Dr. Todd, are you familiar with the books by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.? I especially mean "Power vs. Force" and Map of Consciousness. His writings enabled me to understand the consciousness levels much more clearly. He does not talk about Humanity rising to 5D as a species along with Gaia as much of the spiritual community does, but his books and lectures are beyond wise. He passed in 2012.
This is very deep stuff, Todd. I had to read it more than once to feel that I could make a comment - and I am still hesitant. I am glad that you synthesized (hope I am spelling that word correctly) a model of four levels into one of two (or two and a half) levels: True-Game, or maybe in-between. It seems to me that levels 1 and 2 of the "kingdoms of consciousness" model correspond to a "materialistic" world view; both seem disconected from the spiritual, and focus only on the "material reality". The difference seems to be whether the person feels like a "victim of external forces" or "I am in control". Maybe it relates to the concept of internal and external locus of control - and I know you know a LOT more about that stuff than I do. Levels 3 and 4 seem connected to some spititual reality - call it what you want. I call it God. The difference seems to be whether the conscious person "submits to the will of God" or feels like "One with God". My personal view is that the more we are able to align our (free) will with the Will of God, the closer we get to Level 4. Independent of where our consciousness is, I believe that if we are living in this plane, the result of our will should have an effect on the material plane (as above so below). Of course, we probably all thrive to be at levels 3-4, but it is easier said than done. In reality, I guess we all visit all four levels at different times.
You got it man, couldn't be put more succinctly than that...very impressive.
Of course it is only an "idea"...not saying it is dogma. But I find it pretty accurate considering what I have experienced.
Thanks for this...hopefully it will help anyone who is not quite "getting it" but would like to.
I don't know if I would say the 3rd Kingdom is "submits to the Will of God"...that sounds a bit negative, although essentially that explanation would be accurate. I like to say, "God works through you as a vessel"...most people who follow their heart, and "do good in the world" are working through KC 3. But really what you say here is also the way I understand it (even
the "submit to God's will" part). And yes, as human beings, we visit all levels all of the time. I strive to be in KC3 for a good portion of my time, touch on KC4 hopefully once in a while but don't necessarily "work on it"...if it happens, it just happens.
KC1 is a constant challenge. So is KC3...KC2 I guess most of us have learned to utilize most of the time...
I agree... "submit to the will..." sounds somewhat negative. "Being a vessel..." is probably more what we thrive for. To me, an important concept is that we have free will. "Aligning" our will with God's will is what gets us to KC3 and KC4. The better "alignment" the closer to 4... my guess...
Yes....Free Will is there, for one reason, to assure that God is never seen as a tyrant...never has control over us as a tyrant would. We can always go the other way.
Contrary to popular belief, God does not punish us...we punish ourselves by slipping out of alignment with the "purpose" of the universe...which is love, unity consciousness.
As material beings we often will "appear" to be misaligned with that purpose...such as killing someone in self defense, or killing someone who rapes our daughter (or anyone's daughter for that matter.) These are the conundrums of material life...we must make righteous decisions. And when we fail, the universe may APPEAR to punish us...but it is only consequences, not punishment.
Of course a fully righteous, aligned, human may still suffer. But it is a material suffering, not a suffering that really "matters"...anyway...hope that makes sense...and if it doesn't, who cares!!! My guess!!!
Todd, thanks for this! I would really love to hear / read more from you on this general topic.
It is my deep belief we need to leave the "game self" behind us in some stoic way, as it will happen anyway given how shrews/sheep are distributed numerically in the world. For that we need a solid framework (call it philosophy, religion or spirituality) and ideas / thoughts as in this article are tremendously helpful I think.
Specifically, what techniques can be employed to move between categories #2 and #3 without loosing one's mind?
The "serenity prayer" (from my point of view the only prayer needed anyway) catches this quite well:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
-> how to find and keep serenity? (that would be resting in #3)
-> how to master courage? (that would be taking an active part in #2)
-> how to have wisdom? (that would be switching between #2 and #3)
Funny how it is somehow always about the same core set of ideas ...
There are many disciplines set up throughout the ages to accomplish what you are describing here…I would roll them all into one general category: spiritual practice.
Basically the task is becoming as aware as we can of our oneness with source. Unity consciousness, Christ Consciousness, etc. We can choose to dedicate our life to achieving this awareness, and when we become as aware as possible, then, I believe, we ascend and are no longer physical beings.
If we choose to “stay in the world” as guides, masters, bodhisattvas we then become “dirt warriors” and dedicate our lives to realigning the material world so it is a truer reflection of heaven…ma’at.
We choose whatever path we take, sheep, shrew, ascetic, etc. and are very aware, from the perspective of our “higher self” what we are doing…a calling…if we are a bit of a distance from awareness of source we may go through our entire life blind…but we are still on the path of our calling. It can get complicated…and of course, what do I know!!! This is what I have “come to” over the years, and it isn’t necessarily how everyone else sees it!!
I wish to think I am in the second category, sometimes leaning toward the third category. But how would I know? Does the awareness that I have a sense of fear keep me in the second category?
Sometimes I catch myself that I have too much of a "spiritual pride"-- "I know better than the sheep", kind of attitude. What category does this attitude belong to?
I think that questioning fear and pride is evidence of advanced spiritual development.
Most remain unaware and simply justify such attitudes. Your curiosity and expanding awareness gives you an opportunity for further development instead of unconsciously reverting to earlier stages. I'm still digesting this very helpful map Todd shared, and also stretching to imagine being "everywhere all at the same time." Also, in measuring "where we are" it's helpful for me to discern the vibratory level of those with whom I interact, and I remember that kindergarten isn't inferior to grad school, just a different experience. I too would love to learn more on this topic!
Good questions. The nature of this “perspective” is such that quantification, i.e., determining “where you are” “how much of you is there” and whether you really know which category, or Kingdom you are in at any given moment. That sort of objectification is often a nice way to understand something, since our physical bodies understand and “grok” things in a particular, typically material, manner. But it is not the whole picture.
So to answer your question, you really don’t know through measurement but you do “know” in your heart if you are “where you would like to be”. Sorry for being elusive. Also, as part of this perspective, it is good to know that we are everywhere all at the same time. We perceive things in time and space, and in that sense it is easier to say we “move” from 1 to 2 to 3 back to 2, etc. but in reality that isn’t really what is happening.
“Spiritual pride” is often a reflection of truth, but we of course have to watch it. The truth is that you ARE on a “higher frequency” in many aspects from sheep…as we are all experiencing some sort of material experience (or so it seems) so it is not out of line to compare. You are most assuredly operating on a level that is “higher”…more aligned with source…but once we start judging others based on that truth, we can run into trouble (not saying you are doing that!!)
opened the article and saw charts. sounds of squealing brakes. oh no. some damn guru shit comin right up. but i'm wrong. i really like this idea. think i might stick them on the fridge. after reading this i realized i was in victim mode as i was eating a delicious breakfast outside, with the pups, yet muttering about the sky being white again. deep breath. the earth will survive silly ideas. at some point the beautiful blue will return. thank you.
Sorry about the charts, as well as the guru shit. Have to talk about SOMETHING in the trenches when all's quiet on the Western front...so it is now story time..."once upon a time"...
Yeah yeah, we are all in victim mode once in a while...just don't set up a tent there...there is a lot to feel victimized over these days.
Say hi to the pups...wish we could post pics here...I'll try in "Notes"...maybe y'all can see my little angel dog.
Interesting way to see the dynamics at play and the drives of each category.
I too see myself as number 2, as the injustices are too wild to just forget/escape.
I feel the need to challenge the bullshit going on in the game.
The number 3 sometimes comes out when I feel like I need to surrender and just have faith that the players will stand up for themselves and wake up to the rigged game.
Sounds like you have a great handle on it all...what you describe, in my humble opinion, is about as good as a person can hope for. You could just ascend into the heavens, but what fun would that be....kind of like when mom calls you to dinner in the middle of an exciting round of "Call of Duty"
Thank you for this! It resonates well with other works I’ve been reading. I find it telling that so many different cultures have, at their hearts, the same core “philosophies”, if you will. This reminds of the teachings of Don Juan, Toltec wisdom, and living in the “dream”. Good stuff.
Thank you! Yes, early on in my journey, when I was a bit more sceptical of these teachings, I discovered that there were so many versions of the same ideas...going way way back, from cultures that had no communication with one another in ancient times...I realized there must be profound truth to it if the same conclusions were drawn from so many different places. It is quite fascinating...
That's embarrassing. It is Routledge Press, which is an academic publisher...always very pricey. The hardcover is meant for libraries, so they will last forever, and the libraries DO buy them! I don't even own a hardcover version...
I think the paperback is $68, which is still way too high. If I had it to do over again I would have looked for a more "secular" publisher, or published it myself.
Sorry...needless to say, I only get about a nickel in royalties.
I loved this comment cos I have been stocking up guns and ammo the last couple of years. And it's been a really interesting process reconciling my beliefs around everything you've written here, Todd, with that process.
So much of the typical Level 3 teachings are about peace and love and acceptance and forgiveness etc etc, which are all essential. But for me reclaiming a more martial outlook on the world and accepting how I'm prepared to defend me and mine whilst retaining my spiritual self has been a challenging process. To internalise that I'm not a "bad" person for being willing to fully stand my corner and defend my values and territory.
There's that passage from the Bhagvad Ghita about "throwing oneself into the heat of battle, but keeping your heart at the lotus feet of the Lord". I'm a very long way from realising that in my life, but its an important goal for me.
We are living a material experience. There is time, place, and reason to respond materially in order to preserve the body and the bodies of those we love.
Dr. Todd, are you familiar with the books by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.? I especially mean "Power vs. Force" and Map of Consciousness. His writings enabled me to understand the consciousness levels much more clearly. He does not talk about Humanity rising to 5D as a species along with Gaia as much of the spiritual community does, but his books and lectures are beyond wise. He passed in 2012.
Actually I am not familiar with Hawkins...now I am, thank you!
This is very deep stuff, Todd. I had to read it more than once to feel that I could make a comment - and I am still hesitant. I am glad that you synthesized (hope I am spelling that word correctly) a model of four levels into one of two (or two and a half) levels: True-Game, or maybe in-between. It seems to me that levels 1 and 2 of the "kingdoms of consciousness" model correspond to a "materialistic" world view; both seem disconected from the spiritual, and focus only on the "material reality". The difference seems to be whether the person feels like a "victim of external forces" or "I am in control". Maybe it relates to the concept of internal and external locus of control - and I know you know a LOT more about that stuff than I do. Levels 3 and 4 seem connected to some spititual reality - call it what you want. I call it God. The difference seems to be whether the conscious person "submits to the will of God" or feels like "One with God". My personal view is that the more we are able to align our (free) will with the Will of God, the closer we get to Level 4. Independent of where our consciousness is, I believe that if we are living in this plane, the result of our will should have an effect on the material plane (as above so below). Of course, we probably all thrive to be at levels 3-4, but it is easier said than done. In reality, I guess we all visit all four levels at different times.
You got it man, couldn't be put more succinctly than that...very impressive.
Of course it is only an "idea"...not saying it is dogma. But I find it pretty accurate considering what I have experienced.
Thanks for this...hopefully it will help anyone who is not quite "getting it" but would like to.
I don't know if I would say the 3rd Kingdom is "submits to the Will of God"...that sounds a bit negative, although essentially that explanation would be accurate. I like to say, "God works through you as a vessel"...most people who follow their heart, and "do good in the world" are working through KC 3. But really what you say here is also the way I understand it (even
the "submit to God's will" part). And yes, as human beings, we visit all levels all of the time. I strive to be in KC3 for a good portion of my time, touch on KC4 hopefully once in a while but don't necessarily "work on it"...if it happens, it just happens.
KC1 is a constant challenge. So is KC3...KC2 I guess most of us have learned to utilize most of the time...
I agree... "submit to the will..." sounds somewhat negative. "Being a vessel..." is probably more what we thrive for. To me, an important concept is that we have free will. "Aligning" our will with God's will is what gets us to KC3 and KC4. The better "alignment" the closer to 4... my guess...
Yes....Free Will is there, for one reason, to assure that God is never seen as a tyrant...never has control over us as a tyrant would. We can always go the other way.
Contrary to popular belief, God does not punish us...we punish ourselves by slipping out of alignment with the "purpose" of the universe...which is love, unity consciousness.
As material beings we often will "appear" to be misaligned with that purpose...such as killing someone in self defense, or killing someone who rapes our daughter (or anyone's daughter for that matter.) These are the conundrums of material life...we must make righteous decisions. And when we fail, the universe may APPEAR to punish us...but it is only consequences, not punishment.
Of course a fully righteous, aligned, human may still suffer. But it is a material suffering, not a suffering that really "matters"...anyway...hope that makes sense...and if it doesn't, who cares!!! My guess!!!
Todd, thanks for this! I would really love to hear / read more from you on this general topic.
It is my deep belief we need to leave the "game self" behind us in some stoic way, as it will happen anyway given how shrews/sheep are distributed numerically in the world. For that we need a solid framework (call it philosophy, religion or spirituality) and ideas / thoughts as in this article are tremendously helpful I think.
Specifically, what techniques can be employed to move between categories #2 and #3 without loosing one's mind?
The "serenity prayer" (from my point of view the only prayer needed anyway) catches this quite well:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
-> how to find and keep serenity? (that would be resting in #3)
-> how to master courage? (that would be taking an active part in #2)
-> how to have wisdom? (that would be switching between #2 and #3)
Funny how it is somehow always about the same core set of ideas ...
There are many disciplines set up throughout the ages to accomplish what you are describing here…I would roll them all into one general category: spiritual practice.
Basically the task is becoming as aware as we can of our oneness with source. Unity consciousness, Christ Consciousness, etc. We can choose to dedicate our life to achieving this awareness, and when we become as aware as possible, then, I believe, we ascend and are no longer physical beings.
If we choose to “stay in the world” as guides, masters, bodhisattvas we then become “dirt warriors” and dedicate our lives to realigning the material world so it is a truer reflection of heaven…ma’at.
We choose whatever path we take, sheep, shrew, ascetic, etc. and are very aware, from the perspective of our “higher self” what we are doing…a calling…if we are a bit of a distance from awareness of source we may go through our entire life blind…but we are still on the path of our calling. It can get complicated…and of course, what do I know!!! This is what I have “come to” over the years, and it isn’t necessarily how everyone else sees it!!
I wish to think I am in the second category, sometimes leaning toward the third category. But how would I know? Does the awareness that I have a sense of fear keep me in the second category?
Sometimes I catch myself that I have too much of a "spiritual pride"-- "I know better than the sheep", kind of attitude. What category does this attitude belong to?
I think that questioning fear and pride is evidence of advanced spiritual development.
Most remain unaware and simply justify such attitudes. Your curiosity and expanding awareness gives you an opportunity for further development instead of unconsciously reverting to earlier stages. I'm still digesting this very helpful map Todd shared, and also stretching to imagine being "everywhere all at the same time." Also, in measuring "where we are" it's helpful for me to discern the vibratory level of those with whom I interact, and I remember that kindergarten isn't inferior to grad school, just a different experience. I too would love to learn more on this topic!
Good questions. The nature of this “perspective” is such that quantification, i.e., determining “where you are” “how much of you is there” and whether you really know which category, or Kingdom you are in at any given moment. That sort of objectification is often a nice way to understand something, since our physical bodies understand and “grok” things in a particular, typically material, manner. But it is not the whole picture.
So to answer your question, you really don’t know through measurement but you do “know” in your heart if you are “where you would like to be”. Sorry for being elusive. Also, as part of this perspective, it is good to know that we are everywhere all at the same time. We perceive things in time and space, and in that sense it is easier to say we “move” from 1 to 2 to 3 back to 2, etc. but in reality that isn’t really what is happening.
“Spiritual pride” is often a reflection of truth, but we of course have to watch it. The truth is that you ARE on a “higher frequency” in many aspects from sheep…as we are all experiencing some sort of material experience (or so it seems) so it is not out of line to compare. You are most assuredly operating on a level that is “higher”…more aligned with source…but once we start judging others based on that truth, we can run into trouble (not saying you are doing that!!)
Thanks, Todd.
opened the article and saw charts. sounds of squealing brakes. oh no. some damn guru shit comin right up. but i'm wrong. i really like this idea. think i might stick them on the fridge. after reading this i realized i was in victim mode as i was eating a delicious breakfast outside, with the pups, yet muttering about the sky being white again. deep breath. the earth will survive silly ideas. at some point the beautiful blue will return. thank you.
Sorry about the charts, as well as the guru shit. Have to talk about SOMETHING in the trenches when all's quiet on the Western front...so it is now story time..."once upon a time"...
Yeah yeah, we are all in victim mode once in a while...just don't set up a tent there...there is a lot to feel victimized over these days.
Say hi to the pups...wish we could post pics here...I'll try in "Notes"...maybe y'all can see my little angel dog.
i saw her. looks so sweet......compared to the pandemonium 'round here. lol.
Fascinating article. I would definitely like to understand the Kingdoms of Consciousness in greater depth, thank you!
Interesting way to see the dynamics at play and the drives of each category.
I too see myself as number 2, as the injustices are too wild to just forget/escape.
I feel the need to challenge the bullshit going on in the game.
The number 3 sometimes comes out when I feel like I need to surrender and just have faith that the players will stand up for themselves and wake up to the rigged game.
Sounds like you have a great handle on it all...what you describe, in my humble opinion, is about as good as a person can hope for. You could just ascend into the heavens, but what fun would that be....kind of like when mom calls you to dinner in the middle of an exciting round of "Call of Duty"
Thank you for this! It resonates well with other works I’ve been reading. I find it telling that so many different cultures have, at their hearts, the same core “philosophies”, if you will. This reminds of the teachings of Don Juan, Toltec wisdom, and living in the “dream”. Good stuff.
Thank you! Yes, early on in my journey, when I was a bit more sceptical of these teachings, I discovered that there were so many versions of the same ideas...going way way back, from cultures that had no communication with one another in ancient times...I realized there must be profound truth to it if the same conclusions were drawn from so many different places. It is quite fascinating...
Wait until you read “Forbidden Archeology” by Cremo & Thompson 😉
I have. I have been studying ancient Egyptology from an alternative perspective for years...and all the spinoffs. Even wrote a book about it...
Wow, Hardcover $250 on amazon - good job Todd ;-)
That's embarrassing. It is Routledge Press, which is an academic publisher...always very pricey. The hardcover is meant for libraries, so they will last forever, and the libraries DO buy them! I don't even own a hardcover version...
I think the paperback is $68, which is still way too high. If I had it to do over again I would have looked for a more "secular" publisher, or published it myself.
Sorry...needless to say, I only get about a nickel in royalties.
Very interesting!!! It’s on my “want” list now! I need to wait because we bought too much guns & ammo this month😆. Blew our budget big time!😂
I loved this comment cos I have been stocking up guns and ammo the last couple of years. And it's been a really interesting process reconciling my beliefs around everything you've written here, Todd, with that process.
So much of the typical Level 3 teachings are about peace and love and acceptance and forgiveness etc etc, which are all essential. But for me reclaiming a more martial outlook on the world and accepting how I'm prepared to defend me and mine whilst retaining my spiritual self has been a challenging process. To internalise that I'm not a "bad" person for being willing to fully stand my corner and defend my values and territory.
There's that passage from the Bhagvad Ghita about "throwing oneself into the heat of battle, but keeping your heart at the lotus feet of the Lord". I'm a very long way from realising that in my life, but its an important goal for me.
We are living a material experience. There is time, place, and reason to respond materially in order to preserve the body and the bodies of those we love.
The Bhagavad Gita quote is excellent...read my article "Hail the Dirt Warrior" for more on the Gita! https://www.shrewviews.com/p/hail-the-dirt-warrior