Ok, ok, I’ve written about this before. In fact, nearly everything I write these days is a variation on this theme—sheep not seeing the light. It fascinates me. And apparently it fascinates a lot of other people. There have been books written about it, phrases created to describe it, and endless articles questioning this strange phenomenon that has risen out of this Covid/et al muck. Why are there so many people in this world that cannot see it is collapsing and compliance to a totalitarian agenda is the primary reason this is happening?
Hope this essay by Toby Rogers is of interest and use.
“Pharma is terrible at bioscience but their understanding of human nature is extraordinary - The cartel knows exactly what buttons to push to get you to do what they want.”
I was shocked at a dinner gathering last year when during the course of conversation, the daughter of the host, a mid-twenty something, blurted out how she thought Communism would be a good thing...and she was dead serious. This is the fruit of the US education system.
They don't care because they're ignorant - and I believe that has been the working plan goal for perhaps the past 50 years - Common Core comes to mind too..
I also think these genetic shots are responsible for some of the bizarre incidents of violence by new crazy people we are hearing about, since the experiment started..
Many young liberals think communism is a good thing. On paper it sounds rather promising as Marx and Engles presented it…what could be nicer than a society that says “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” What’s there not to like? First of all, the communist manifesto was written in 1848…lots has changed since then…and many claim the reason why communism does not work is due to the other things that have to be put into place to make the central ideology fly, like loss of personal freedom, creating a police state to keep it running, the establishment of a central totalitarian government…all things that simply do not work because they are breeding grounds for corruption not to mention the destruction of the human spirit. Marx also had the misconception about human nature that if given the opportunity humans will not be greedy…and that they required a deep sense of individuality (Ayn Rand style) (which we are born with). Humans are not ants who will toil their entire life only for the good of the colony.
This young woman is an idealist. Communism doesn’t work in practice…and that is an understatement, not only does it not “work” economically or socially it is devastating to the human spirit.
Of course capitalism seems to also have run its course and has morphed into something that was never intended…
And I too am beginning to see what you describe in your last sentence….it is just in its infant stages now…and being a good little conspiracy theorist that I am, I would venture to say the jabs seem to be having an affect on people’s psychology across the spectrum…not just with anger issues…
In my German 301 class we read a book about how East Germans felt after the wall came down. To my surprise, many twenty-somethings living in Soviet-occupied Germany were frustrated about their new capitalist life. A young woman complained that she was going to represent East Germany on the national swim team, but now she was forced to take a waitress job at minimum wage. In her mind, she was much more of a slave after the reunification. I'm guessing she never criticized the soviet.
It seems like in every country, economic system or ideology there's a dark side. A mid-high ranking commissar in 1970's Russia would have never traded his position with a janitor in LA. A middle-class schoolteacher in the US would have never traded her position with a coal miner in central Russia.
Doesn't it ultimately boil down to freedom? I was booted from four jobs and now face crushing poverty to defend my freedom from the vax. Fortunately, in California I was able to find some employers who don't require the vax (Yes, it's still mandatory in theater circles). In China, this wouldn't have been possible. So then what? What happens when you honestly and legitimately disagree with the State? Not to sound corny, but that's the brilliance of the US Constitution. Sure, the elites have found a zillion ways to skirt the Constitution, but the central principal is Freedom: freedom to disagree and not face retribution.
It's only a matter of time before my parents, your wife, and other sheep are up against a similar brick wall, when their conscience firmly disagrees with the State. Maybe they will have to sign a form agreeing with Biden's "red speech," or agree to support sex change operations for minors in order to keep their job.
This myopic view of, "I'm not a criminal so who cares if letter agencies are screening all my calls," reminds me of the Martin Niemöller, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a socialist."
Put someone in a cage for a year and restrict exercise, healthy food, thinking and problem solving, and then let them out to be free to do whatever they wish, they will be begging to be put back into the cage. East Germany suffered terribly after the wall came down…not just individually, but economically as well…a huge rash of factory failures and shut downs because they were inefficient and unable to compete with the west occurred, thus causing mass layoff of workers who had had a comfortable “managed living” jog their entire life. It was not easy. But in the end we will always turn to the human spirit, which has to be free. If it is not free it atrophies and eventually shuts down. Freedom isn’t easy though, first off, as a community, it requires a lot of attention and active thinking. We are seeing its special form of destruction in the West now…too long to go into here.
And yes, I am often confronted with that defective logic “I have nothing to fear, there is no reason for the authorities to come after me”…ignorant beyond reason…
"Put someone in a cage for a year and restrict exercise, healthy food, thinking and problem solving, and then let them out to be free to do whatever they wish, they will be begging to be put back into the cage."
People don’t realise how fragile our way of life is. I assumed democracy had won, that everyone wanted freedom. I never bothered with politics, makes one feel helpless; stopped watching the news years ago, all lies. The moment our freedom was taken away in every country in lockstep, I started waking up. I can never go back to sleep. I had my daughter just before it all started. This is about her future now.
Meanwhile most people are just getting on with their lives. And I watch on with dread.
Yep...it is very bad. I often wonder if we, shrews, are overly paranoid, but I think we feel that way because this "world A"...the denial world, is so in our face...it is like "The Truman Show"...all designed to deceive us (now THERE'S a paranoid concept!!!) I stick with this quote from Orwell: "Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, does not make you mad. There is truth, and there is untruth, and if you cling to the truth even against the whole world, you are not mad."
I love your comment, “We are taking this away from you because we are a totalitarian government and we want you to feel oppressed.” I think a lot of sheeple believe if the government were descending into Totalitarianism it would be on the news, or 60 minutes would do an expose on it. They don't understand nuance and subtlety, connect the dots or see the big picture as to how all the small removals of freedom add up.
Yes, I love that line "if ....blah blah....were true it would be on the news"...As I have said before, I believe the media is the true evil here...if you have control of the media, you have control of the world. This leads back to the problem that people don't think about what the media says...no critical thinking...nothing can be trusted at face value...at LEAST a bit of common sense has to be applied...and even better, more deep critical analysis...of ALL information.
Todd, I to have been extremely curious on how this happens, there seems to be great information on how this happens Mattias Desmet, Joost Merloo, Hannah Arendt but nothing much on why when explained to people they don't see it or are not curious, or come back with this doesn't apply to this situation.
I find Aldous Huxley's knowledge of the human mind and how that relates to totalitarianism amazing some quotes,
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”
“… the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”
To me so much of it is tied up in rationalist mechanistic "left brain" thinking, everything needs to be controlled.
If you don't have time to watch the whole Desmet interview watch from about 50 mins he goes into more depth than his book the rationalist mechanistic thinking that produces and allows totalitarianism to flourish.
I'll look froward to looking at these links...I am a Desmet fan, especially his theories on the etiology of a "meaningless life" which sets the stage for his mass formation theory.
From my observation the core problem is: sheep type persons do not value freedom in any way. They are actually happy to have their freedom and the responsibility that comes with it taken away, happy to be cared for by the state. Even if they do not agree with individual rules/regulations etc, they deem their own judgement wrong and assume it to be "for the best of society".
It is not so much "I don't give a damn" but "this is surely the best for all of us, you and me simply don't understand it". Which in a way is an even worse attitude of course.
"...sheep type persons do not value freedom in any way. They are actually happy to have their freedom and the responsibility that comes with it taken away, happy to be cared for by the state. Even if they do not agree with individual rules/regulations etc, they deem their own judgement wrong and assume it to be "for the best of society"." EXACTLY
The "I don't give a damn" part of it is a way to avoid a shrew's question...you are right to say that the underlying REASON they "don't give a damn" is because they honestly think what is going on is "for the best."
Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP
Very thought-provoking article. Daily, I scratch my head (sometimes until it bleeds) in an attempt to understand the mentality of sheeple. Sadly, I've had no epiphanies concerning their passivity and lack of investment in a sane future, both for themselves and e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e else on the planet. For that reason, the Great Awakening doesn't seem too plausible at this point. I think, Todd, that you're onto something: They just don't care. Despite knowing that knowledge is power, these people aren't interested in arming themselves with information. Their self-chosen myopia about all things related to the Great Reset is mind-boggling, but that same apathy is what got us where we are today. It's been a long time in the making, not just the Great Reset but the mentality of learned helplessness and a LACK OF IMAGINATION about how much worse things could get. They've chosen their own personal battles, and the fallout from the Great Reset is not one of the battles they're willing to fight...or even acknowledge.
I've been appreciating this guy's Bitchute channel where he muses--often and well--about sheeple. I think he's spot-on most of the time and, surprisingly, I laugh at some of his commentary because, well...it's either laugh or cry. His vids are a bit rough around the edges, production-wise, but the guy gets an A for his curiosity and inquisitiveness about the covidiots. Called The Kurgan Report. He's a layperson but took it upon himself to read and report on the VAERS data, for instance. His channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/B4qaDvddnzK6/
Well...keep scratching...these ideas I present I do believe are part of the story, but not the whole thing...I am continually perplexed by it, and at times really do believe there was something in the vaccine that makes people crazy (of course they were crazy before the vaccine because they decided to get it) so maybe it IS 5G...or who knows what...
I had a client yesterday who is perplexed and depressed about all the young relatives and friends dying of heart attacks. I didn't get the exact number, but it is at least 3. He has four shots and wonders why suddenly he can't work out every day like he used to...his doctors say it is because of long covid....He has NO clue, has heard NOTHING about the vaccines being a problem...and of course when and if he does hear or read, all this will be blamed on Covid...truly insane...and quite mesmerizing...I just sat there "observing" like in a movie...I had no desire to set him straight...it was quite weird..just watching, observing, like I said, like watching a movie where you know as an audience member you can't say or do anything to change the plot...you just watch, wondering what will happen next....
Hi Todd, Thanks for all of your examples/anecdotes here. I love your writing and your take on things. Yeah, Covid is getting blamed for everything, the perfect scapegoat, lol. Perhaps it's too much of me to ask here, but it'd be great to hear more about your dynamics of relating to a partner who is, as you label her, a sheep. None of my business, of course, but I've been wondering how people's (sometimes) vastly different ideologies affect the marriage of 2 disagreeing partners. Quite fascinating. I am single and am not sure what I would do/how I would cope if I lived with a person who thinks rather conventionality. Perhaps it'd be a combo of many things: challenging, thought-provoking, isolating, funny (strangely and at times), and twilight zone-inducing. Anyway, thanks for all of your thoughts, Todd. Looking forward to more of your words.
Hi Katherine...this got buried so I missed it on the first look through...sorry.
Thank you for liking what I write!!! That always inspires me!
I like your idea...to address the "sheep/shrew" partner combo. I have to think of a way to do that without infringing on my wife's privacy! Maybe I could just always refer to other people I have met, etc. I'll have to think about it, but it is a very good topic...very good.
Todd I think the sheep were and will always be sheep. 99% of the population are followers and not leaders. That’s why we have been so easy to suppress for decades. Give the population just enough toys, bells and whistles, to keep them satisfied and you can do whatever else you like.
Obviously I agree with you. And yes on your comment regarding "distractions"...bells, whistles, etc. Wish we could all get together somewhere and create our own country....
I hope you are wrong but you’re probably right. A former neighbour, a TEACHER, said about some stupid policy, “What can we do? It’s the government.” 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ No question, no pushback just roll over. I find the more highly educated people tend to be the most compliant and the least interested in opening their minds to a new idea/paradigm. Likely why they do well in school because that is all about compliance and regurgitation.
I remember years ago reading some study that said highly educated people are more likely to get into car accidents because their mind is typically not on the road. I think that applies here as well. People who are very intelligent (or highly education, they are not really the same) probably have all sorts of pointless things on their mind with work, money, etc. They are, assuming they have channeled their intelligence into things that make them materially successful, also deeply ensconced in the "system"...they don't want to think outside of the box as they may lose their place in the system if they do. I am not sure if this is so much tied to intelligence as it is to compliance with the mechanism that makes a person considered successful in modern society...and intelligent people would more than likely pursue that "integrated with the culture" sort of life. It is less likely that they be renegades...
Yes, all you say here in my opinion is right on...
I agree. Complete apathy unless entertainment or food/Amazon delivery is taken away. Convenience seems to be more important than freedom in the modern mind. I don't bother anymore to convince people what's happening, just try to position myself as best I can.
Exactly. I will say what we all face in this modern screwed up culture is very compelling. I have to admit I was a sheep for many years...but still questioned certain things, but looked at the shrew side more out of curiosity than seeing that side as fact.
I was a sheep as well. Took a number of years of seeing things that just didn't make sense before I questioned the medical industry. When covid hysteria hit, I had a lot of time to research. That should give me hope I suppose that others might also be in that process. It helps that I took a course in high school called Television Appreciation. Turned out to be a critical thinking course. Excellent preparation for this time in history.
Check out "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman...and old book but still very relevant, primarily from the "TV" perspective, which is at the beginning of this mass hypnosis...
If mass awakenings were part of the human psyche, then Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Mao’s China, North Korea, etc., would never have happened. Over and over again the sheep sleep walk into totalitarianism, always believing they are free. I agree with you, there will not be a mass uprising to break the chains of their slavery. There will continue to be a mass bed-in where they snuggle down into their bed of lies and continue to dream their delusional dreams.
You said it my friend...as sad as that is, that is the truth. Since this is a global thing there will be no knight in shining armour marching in to save us as there was in 1945 and other years where conflicting ideologies fought it out and, however you want to look at it, the "free culture" won...that won't happen this time. This is global. As odd as it is to say, it may be Russia and or China who don't want to play along and actually save the world from the elite globalists!!
Thank you...it is very sad...she is beautiful, intelligent, with an amazing heart...I know she thinks the same as I do when I say I don't know what happened to her to believe what she believes.
There is an Answer to this all and has to do with EVIL wich opposit is LIVE.
And is through the ages of human existance a part of it.
Watch all the nine chapters.
Hope this essay by Toby Rogers is of interest and use.
“Pharma is terrible at bioscience but their understanding of human nature is extraordinary - The cartel knows exactly what buttons to push to get you to do what they want.”
I was shocked at a dinner gathering last year when during the course of conversation, the daughter of the host, a mid-twenty something, blurted out how she thought Communism would be a good thing...and she was dead serious. This is the fruit of the US education system.
They don't care because they're ignorant - and I believe that has been the working plan goal for perhaps the past 50 years - Common Core comes to mind too..
I also think these genetic shots are responsible for some of the bizarre incidents of violence by new crazy people we are hearing about, since the experiment started..
Many young liberals think communism is a good thing. On paper it sounds rather promising as Marx and Engles presented it…what could be nicer than a society that says “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” What’s there not to like? First of all, the communist manifesto was written in 1848…lots has changed since then…and many claim the reason why communism does not work is due to the other things that have to be put into place to make the central ideology fly, like loss of personal freedom, creating a police state to keep it running, the establishment of a central totalitarian government…all things that simply do not work because they are breeding grounds for corruption not to mention the destruction of the human spirit. Marx also had the misconception about human nature that if given the opportunity humans will not be greedy…and that they required a deep sense of individuality (Ayn Rand style) (which we are born with). Humans are not ants who will toil their entire life only for the good of the colony.
This young woman is an idealist. Communism doesn’t work in practice…and that is an understatement, not only does it not “work” economically or socially it is devastating to the human spirit.
Of course capitalism seems to also have run its course and has morphed into something that was never intended…
And I too am beginning to see what you describe in your last sentence….it is just in its infant stages now…and being a good little conspiracy theorist that I am, I would venture to say the jabs seem to be having an affect on people’s psychology across the spectrum…not just with anger issues…
In my German 301 class we read a book about how East Germans felt after the wall came down. To my surprise, many twenty-somethings living in Soviet-occupied Germany were frustrated about their new capitalist life. A young woman complained that she was going to represent East Germany on the national swim team, but now she was forced to take a waitress job at minimum wage. In her mind, she was much more of a slave after the reunification. I'm guessing she never criticized the soviet.
It seems like in every country, economic system or ideology there's a dark side. A mid-high ranking commissar in 1970's Russia would have never traded his position with a janitor in LA. A middle-class schoolteacher in the US would have never traded her position with a coal miner in central Russia.
Doesn't it ultimately boil down to freedom? I was booted from four jobs and now face crushing poverty to defend my freedom from the vax. Fortunately, in California I was able to find some employers who don't require the vax (Yes, it's still mandatory in theater circles). In China, this wouldn't have been possible. So then what? What happens when you honestly and legitimately disagree with the State? Not to sound corny, but that's the brilliance of the US Constitution. Sure, the elites have found a zillion ways to skirt the Constitution, but the central principal is Freedom: freedom to disagree and not face retribution.
It's only a matter of time before my parents, your wife, and other sheep are up against a similar brick wall, when their conscience firmly disagrees with the State. Maybe they will have to sign a form agreeing with Biden's "red speech," or agree to support sex change operations for minors in order to keep their job.
This myopic view of, "I'm not a criminal so who cares if letter agencies are screening all my calls," reminds me of the Martin Niemöller, "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a socialist."
Once again Andy very eloquently put. Thank you.
Put someone in a cage for a year and restrict exercise, healthy food, thinking and problem solving, and then let them out to be free to do whatever they wish, they will be begging to be put back into the cage. East Germany suffered terribly after the wall came down…not just individually, but economically as well…a huge rash of factory failures and shut downs because they were inefficient and unable to compete with the west occurred, thus causing mass layoff of workers who had had a comfortable “managed living” jog their entire life. It was not easy. But in the end we will always turn to the human spirit, which has to be free. If it is not free it atrophies and eventually shuts down. Freedom isn’t easy though, first off, as a community, it requires a lot of attention and active thinking. We are seeing its special form of destruction in the West now…too long to go into here.
And yes, I am often confronted with that defective logic “I have nothing to fear, there is no reason for the authorities to come after me”…ignorant beyond reason…
"Put someone in a cage for a year and restrict exercise, healthy food, thinking and problem solving, and then let them out to be free to do whatever they wish, they will be begging to be put back into the cage."
People don’t realise how fragile our way of life is. I assumed democracy had won, that everyone wanted freedom. I never bothered with politics, makes one feel helpless; stopped watching the news years ago, all lies. The moment our freedom was taken away in every country in lockstep, I started waking up. I can never go back to sleep. I had my daughter just before it all started. This is about her future now.
Meanwhile most people are just getting on with their lives. And I watch on with dread.
Yep...it is very bad. I often wonder if we, shrews, are overly paranoid, but I think we feel that way because this "world A"...the denial world, is so in our face...it is like "The Truman Show"...all designed to deceive us (now THERE'S a paranoid concept!!!) I stick with this quote from Orwell: "Being in a minority, even in a minority of one, does not make you mad. There is truth, and there is untruth, and if you cling to the truth even against the whole world, you are not mad."
I love your comment, “We are taking this away from you because we are a totalitarian government and we want you to feel oppressed.” I think a lot of sheeple believe if the government were descending into Totalitarianism it would be on the news, or 60 minutes would do an expose on it. They don't understand nuance and subtlety, connect the dots or see the big picture as to how all the small removals of freedom add up.
Yes, I love that line "if ....blah blah....were true it would be on the news"...As I have said before, I believe the media is the true evil here...if you have control of the media, you have control of the world. This leads back to the problem that people don't think about what the media says...no critical thinking...nothing can be trusted at face value...at LEAST a bit of common sense has to be applied...and even better, more deep critical analysis...of ALL information.
Todd, I to have been extremely curious on how this happens, there seems to be great information on how this happens Mattias Desmet, Joost Merloo, Hannah Arendt but nothing much on why when explained to people they don't see it or are not curious, or come back with this doesn't apply to this situation.
I find Aldous Huxley's knowledge of the human mind and how that relates to totalitarianism amazing some quotes,
“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. “Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does.” They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution”
“… the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”
This interview with Mike Wallace is fascinating
Have you seen the Mattias Desmet interview here yet
To me so much of it is tied up in rationalist mechanistic "left brain" thinking, everything needs to be controlled.
If you don't have time to watch the whole Desmet interview watch from about 50 mins he goes into more depth than his book the rationalist mechanistic thinking that produces and allows totalitarianism to flourish.
I'll look froward to looking at these links...I am a Desmet fan, especially his theories on the etiology of a "meaningless life" which sets the stage for his mass formation theory.
From my observation the core problem is: sheep type persons do not value freedom in any way. They are actually happy to have their freedom and the responsibility that comes with it taken away, happy to be cared for by the state. Even if they do not agree with individual rules/regulations etc, they deem their own judgement wrong and assume it to be "for the best of society".
It is not so much "I don't give a damn" but "this is surely the best for all of us, you and me simply don't understand it". Which in a way is an even worse attitude of course.
"...sheep type persons do not value freedom in any way. They are actually happy to have their freedom and the responsibility that comes with it taken away, happy to be cared for by the state. Even if they do not agree with individual rules/regulations etc, they deem their own judgement wrong and assume it to be "for the best of society"." EXACTLY
The "I don't give a damn" part of it is a way to avoid a shrew's question...you are right to say that the underlying REASON they "don't give a damn" is because they honestly think what is going on is "for the best."
Very thought-provoking article. Daily, I scratch my head (sometimes until it bleeds) in an attempt to understand the mentality of sheeple. Sadly, I've had no epiphanies concerning their passivity and lack of investment in a sane future, both for themselves and e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e else on the planet. For that reason, the Great Awakening doesn't seem too plausible at this point. I think, Todd, that you're onto something: They just don't care. Despite knowing that knowledge is power, these people aren't interested in arming themselves with information. Their self-chosen myopia about all things related to the Great Reset is mind-boggling, but that same apathy is what got us where we are today. It's been a long time in the making, not just the Great Reset but the mentality of learned helplessness and a LACK OF IMAGINATION about how much worse things could get. They've chosen their own personal battles, and the fallout from the Great Reset is not one of the battles they're willing to fight...or even acknowledge.
I've been appreciating this guy's Bitchute channel where he muses--often and well--about sheeple. I think he's spot-on most of the time and, surprisingly, I laugh at some of his commentary because, well...it's either laugh or cry. His vids are a bit rough around the edges, production-wise, but the guy gets an A for his curiosity and inquisitiveness about the covidiots. Called The Kurgan Report. He's a layperson but took it upon himself to read and report on the VAERS data, for instance. His channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/B4qaDvddnzK6/
Well...keep scratching...these ideas I present I do believe are part of the story, but not the whole thing...I am continually perplexed by it, and at times really do believe there was something in the vaccine that makes people crazy (of course they were crazy before the vaccine because they decided to get it) so maybe it IS 5G...or who knows what...
I had a client yesterday who is perplexed and depressed about all the young relatives and friends dying of heart attacks. I didn't get the exact number, but it is at least 3. He has four shots and wonders why suddenly he can't work out every day like he used to...his doctors say it is because of long covid....He has NO clue, has heard NOTHING about the vaccines being a problem...and of course when and if he does hear or read, all this will be blamed on Covid...truly insane...and quite mesmerizing...I just sat there "observing" like in a movie...I had no desire to set him straight...it was quite weird..just watching, observing, like I said, like watching a movie where you know as an audience member you can't say or do anything to change the plot...you just watch, wondering what will happen next....
Hi Todd, Thanks for all of your examples/anecdotes here. I love your writing and your take on things. Yeah, Covid is getting blamed for everything, the perfect scapegoat, lol. Perhaps it's too much of me to ask here, but it'd be great to hear more about your dynamics of relating to a partner who is, as you label her, a sheep. None of my business, of course, but I've been wondering how people's (sometimes) vastly different ideologies affect the marriage of 2 disagreeing partners. Quite fascinating. I am single and am not sure what I would do/how I would cope if I lived with a person who thinks rather conventionality. Perhaps it'd be a combo of many things: challenging, thought-provoking, isolating, funny (strangely and at times), and twilight zone-inducing. Anyway, thanks for all of your thoughts, Todd. Looking forward to more of your words.
Hi Katherine...this got buried so I missed it on the first look through...sorry.
Thank you for liking what I write!!! That always inspires me!
I like your idea...to address the "sheep/shrew" partner combo. I have to think of a way to do that without infringing on my wife's privacy! Maybe I could just always refer to other people I have met, etc. I'll have to think about it, but it is a very good topic...very good.
Todd I think the sheep were and will always be sheep. 99% of the population are followers and not leaders. That’s why we have been so easy to suppress for decades. Give the population just enough toys, bells and whistles, to keep them satisfied and you can do whatever else you like.
Part of the programming.
Obviously I agree with you. And yes on your comment regarding "distractions"...bells, whistles, etc. Wish we could all get together somewhere and create our own country....
I hope you are wrong but you’re probably right. A former neighbour, a TEACHER, said about some stupid policy, “What can we do? It’s the government.” 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️ No question, no pushback just roll over. I find the more highly educated people tend to be the most compliant and the least interested in opening their minds to a new idea/paradigm. Likely why they do well in school because that is all about compliance and regurgitation.
I remember years ago reading some study that said highly educated people are more likely to get into car accidents because their mind is typically not on the road. I think that applies here as well. People who are very intelligent (or highly education, they are not really the same) probably have all sorts of pointless things on their mind with work, money, etc. They are, assuming they have channeled their intelligence into things that make them materially successful, also deeply ensconced in the "system"...they don't want to think outside of the box as they may lose their place in the system if they do. I am not sure if this is so much tied to intelligence as it is to compliance with the mechanism that makes a person considered successful in modern society...and intelligent people would more than likely pursue that "integrated with the culture" sort of life. It is less likely that they be renegades...
Yes, all you say here in my opinion is right on...
I agree. Complete apathy unless entertainment or food/Amazon delivery is taken away. Convenience seems to be more important than freedom in the modern mind. I don't bother anymore to convince people what's happening, just try to position myself as best I can.
Exactly. I will say what we all face in this modern screwed up culture is very compelling. I have to admit I was a sheep for many years...but still questioned certain things, but looked at the shrew side more out of curiosity than seeing that side as fact.
I was a sheep as well. Took a number of years of seeing things that just didn't make sense before I questioned the medical industry. When covid hysteria hit, I had a lot of time to research. That should give me hope I suppose that others might also be in that process. It helps that I took a course in high school called Television Appreciation. Turned out to be a critical thinking course. Excellent preparation for this time in history.
Check out "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman...and old book but still very relevant, primarily from the "TV" perspective, which is at the beginning of this mass hypnosis...
I'll do that. I've long maintained exactly that idea but didn't know about the book.
"… they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
Wonderful...what verse?
2 Thess 2. Verses 10-12
If mass awakenings were part of the human psyche, then Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Mao’s China, North Korea, etc., would never have happened. Over and over again the sheep sleep walk into totalitarianism, always believing they are free. I agree with you, there will not be a mass uprising to break the chains of their slavery. There will continue to be a mass bed-in where they snuggle down into their bed of lies and continue to dream their delusional dreams.
You said it my friend...as sad as that is, that is the truth. Since this is a global thing there will be no knight in shining armour marching in to save us as there was in 1945 and other years where conflicting ideologies fought it out and, however you want to look at it, the "free culture" won...that won't happen this time. This is global. As odd as it is to say, it may be Russia and or China who don't want to play along and actually save the world from the elite globalists!!
Oh, sympathies about your sheep wife , great that you still love her despite it all
Thank you...it is very sad...she is beautiful, intelligent, with an amazing heart...I know she thinks the same as I do when I say I don't know what happened to her to believe what she believes.