Are you suggesting that Malone is a bad guy? It seems a lot of folks are believing that. It would actually make sense that once he realized what side of history he would be on if he stuck by the all the folks touting his invention he would do whatever he could to erase his conscious part in developing mRNA...

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He certainly isn't one of the good ones... Anyone that works for the MIC & INTEL terrorists can't be labeled as "good guy"!

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There is a character in C.S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength", Mark Studdock, who at first wishes only to be part of the evil entity, N.I.C.E....then, as he realizes their evil, is converted through a process of personal confrontation and angst. In the end he becomes a "good guy" but most definitely began as a "bad guy."

Check out my article, https://www.shrewviews.com/p/the-eerie-premonitions-of-cs-lewis

As well as this fine online article on "conversion" in "That Hideous Strength"


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The harm done by his Past Actions and Choices can't be undone... So, in the end I can claim that there aren't any good guys/gals around.

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Could be, which is rather scary.

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I still haven't met one... And I'm already at 5 decades of Biological existence!

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A typo and a comment: 1) '“Magical thinking” is where a person believes their thoughts can create an affect in the material world'. Certainly our thoughts can create an "affect", but can they create an "effect"? If that "effect" is an "affect", then, yes.

2) I have the reputation in my family of being "the crazy one" (a statement of which is always accompanied by the de rigueur finger circling near the temples), because I tend to draw conclusions from hard evidence (observable behaviour, journal articles with stats that make sense, rules and laws that actually accomplish a purported purpose in a rational manner ... and so on), not from the CBC, and because I am an artist, have been mostly self-employed and further, I live in a house that is not decorated in grey, black and white, does not have a granite island in the kitchen, and I do not have two matching tiny "rescue" dogs with little coats and mitts who eat better than any homeless person you care to name whom I "adopted" (not acquired, mind) from an abused dog shelter in the Turks and Caicos for somewhere around $9000 dollars after airfare. Nor have I led a tiny, little bureaucratized life working for the government that has required me to dump my principles, sufficiently often, to avoid being let go, that I can quite happily tolerate intense cognitive dissonance. The sheep in my family (and my G.P.) think I am the crazy one because I have evidence to back up the ineffectiveness and harm done by wearing masks, but when they sit down to eat with me in a restaurant bemasked and befuddled, once the food arrives, they doff their masks and happily engage in conversation as if viruses can tell to back off when people are eating; they wear their masks at the bedside of their dying father, and take them off after he passes. Who are the crazy ones?

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yeah, yeah, right...effect, affect, what's the difference??...thanks for catching that...

And I believe if anyone is crazy it is sheep. Obvious...and I have evidence to back it up!

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It’s getting harder to find the line between reality and fantasy. Some of the things people say seem impossible, but I’m not as sure any more. I used to dismiss the illogical. I still try to.

I don’t want to be fooled.

I don’t want to be crazy.

I’m floating these days. Choosing not to go along with either extreme, but not denying the possibility that the entire world is insane

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Consider everything, believe nothing....

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That’s it. Although mankind is technically part of the natural world…

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Part of creation

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Funny how those who call us conspiracy theorists and tinfoilhat hutters are usually those who believe in an old dude with white hair and beard floating in the sky surrounded by invisible people with wings.

(p.s. I’m not an atheist but I am an otherist)

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I have always found it, since this circus started, that the "conspiracy theorists" had much more scientific evidence behind them.

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I believe that, in the sheep masses, there are divisions. I think that, perhaps, the largest misguided segment is in the youth. That group has not only been propagandized by media, but also by an education system that serves only to indoctrinate. I say this because I work with many young people, and I see it in their attitudes. The majority seem to suffer from tunnel vision and self-righteousness. They are very dismissive, especially of anyone past a certain age. This has been intentional, of course, on the part of the establishment; the goal is to dissolve existing institutions and replace them with ones that better conform to goals of The Great Reset. Out with the old is necessary to implement the new plans.

I had an argument yesterday with a younger co-worker. (It's tough not to try and encourage broader thinking sometimes. I try to remain subtle and civil at work, but it's not always easy.) One of them (a guy about 40 years old) espoused that video games such as Fortnite had negligible (if any) impact on the rise in schools shootings. I told him that was an assertion he simply could not prove. He told me he read a study on it. This is a guy who spends most of his free time playing such games. He told me that I'm "stuck in my ways." This seems to be the prevailing attitude of younger people; they've been convinced that all of the problems in the world have been caused by the people before them, i.e. the older generations. As if I, personally, had the power to change the world. Any attempt to explain that it isn't me they should be angry with, that it's the "higher ups" pulling the strings, is challenged with "Oh, you're a conspiracy theorist."

Anyways... I have to say, the scheme we are witnessing runs very deep. We surely have our hands full in waking up the mass of sheep out there. But, we must persevere.

Great article, Todd. Thanks.

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Yes, we must persevere, but I don't have much faith we will flip them any time soon.

I love how science continually discovers things that our common sense says is not true. I think that is one big reason people are so gullible. "Well, science says that video games have no effect on school shootings...that's what they said, and I'm sticking with that."

How about "science discovers eggs will kill you"...then, "science discovers egg white are good by yolks will kill you"...then, "science discovers eggs have no ill effects on health, in fact, they are good for you." Trust the science.

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Maybe we should start our own memes. "Doubt the science." As far as science goes, I trust it. I just don't trust the scientists. They can be bought the same way a politician can. This seems to be the part that people just don't get.

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I trust science too...but science, as it is practiced with the scientific method, is limited to the material world. And I believe there is much more to reality than what is material.

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Agreed! Yet, so little emphasis is placed on things we cannot see. Or to indirect causes of various effects. It's always amazed me that, when you go to see your MD, he never asks about your personal life: How is your job going? How are your relationships? Is there anything on your mind that's bothering you? What do you eat, generally? What are your passions? Are you under any financial pressures? I have found that yoga, meditation (EFT), exercise, diet... these things can cure many ailments. It's sad that they are often ignored.

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MDs are trained to avoid the subjective. They actually have classes on it. All the things you mentioned are considered "subjective considerations" and are deemed useless because they are not directly correlated with objective, material, physiology.

Of course all of that is nonsense. Once in a while, very rarely, you will find a doctor who does not adhere to this nonsense. What you say in your post is exactly what doctors FIRST should be investigating because the correlation to physical function/dysfunction is definitely there, it is just unseen.

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Wow! They are trained to avoid it? I did not know that. How absurd, eh? I mean, we know everything is energy. Love, hate, torment, stress, worry... all drain positive energy and feed ailments. This I know simply from things I've read and from paying attention to my own physiology; you'd think it would be central to an MD's approach to healing.

You, personally, must find it fascinating (and frustrating) working in the field you do. Thank you, Todd, for sharing your thoughts, knowledge and experiences. You are surely one of the good ones. Much appreciated.

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The governments around the world, and the government "owned" media, are making people crazy

Is there a word for this abuse?

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Mediabuse I guess...

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Self torture! I threw away my “boob tube” 20 years ago. Personally, I think television is passé. I love books and reading. Do people know how to read anymore? I don’t allow others to dictate how I think, or how I perceive anything. And it can be a lonely place. For me, that’s where God/Creator and intuition come into play.

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I worked in Hollywood for 30 years, so good cinema is an interest of mine (although Hollywood creates very little good cinema).

That said, I would banish all boob tubes from the planet if I could. Recall the prominent role the "TV screen" has in "1984"

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Definitely Todd! They don’t call it “programming” for nothing!

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I think the basic problem is TV. Most of my sheep friends seldom if ever pick up a book. They instead sit in front of the TV watching sports and news.

Those of us who are Shrews educate ourselves ( and we have to dig for it) instead of blindly following propaganda.

Even the Internet is full of lies. Google censors a lot of truth and highly qualified doctors got banned from YouTube.

William Cooper wrote "Behold A Pale Horse" and was ridiculed for much of what he wrote then got assassinated in the end. David Icke talks about reptilians and many snicker about it. Locally we had a UPS driver and a Nurse claim to see "a lizard man" run across Interstate 25 early one morning. Another friend and his wife both saw a black airplane fly right into a mountain and not crash, in the same area. None of those people are crazy.

I think the definition of crazy is thinking "Communism will finally work this time around"!

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Agreed. Nothing is too crazy not to consider.

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My husband loved the old tv show “V” Lol

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Yes!! Lizard people eating mice.

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I used to watch ," The Invaders" and "V".

I have seen Grays up close and personal many times.

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I bought Bill Cooper’s book years ago...interesting stuff! I’ve always thought outside of the box, and I go down the rabbit hole. After the last 4 years, the rabbit hole is looking pretty legit-lol!

Check out, “The Committee of 300” if you haven’t already 😉.

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I have that book also. I also read all of the Montauk books where they tossed homeless people into their time warp to see if they came back. We live in a strange world of sick experiments.

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There have been more sick experiments than I care to think about.

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Have you heard anything about being on two separate time lines? In other words, two separate realities? I find this idea quite interesting.

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Check out this substack...


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At Montauk they picked up drunks and used them to see if they would come back when they put them into the time warp device. If they came back nobody would believe what they saw anyhow and a lot of the didn't get back. Pretty cruel but they also tortured little kids to create mind controlled terrorists. Tim McVeigh was a kid in that are back then. It makes me wonder.

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Even Ted Kazinsky! Harvard…😉, MK Ultra, etc. You know what’s up!

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Yes. I just watched a Lady on George Noory talking about how we switch at times.

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CERN? Or is that a scam too? Lol!

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I’m an Art Bell fan as well! Really cool stuff!

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Odd that blue pill swallowers were terminated (or suicided) a whole lot less than red pill swallowers.

Now blue pill cool aid drinkers are dropping on sports fields, news casts, pilot seats, and even shopping malls. Many on video!

When I was a kid I trusted the medical profession to do what was right. Now I trust them to do what makes them the most money .

A lot of sheep were fooled by wolves in sheep's clothing.

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Indeed. Sheep are easily fooled.

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There's already a formal designation for most Shrews, Todd. The term of art that's been coined and shared by our 'betters' is we've "lost faith in evidence-based reality." (#3):


Meet our "betters" who've signed off on that:


What formal diagnosis does your profession have for those who've lost touch with reality? I've often heard the term "dissociation" for that. Which is found in legal attestations where someone is declared insane requiring involuntary confinement for their own protection and protection of society.

It's a very clever declaration about the thoughts and ideas one's political opponents possess, having lost faith in evidence-based reality. But not very original - tyrants and repressive regimes like found under Hitler and Stalin used it to round up and jail and murder their political adversaries, that dissociation from reality thing. Even attaching the "asocial" diagnosis to emphasize the dangerous threat capacity of the disobedient subversives who'd spread dangerous information disorder.

The explosion of behavioral health programs in communities across the nation over the past decade, especially since 2020 provides authorities with the infrastructure needed to combat the asocials whose dissociation from reality threatens themselves and their community. Their little white vans will swoop in with mental health professionals who involuntarily detain political opponents of the regime. All of those new behavioral health centers built near you are not your friends.

And my sharing this information might earn me an additional designation of suffering from "paranoid schizophrenia." Maybe I start singing "they're coming to take me away, ha haa, ho ho, hee hee, to the funny farm..." as the van pulls up next to me?


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Just ask Mel Bruchet, an elderly doctor in B.C. (Yep! That's right folks. The stasi and the SS are alive and well and living in British Columbia!) who had the audacity to question why so many stillbirths were happening at his local hospital. They barged in on him, dragged him off to the loony bin, assaulted him and filled him full of drugs involuntarily, for at least month ... A MONTH! And they only released him after this "therapy" because his colleagues (including the brave Dr. D. Nagase and supporters) made a huge fuss about it.

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Wow! One of your best articles IMO where you put in writing what I’ve been wondering over for a while. Thank you

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Thank you!

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Just a few months ago:

"CPSO updated their advice to state that physicians should consider treating vaccine hesitancy with psychotherapy or drugs. By so doing, they officially endorse and promote the false ideology that exercising the right of refusal is comparable to having a mental illness. "

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I would love to have a link for that "advice"...

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What's interesting is the vaccine injured are also being told they are mentally ill by their doctors. They are not really injured. They are stressed out, anxious or deluded. It's all in their heads.

What most people don't realise is that 'vaccine hesitancy' is the default position among our 'trusted experts'.

Gates' family doctor from the 1990's says he refused to vax his kids. Bourla admitted not taking the vax out of chivalry (he didn't want to cut in line). Tedros said he didn't take it in solidarity with Africa. The previous head of the WHO didn't take the swine flu vax (2009) because she "didn't have time". Many VIP's have been caught buying fake vax certificates.

'Crazy' in this context just means not going along with the consensus. But the (honest) consensus is definitely to avoid vaccines like the plague. This means it's the anti vaxxers who are conforming to the 'elites' and 'experts' (and the science and the evidence).

It's the vaccine addicts who are the mavericks, the crazy ones, the outliers. When they realise this it's going to get very interesting....

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Very interesting perspective...makes sense. I continuously find it fascinating how a group of humans, under what is considered a benevolent government, will do things that could easily have disastrous consequences. I don't even take a flu shot and never have. Not because I am so rabid foaming at the mouth anit-vaxxer, but only because it doesn't make sense to me. Never has. And that was BEFORE I was more informed about vaccine dangers. Humans are weird.

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It seems that I have written two similar articles (imagine that). I do this a lot, as I have different things to say about the same topic. So forgive me. The other article "Stark Raving Mad" won't be out until January, so enough time will have passed. I hope you all enjoy both of them!! ("enjoy" is not the right word, but you know what I mean...)

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Your article prompted me to pull a book from my shelf and re-read my highlights. There are too many to quote here, but if anyone is interested, the book is: The Crowd - Extraordinary Popular Delusions. Twin Classics of Crowd Psychology by Gustave Le Bon and Charles MacKay.

"When the structure of a civilization is rotten, it is always the masses that bring about its downfall."

The isolated individual thinker is in the minority. The voice of one crying in the wilderness who is rarely listened to. Our fate, as always, is in the hands of the willfully blind, stupid, obedient, cowardly sheep.

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Thank you...good stuff! On my wish list...

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What do you call someone who was against the COVID lockdowns and jabs but is pro genocide in the middle east now?

Not a shrew, but a sheep.

Same for the past, people who supported the Vietnam and Korean wars just because they fell for the Orwellian cold war bullshit. Heck, even many libertarians who are so called pro peace are ashamed to admit that they supported the illegal Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

You're a psychologist... Why are people so freaking disconnected from their so called morals?

I think it's a survival issue, I am starting to read evolutionary psychology to figure this out.


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You make excellent points here, and there are many psychologists who have spent their careers trying to answer those questions.

Regarding the "pro genocide" comment. I have noticed that the Israeli/Palestinian issue has split shrews more than anything else that has come up. There are some super shrews I know, such as Dr. Mark McDonald, who is hugely pro Israel. So are some other prominent conservatives. These people have always seen world conflicts for what they really are, basically bullshit...but for some reason they buy the bullshit regarding Israel. No clue as to why. Seems to be the power of the lifetime brainwash...we all seem to have a line where if crossed, we slip into the narrative. I am still looking for mine...

I believe morals are of two natures, one natural that we are born with, and one malleable that can be manipulated by culture. I believe the abortion issue illustrates this. The culture teaches us that women have the right to determine what happens to their bodies regardless of what that means to a life living within them, the natural moral is that you do not kill a living human. Of course even this "moral" is fuzzy because what then constitutes a "life" that the natural moral forbade you to murder?

I am not taking sides on this issue, as I believe both sides of the argument have very concrete positions. But I am using it as an example of my theory that there are two forms of morals...natural, God given, and cultural (not to say that the cultural moral is always bad, far from it, but we need to continually be keenly aware of this...killing, genocide, is always naturally "bad" or "wrong"...yet we culturally can "morally" say it is fine depending on our "criteria" to make it so.)

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I AM SO GLAD YOU SAID THAT! I have a good friend who has been a solid shrew for Covid, and is COMPLETELY INSANE and impervious to reason when it comes to Israel and the so-called Palestinians (if you read a bit of history this'll make sense) and their Hamas leaders. I have tried to send her stuff about this, showing how she is just buying into this latest onslaught of propaganda popularized by our ever-loving CBC and friends, but she's impermeable ... and her mother survived the Holocaust! I guess she won't wake up on that front till the thousands of military-aged men from places that indoctrinate their kindergartners with Jew hatred that Canada and the U.S. have been letting swarm into our countries decide to perform a little Oct. 7th action locally in North America.

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If you focus on the entity that shook the jar of red and black ants, then it is easier to see the fighting as pointless. If you think the conflict that caused the ants to fight is from within, then it is harder (though not impossible) to advocate peace because you feel that one side does not have the right to attack the other side without provocation, therefore the attacking side should be punished and "set in their place"...i.e., wipe Israel, or Palestine, off the map.

If you are aware of the actual Jar Shaker, and understand the Jar Shaker's intention is ONLY to get the ants to fight for the Jar Shaker's benefit. Then it is easier to see what is really going on. The red ants are then "shaken" into conflict with the black ants, and commit atrocities. And surely those black ants want to get even. But if they understood what was "really shaking them up" they would then avert their aggression toward the shakers.

This is playground politics...and it IS amazing the ants don't see this. It took me years myself to see it...so I can empathize, but it IS still frustrating and annoying.

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Such a great article, in answer to your initial question - no ! There are many layers here including those of evil whose forces provide octane to the sheep mindset. At its “ core “ what differentiates shrews from sheep is that shrews do not robotically outsource their positions ( and souls ) to others.

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Anytime we humans try to break up complex systems into neat little parts we run into trouble. The parts typically do not stay within their proposed boundaries, and there tends to be lots of outliers. I do think we can make broad statements such as the one you have made..."robotically outsource their positions to others"...good observation.

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Such an interesting article: are the other side mad, evil or stupid? The friends that I think of as sheep are intelligent, but they are simply not paying attention. They operate with flawed information that is essentially the result of misplaced trust in the legacy media. They cannot accept that we have censorship and vested interest. When I present them with alternative information, they do listen and I think, to a large extent, accept what I say - probably because I'm a lawyer and that still conveys credibility - but they don't 'do' anything with that alternative information. Probably because of the boiled frog syndrome - they don't understand where this is all leading. Only the seriously brainwashed can think that any counter-narrative view is 'crazy' and that must be a minority of very low IQ people.

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"The other side" are several sides. The perpetrators are either in league with the devil, inherently evil people, delusional and drunk with power and money, are lizard people, psychopathic, or a variety of other possibilities.

The "sheep types" could also fall into a variety of buckets. "Stupid" is probably the least likely, although there does seem to be a plethora of folks who are just not well informed, and have no desire to be. i.e., the people who don't read books and just stay glued to the TV. But there are definitely exceptions here...I know many sheep who are very well read, but of course they read only the mainstream material. Another sheep bucket could be psychotic people, as Matias Desmet describes them. Also brainwashing through the agenda's psy-op. Lots of possibilities. I don't think too many sheep are "evil" although there are "cross-overs"...mixtures of evil and ignorant and brainwashed, etc.

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Good that your friends at least listen to you. Those that I can call friends (very few), acquaintances (more), coworkers when I was still working (many) were very much dismissive of my points of view and conclusions, some even becoming downright surly when I was proven to be right. Even though my career has largely involved data analysis and problem solving I generally attributed my never being taken seriously to my being a woman and an uneducated woman (high school graduate). People who can’t think logically annoy me, but people whose minds appear to be completely closed to other possibilities are terrifying because many of them are in positions of authority.

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Pretty much my experience as well. No one listened, or gleaned anything from my views. Even when shown to be correct, they washed it down to fit their view.

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Well, I've lost a few along the way since Covid! Calling one a fascist because she wanted unvaccinated people like me refused entry to public places where vaccinated people like her could go, was probably guaranteed to end the friendship. It was such a litmus test for all sorts of human fallibility wasn't it? Brought out the totalitarian underbellies in some and spotlighted the dim-witted, the terrified of dying, the go-along-to-get-along mask wearers, the sadistic medical staff, the snitch-on-your neighbours-Stasi types.

I agree with you - illogicality drives me slightly nuts, but I was quite worried when my oncologist was wearing a useless face nappy to speak to me and my cancer surgeon explained he'd of course had the jabs. OK, I thought.....I'm hoping you're trained monkeys, not just monkeys!

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It definitely has been an eye opener with regard to friends and family. Family, in my view, you have to come to some sort of repair with. Friends, however, typically I had kicked to the curb, or more often then not, they have kicked me to the curb (I have found that shrews are much more likely to be flexible).

I had a few ex-friends actually wish for my death.

And as for doctors...forget it. Most of them are off my list.

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