You are not destroying the planet. You are not a cancer to the earth that must be wiped out. You are not killing your neighbour, or your neighbour’s children, by not wearing a mask. You are not responsible for the death of untold millions because you didn’t get the vaccine.
Yeah, you are a heathen if you throw garbage out the window of your car. Yes, you could do better as a steward of this planet and as a participant in the enjoyment of nature and the life sustaining resources it offers. Yes, you (and all these “you’s” certainly includes me, folks) are overtaken by evil at times and run amok with your selfish bullshit and a few of you end up hurting, or helping to hurt, a lot of good folks as well as mucking up the planet. But get over yourself. You are not going to destroy the planet. That is all propaganda. What you will end up destroying, if you keep doing the above things, is yourself! There is no question about that. But you are not big enough, powerful enough, ugly enough, or evil enough to destroy much of anything but yourself and your children. You won’t even destroy humanity. Some of you may help destroy the human race, and a lot of innocent creatures to boot, but humanity will survive. Or, more accurately, humanity will survive if God wills it to. I would not blame Him, however, if He just gave up on us after this current fiasco.
So, let’s get back to the planet. Yes, much of the damage we are individually doing is real, but we are far from destroying this magnificent blue ball (oops, I mean “magnificent blue disk”—take your pick, I am an equal opportunity Earther). The earth’s time perception is in millions of years—one million years is equivalent in earth’s perception as one day is to us (if that). The earth will most definitely survive—as mentioned before, it is WE who will not. Yet again we have been brainwashed to believe that we must “change our ways”—all for the wrong reasons—i.e., because we are destroying the world. We wear masks because if we don’t, we are destroying our fellow human beings. (Another example I will focus on in a minute.) Strange that this odd, twisted sense of altruism has been made into a weapon. But it is deeper than that—it isn’t because we care about the planet, or care about our fellow humans, it is because we feel guilty, and we have been brainwashed to feel that way.
So, do you think I am saying we just shouldn’t give a rat’s ass about the planet, and continue to trash it like there is no tomorrow? No, I am not saying that, what I am saying is that we should be more responsible for the right reasons, not for some crap that is crammed down our throats as being the scourge of the planet and that we don’t deserve to be alive. What are the right reasons? Love, Character, Responsibility, Stewardship, Decency, Respect, God, Belief in Ourselves, Empathy, Compassion—need I list more? There are more. You, I am sure, can think of them. However, Guilt is not on the list.
Guilt is a self-serving emotion (or whatever you want to call it). Guilt happens when you feel badly about yourself, and the guilt persuades you to do something in order to no longer feel badly about yourself. We should do things because we know they are the right things to do, not in order for us to “feel better.” But isn’t that the mantra of our current culture? “Feel better”? “Be happy”? “Be safe”? On and on.
Remember, in a galaxy far, far, away, words like “character,” “morals,” “bravery,” and “virtue,”? For a lot of us, probably not.
So, it is easy to think that people who hang themselves with guilt from the tree they feel they have forsaken, are virtuous people. These are the people who really care, they are the ones who will do anything to save our planet. Nope. I don’t think so. They feel guilty. And they were coerced into feeling guilty by the government, by the WEF, UN, and WHO, by the likes of Greta Thunberg and a scad of others operating within the agenda. Guilt, guilt, guilt. Again, I am not saying we should ignore these problems, and some of them are indeed very real, but we must tackle them for the right reasons, not because we have been guilted into it.
The frenzy over climate change is probably the most obvious example of what I am talking about here. There certainly is a problem with human pollution. But are individual humans really responsible for what we are told are radical changes in temperatures and global sea levels? I am not going to go into this issue here, as most of you I am sure are quite familiar with the hype being shoveled out regarding climate. But who’s to blame for all of this mayhem if it were as the agenda claims it to be? Us little ‘ol puny humans, of course. It is that plastic bag we didn’t recycle, or the gas guzzling car we drive to our measly job every day, or the farting cows we like to eat. Interesting how so little attention is paid to the millions of tons of industrial waste dumped into our rivers and oceans by the mega corporations out there, or the radioactive sludge dumped into the Pacific by you know who, or the jet setter’s jets flying to meetings here and there to discuss what other guilt that can be dumped on the billions of useless eaters who are all, surely, responsible for this mess.
And then, of course, we have the guilt over potentially killing grandma (and everyone else) with our nasty Covid germs. So, let’s mask up because we feel so guilty. Since we are guilty of killing the planet with our humanness, we are certainly guilty of spreading a nasty contagion from our filthy, guilty, bodies. Even if we are certain we have no disease, or even certain that the masks do nothing to block the muck spewing forth from our open orifices, we will still respond to our guilt for being so disgusting. Wear that mask, you pariah, it is the least you can do in response to your hideous guilty self.
And when the jabs came out? Same story. Rid yourself of your reprehensible repugnance through vaccine purification. Pay your debt to your fellow human beings and to the world by sterilizing your humanness and turning into a nano-bot, synthetic DNA, transhuman. That really is the only way you can dispel yourself of the horrible, mind-numbing guilt you have for being alive. You maggot. You despicable, deplorable, useless eater.
So, if you believe that, go back to square one and start realizing again who you really are—a human being made in God’s image—the embodiment of love.
[Heartfelt thanks go to Sylvia Shawcross, writer extraordinaire, for her suggestion that I write this article on guilt! Find her on her substack here.]
Ha! You had me chuckling at "equal opportunity earther". Isn't that refreshing? To not be a slinger of pejoratives? It's certainly refreshing to read.
I appreciated this article on guilt. I think that's one of the things that frustrates me most. Is people flinging vitriol about issues without actually caring, or in such a manner that shows how little they care. I've been a tree hugger in the most Anne of Green Gables way for ever so long. I love creation! And that's why I do not want to litter, and want to reduce plastics, and want our air/water/land clean (also for my sake, and my children's sakes, and my grandchildren's sakes, and your sake, and your children's sakes, etc...). So when my (sheepy) husband says to me "You'd love this book, it's about climate change and wolves' migration paths altering...." I'm immediately just hearing "blah blah blah", because, ah, you DON'T know me. Enjoy your guilt and your entertaining propganda, maybe I'll listen someday when you're enthralled with creation! I've tried to be part of local nature groups, encouraging planting native plants and being a little wild in our home gardens - some of which I even helped start - but when it starts out with members saying how much they hate humans, I'm done. There's no point in enjoying nature with someone who literally people. Yuck!
This line stood out powerfully: "Rid yourself of your reprehensible repugnance through vaccine purification." And really brings out the essence of what most of this is - religion. People who reject God, the Creator, must worship something. It's how we were deigned. So they worship the created. But because it's missing the core of truth - which is the Creator himself - then it all goes amiss, and the love is not true.
I thought you might appreciate this poem I wrote in 2021. It was given to me while walking down the street (ironically to get Ivermectin from my local pharmacy before they stopped carrying it) and observing all the signs in everyone's yards:
New Faith
(June 22nd, 2021)
The brick and mortar their cathedrals
Purified with the incense of antibacterials
The doctors the priests
The nurses the acolytes
The janitors the thurifers
The white coats the vestments
With stoles of stainless steal about their necks:
Their authority to listen to the secrets of our hearts
The papered and wheeling beds the altars
Where we bow down and splay ourselves before them
The first bath and ointment:
The baptism and anointing
The shots the Host dwelling within us
We sacrifice our children
In this blind faith we follow
Offering them up
To this God of Medicine
The policies the Tradition
Regardless of what the (cherry-picked) Gospel says
We picket our homes
With our newfound creeds:
“We believe…!”
And THIS is our new faith
We have awakened to the power
That only these Godmen can save us
Forever and ever
World without end
Like most things, I think the green movement is mostly bullshit. If corporations really cared, they would insist on making things that last - like appliances from 40 years ago. But now, even major appliances come with a one year warranty. The only thing green about the green movement is money.