. Truly

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I won't disagree with that...

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