The latest theory is that the bug got into the environment in 2019 or maybe even 2018. It is a bioweapon from DOD research that has been ongoing since 1971. We do not yet know if it was intentionally released or accidental. I lean toward accidental. The MRNA treatment was ready because they had been preparing the "antidote" for many years.

Birx, Fauci, Collins et.al. worked with the intelligence community/DOD to create the lockdown strategy to destroy Trump. Many other less draconian options could have been considered. They scared and flattered Trump who activated an already primed Department of Defense to organize a military operation to manufacture and release the MRNA bioweapon that some of them hoped might work to slow the original bioweapon. The DOD managed the operation, not Pfizer and Moderna. They went along for the huge cash that was doled out to them. The MRNA vials were apparently filled in Ft. Dietrich, MD, not in Pfizer or Moderna facilities. Since this weapon was government property and a national military emergency was in effect, the vax contents could not be examined and no informed consent was necessary. PHARMA and everyone else were doing what they were told. The US Government launched a military operation and forced everyone to comply. They also paid handsomely to incentive compliance and stifle dissent, They used their media to quiet dissidents.

It is possible that DOD released Omicron as a milder variant to slow the uptake and lethality, and thus made Geert's prediction wrong. That is speculation.

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It always seems to me like Geert is walking a tightrope and mostly warns of the dangers of ADE. I recently saw a video of an interview of him with Marc Wathelet this past summer, where he said that he didn't want to say what he really expected to happen

Here is the interview. That particular comment was somewhere near the end I believe.


I think Sucharit Bhakdi has been a lot more open in his analysis and predictions, which all appear to be coming to fruition by the day, sadly enough.

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Curious to know how you see it coming to fruition? It seems to me it is not...that most of the news we get of people dropping dead or getting sick etc. is old news just coming to light...and anything recent are isolated incidents occurring right after the most current booster is injected. I could be very wrong about this, so enlighten me if so.

I know the big deal with all the Canadian doctors dying was right after a booster drive. I can see how the cancer incidents going up could be spread out over months or years...but the last I looked, VAERS reports of deaths had stabilized at about 30,000 reports, and it has been at that number for months.

Bossche made it sound like this would be like a tsunami and we would be seeing massive deaths and illness starting around the first week of September.

Anyway...I am specifically talking about Bossche's prediction...personally I do believe adverse affect, including death, will continue over the years...but subtly enough that no one will correlate with the vaccines. Already the mainstream is trying to link it to Long Covid, Climate Change, or other such nonsense...

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I don't per se see Geert's predictions playing out at this point in time - although I think it would have been more applicable in the Southern hemisphere in places such as Australia and New Zealand, who have just been through their winter. I have been hearing a lot of reports of excessive sickness however and overrun hospitals and ambulance services, although the \/ rollout there started slightly later than Europe and North America and perhaps went more slowly in the beginning. I expect that we may begin to see the effects of immune system suppression now coming into the northern hemisphere winter period. Whether there will be new variants which wreak havoc or other types of viruses causing trouble for the injected remains to be seen.

I think that the systems like VAERS have had their day and for different reasons including tampering and interference as well as the growing temporal distance between the injections and adverse events are already tailing off in the usefulness of the information they provide.

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence of people's health quickly deteriorating. I have noticed it in my own limited circles and there are plenty of stories in groups on social media as well. The most troubling data in my opinion are coming from the excess death data, where the rates are far above all historical precedents and don't yet appear to be dropping. Edward Dowd covers this in detail.

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You put this all so well...after reading what you say, I believe I am pretty much on your page. I do wonder about all the prep the governments have made for this new booster and are only getting 4% compliance...they must have spent billions on it...I am surprised they are not making up some new monster variant to scare people into making that all worthwhile.

I agree that there are a lot of negative consequences to the original vaxxing that we still have not seen...deaths for years from immune issues, cardiology and neurological issues...on and on and on. But anything resembling a mass wipe out within a year or so, I don't think so...

Thanks so much! I am going over now to take a look at your substack!!!

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On The Highwire back in June, Bossche offered a possible scenario that by the end of summer a new variant would surface with a high infection rate *and* a high IFR. He hedged a bit but suggested we might see "millions of deaths" from this variant by the end of summer. It was enough for Bigtree to preface his show with phrases like "extremely disturbing news: and "don't let your children watch this episode yet."

It's important to note that Bossche's prediction was based more on statistics than an actual airtight date, and his theory hasn't changed or lost significance. Everyone here probably knows the basic mechanics of ADE and the danger that lurks in a drug aimed at hijacking your immune system to only attack an outdated variant. For over a year, vaccinees were injecting a protein that forces your immune system to attack the original Wuhan variant at all costs, including the body's ability to recognize cancer cells, other strains of covid and even common cold viruses. My analogy is this: you have a loose screw on your door at home. Instead of buying a $30 toolkit (natural immune system) from Walmart, you spend $2k on a special gold-plated screwdriver. When you bring home this amazing screwdriver, you realize that you needed a flathead instead of Phillips. Sorry, you're out of luck.

Currently, over a billion people have a wrecked immune system thanks to this "vaccine." It's only a matter of time before intense selective pressure from the vax creates a virulent and lethal strain.

To your point, this new lethal strain hasn't yet arrived. I read recently that only 1% of eligible people are choosing to get the new booster, and maybe this will put a damper on selective pressure. I'm certainly not ignoring Bossche's warning, though.

Regarding the point about sterilization vs super-strain etc., these rollouts usually kill several birds with one stone. For example, the infamous Patriot Act gave carte blanch to the military overseas, as well as allowed the tech oligarchs to spy on all of us, plus a thousand other things.

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I have long thought that it was a Pharma op to create more fear, more demand for new types of vaccines, and more belief in fake viruses. See also:


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Thank you...yes, I remember that article, and of course I am suspicious about just about everything. The points in the article do make me wonder (red flags) but I also find it strange that a man of his professional stature would knowingly make a fool of himself in such a public way. He seemed so earnest. But still...these are good points, and since his prediction did not, as we can tell, come to be, it supports these accusations.

I wonder what Bossche himself has to say about his predictions...is he sticking with them, or has he given a reason why we have not seen the doom he predicted yet? I have not seen any recent interviews with him...has anyone else??

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