All well said, Todd. I think that, at the core, is naivety or, even, outright ignorance. The brainwashing that has gone on in the school system is appallingly apparent when speaking with most youth. And, they speak with such vigor and certainty. They even get angry if you question them. The propaganda has been insidious and going on for a long time. And, it starts early. Awhile back, I saw a coloring book with a picture of Hitler in it. The depth and breadth of the scheme is mind-boggling.

Enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. Thanks very much.

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If you read the Communist manifesto with a half-asleep mind it can be totally seductive. If you read it with a more awake mind you will notice that he literally calls for the destruction of all morality. He is a fricken sicko. The weird thing is many people when they read it don't notice that he advocates for the general destruction of morals. He somehow writes in a way that puts people's critical thinking to sleep. It should be widely read by everyone, but with the destructive parts highlighted in bright red. I will try to get my kids to read it when they are older but make sure they understand what he is really saying.

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I was definitely asleep when I read it. In fact, I doubt seriously if I read the whole thing. I was 17 afterall.

But I believe all you say here, and I should actually read it again...

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Wow “Skeksis” I used the link! That’s an awesome explanation of our current warlords(globalists)

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Yeah..."The Dark Crystal"...made in the '80s some time...I have not seen it since, so should probably watch it now...may have some pertinent "premenatory" material.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I was (sometimes) a smart-aleck in high school and would argue that communism was just everyone sharing everything and no one having more while his neighbor did without. Of course, I knew that mankind is incapable of actually putting the idea into action, and communism as it was being manifested was nowhere near that, but it really annoyed people when I said it Lol

It’s amazing how quickly these things creep up on society once the groundwork is laid. We kinda deserve it. Look at how long the signs have been ignored, because no one wants to have to do anything about it

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

the irony's of irony's is that being a selfish prick benefits everyone.


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solly. there's free versions to read online.

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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


now this is what i consider immortal logic. please remember this is a translation! yet so well done.


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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thank you. I’m surprised that this is still on McMaster’s site

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

so striking how he includes the perversion of science. last time i read this was pre-scamdemic. fairly prescient

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

It’s not like this hasn’t happened before. Societies advance beyond their ability to reason and implode. The evil take advantage of the lazy. People think that planning great schemes like this indicates reasoning and consideration of the relevant possibilities. Most great plans fall apart due to delusional missteps, and the people involved end up winging it. Which is what is happening now. They’re trying to stick to the plan, but there are always outliers who try to experiment and end up playing it by ear, and things get gummed up. Waiting to see which way it’s going to go

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I was the same re communism as a idealistic youth, although I never really pushed it. As I got older I realized that there is something about "spreading it all out"...thus taking from some to give to others, that broke the human spirit. I've come to realize as well that altruism has to be a volunteer action, where we take care of those INCAPABLE of taking care of themselves by our own volition, never something a government forces on us.

A complicated subject of course. But it seems whenever people are given the task of trying to figure out the "best way" for humans, they typically leave out two things, human nature, and spirituality. Right now as well neither one of these things are being considered by the people thinking they are doing "right by us."....of course it is actually beyond that even. Now it is just pure evil, no one in power as any intention of doing anything "right by us."

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yeah, I don’t think doing what’s right is part of the plan

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I've read Friendly Fascism by Bertram Gross and Marx and Satan by Richard Wurmbrand. They explain a lot.

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I will have to check those out.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I look forward to your posts more more than about any of the great minds I follow on Substack. It's like my mind is being read, while new dimensions of thought are also being sparked. And we clearly have both had it with nornie sheep lol. I lost my patience for them many years ago. No sympathy here. They are bringing down the ship of Western civilization voluntarily, as all good useful idiots do. Keep up the inspired work, good doctor. You're appreciated.

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I so much appreciate your comment here...there is nothing that means more to me than to know this effort is appreciated! Thank you.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Whether it was Mark Twain or not, the aphorism "history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes" is apropos of your wonderful piece. I think that's how they fool the sheep, generation after generation. All of the post-modern, settler colonialism and DEI nonsense is just Marxism repackaged. Add social media to the mix, with the need for "likes" and fear of being cancelled, and you have a deadly cocktail that will mean the end of freedom as we know it.

I was the weirdo in university who read Ayn Rand and rejected Marx back in the early 1980s when the indoctrination was just beginning. Critical thinking was still appreciated by most professors, though not all. I both fear for the younger generations and am at the same time furious with them for uncritically swallowing the BS. There's a reason the average age of shrews is probably over 60 (maybe even over 70!). The re-writing of history (see the recent TikTok trend re: Osama Bin Laden's letter to America) and butchering of language will ensure the death of the West and usher in a return to feudalism. I'm just hoping to squeeze out another 10 or so good years before the world is even less recognizable than it already is.

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I have not seen nor heard of the Osama letter...what is that? It sounds intriguing!

I read Ayn Rand in college...and Nathaniel Branden as well. Rand was quite fascinating.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

No matter what you think about 9/11, this is just another example of the ignorance and historical illiteracy of the younger generations. We all know who owns TikTok, and they're not friends of freedom or the West.

"The recent resurgence of Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" on TikTok has stirred controversy and sparked a wave of reactions among users, particularly young Americans. The two-page document, written in 2002, serves as a polemic against the U.S., explaining the ideology behind the 9/11 attacks orchestrated by the al-Qaeda founder.

Despite being over two decades old, the letter has found a new audience on TikTok, with some users expressing shock and even agreement with Bin Laden's perspective. The hashtag #lettertoamerica has amassed over 4.5 million views, indicating the significant impact of this social media trend.

TikTok users shared their diverse reactions, with one user expressing bewilderment, stating, "It's wild, and everyone should read it," while another admitted to experiencing an "existential crisis" after reading the document, claiming it changed her entire viewpoint on life.

“I will never look at life the same, I will never look at this country (USA) the same. If you have read it, let me know if you are going through an existential crisis. Because in the last 20 minutes, my entire viewpoint of the entire life I have believed and lived has changed,” wrote one user."

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I have not dived into this letter, and don't know if it is even legit. I have read through it and found no surprises. If Bin Laden wrote it, a lot of his points seem accurate. Of course they do from his perspective, and his perspective is not necessarily irrational.

I am curious to know what you think of the letter itself. And certainly, to me at least, the most interesting part of this is that these young people took an interest in it, some even to the point of wigging out over it.

This tells me too things...one is that young people are woefully uninformed about anything other than the surface garbage they confront every day in their sheltered, "woke" and self-centered world. I am surprised any of them even know who Osama Bin Laden is (was) and why anything he would have to say would have any significance in this life at all. Second, It is also amazing (but not surprising) that it is "news" to them what Bin Laden has to say about the US and Israel and Palestine. They seem to possess a rather fairy tale vision of their country (USA). Astounding for not knowing all this before reading the letter, and astounding that now they do know it that they give a hoot in hell about it.

Thanks for bringing this up. I have to admit I knew very little about the hoopla it is causing. My doubtful mind wonders if it is even legit, and wonders why the CCP felt it necessary to bring it to TikTok's attention 20 years after the fact (I am assuming this is a CCP psyop...??)

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I haven't actually read the letter. Like you, I believe it's a CCP psyop to rile up the ignorant wokesters. They never would have looked back at 9/11, found the letter, or commented on it if not for the sudden appearance or re-appearance of it given the situation in the Middle East. It provides these ignoramuses yet one more reason to glom onto the "current thing," which is the (mis)understanding of the world in oppressor vs. oppressed terms. Yet one more way to encourage self-hate and the demise of the West.

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You are absolutely correct...although if I were CCP manipulators, I would have underestimated the ability of Gen Zers to even be able to read, let alone comprehend that letter...even Millennials would have a difficult time with it.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Out of sheer necessity, I have found it more and more necessary to reduce things to the simplest possible principles that I can extract from complex problems and ideas.

Are prophecies of doom inevitable events or avoidable forewarnings?

It looks to me like, according to Judea Christian texts, Choice exists.

"Choose life," is the antidote, it seems to me, one that the suggests (to me), we are death-oriented, by nature, must consciously realize it, and choose to DO otherwise.

Perhaps the whole thing doesn't have to wind up a charred, curling roller-blind of flames.

Speaking of the Devil...

Meanwhile, I will carry on exploring Luciferian, artificial light, in my light lab and artificial Eden.

Wrapping my head around light.

Trying to understand it as physically as volumes of water or air.

To reduce it to a simple, foolproof formula, requiring no thought.

Like using a watering can, only pouring out light, and doing it frugally, economically, environmentally friendlily.

But when I look into fig lore, light and symbolism, well, there's a lot more going on than I am able to comprehend.

Thank you, Todd, for your brilliant light!

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Oh, I am of the firm belief God's creation will survive, or at least re-invent itself...it may take a million years, but "good will prevail"...and yes, we must all "choose life."

What we face now is a formidable challenge...but the challenge isn't where it seems to be, but rather within. How do we conduct our lives?

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Communism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, New World Order, Agenda 2030, the "Great Reset" and the climate scam - all one and the same as they are all about controlling the populace. So sure, why not as it is no different. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Well, how about this scenario:

The DotB (Dictatorshiip of the Bureautariat), is your parasite, only this one, already massively and morbidly bloated, devours the host, causing self-annihilation and extinction, returning personal and social autonomy to our lives by default.

By the way, I tried Mein Kampf, but couldn't read it. Odd, the way things work.

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The work of the devil is like that...who is bent on destroying his parasitic host (he being the parasite). Once he succeeds, and God's creation is destroyed, he dies with it.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Larken Rose pointed up that reading "The Communist Manifesto" and "Mien Kampf" helps one understand the seductiveness of the Narratives that captured nations. And the vast majority of N. Americans believe they are different from 'those people'. Sigh. Thank you, T.H.

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My thought exactly...and not only are we like "those people" we actually are smarter and more clever and more sinister...God help us.

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If they ever succeed at going cashless, how will all of those cardboard carrying, tax evading street corner bums do their gig.

The worst suffering of all will be the money laundering falsely elected idiots that couldn't make it as a real lawyer. They won't be able to hide how a negative net worth switched to millionaire in a few short good ole boy years

There is a real satisfaction in having a job and completing it skillfully that those on the receiving end of gimmy will never know. There is also a disgust in working and being robbed with a pen that the gimmy more crowd will never feel.

Our middle class is getting hit hard while the real rapists dictate, steal and handout.

Over taxing big corporations that provide middle class jobs caused many to pull up stakes and shut down in the non communist countries and move to the communist slave labor countries.

Socialism is just a sweet sounding name for communism giving birth.

Some of its biggest promoters are the same families that grew wealthy on the backs of unprotected laborers and did it before somebody dreamed up income tax. Some of them even own banks.

A good form of revenge is throwing their credit card application in the trash and obtaining one from a non political bank. Check out their politics and origin.

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You got it...amazing that I used to be a "socialist"....jeesh. Maybe I should not have read Karl's book. It is so interesting how humans love to eat the carrot but don't even want to look at the possibility of a stick soon to follow. That's how I was when I was young...I don't recall "liking" Marx's work, but I also do not recall seeing its eventual flaws...same with socialism.

I now agree with everything you have said here...maybe it is because of my years studying psychology...socialism begets an ugliness few seem to be able to see.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

You are describing quite the experiment by our wannabe future masters on the whole human race.

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Certainly seems that way...

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP


My own "meme" for this 'novel' form of the "C" word, I call "The Dictatorship of the Bureautariat."

That's one thing.

As a teenager, I also read some Marx -- after my dad, affecting a Scottish accent, called me a "bloody little marxist" --including Vol 1 of of Capital. I read Vol 2, as well, and owned Vol 3, but skipped it, each successive volume more and more like a Capitalist accountant's ledger.

Difficult as it was to get into, once it got rolling, I was amazed and impressed, probably more than any book I'd read.

In fact, I was dogmatically affected by it. After reading it, I felt the concealed, true history of western civilization had be revealed, unlike anything I'd taught in public school. I still think it is a remarkable and enlightening book -- if you can even read it. I tried a second time, as an adult, and can't get past a couple pages. Not sure how I managed the first time 'round. However, my view of it changed. Now, I regard it as a work of profound satire. And, I am not alone in that regard. ...in, Edmund Wilson's "To the Finland Station," damned if I can now find the quote... never mind, you'll have to trust me on that until I find and append it.

Fortunately, my high school history teacher nudged me out of my increasingly dogmatic thinking with suggestions of books by William Manchester and Barbara Tuchman, for example.

The only book that affected me mor than Capital, was "The Bible." I read it long after Marx.

Seems to me like Early Christianity strongly resembled communism. A couple Christians, a husband and wife, I believe, found out the hard way, when they held back on sharing. Damn!, can't find that one, either. My recollection is foggy.

Now, I think of anarchy as the best solution -- I define and meme anarchy simply to myself merely as "voluntary cooperation."

My interpretation of recent events is that the Chinese won an unmentionable victory in an unspoken, undeclared war, the new type of war, or newest variation. The victor determines the spoils, owns the past, and writes the future.

However, there was a problem in the transfer of power and administration.

That will all get worked out.

Just a few glitches.

All I can say now, is, it looks to me like China won, like it or not, want it or not.

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Great thoughts...and impressive that you got through Capital. I doubt seriously if I read every word of the Manifesto...but I did try. Mein Kampf I've read cover to cover twice. Hitler was a weird dude. I wanted to figure him out! Ha!!

I'm with you on "Voluntaryism" but I also can't see how that would be implemented out of today's complexities...maybe post armageddon.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hi Todd - interesting & thought provoking argument. The issue I’d have with it is that while the arguments you make are, indeed, compelling - I’m not sure any of it is, necessarily, true. I’ve read a lot of posts about this great communist takeover of Western governments - but, almost to a fault, they fail to give any examples of it in action. In Britain, for instance, we are still seeing the devastating effects of 13 years of austerity, a period during which our national debt has gone from 65% of GDP to 98% - while concurrently hollowing out the welfare state to the point that it barely functions anymore. That doesn’t strike me as something that’s occurred within a communist framework. Meanwhile, in the US, you don’t even have a welfare state. A lot of the things that you say are true - that our freedoms are being eroded. But is it not just as likely (or, indeed, more) that what you’re describing is late stage capitalism, a societal framework which encompasses everything to such an extent that it, eventually, becomes subsumed by it?

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I agree...although many do believe that there is a true neo-Marxist movement, I am really more focused on a bland sort of totalitarianism. I say in this article that if we ARE moving toward communism it will be a different sort of communism...and I agree, it very well could be a "late stage capitalism." Although I am not an economist, it does seem to me that capitalism has run its course. It has gone to seed.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hi Todd - thanks for your considered reply. I guess my point though is that it is super important to be consistent in how we use language when describing the world as it is. If a new form of communism is, in fact, late stage capitalism mixed with fascism then it should be described thus. Otherwise it just becomes a tool in the weaponisation of the ‘progressive left’ in some form of Orwellian Doublespeak. The West moves right while still managing to blame the left for the underlying problems

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I see your point, but my articles are not meant to be scholarly or academic. If I was writing such an article I would be careful to describe things more succinctly.

Fact is I don't know if what I am describing is "late stage capitalism mixed with fascism" per se...it could be, but I don't know. Maybe some others writing more academic articles would know. I don't.

In my own defense, I am careful in this article not to make a claim that we are headed into Marxist communism. I used terms like "communist-like" and "this style of communism" and the like to make it clear I am not saying what we are experiencing IS communism in the classic sense.

I also said: "It is important to note that what we are being led into is not the communism of Marx, Lenin, or Mao. It is a new kind. Exactly what, I am not sure, but it is different. A new system of “collectivization” may not, at least at first, carry any of the stereotypical “communism” oppressions that everyone thinks of when they think of communism."

I don't think I need to be responsible for any more clarity than that.

Again, I am not a political scientist, nor an expert on communism, or capitalism for that matter, but do have an opinion regarding my own observations. When I hear an international clown say "in the future you will own nothing and be happy," I think of communism. And I wrote an article about what I think. I don't think I need to be any more specific than that.

Thanks for your comments. I do appreciate them, and they do help.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Hi Todd - thanks again for your response and in engaging. I understand your point and your perspective. I guess from mine - I think that, if we as a collective who feel compelled to vocalise our feelings and our idealism within this realm, in whatever space this is done, one must be careful about the connotations. Totalitarian is not exclusive to the left but that absolutely is a narrative that has seeped into Western discourse as a result of the Cold War (McCarthyism a huge catalyst) - to the point that somehow the Nazis have been deemed by some to be left wing ideologues because it says socialist in their name. This feels particularly vital while sitting here in Beirut, as close to 20,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered next door in what is, in effect, the continuation of a war that was justified in its nascency because of the PLO’s Marxist-Leninist philosophies. Now we are in a position whereby the justification of having a right wing, fascist, ethno-nationalist coalition in Israel (supported by America) is to defend against totalitarianism/authoritarianism. And I find that really dangerous...

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I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. And again, I very much appreciate your insights and your points about my writing are well taken. I wish I was more of an expert on these things, but even if I were, in this substack forum, I doubt if I would express my expertise the way I do my own observations and opinions.

I have more to say, but I will leave it at that. Thank you!! And best to you...

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Yep and even the USSR was state corporatist... Instead of private companies owning production, the state did.

Same result, people are robbed.

When the state and corporations work together like in the West, it's called FASCISM.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Exactly - it’s this wonderfully convenient argument that cancel culture the purvey of the ‘left’ as slowly by slowly the right wing takeover of the media drags the conversation away from any meaningful critique of the system...

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Yep, again.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I lived through the time when the USSR was collapsing. That was an exiting time. The feeling of hope was in there air. The shit hit the fan after it collapsed, gangsters on the streets and gangsters in the corridors of governmental buildings. The hope of a better future turned in to despair of the present. Communists became Catholics praying in the churches in front of TV cameras and Catholics became greedy businessmen looking for the next opportunity to steal. Nineties were weird times in the post Soviet world.

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I was in Moscow just a few days before Yeltsin blasted a hole in the parliament building...I stayed in the hotel just across the river. Yes, it was very interesting times for sure!!

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By that time we were free nation. Soon after, I and my friends started to look how to leave the free nation (run by scum bags) and find our place in the West.

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