Your writing is a gift to us all Todd. Thank you.

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You are so kind...thank you...

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Best wishes to you as well. I won’t let the evil ones change me and I hope it’s the same for you. Keep speaking the truth

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

For sure there have been dark evil forces at work in many of our institutions. As individuals though we have found it too easy to outsource and delegate our opinions, to revere our experts without thought , to adopt the opinions of our main stream journalists ( news readers ) to label rather than think and discern. I too almost lost a loved one , a child at 5 days. He had a major obstruction doctor’s number 1 & 2 thought it was our issue we kept pushing doctor number 3 correctly diagnosed him he was sent to sick kids the rest is history he is now 38. Wonderful article but add that we as individuals need to take some responsibility…..part of this is we have fallen into bad lazy habits, but ahhh life is “ easy”

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Nowadays we look more on who delivers the message than on the message itself. Of course we should look who delivers the message, but only after we tried to understand it.

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We forget that the “Doctor “ works for the client (patient).. i punted on western medicine in 2016 when I was 58 after all recommendations of beta blockers, statins and such led to anxiety and depression and other medications.

At almost 67, I have not had one inflammation issue since and I only see a chiropractor as my expert. I’ve learned how western medicine has been manipulated and controlled. I now participate as a nutritional therapist and other forms of how to fully Live. Fullylive.world

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An acquaintance is an “expert” in the field of epidemiology and I lost all respect for her and her opinions when she told me how she researches any given subject before she goes to court as an expert witness. She actually admitted she only reads the opinions of other experts that agree with the conclusion she’s being paid to reach. When I asked her doesn’t she read conflicting opinions for a more balanced conclusion her answer was “Why should I?”

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

Debra. Your post reinforces the sense of shame and disbelief I have for most of the "experts" in medicine and epidemiology these last three years. I taught Epidemiology to medical students and public health students in a health professions university for 30 years; therefore, I believe I know a little bit about the subject. I can tell anyone that all the measures that were taken in the management of the "covid pandemic" - beginning with the way they decided there was a pandemic, and the way they defined a "case" of covid - violate every fundamental principle of medicine, public health and epidemiology that we have known and practiced for decades. I still cannot believe what I have seen.

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I believe you. I am “uneducated” - just a high school graduate- and none of it makes sense even to me. The so called experts will need to do an awful lot before I would ever trust them again

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023

You seem to be an example of the whole point Todd makes in his article, and the subject of our discussion. Those who are "supposedly" "uneducated" many times have much more common sense than "experts" with doctoral degrees. Best wishes to you.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I believe every word in the venerable Weekly World News. The writers were experts! Ed Anger was my favorite. He was real as was Bat Boy.

With science we now have the religion of scientism. Religion was always an excellent control system. They just needed a new religion, one heralding materialism. L Ron Hubbard, of course, was a renegade entrepreneur but he set a pretty good model for the powers that be. Science and Sci-Fi can be a religion! Hurrah. Let's do it.

Naturally with new religions you have to defame the old ones. Wait till Jesus boy is transformed into a demon. The Xtians did it with Odin and co, so why not Christ? They'll have to do that I think.

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Great insight Doktor...yes, I have always been fascinated with "promissory materialism" which is a

"given" that everything has a material explanation, since materialism is the only reality. So science never needs to really prove anything, they just present it all as if it is all figured out, which in fact a huge percentage has NEVER been figured out...simple things we assume there are objective answers to, like how do birds know how to fly south for the winter. They have no clue...but they act like they do "the answer is as good as there, we just can't say what it is"....religion is like that too..."we just know"....I would much rather believe religion's "we just know" than science's because science is supposed to be cause and effect realism...religion has never claimed that...

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In the end, the individual knows very little. We have to take everything outside our personal experience on trust. We get most of "the science" from the media. All neatly explained. So our view of reality is shaped. Even a news story, we don't know it's true, or as stated, unless we are there. We take a lot on trust - and that's leaving aside the moon landings!

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Intuition and common sense are vastly underrated in this age of the "expert." There are ways of knowing that do not come from a textbook and we've all been saved or have saved someone else because we questioned the so-called experts, as per Todd's Port-A-Cath experience. Medicine has become a tick-the-boxes enterprise where the patient has become merely a list of symptoms and not a person who is the expert on him/herself.

One needn't have gone to medical school to know that the 6-foot social distancing rule was a fabrication, that pieces of cloth would not stop a virus and that those idiotic plastic barriers in front of cashiers were beyond useless. We've gone soft and have outsourced our thinking in exchange for the illusion of safety and an easy life. I remember when education was about learning how to think and not what to think. So yes Todd, the education system would be a great place to start but school boards are too busy pushing gender pronouns instead of teaching kids the grammatical function of a a pronoun in a sentence. How far we have fallen.

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Could not have said it better myself...everyone reading this article should read this comment as well...right on.

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Mar 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Only a fool thinks he knows everything.

The one who admits he knows nothing is truly a wise man and seeker.

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Thank you brother.

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Mar 1, 2023·edited Mar 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Your experience with your first wife's Port-A-Cath reminds me if something they taught me in medical school (many years ago... it was different), and I believe I learned well. Even if patients are not usually "experts" in the conventional sense, the most important thing we have to do is listen to them. I lose count of how many times I or a colleague saw a child that APPEARED to have nothing wrong, but we paid attention to mom, who insisted that "there is something strange" about the kid... later to confirm that the child had some serious medical condition. As you mention in your article, the doctor is the "expert" but patients - or their relatives - have important insights...

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So so important. Janice (my first wife) had a hyperbaric doctor in New Orleans that spent about three hours with her when we first met him for treatment. He said that modern doctors overlook the importance of patient history...patient's personal observations, understandings, experiences, theories. He was such a wonderful doctor...very rare...brilliant as well.

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Intelligent, useful insight from reading a variety of sources is now a liability. I was censored by my "friend" when I attempted to offer some alternative medical ideas about some of her many health issues. Her response was "You're not a doctor and I don't want to hear anything you have to say." If I was weak and doubtful, then her attempt to completely invalidate the sum total of who I am would have worked. But thank God I have a strong sense of self and I was able to leave her to her own devices. She prefers to be stitched together with pharmaceuticals, so I will no longer "cast my pearls before swine". Even the book of Proverbs warns about trying to correct the stupid and willfully blind. Save your advice for the wise.

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“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wise people so full of doubts.” -Bertrand Russell

These experts and specialists are not wise. They're fools or fanatics.

Sorry about your wife. Chemo is a racket! Did you know that oncologists stock that poison and mark it up as part of their business? Sheesh


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Wise people learn by carefully observing the experiences of others; intelligent people learn from their own experiences. Fools never learn.

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