Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

Send in the clowns, indeed. Well, they will need a lot of clowns to cover up this one...

The people who believe Covid is over might have brushed their hands in late 2001 and said, "Well, good thing this 'war on terror' is over now."

The problem is so big that it's difficult to grasp. Covid is only the latest in a long train of state crimes against democracy (scads--Lance deHaven-Smith's *Conspiracy Theory in America* 2014) maybe starting in '63...or 1913..or...1860's...or 1790's..or Canaan. It reminds me of geologists looking for the crater from the dino-killing asteroid. They couldn't find it for decades until the space age when they said, "holy crap it's the entire northern part of the Yucatan peninsula! No wonder we didn't see it!"

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Agree 💯 with the article, Todd. I believe that the CDC are trying to convince people that they are being "so nice" and they are "relaxing" their "guidelines". But they will never admit that they were dead wrong all of the time.

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Exactly...I am very pleased that you like this Ivan...looking forward to hearing other comments you might have about other articles!!

I find it so interesting how people "on our side of the fence" (shrews) respond to these sorts of things, usually as victories...thus they become distractions...that devil is still behind it all, as the big powers have deflected nearly everything lobbed at them. Be on the lookout for an upcoming article, "Sweat Bees"....

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

As usual, cannot disagree with you Todd. I also believe another clown will be crawling out shortly to surprise us all.

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Seems like that is the only thing we can be sure of...

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Last night I was talking to a good friend… sadly of the sheep persuasion. He was concerned about the recent variants that were even causing serious illness and death to the vaccinated. He did not add on the thought that “gosh, why did he bother taking the vaccine to begin with?” No, nothing, and I sadly failed as a shrew by my not asking him that question myself. Thanks Todd for this article…helps clarify my thinking on this dark situation.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Just this weekend had a discussion with a highly educated colleague who took me to task when I mentioned the vaccinated are getting sicker faster than the non-vaccinated. He is absolutely certain he got less ill with COVID due to those life saving vaccines. One of so many! SIGH..

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Yes, this is very common...it is one of those impossible arguments, like saying, "if I had not been in that traffic jam maybe I would have been in an accident, so the traffic jam saved my life!" There is no way to measure this, and everyone seems to jump on it. I have a close friend who got Covid recently, had a bad run of it, linger cough for months, but was so grateful for getting 3 shots, "I probably would have died otherwise!!" At some time they may compiled the number of deaths due to Covid and compare the vaxxed to the unvaxxed and become quite surprised...actually I think they have already done that...

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Yes. During 2020, before the "vaccine", I knew probably 3 people who had COVID. Since 2021 I know literally dozens of people who have had covid... ALL vaccinated; Oh, but they are all so grateful. If they were not vaccinated they would all be ded (D-E-D... ded). (That one is from a Mel Brooks, Robin Hood movie).

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