Todd, Getting ready for the next psyop. After all, everyone has pretty much caught on to the covid scam, so it's time to move on with climate control and aliens. Got to keep the fear level up!! The Pentagon already is saying that they can't rule out aliens yet. 👽 👽 👽!!!!!!

Remember last year when they started to release more UFO reports. They've had this one in the works for some time now and have had it waiting on standby.

How convenient is it that they haven't been able to recover any debris from any of the shoot downs. Hmmm???? Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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I didn't even know about the alien attack until this morning. See how little I look at mainstream news!? If the story is in the MSN then we can be sure it is part of the psy-op. Shoot. I thought when the aliens showed up we were saved. Not so. They are liberals dammit.

The alien card is a very interesting one. Frankly, I had not thought about it much until today...I should have known something was going on when the balloon came along...a way to get everyone to look up...remember that recent movie? I'll have to watch it again...

Well, there couldn't be a better distaction...a combo of "Independence Day" and "Mars Attacks"...well, you can't say this isn't a pretty spectacular fireworks finale, eh?

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I read both, alternative and the MSM, just to see what "BS" they throw out. Not saying the alien angle is 100% what they are doing as they still need to get some mileage out of some China bashing as well. Just don't think we should overlook the alien angle and a few others have noted this as well in the past few days. Yes, we are moving into an interesting, albeit alarming, stage!!!

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Love this article. I need to laugh these days. Thanks Todd!

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Thank you!! I try....

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

pretty sure i remember that awful cartoon.


good lord

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Good lord, the more I think about it, the more this cartoon seems to be a synchronicity. A world of balloons, balloon people, balloon everything and the arch enemy is The Pincushion Man, who goes around with his "hypodermic" needle and pops everything he sees, including, of course, all the balloon people. And again, my favorite scene is when he tricks the rather "dim witted" balloon person into letting him in his house by telling him he had a gift for him (the vaccine!!) and the dolt lets him in (for the cookie, the free passage on the airplane, whatever) and then gets popped!! Perfect!!! Wow....

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Feb 14, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i thought the same. then i had to ruin it and go back to the vampire theme. the whole invitation thing. i can't shake it. i manage to shoehorn it in everywhere.

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hehe. my mom always said i was way more american than canadian. i can't help but say no.

i've been a little obsessed since i watched or read a vampire story as a child. the notion that they have to be invited in to get ya. i've thought about it forever. i know other people have as well. it fits with the devil, the bogeymen, that gal, some aliens..... the invite has to be offered. i've got more to say but must return to the sun and warmth and the new 5 wood that is radically changing my life. there is no reason why i can't turn pro at late 50 something.


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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Author

OMG I can't believe this...you found it!!! That is IT, and it is even more terrorizing than I remember it! I am happy to see I described it pretty well.

I have a confession to make, although I very well may have seen this when I was really little, I remember it primarily because the first film I scored had it in it (The Devil's Gift). Apparently the director needed a royalty free cartoon to have playing in the background in one scene, and he got a hold of this (at first he had some current superhero thing he had to get rid of). So this is when I really remember seeing it, and I was about 25 years old then...still freaked me out!!

Wow, even the Balloonland story is appropriate to the current time...I loved the Pin Cushion Man talking his way into the balloon guy's house saying "I have something to give you!" and then pops the guy with a pin. Perfect. Everyone should see this cartoon.

THANKS SO MUCH for finding it!!!

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

We are currently at war. In WWII Japanese Unit 731 dropped porcelain shelled bombs filled with bubonic plague infected fleas from balloons and low flying aircraft on unsuspecting populations killing at least 400,000 Chinese civilians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731

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I wasn't aware of this...reminds me of:


Although not funny...

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am getting tired of the constant GASLIGHTING spectacle. Maybe that's the purpose to make people oblivious of the shit show we are watching? What if this is the continual psy-op to scramble our brains until there is nothing left and we become happy NPCs?

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That is certainly part of it for sure...confusion...

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Feb 13, 2023·edited Feb 13, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Never thought about balloons in that way, but you present an interesting point of view. Makes me think that there may be some things in common between clowns and balloons. Both of them are supposed to be fun and innocent, but apparently they can also have this evil aura about them. "Coincidentally", clowns frequently work with balloons...

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Another insightful observation...I wish I had thought of that...the balloons and clowns...

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Feb 13, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Maybe it's a reverse psyop. Roswell - alien space craft revealed as weather balloon. The current one - weather balloon to be revealed as alien space craft.

Also, we watched the 1956 version of Invasion of the Bodysnatchers. Really enjoyed it. I have the book to read too. My husband had an interesting observation - if you are awake you are safe, if you are asleep you are doomed. The metaphor works in this weird modern society, where everything seems to be rigged.

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OMG! I never thought of that!! So true!! Tell your husband he is a genius!

Weather balloons always seem to be scape goats..."let's blame it on the balloon!!"

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