I have stolen this title from the stage play of the same name based on Christopher Isherwood’s 1939 novel Goodbye to Berlin. The title is taken from a quote in the novel’s first page: “I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking.” This describes a bit of what I am now experiencing—all but the “not thinking” part. Isherwood was observing life in 1933 (or thereabouts) Germany, right when the country was embracing the maniacal power of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich.
My title does not refer to Nazi Germany in any way, but rather is a play on the “observation” part of Isherwood’s experience. I have turned into a camera with its shutter open. But I do “think,” but usually in frustration. Let me explain, and give a few examples.
When this worldwide ignominy first entered the collective conscience in March of 2020, I was a bit shaken up by it. It is shameful for me to admit that I bought it all hook, line, and sinker in those early days. I was preconditioned to believe such things were possible from Stephen King’s popular novel The Stand, and the various films that had entered our awareness a few years before such as Contagion and Outbreak. Thank God this delusion did not last that long for me, and I quickly shook myself out of it back into reality. I am also thankful that I never went gaga over it. Fear never even got close to taking over.
Once I saw the truth, I started to do what I could to get everyone around me to see it as well. It was the old “Chicken Little” story running around screaming the sky is falling and to pay attention or you’ll get bonked. The difference between the story and reality was that there really was something to be squawking about (in the story Chicken Little was mistaken). But of course, no one paid attention. At the time I was incredibly baffled by the inability to convince anyone of what was really happening (and to be honest, I still am). I now believe something really odd is going on, not just regarding the “virus” and the “vaccine” but nearly in every other aspect of our culture.
After a time of frustration, I settled into writing as the choice of activity to compensate for the energy I previously dispensed in trying to convince the people around me, particularly my loved ones, that we were entering into a dark time in history where the evil intentions of a few were aimed directly at assaulting the general population of the world. Although I would like to be doing more, my activities at this point in time are limited due to family circumstances. When the time comes I will be on the front lines unless too old and feeble to do so.
I gather information for topics to write about. I am a camera, shutter open, recording what I see without mucking it up with belligerent comment, which I was wont to do before. Here is a recent observation I would like to share.
I went to a funeral last week1. It was a rather small affair so it gave me a chance to open up my camera lens and take some stuff in. The first thing I noticed is that very few people wore masks, and no one had a problem shaking or holding hands and hugging. I found this quite curious. Most of the people attending were elderly, and it would stand to “reason”—considering what most of them surely still believed—that they would be concerned about catching the evil contagion.
In asking around I discovered that most people were still concerned about acquiring the disease, but for some reason the anesthetic they had ingested regarding the necessity of masks and distancing had worn off. Like someone prematurely awakening during surgery, it seemed they needed another dose of “contact fear” to go back under. It was interesting to note as well that a few people were still into the mask drivel and were donning the talisman full force. One guy who worked for the funeral home was wearing two (or maybe three) of the things.
One masked fellow said he had an elderly mother at home and didn’t want to take any chances of bringing home some super fleas to hop off of his body and onto to hers looking for a new nesting ground.
You would think I would be happy about this situation—fewer masks and such. But I am not. It actually gave me the creeps. As I said a few paragraphs up, I doubt seriously if any of these people have jumped on the shrew wagon. It is actually a testament to even deeper mental pathology and proves people have no freakin’ idea what they are doing or why. I’ve noticed a trend in the “authority” recently to throw up signs saying to wear masks, or do this, or do that, or stay out if not vaccinated, and people jump. They jump now with no fear propaganda, and thus totally void of any “reason” to do so.
I am constantly reminded of BF Skinner’s behavioural experiments with pigeons and rats, as well as Pavlov’s famous drooling dog trials. If preconditioned, these animals will do anything as long as the trigger is present—they need no reward, and certainly no rational reason. I guess what is going on now proves animal experiments with rats, dogs, and pigeons actually do predict human behaviour.
I would bet if the funeral home put up a sign that said “masks required and keep your distance!” everyone there would have snapped to it.
Another thing my observing camera recorded was a conversation on the way to the interment. I was riding in the lead car with the funeral director and we all got into a casual conversation about the funeral biz (there were only three of us in the car). The director said he had never seen so many people packing it in as he has seen over the past year or so. He even made a comment that some of the old timers at the funeral home were saying it was busier than it had been in decades. He then started rattling off numbers and he lost me. I have no idea how many funerals are expected in a set number of days. Regardless, it sounded formidable even to uneducated ears.
He made it a point too to comment that so many had been young people, people under 50. “Never seen it like this, it is crazy.” I didn’t say a word. My other companion in the car said, “Do you have any idea why this is happening?” “None at all,” said the director. “Maybe people just hold on through Christmas,” he was referring to the recent onslaught, but that didn’t account for the “past year or so” that he originally commented on.
No mention at all of the vaccines . . . or even of Covid.
Even though I certainly have had enough experience during this insanity to curtail any surprise, I still was surprised. I noticed this sort of apathy with the people attending the funeral in general. There was no talk whatsoever about anything other than the typical inane banter you hear at funerals of very old people who have lived a good life. No talk of sudden deaths, athletes dropping in play, pandemic treaties, digital IDs, digital currencies, nothing even about Big Bad Putin and his merciless murder of Ukrainian peasants. Nada. Nothing. I recently saw an interview with Peter McCollough who was astonished by the lack of interest even from people who have lost loved ones to the “vaccine.” It is uncanny.
So now I have downloaded my camera’s content into a little article to share with fellow travellers. Nothing you haven’t already heard, but still a tad interesting. I have never heard directly from a funeral director what I heard from this guy, as I have not spent time with one until now. And I found it fascinating that with all that is going on in the world he, or the other participant in this conversation, couldn’t connect two obvious dots. Bizarro World for sure.
The first week of March, 2023
I also wanted to say, in a general way, this article is meant to get all you folks to share, from first hand experience, similar things I share here. There is too much hearsay going on out there...not saying the hearsay is malicious (some of it probably is) but I would like to hear personal, empirical, anecdotal experiences....
When I am home doing normal things I still feel like myself. When I venture outside and observe the people living in the Matrix, I vacillate between feeling like Kirsten Dunst in Melancholia and Michael Douglas in Falling Down.