May 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

To be "Enraged" is to be engaged. Absolutely, you cannot remain in that state, but it's useful and shows you care.

It seems we are not getting our pre-2020 world back--- even with all its warts. The reference to 'mass formation psychosis' is excellent, and a little 'engagement' reveals this tactic has been used for years with no end in sight. And the latest news about a Canadian PM joining politicians and other celebrities for 'war-zone' tours instead of meaningful peace-brokering, should show us all the unfolding plan: Wars make the elites and big corporations richer--- whether they be military wars or wars on viruses. How about a side-trip to Iraq or Afghanistan, Mr. Trudeau, to see what billions of dollars has done to improve the lives of the citizens there over the past few decades? I'm getting 'pissed' now ;).

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I guess for whatever reasons we growing up in North America, whether Canadian or American, have always believed in this ideal that government was for the most part "for the people"...even the rest of the free world basically believed that tenet. As I get older and see what is happening now I wonder if it was ever true. Certainly since World War II it has not been, and probably way before that as well. I guess the governments of the US and Canada were transparent enough that it was more difficult for them to get away with corrupt behaviour, but if the people of the free world do not keep a tight rein on their freedoms and their governments it is way too easy to flummox them into believing anything...as it has come to be now. Keep the people just happy enough...with cell phones, fast streaming, grocery stores full of food, nice roads to drive (most of the time) and a few other things and they will shut up and let just about anything happen and call it "for the best" or "temporary."

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I agree with you wholeheartedly on all fronts above. And the cellphones are quickly becoming devices of imprisonment in their own ways---- although they were marketed and promoted for their supposed 'convenience' and 'freedom'.

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i know the feeling all too well.

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This is timely. I just read a great article on OffG about their "method". Here is the link - https://off-guardian.org/2022/05/07/revelation-of-the-method/

I guess I'm fortunate in that a series of events in my professional life resulted in me disengaging from confrontations, or even just dialog because I knew it wasn't going to help and it was going to end up making me look bad.

I am a career IT guy. I've managed projects and teams on many critical projects. Often times I would run into problems outside of my control - other departments, vendors, changing management decisions etc. Time and again, when I tried to highlight these issues, the other areas always seemed to plead innocence and it would end up making me look like I wasn't a "team player" or I had "unrealistic expectations" and so on. So over time, I realised that it was a waste of time to try to get these people on the same page as me and I just found other ways to get around them.

So my mindset at the outset of Covid was that I didn't agree with anything, I thought people were being far too gullible and not doing their own research, and that some things I had a strong suspicion about over the years were now blatantly out in the open - like political corruption and the fact that there is no longer something formerly known as "investigative journalism".

So I knew engaging with others was pointless, and frankly dangerous as we have seen with fines, arrests and even bank accounts being frozen. And I knew from deep personal experience that getting angry about it would only harm myself. So now, it's all about avoiding toxic people and situations, connecting with like minded people, and continuing to research anything and everything to get a better lay of the land.

When we were in the midst of intense projects, working long hours, under incredible pressure and getting nothing but frustration from everywhere, we always used the same mantra - "Don't let the bastards get you down".

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Thanks Mike...I just read the Dustin Broadbery piece on OG and loved it. Wish I had written it!!

The way you have handled the issue I wrote about is really the best way to handle it. I think I would have a better success at it if I wasn't trying to preserve certain precious friendships as well as my relationship with one of my sisters and particularly my wife! When faced day in and day out with this, as I described in the article, I never can get away from it. I have made some wonderful new friends, but rarely have the chance to see them. It is a rather untenable situation...so I write about it, and bug my readers with my whining!!

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I hear you, Todd. I went down the germ theory rabbit hole in 2020 and I came up denying that contagious viruses exist. I will stand by that now until the day I die. The "science" behind virus isolation (Enders 1954) is so fundamentally flawed, that virologists today (including Robert Malone)!can't see past the flaws to realize that they've never seen a virus active inside a human or animal. They have only seen it after inoculating cells from a presumably "infected" individual onto monkey kidney cells or possibly human lung cancer cells and immerse them in a culture of bovine calf serum, amphotericin and gentamicin. Only after the cell has been starved and poisoned in this nasty soup for a few days, does it start to break down and push out the toxins through the cell wall. These toxins are what they call viruses. No control experiments are used. In any other discipline of medicine, if control experiments aren't used, the "science" would be thrown out. It's beyond absurd. If two people get sick in the same household, the presumption is that one gave it to the other and they "caught it" from someone else. Nobody considers the bombardment of toxins from chemtrails, food additives, municipal water (yes, shower water too), fluoride, pesticides, synthetic clothing, the quality of our thoughts and feelings and the amount of stress in our surrounding environment. Our bodies are amazing detoxification systems. I highly recommend reading The Contagion Myth by Dr. Tom Cowan. As for Fraudci, I recommend reading The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Over 2500 citations in that book. Fauci is a soulless murdering POS. As for the mass formation psychosis, it's a very scary thought to see that the sheep have been weaponized in such a way that rational conversation has become nearly impossible, unless you're talking about fluff. I could go on but I'll stop. I'm getting angry myself now. Time to breathe and try to let go...something I seem to do multiple times a day these days.

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Have you been watching the 8 episode series called “propaganda exposed” they have only release 5 of the 8 episodes. They are released every evening at 6pm eastern time. You are absolutely correct! This docu-series has exposed so much! They have showed congressional documents proving that Doctors all the way back to the 40’s like Dr. Rath have been able to treat cancer with micronutrients. Well the US congress buried the information. They also talk about HIV and AIDS, also the MMR and Polio vaccines causing cancer & autism. This documentary proves their positions and you can easily find the documents that they reference. It makes me so sad to know all of these people have died from what they call medical genocide. Here is the link to Episode 1. They are free until Thursday I think then they will charge a fee to download them. The link is https://go2.propaganda-exposed.com/docuseries/episode-1/

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Pasteur: "Bernard was right. The pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything." Thank you ShellQ.

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You're welcome, Todd! Hope to see you at your mutual "editing place" again soon. 😉

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Oops, our, not your.

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Those blindly trusting "the science" and claim to be all about peace and love can often be defused by me pointing out their short fused rages don't match up to what they claim. Or I can own it when the foot stomping and yelling starts by saying that "I'm at peace" "I want us to discuss this in a loving way."

It took me along time to figure this out and not get sucked into shouting matches.

For God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

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What is interesting is I never get into a yelling match with anyone. I am more apt to "argue" online in words...and I slip into anger by myself. What you say here is exactly the way to approach this sort of thing, the anger I feel talking to a person I am sitting in front of is not anger toward THEM, it is almost a sadness/frustration/anger...I want them so much, for their own sake, to see this for what it is, I am angry with the situation. Thanks again for the comment...

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May 9, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I completely agree. It doesn’t make sense though. Some of these people are highly educated. The only sense I can make of it is they are willfully ignorant, intentionally lying or being blindly obedient. Regardless in my opinion they are brainwashed if they can’t look at both sides objectively. It is beyond frustrating and incredibly sad especially when we have a love for these sheep 😞 I just wish they would be a bit more kind hearted about it but they are typically belligerent and nasty to anyone with an opposing view even to people they love. But I have noticed they don’t have an open mind at all and most of us that have found the truth do. Maybe approaching this subject with an open mind is too scary for them because IF they find they were wrong about this.. what else are they wrong about. I think that is too much for them to handle, it will destroy the fabric of their foundation for life and it is too overwhelming possibly?

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The last two years have been a big strain on my marriage. We see things opposite. She believes official narratives. We had 20 year track record of raised voices in conflict. I try to remember the lost aren't the perps. It would be nice if they had a love of the truth but...

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