Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

Hello. Just found you. I'm in Ontario.

Yes ! I had a conversation about this with an 'awake' friend only a few days ago. People who have been vaxed are NOT the same. I don't know if it's desperation to keep denying the ever growing awareness that something is indeed VERY wrong, and their fear, and guilt , because most of them have not just gotten on board with the very serious crime of violating other people's fundamental human rights including the most basic human right to say what happens to your own body, but also coerced, forced, or threatened loved ones, patients, employees, friends, and even pregnant women and children to submit to a highly experimental MRNA gene 'therapy' injection. If that's what's going on than the knowledge of what they've been a party to must be awful. Enough to make one 'insane' I would imagine. And then, there's the possibility that they really HAVE had something seriously done to them by these injections. Eg; my vaxed up sister, who used to have such a strong and beautiful connection to nature, told me that she didn't know what was wrong, but she " felt like something was blocking her connection to nature". I immediately thought of that jab. Especially as I'm a student of the Anthroposophy Mystery School teachings of Rudolph Steiner. Almost exactly 100 years ago, he gave a lecture about this time period regarding the important events we are now experiencing in the spiritual development of humanity. He said the Mystery Schools needed to reveal important knowledge of these times to help us prepare to get through them. He talked of a 'vaccine' that would seek to block or wipe out any ideas of the spirit or 'God'. He described an 'electrical grid' surrounding the Earth . He talked about that turning of the Great Wheel of Time, also taught in the ancient Eastern teachings; the Vedas. The Kali Yuga, or (as in Christian teachings ) the 'fall' so deeply into matter and the physical plane of existence, so far from our connection to our origins and our source ( God ) that we even doubt we are anything but mineral/ material/ physical. Where nothing could be understood except in terms of merely the physical. Hyper scientism, AI, Pharmaceuticals , and the creation of the 'eighth sphere;' the artificial 'world' he described as attempting to 'suck' your consciousness into it. This is also expressed in the ancient petroglyphs of Hopi Prophecy Rock too. . The splitting of the two worlds. The choice. Frankly, I'm amazed. It's SO happening.

Also, vaxed people seem to just oddly parrot fed phrases and slogans. Like automatons. Or maybe on 'cue' as per implanted key words a la MKUltra stuff? Or maybe like hypnotism? Yes. Very much noticed.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hey Todd,

I have indeed noticed a lot of changed behavior in especially the vaxxed ones around me.

For example my sister (who, during the "pandemic" only let vaxxed people into her home and totally was alligned with the official narrative - herself, her husband and my 7 year old niece fully

vaxxed and boostered ) became very aggressive recently in situations that you can only categorize as "trivial". It is like she totally has lost her Connection to the people around her. When i Visited her with my Kids she even Showed this aggressive behavior towards my son (10yrs) out of nothing - in Front of our mother and myself.

I got the feeling that everything not in line with her view on reality makes her aggressive since the Pandemic. As all the guiding Principles that ruled in her life up to this global event got scrambled and distorted very strangely.

And here in Germany i experience a lot of people that act somehow in the same way as my sister - people at work, in the Supermarkt, the Coffeeshop etc.

They act as if they have lost a Piece of their Empathy and soul that connects them with other human beings.

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Jul 16, 2023·edited Jul 16, 2023

How about this one, scary, but certainly on this topic:

Look up Government of Canada Policy Horizons BIOConvergence


Did anyone ask YOU? For YOUR 'health and safety' no doubt.

They even state: "changing what it means to be human" All perky, and happy like. Of course the director is a WEF trained 'agent'

And then, of course: a very scary summary by those developing the tech for AI and it's current capabilities ; DARPA Wireless DNA Targeted Quantum Mind Control: Sentient World Simulation. The real Neuralink is DNA via Starlink. https://rumble.com/v2x88ku-june-30-2023.html

And then , please, DO look at the ethics violations on Democracy Watch: Health Canada's now deciding to permit 'agile licensing' and 'real time safety testing ' for Big Pharma new drugs.

Then the presentation to 'Health' Canada by a panel of scientists showing 5G is a class one carcinogen ( Asbestos is a class one carcinogen'.) Look around you.

And how about Health Canada now allowing any and all safety for GMOs to be 'self regulated' by corporations, GMOs including AI applications.

The recent UN decision to allow businesses like Pfizer to digitally 'self report' their adherence to the compacts anti corruption promises.

And , of course, our 'Ethics' minister just gutted the rules for lobbying ; open season now , in all areas of government or public services right down to your local city council.

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Very interesting observations...and I think this is the way it usually presents itself.

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All I have seen is medical impairment in many that I know personally including a suddenly dead 20 year old and 30 year old in close proximity to my friend and family circle. I honestly don't think I've seen any psychological anomalies.

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I think you have to be living with someone fully vaxxed to notice. The differences, if any, are subtle. I cannot say honestly I have noticed anything out of the ordinary, I THINK I have, but it is very difficult to say (for me).

I have noticed quite a few people in my therapy practice...more than usual...that have acute anxiety, and even depression, without any underlying trauma to answer for it (which is usually the case) but that of course may have nothing to do with the vax itself.

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I tried to get my son (whom I love with all all my heart) to wait right from the beginning of this fiasco. My gut was emitting red lights and sirens. My son is completely vaxxed (one of the first in line as he has friends that have immune issues and cares deeply for his friends and circle), he lives in California and now at 29 identifies as progressive (despite me not being political at all ). I haven't heard from him, his empathy has left him (his relationship also broke up). He is out in California, visits home stopped and wants nothing to do with me any more (due to my views on life). My daughter 10 years younger and unvaxxed when she left home to spread her wings has followed his lead. We lost my husband (her Dad) in '18 and straight into this dysfunctional world. I have always loved nature and feel the body does far better with natural healing herbs and plants (the first medicines we used). My children were the best part of life for me, all I had left in this world (after losing my husband, brother and parents). Feeling very out of step with the people around me at work. People seem so aggravated and lacking that 'milk of human kindness' wherever I look. I work in Customer service so hear it every day, and see it in the e-mails I receive daily (entitled). I have lost many friends both sides of 'the pond' since the end of '21, all vaxxed, from heart issues, clots, strokes, and fast moving cancer diagnosis'. Glad you have addressed this Todd, and shone some light on the topic.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I haven't noticed any strange behaviours, per se. But, I am truly astounded as to how few people actually think.

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That's strange enough.

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Jul 10, 2023·edited Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Honestly, I am not always up-to-snuff. And I am unjabbed and unmedicated. There are a LOT of influences in our environment. I've particularly noticed in the past 5-6 years that the increasing HEAT in the summer is always accompanied by two things: heavy Atmospheric Aerosol Injection (a.k.a. chemtrails/shiptracks) and increased radiation from the NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar) facilities. These NEXRADs are demonstrably used to create weather. And what is being used is ElectroMagnetic Frequencies -- radiation. But you won't hear about that in the mainstream.

I live in a remote part of N. Cal. about 15 miles from the s. Oregon border, in the (now mostly burnt) Klamath National Forest. Since the local (Mt. Ashland, OR) radar was upgraded four years ago I have noticed in myself unaccountable mood changes, sweating, itching, energy level changes, tinnitus, balance issues. Others have, too. I keep track of the NEXRADs via College of DuPage It doesn't cover Canada or other countries, but perhaps you can find an equivalent. In my personal research, I can tell when the NEXRAD is being 'cranked'. I don't even view the map unless/until I feel the symptoms of EMF sensitivity. 95X our of 100 I see the radar cranked up. When I feel really well (normal) I check it and it is low or even turned off (!). I can only imagine what the particulates and the EMF are doing to those who are already made vulnerable because of their relationship with hypodermics. And getting close to cell towers, Wi-Fi and other electro-smog probably only magnifies it. There are many, many ways to attack us, all with plausibly deniable tactics.

If anyone in the USA is interested, here is the link: https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=continental-conus-comp_radar-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined

Monitor how the radiation varies throughout the day/night and changes with your 'climate'!!!

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Greetings from New Zealand. I have noticed that the road accident rate has increased and peoples general driving skills appear to have gone out the window. On a lighter note thank you for wonderful articles

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I have had several people on the phones lately saying they were in car accidents on the way to visit us.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have noticed that as well, Susie Q. Kiwis have had the hard road with mandates. Do you miss Jacinda? Best wishes for health and happiness!

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Thank you!! And welcome!! Wow…New Zealand…you probably have a lot to tell us from “zero covid” country…

Yeah…the vax definitely affects driving skills…

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I'm retired so most of my observations of behaviour changes are of my vaxxed wife. And some of these might just be because I'm being particularly observant for any changes.

She is mid-60s so the absent mindedness can be attributed to age. But I don't recall her getting upset so easily before. It's not just things I have done or most likely things I haven't. It's also because she completely reverses directions on things. For example, we are trying to sell our downtown condo (yeah I know - great timing!) and we agreed that the best thing to do was to completely focus on selling first and then look for something to buy after. If we had to rent for a little while then that would be fine. That made complete sense and I thought we were in agreement. But then a week or two later she got all panicked about finding an agent for looking at places to buy in an area we were interested in. I brought up that we had agreed but she got mad and said she didn't want to have to rent or live in a hotel. So I shrug and go along.

She knows I have very different views on things and rarely go with any mainstream thinking. But now she starts making snippy comments that I am "into conspiracy theories" or that I love Trump - and I'm Canadian! We were driving from Ottawa to Toronto recently and were taking smaller country roads and she was "shocked" to see all the signs saying "F@#$ Trudeau". She thinks he is just super. Because she reads the Toronto Star and New York Times exclusively.

So we don't talk much these days.

But living in downtown Toronto, one can't help wonder when something is going to break this facade. There are so many boarded up businesses on popular streets like Queen. There are so many empty office buildings because people are working from home and don't want to commute anymore. There is an office building across from my condo and I usually see one guy sitting there every day. There are like 10 floors. And all the other offices are empty. My floor in my condo building has I believe 24 units. I only ever hear the woman across the hall coming home from work and that's because she is always greeted hilariously by her loud upset cat. You can hear crickets most of the time. And that was not the case pre-convid. Especially on weekends when parties were going on everywhere.

Something wicked this way comes ....

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Do you have hidden cameras in my house???

I'm sure you know I live in Aurora...my step son has an apartment in a high rise in downtown Toronto...so I know the area...

I am curious to see the next step in the "work at home" agenda. I am thinking possibly converting all those office buildings into condos...with working spaces, shopping malls (of course Toronto already has a sprawling underground connected shopping) so that people can stay in one place 24/7...condo in a high rise, work from there, and never have to leave the building. Business central offices will be in the same building but doesn't have to be. And of course, these businesses will not need any employee space, so they can really physically downsize.

They have to do something with all this vacant office space...what better way to force people into self contained "15 minute cities"

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have a good buddy who is a volunteer fireman in our (tiny) community. The non-fire emergency calls have increased by roughly 300-400% since the beginning of 2021. My buddy gets a tone-out for all of them and assists in all he can. Many of these are medical; trouble breathing, non-responsive, heart attacks, and non-specific 'feel really bad'. But a lot are vehicle crashes, roll-overs, driver fell asleep at the wheel crashed into a tree. People are driving like total idiots. There were always idiot drivers, but there is a definite increase that I've noticed. Or think I've noticed.

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I have a good friend that is a fire chief in the area here and he says basically the same thing...is anyone wondering about this? It doesn't seem so.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It's certainly not going to be on the legacy News.

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Yes, of course not, which is totally bizarre, of course. Even the fire departments don't seem overly concerned, it is one of those things no one really talks about...an Emperer's New Clothes sort of deal...someone might casually say, "have you noticed more non fire calls recently?" But since no one official is speaking of it, or giving it a reason, the "on the ground worker" doesn't question it.

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Linked your Off Guardian article already on Saturday @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Are people getting stranger since the jab, I don't know? Just the jabbed people, unjabbed people or people in general? I think we have been in a decline for several years.

Kind of reminds me of the old Doors song "People are Strange":

People are strange when you're a stranger

Faces look ugly when you're alone

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted

Streets are uneven when you're down

When you're strange

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

No one remembers your name

When you're strange

When you're strange

When you're strange

Maybe we are all just getting a little paranoid and maybe the jabs are doing what they are supposed to do by making some people that way and thus affecting everyone.

How do you explain the recent lady on a plane seeing a lizard person?

Then maybe again, she did!!!

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Lol ideal song for the times!

The one that keeps going through my head is Billy Idol’s “Eyes Without a Face” for obvious reasons.

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Perfect!! Thanks for the song...that is so right on.

Yes, a lot of this could be us being a "little paranoid"...but...another psychological tendency is to overlook differences and force everything we see that we may think is different into "sameness" ...same as before...what we thought was normal.

Have not heard the one about the lizard person...can you link it??

And I have always said that if I was watching a newscast of Trudeau (or Biden for that matter) and they ripped off their face to reveal a lizard, it would not shock me, I would just say, "I thought that might be the case! That explains everything!"

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Here's a couple of links, but there are some saying that this may have been a hoax or staged as well.

Not sure if you can trust anything any more.



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Thanks so much for sharing this. Poor woman. Poor Lizard-guy too...we are all just playing a game down here, and it is getting a bit intense.

I have to laugh though...let's just step into a pure material reality worldview (as most people are in) and then we see the woman as going WAY over the top with her fear of the "non material" representation of evil. And the innocent "kooky" "Freemason" just eating it up and playing it for all he can for fun. SHE'S crazy, he is just weird.

Then let's look at it from a "Ghost Buster's" paradigm, where "evil is incarnate" here on earth and the guy IS a lizard-man Satanist (or Lucifer himself)...who's laughing now.

I think it is important to keep our wits about us. If we find ourselves in the presence of Satan, or a lizard, stay cool...easy does it...stay cool, boy...real cool....

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I might be wrong, but I have been increasingly noticing that people have a hard time recognizing contradictions and illogic assertions. They seem to be unable to rationally discern between normal and abnormal and between right and wrong. They seem to have become stupidly tolerant and passive.

If asked to, I would not be able to give a practical example, but I do notice the above in a general way when talking to people, listening to them, and when overhearing everyday life conversations...

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Yeah, I am experiencing the same sort of thing, but am not sure if people have basically always been this way, or if it has to do with what is happening. I think I used to be much more tolerant of weird stuff...and realize now, that most people have always been selfish, unable to rationalize, etc. Actually maybe not MOST...but quite a few.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Could be that there is a factor of awareness; 'we' (shrews) are noticing more. Like when you buy a certain car make/model/color and then you begin noticing the same vehicle on the road or in parking lots. After all, far more people went along with the narrative than did not -- they were always around. But I don't believe that is the whole story.

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Yes, I think of that as well...but then when I really analyze it, it does seem to be literally more common.

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The "strange behavior" I noticed was people, "getting the shot." Nothing was more strange than that.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Agree 💯%. Since "day one" I have asked myself: Who in their right mind could even think that injecting someone with mRNA (worse, made in a laboratory) could be a good idea?

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

For those that knew what mRNA was and its action I would agree. For all those that thought it was 'just another vaccine' without investigation, that would be considered, at the time, normal behaviour (trust the experts). Now it should be shifting into the realm of stupidity and irresponsible ignorance and people owe it to themselves to 'wise-up'.

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I definitely think most people didn't give it a second thought...if you are told by a medical person it is best to take this vax, then most people will roll of their sleeves...they are so certain, "if it were not safe, they never would push it on people. Think of the trouble they would get in if something went wrong."....little do they know.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes, but I would expect most educated people to check before "trusting the experts". It is my impression that there was enough information out since the beginning that these were not "just another vaccine". There was enough hype about the fact that this was a "novel technology" (for a "novel virus").

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

If only that were the case. You can be intelligent and educated but applying that largesse in something totally unrelated to biology of which you have little or no knowledge. Your life is busy with this and that. The paradigm and your own stress and lack of time to investigate will cast the die in the direction of 'go along with it - the government is acting in your best interests, etc.' On top of this is the mandating by the so-called authorities - ' Your job or the injection!'. People make a decision.

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Every time I confront an intelligent person (even a doctor or a professional scientist) with the "they didn't have time to properly test it" I get the inane response, "they have been studying mRNA technology for 20 years, this is nothing new."

This lame reasoning makes absolutely no sense to me. Just because they had been "studying" something, or even "testing" a technology for 20 years, how does that in any conceivable way show THIS particular use, in this dosage, for this pathogen, is SAFE or even EFFECTIVE....?????

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Jul 15, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I think that's the 'cue' the lobotomized parroting of the slogans or slurs. That whole 'hypnotized' implanted 'key word' thing . Maybe? There was a hypnotist that described how he noticed they were using the same techniques he used in his old shows; only through the tv messaging. Then, of course, the UK, and Canada was revealed as having admitted to using 'behavioural science' on people during the whole covid thing.

We're not done yet people. They NEED CBDC; the only way the usual bankers and cohorts can keep milking the people; programmable digital 'currency'; pretend numbers on a screen; so they can own the value if all labour. We don't need RTHEM. We could carry on, without these parasites , and we'd be fine. We're the ones doing everything! Imagine , they used to take 81% of the value of all labour; they want it all now; and total control ; hence the fear mongering and the 'for your protection' lies. More like a mafia style protectionist racket. Don't do the CBDC people! No matter what. They want to make you an offer you can't refuse.

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If they outlaw currency, how do you suppose we "don't do the CBDC"?

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Yep...can't argue with that.

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We sadly don’t associate much with ex-friends/family who went over to the covidean cult. Because these are the people whose baseline behaviours are the most familiar, they’re the ones in whom behavioural changes might be obvious. I’ve certainly noticed a general trend of short tempers in the population at large. Stress? The vaxx? Both? Who knows. Given that we know the shots cause cardiovascular issues, it stands to reason that they can affect circulation in the brain, and that problems will accompany this.

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That's a good point about the brain. It probably is, if it is indeed happening, some sort of brain damage.

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I’m finding that in the people I know better than others whatever was in them to begin with got exacerbated. Ie, apathy has turned to complete exclusion, the reactionary hve become ‘drama queens’, etc. But the most prevalent seem to be the brain foggy, some to the point of “lights on but nobody home”.

Trying to hve normal conversation usually turns into arguments or, conversely, total shutdown and incoherence.

Road rage is on the rise with much yelling and testing of horn volume. Again, is this impatience an innate thing being amplified by the shots or is it the ‘new normal’ environment just getting to be too much?

What I do know is that my PTSD has kicked into high gear over this past while having to deal with these people on a daily basis. While I would love to crawl into my apathetic cave and let the world go by, I know I can’t - that’s how we got here in the first place.

Gotta keep on shrewin’ for a bit yet!

Thank you for saying what we’re all thinking!!

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Thank YOU!! I like this:..."Gotta keep on shrewin' for a bit yet"....

Important consideration: "Again, is this impatience an innate thing being amplified by the shots or is it the ‘new normal’ environment just getting to be too much?"

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Extremely important topic about inevitably 'subtle' changes. Being certain about something becomes like a drug for friends caught in the maelstrom of fear. "You see, masks work!" I was recently (June 2023) assured, in those words, once again, by a good friend/colleague whom I've known for twenty-five years -- a person of skeptical, literate, contrarian bent, normally noted for wry, discerning engagement with most things in life. He has now decided this one topic is beyond questioning, sacrosanct from the slightest incursion of irony. His iron-clad surety on this topic (and the rest of the 'public health' propaganda package that goes with it) is new since early 2021. This change feels to me as though he's undergone a religious conversion. He would call it hard-headed empiricism, medical common sense, and not acting like a reckless idiot ('how could you not see that masks work?'). From being a funny, flexible, irreverent, engaging conversant, he is starting to slide into a strange obsessive who, whenever one is with him, launches into stories about how no one -- the barber, customers in a store he goes to, people in public venues indoors -- understands and respects his view about the importance of wearing a mask. There's a quick, reactive frustration in his voice, but also an odd glee, of sorts, when he trots out another example of the imponderable, bare-faced stupidity and heedless risk-taking of those who forgo this simple, essential aid to survival. Should I send this old friend a few pertinent podcasts, Substack columns, medical articles on the topic with a different view (that of Stephen Petty [industrial hygienist] and countless others)? To do so would arouse rage, not curiosity. I gave up on trying to let some sunlight into the room over a year ago.

That is but one example in my small circle. There are others, daily habits of mind in the deluded that change my habits as well. Minds harden; casual conversation requires hairpin turns away from the train wreck. I agree,Todd: people are changing, and it is a pitiable spectacle. Fear twists minds into unpredictable shapes. I take it that cultivating this confusion and hence the lunge to grasp any anchor of certainty, however cultishly delusional, is part of the authoritarian playbook. The distorting power of fear (globally financed, hammering, coerced, industrial-strength fear) is predictable. If it didn't work, they wouldn't deploy it. The real shocker is that some of us say 'no.'

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Thank you...it is such a complex issue...did people "lose their mind" BEFORE the vaccine...in a sense, yes, because they didn't question at all taking it, and are (most) still standing by their decision. Are they affected mentally and emotionally by the vaccine itself? That is the question I am most curious about actually. I KNOW, as all of you do, that these people hard core on that side of the fence have some serious issues mentally...

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yes. I hesitated to add that I suspect the new, incurious mono-mindedness is assisted by injection-induced physiological changes. Do these changes show up as tics in 'personality,' a new drabness, a slow leak of mental vibrancy, a slow drip of no-nuance? Is a person's proneness to compliance, to start with, dialed up by the toxicity in the vials? Your category of "Illogical actions" may be where it starts, in (not frail, not elderly, 'healthy' middle-aged) people of usually steady demeanor. It's hard to know what causes which.

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Exactly. I think it will have to get a lot worse before we can even begin to rationally pin it down. But something does seem to be happening, basically to all of us, more so in the japped (I would venture to say).

As Dr. Doom has always said, we are ALL basically doomed. If possible some of us who are young enough will escape death, live some sort of decent, albeit guarded, life, and produce some children to carry on the human race in the way it was intended. At lease we will know we stood up for what is right.

How's that for a bleak outlook?? At least there is SOME hope in it.

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The curious thing to me is that all these NPCs who screeched about fraudvius and forcing the heart attack jabs on the population are now eerily silent. I understand that their masters got what they wanted from the whole exercise -- the removal of Orange Man and the institution of permanent fraudulent vote by mail -- but still, you think there would be a degree of introspection from these NPCs over the whole affair and their injection of untested mRNA venom into their veins. But instead -- nothing. It really seems like they will do or believe anything, and that they have absolutely zero internal voices or introspection at all.

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Well, if my personal sources of Sheep Wisdom indicate the consensus of the whole group, they have not yet admitted within their own consciousness that the jabs were a bad choice. I think the closest they have gotten is to realize that maybe SOME people had a hard time of it, but ultimately if it "got the job done" (we have not seen 20% of the population die of a runaway virus) then it was well worth the sacrifice (and as long as Azrael does not visit THEIR house).

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

They are eerily silent. I ask about the covid vaccine in my line of work and those who are 'believers' in it proudly tell me they received their bivalent.

They will do it believe anything. . .super spooky.

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Yes, they will...and yes, "super spooky."

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Can't translate...

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Read the article; here's a brief synopsis. The CIA is being accused by the author of 'A terrible mistake' of drugging an entire French village with LSD, sprayed from aeroplanes and/or in local foodstuffs. Apparently he got the information from casette tapes, witness reports and old records. Hundreds of villagers appear to have gone bonkers, experienced hallucinations and behaved totally irrationally; five people died. The CIA were apparently investigating whether they could take down an enemy in this way ... The village baker was accused of adding poisonous mushrooms to the bread; he later died and his wife committed suicide. But, that particular mushroom hadn't been found in France since the eighteenth century. (The incident happened almost 60 years ago.) The drug was produced by Swiss firm Sandoz, and the biochemist who worked with it died in suspicious circumstances - probably for being 'loose lipped'.


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Yes, I've noticed! Vxd ones that I know seem to be oblivious to changes in their own personality. My brother who goes to church doesn't believe in God. Irrational non sensical behavior. Seem unable to actually think logically. Oblivious to what's happening around us.

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That's significant...

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

i don't work anymore. so other than the clearly gone. the masked, gloved crowd. i can't say i've noticed. real aggressive aging i've noticed in a few folk in the neighborhood. am i imagining it? don't know. the wife still works with the public and she has noticed big declines in the health of some people. but not all. how would one compile evidance anyway. 'crazy' behavior is a fairly subjective observation.

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For the most part what I am speaking of is pretty much purely subjective observation. I don't think people have yet turned into Zombies or complete whackos. These changes, if any, are subtle, and could be attributed to something as mundane as climate change (just joking!) ...a mundane as a world which has been thrown into much higher anxiety.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

to be clear. i 'suspect' something. old friends behavior was pretty whacked. i don't see them anymore so maybe they got better. the primary problem lies in not knowing how much I have been warped by this whole affair. how rational are MY observations now?

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Precisely my problem..."how rational are MY observations now?" I think this is a BIG problem most people are not admitting...

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am. Admitting it. Confirmation bias is seriously real, and we all have to question that, too. Taking into account that I read and pay attention to so many science, health and news substacks pretty much everything from "consensus authority" is suspect now, which, in physical reality, is the weirdest place I've ever been. If going insane is being very out of synch with one's milieu, then I'm gone, and there already, or so the gossip says...

One thing I've mentioned more than once is a disturbing conversation awhile ago between Reiner Fuellmich and Drs. Naomi Wolf and Peter Breggin, talking about the lipid nanoparticle mRNA delivery system, which can cross the blood/brain barrier (in some) and cause a 'lobotomy' effect. A more recent interview with RFK Jr, in which he talks about research on cell phone dangers, suggesting similar effects from EMFs. Double whammy for many, I fear...

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Yes, I linked that interview with Wolf, Breggin, Fuellmich in another comment.

I am assuming "consensus authority" posits that if enough people believe in something then it is correct? Or is allowable to be the authority? If that is what it is, then clearly that is the craziest notion I have heard yet.

Neil deGrasse Tyson certainly believes that is the way science is run considering all he said in the Del Bigtree interview...I cannot think of anything anyone could say that would indicate more they know nothing about science.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Sorry about redundant mention. Will re-listen to the conversation, when feeling a bit stronger... Critical thinking of any kind seems radical and dangerous to the point of mental disorder, if I'm interpreting reactions accurately to what I think are obvious suggestions.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

A really good question but a tall order to differentiate between the effects of stress , isolation and despair versus the impact of the jab. Anecdotally I have noticed that my peers in the jabbed group have aged rapidly over the last three years and have become crabbier and more opinionated. Separately again in my peer group aware of many women with various heart problems. Whether those observations/ issues are a result of or incidental re the jab hard to tell.

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It is all very "hard to tell"...that is why I wanted to start this discussion. I see a general apathy across the spectrum, vaxxed and unvaxxed. It feels like the world is closing in...working at home, previous restrictions on travel, and gatherings, etc. This could ALL be due to my own view of things, and may not be happening at all. I do not follow, say, travel statistics...and if I did, I would not trust them.

Physical issues have the same problem of perception...are the cancer rises, excess deaths, birth decline, all due to "other things"...and just "business as usual"...or is it truly the jab (of course I believe it is the jab...but it could also be other "agenda related" events...poisoning the water, chemtrails poisoning the air, mRNA mosquitoes, GMOs, shedding, God knows what else.

And of course not just physical but psychological as well...I don't need to list what is going on in that department.

But I also wonder if it can be a combination of the two...physical and psychological...thus the question here about the vaccinated acting psychologically odd due to the vaccine.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I agree that it is very hard to tell... demonstrating "causality" is a very tough business. On the other hand, GMOs, chemicals in water, stress, EMF... have been going on for quite a while. The only thing that "suddenly changed" was that millions of people became "vaccinated". In that situation, the "common sense" attitude (and the way it has been in medicine as far back as I remember) is to say: We cannot tell for sure, but let's stop this intervention that appears to be causing so many problems. In contrast, the "official" attitude has been: "Since correlation does not necessarily mean causation... let's keep forcing people to get the shot". This is indeed insane.

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HA!! Absolutely correct!! I remember when my first wife was going through the cancer gauntlet the doctors never wanted to give her more than one intervention at a time, it was always "we want to be sure what we are doing is causing the positive (or negative) affect." If anything bad happened, the first thing that was done was to remove the first suspect and see what happened.

And yes, we HAVE had all the other "killing us softly" events going on for quite some time....and suddenly the world melts down when the vaccine is introduced...duh...

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"Correlation does not equal causation" is a propaganda psy op I think. It got lots of media play and popular blog around the time autism was becoming more obvious and autism parents more vocal.



etc. Vigilantism against autism parents was being promoted. I had started a series about 'preventing autism' and I was shocked at the intense pushback on Twitter by #ActuallyAutistic tweeters whose feelings were SO hurt to think that I wanted PREVENT them! 70% of autistic people may be banging their head on the wall repetively while screaming shrilly, rather than Tweeting about their hurt feelings.

Correlation implies causation, and we need to double check that something else may not be affecting both parameters equally, or if it is a random fluke. but random flukes are less likely, in reality.

The phrase got more shill repetition online when Seneff and Samsel started writing about glyphosate and the temporal association with autism and like 29 other chronic conditions that have been escalating exponentially.

Tip - if it seems odd, suspect psy ops. The US has been doing culling policies since the 50s at least.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Exactly! As you say... correlation implies causation, although it does not necessarily mean causation. But they have propagandized the phrase to the point that they want people to believe that causation is almost never that case when there is a strong correlation, which is false, as you say.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

In my case... not particularly. I have heard that many people (like you) have had that experience. But personally, the people I see that have a mean attitude and appear to be insane have been like that since before the "vaccine"... when they chose to believe the madness of the "deadly pandemic". I am fortunate to have some friends who - although they decided to get "vaccinated" (I pray for them every day) - continue to have their usual behavior, and are ok. What I have definitely seen is too many "vaccinated" people with significant health problems. In 2020, 3 people I knew got "covid"; since 2021, I know dozens, ALL "vaccinated", several with 2-3 episodes. Too many people with cancers, or dying unexpectedly, or getting cardiovascular or clotting disorders... too many more than was the experience before 2021.

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Yes, there is no doubt about the physical impact. And the psychological observations are dicey at best. I personally have noticed VERY subtle personality changes, fogginess, memory, irrational choices, in a few people that I am very close to. But as you say, these attributes just seem to be extensions of the ones that have always been present...and...is it me, am I making stuff up? Or am I causing this sort of behaviour that I am observing?? OR...is it just the way the world is going these days?

I know Naomi Wolf has talked about this on a podcast with Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, and has concluded there IS something psychological going on with the vaxxed. I am just curious to see if any readers out there are experiencing this first hand.


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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I work for a mid size event supplier company. Every contract involves many people. It was never an easy task to deliver jobs without mistakes but after the plandemic simple tasks became a very difficult thing to do for people. Ignorance, irrational behaviour, illogical actions, anger outbursts, and strange whacky behaviour is a daily occurrence. Apathy is the strongest behaviour I observe that people have.

The majority became NPCs, if there are no clear orders they behave like those robotic vacuum cleaners banging against walls.

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I am seeing this in probably a less obvious way through clients...but I attribute much of this to my own paranoia and hyper sensitivity. I also see this new behaviour in MYSELF!! I have become much more apathetic...

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Seaweed STAT

I have greatly upped my seaweed intake (hyperthyroid history, I need to be cautious with iodine), and I feel better energy and mood again.

The US diet really is causing low level hypothryoidism/autoimmune variety moreso. Testing tends to be wrong because T3 and T4 may be present but dysfunctional due to containing fluoride, bromide or chloride.

Low iodine causes apathy. It is also a quantum energy thing, need more sunshine and mitochondrial support nutrients.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I am not deeply versed in philosophy, I like what Albert Camus had to say but I can see that I am becoming a nihilist and it's not a pretty feeling.

What the guy in a big mustache said ones, the god is dead? I think the unhuman in charged after they killed the god are killing human species. First mentally and then physically.

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Yep...Nietzsche would have a field day with all of this if he were alive to see it.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I was going to say - I feel like I see that more in myself than in others. 😆 Just the mental strain of living constantly in the shrew/sheep dynamic with someone who works from home while I homeschool and I am never, ever away from it, I sometimes feel like I’m just going to be that lady jabbering to myself on the street corner someday 🤦🏼‍♀️ Now I have seen some really strange road rage situations that were exceedingly, irrationally beyond the situation, to the point that it felt demonic. I’m more annoyed at how hunky-dory, everything’s-back-to-normal everyone else seems. That’s creepier.

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I am with you 100%. I am feeling exactly the same way.

It does seem like "anger issues" in public are on the rise...but that all could be coming from unvaxxed as well as vaxxed folks, and have no correlation to genetic alteration.

The "hunky-dory, everything's-back-to-normal" situation is indeed the creepiest of it all...although I doubt if that lasts very long. But as I said in Scenario #1 of my predictions, that COULD be the plan for a while...to keep everything that they are implementing as much below the radar as possible...although according to Vanden Bossche, we are going to have a huge Covid upswing in the fall.

My hunch is that some other big bio event will come up sooner than later...it just makes more sense to do that, although a few have popped up here and there and sputtered out soon enough, which seems odd.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Oh, is there a new interview from vanden Bossche? I’d love a link. I always appreciate his interviews so much.

And of course, on the bio front, now malaria’s here (depressed immune systems + gmo mosquitos, anybody?) along with its vaccine, and RSV and its vaccine. Sigh. The call to “get my house in order” remains strong.

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Yes, Vanden Bossche is answering a series of questions with little video presentations (no interviews). His first question he answer is "Why haven't your predictions some true." Check out his answer...he is rather tenacious.


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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks so much!! I’ve appreciated everything I’ve heard by him. Which is fun in its own way, because I guess you could say I’ve been in the “anti-vax” camp for well over a decade. but now a vaccinologist feels like a hero to me for entirely different reasons 😆😅

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I enquired about hiring a neighbour to cut the small amount of grass at our cabin in Minden, since they cut the one next door. The answer was "no fucking way". Apparently they don't like my attitude about the vaccine and are still furious about my refusal. So yes, the toxxinated are crazy.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

ha!!!! try the loopners at Kinmount........ anyways, december 2020 i ordered my canoe from Swift. the paranoia was palpable. even over the phone. picking it up at the bracebridge shop months later was beyond dystopian. i really thought the folk up north would have been indifferent to the propaganda. nope. from The French to Sudbury to West Guilford to Kaladar. irrational behavior all round.

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Jeesh. We can attribute your neighbor's ugliness to the general vaxxed/unvaxxed conflict...but I agree...I still cannot understand why they are all so pissed off and wonder if something chemically has been altered. We have always had "differences" in our culture, political, values, preferences, etc. but we have never had such hate and ugliness toward people who just had a different view as to what they felt comfortable to inject into their body. You would think there would be an understanding regarding that, a sort of "well, I can see why some people don't want to take this vaccine"...especially now after it has been clear that very few people actually died of Covid, or whatever it is they CALLED Covid.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I have. I think finally 'they' have found the medication that kills empathy.

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Please elaborate...are you saying people you know seem to have lost empathy? How?

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