Sep 23, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Where is "One out of every 73 vaccinated persons now dead in the UK? " from? THAT'S a stat even the flattest headed ewe or ram may have difficulty ignoring.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Truth is determined by the majority. At least according to the convoluted reasoning of my former friend. She said that if 5,000 scientists believe vaccines are good, and 500 are naysayers, then the 500 are wrong because they are in the minority. She has no understanding of logical fallacies, and I can’t understand why I ever thought she was intelligent. The willful blindness of people like her is infuriating.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

Great article. Yes, I tried telling a sheep that the vax has killed 500,000 in the US alone. That ended the conversation.

1. Deaths aren't the only measure of a democidal vaccine. Naomi Wolf has been publishing crazy stats about still births, infertility, etc. "Wrecked junk" would be the street term.

2. Michael Yeadon (former chief scientist of Pfizer's infectious disease division) asked this same question last year. His answer gave me chills: They are calibrating a WMD. the "nuke" will be one of the boosters.

3. Omicron proved to be extremely contagious, but also extremely survivable. Dr. Bossche's warning applies to this one: What happens when these endless boosters create (through selective pressure) a variant that is extremely contagious, but with a high IFR?

4. World hunger is horrible, but a WMD is not "only" this or that only in comparison. That's like saying "6 million Jews died but Russia lost 25 million so it's not so bad," or "Nagasaki and Hiroshima weren't bad compared to world starvation." Murdering 1 person is an atrocity, let alone the figures that we're seeing from an "uncalibrated" weapon.

5. The swine flu vax in 1976 killed 56 (?) according to VAERS and they pulled it.

6. Car crashes, cancer and heart attacks are (arguably) unavoidable. This is not the case for the Covid vax in either situation (genocide or supreme incompetence).

Ron Unz, whether you like him or hate him, has brazenly published a few articles of this nature. He says that "anti-vaxxers" are making us all look crazy because they're wrong in their assessment that this is a WMD. My favorite response to this was somebody who accused him of being cold-hearted asshole lol. 11,000 babies dead? whatever...their families will get over it. people die in car crashes too.

This reasoning (from sheep and sleeping friends/family) seems like it comes from a tendency to normalize and ignore reality, rather than face uncomfortable questions.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I firmly believe it is not my responsibility to convince anyone of anything. The live and let live attitude. It's not that I don't care. It's not that I am not concerned about the direction things are going. It is because I know that someone can only start to believe something when they are ready. And for me to do any amount of arm flapping is wasted energy and would irritate those who are not ready to hear the message.

I can indicate that I have a different viewpoint than they do. I can be open to discussing things honestly if they are willing to do the same. But it definitely has to be a two way street.

Full disclosure (as full as one can disclose hiding behind a pseudonym :-) ). I am an alcoholic. I can now admit that in the AA meetings I attend regularly. It has been over 4 years since my last drink. During my addiction, there were a lot of people doing a lot of arm flapping telling me I was ruining my life. I knew this to be the case myself. But I didn't care. The only thing that got me sober and keeps me sober today is that I decided to change my life and stop drinking once and for all. That is the only thing that worked. I tried many times to get sober to keep a job, or to not have my wife kick me to the curb but I failed every time. It was only when I decided myself that I wanted to quit that I came around.

And it is the same with the sheep. I see signs that they are waking up. You would think that people attending AA meetings would be more open minded but over the course of the last few years, the dominant discussions were very much closed minded. Informal chats before meetings were always about when they were vaxxed, what they got, how they felt, what about those anti-vax assholes etc. I was going to a town west of Toronto and had the chance to meet some people in person that I had only seen in zoom rooms. The first question one asked when I said I was coming to the town was "are you vaxxed?"

But now, I am starting to see some questioning of the narrative. I'm starting to hear some jokes about how maybe after 5 more boosters they might start to feel normal again. It's giving me some hope. It's taking a long time but it is starting to move in the right direction.

But they have to decide for themselves. On their own. It's our job to help them when they reach that point.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It's difficult to see all this and not feel anger and frustration. Moving past that and planning for the future is my current response. So many relationships I valued have been changed irrevocably. I'm now actively seeking community with people who value freedom to think, speak, and make their own choices in life. My energy will be used on projects and relationships with people who have those same values. A positive mindset and dreams are going to be needed to survive whatever comes our way.

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