God is a trickster. It can't be any other way. If the story of Adam and Eve is an allegory to a something meaningful then God tricked them to seek the knowledge of the unknown and that brought more suffering to the human race.
The fact is that we have no idea why we are here and why we need to go through this barely meaningful exitance of the ocean of suffering.
You are quite right, technology is another carrot that will become a stick.
We will have no chose but become one with the machine. It became a cliché saying but “Brave New World” is not a fiction story anymore.
There is nothing else to be done apart from sticking sticks in the wheels of the progress. We can slow it down but I am sceptical about stopping the train of so-called “reset” AKA Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Looking at the known history, Psychos always win at the end.
God is most definitely a trickster, but not at all a malevolent one. Trickster keeps people on their toes, trickster points out the stupidity in things, and yes, very often messes things up...it is the monkey wrench thrown in the machine that has gotten too big for its britches and thinks it knows everything. Trickster is probably the most important and necessary archetype out there.
We do have to remember there is a overarching push in our culture to become dependent on this crap...
God gave us the Bible to show us how man in the end due to their sin and rebellion against Him would destroy themselves. There was a beginning, it's called Genesis, there is an ending, Revelation.
2020 was a WORLD wide event and yet this fallen, sin cursed, God mocking, God rejecting world complains against the governments and don't give a thought to God and His Word or His warnings or to even think where they will spend eternity. The problem most worships false gods
Job 27:8 For what is the hope of the godless when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?
Isaiah 57:21 “There is no peace,” Says my God, “for the wicked.”
Isaiah 63:10 They rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit; therefore he turned to be their enemy, and himself fought against them.
Live for what last, the glory of the Living God and the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6; Phil 3). Romans 6:23“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” At its core, sin is rebellion against God. Our sin separates us from God, the creator and sustainer of life.
"Christ warned that some would seem to receive the gospel with great enthusiasm only to become entangled in the world, discouraged, and disillusioned. They would eventually turn back from following Him. Many maintain a façade of Christianity without inward reality, deceiving perhaps even themselves. Never fully convinced in their hearts, they are unwilling nevertheless to admit their unbelief. “Examine yourselves,” Paul warned, “whether ye be in the faith” (2 Corinthians:13:5; Heb 1).
That faith for which we must contend was delivered by Christ to the original twelve disciples, who were then to teach those whom they evangelized “to observe all things” that Christ had commanded them. Like Adam and Eve, mankind still flees the voice of God, clothes itself with the makeshift garments of new theories no better than fragile leaves, and hides behind the trees of its latest excuses for unbelief and rebellion.
The Bible begins with God creating the universe and it ends with Him destroying it entirely and creating afresh a "new heaven and a new earth" (2 Peter 3; Revelation 21:1). From beginning to end history is the eternal God fulfilling His immutable purpose. Once we get a clear view of the cosmic proportions of God's plan, we lose any delusions as to our own greatness and are delivered from all mistaken notions that we can somehow fulfill human destiny by our own efforts." Dave Hunt (1926-2013)
This video is a good example of what is to come (Rev 13 ). Even the secular world knows something is not right, but they don't know why it is all happening. The LORD said, "It would be like the days of Noah. (Matt 24; Rev 6). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvPDnn1MkGY&t=2s
For most people technology = progress, but one does not follow from the other. As others have pointed out, we are not happier, healthier or less overworked so where is the progress? Of course technology has been weaponized as a means of control but we get suckered in by the idea of efficiency and convenience without considering the downsides. When I get the opportunity, I like to tell people that it would surely be more "convenient" if we didn't have to prepare our own tax returns and just let the government extract their many pounds of flesh straight from our CBDC accounts. Even normies get it when you put it that way.
We need to stop conflating technology with progress and keep in mind that just because we can do something -- like replace people with robots -- doesn't mean we should do it. Being human is to be imperfect and from our messy lives we learn and grow. Technology could very well usher in a degree of human stagnation under the guise of "progress" that will be the end of humanity as we have known it. I think those of us of a certain vintage are not as enamoured of technology as the generations that came after us!
Human beings are wired to be effective and lazy...back in the day, you could only stretch this to a point and you still ended up working your butt off...so the effort to be "effective and efficient (lazy)" yielded an axe (see other comment below)...you still put forth enough effort to stay healthy and not just rot on the vine...you could build yourself a proper house and avoid living in the drafty cave with the "high tech" axe.
Our built in push toward "effective and efficient" has led us to this...soon to be like the surrogates in the movie "The Surrogates"...there is no way out of it because it is our nature (read Kurt Vonnegut's book "Player Piano")...the only way out is to realize the problem...and to do what we need to do, as you and others are doing...unfortunately the powers that be don't like this, the "consumer nature" of our culture want it otherwise...the whole thing is screwed...
I myself have never been all that fascinated as well by some of the advances in tech. I originally bought my first cell phone when I had to drive about 100 miles a day back and forth for work and needed it for an emergency in case my car broke down. To this day, it's still basically just a phone to me. I don't play games, I rarely text, especially if the person is upstairs and I am downstairs. I don't use it as a computer. For God's sake it's a Friggin' phone and I don't need to stare at it 24-7, while sitting on couch or walking down the street!! Think how much of real life is passing these people by as they stare into the abyss. Linking as usual, Todd @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
More just trying to be practical about the cell phone usage rather than it being a conviction as I will use it occassionally for other things. Unless somebody can't answer the phone I can see the texting aspect, but to just text back and forth as many do, I have never really understood. Why not just call and have a conversation?
Maybe a lot of folks would rather sit around all day and let machines (or others) do their bidding, but nothing makes me feel healthier, more alive and more deeply satisfied than doing hours of physical labor. I realize I’m probably a complete oddball but as a married woman at almost 70 years of age I still do all of my own housework, yard work and split my own firewood by hand with an axe. My only weakness for modern technology is my cellphone and the alt-right news sites. Otherwise I would be very happy living without most modern conveniences and certainly NO artificial intelligence anything. In my opinion today’s civilized masses have completely lost their way, I can’t identify with their thinking.
Lovely comment, wholeheartedly agree. I use an axe everyday also, I have three of them and each has it's function, though I noticed lately the biggest one seems unusually heavy! :)
My heavy maul only gets dragged out for the really gnarly and mostly uncooperative oak but most of the time my splitting axe does the job. Love Fiskars products, worth the extra $$.
You go girl!! I think you have a very important point here...where was that line drawn where we have just enough contraptions we need to make things as comfortable as they need to be...an axe for example...technology at its best...that is a good thing, life is better with an axe, but a chain saw? Maybe, maybe not...where is the line?
Tech is overrated. Yeah, it has it's function, but take one look around. Are the people more peaceful because of it? More happy? More civilized? More prosperous? Nope. Like absolutely EVERYTHING else, it is weaponized against the people of the land. It is a direct attack on the entire being, however it is cleverly disguised behind pretend benefit. It is a control mechanism, nothing more and the people who engulf themselves are braiding the rope to hang themselves. History bears witness to this fact.
I have a love/hate relationship with tech. There's magic in making moving paintings in video and projecting them outside the sanctified white box gallery space. I've used Mac computers forever and know naught of tech. The early models enabled some grasp of how the system worked, you could go in and adapt and reconfigure it because there were icon-folders with names and their logic was apparent. As it became more complicated, that kind of getting under the hood was dropped out of necessity, I guess, and now system configuration is a few boxes to tick and choosing the wallpaper.
I depend on my internet connection more than I care to admit. Computers have improved my life in many ways, but when they were introduced into cars, for example, and everything else, and kids stopped learning cursive writing in schools because it's all screens now, and libraries and books and actual tactile repositories of, well, the history of everything, fell out of use because it's all online now. No thought of power failures. No thought of even a small tap with a computerized car can render it brain damaged and useless.
Must get to work, but leaving this as a must-listen conversation. Enjoy:
At its' healthiest it IS a love/hate thing...the cliché response is it depends on what you do with it...like atomic energy or atomic bombs...and I hesitate using this analogy, but what do we constantly hear from gun advocates..."guns don't kill people, people do"....technology does have a positive place...but even that positive place can lead to a negative outcome...which is where the argument really gets whacky...should we return to cave times? 1500s? 1800s? early 1900s? Look for my "Then and Now" article coming out on April 8.
Yeah, I cynically love this whole AI craze about AI chat "you'll never have to write anything else again!!!" How obvious can you get...waiting for the "voice box enhancement" where humans will not have to think of what to say ever again!! A surgical implant that will speak for you...then..."you'll never have to THINK again!!!"...oh wait, they've already managed have that one implemented
I used to write a blog called TheForthrightOne. This was from a post I wrote in May 2019:
The World Economic Forum holds an annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. In a recent article by Kevin Roose, he says that in public, many executives were wringing their hands about the fate of workers due to the negative consequences of automation. But in private, they admitted they are quietly racing to replace workers. (Cue image of Grinch lying to Cindy Lou Who).
The U.N. decided last December in Marrakech that migration is now a human right. Trudeau signed on. So mass migration and declining jobs – that’s quite a recipe – for what I’m not quite sure, but I could guess.
Don’t worry, once the robots take over, we’ll have plenty of time to pursue endless leisure activities like reading books and visiting museums. Except we won’t have any money and we’ll be living in the street because we don’t have a job. Oh, but wait, robots don’t pay taxes so there won’t be any extra money for libraries or museums.
If you are in possession of a skill that cannot be exported overseas, done with an algorithm or downloaded, you might stand a chance of survival.
While most sectors will experience a slowdown, this will free up workers to focus on other tasks – like looking for a job or fleeing robots.
It is a strange world that is being built...if you make the destruction of humanity (assuming the ones engineering this are not human) then it makes perfect sense. I am not sure if it is supposed to "work"...
Read Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" for a laugh regarding all of this.
But after the museums--and before you're out on the street--- you must leave time for the Food Bank visit. I just read this morning that the Daily Bread Food Bank in south Etobicoke, Toronto, is receiving an additional 12.5 thousand clients each month, and the number has been increasing at an alarming rate since 2020.
I completely agree. Technology has no real appeal to me. If anything, I find human’s overall use of it terrifying. A Framework for the Exploration of Biodigital Convergence is on the Canadian government’s website. See Barely Bruised Books @BarelyBook on Twitter. Read a the concerning article here: https://horizons.gc.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/
If you do not believe in a literal Satan (which this is clearly that Satan in action) then you can at least look at Satan, and evil, as a metaphor...this is a perfect example..."come to my kingdom and rule in hell, stop being a servant to your body, and to the divine world of the natural cycle of life, pain, suffering. death, hard work, belief in God, (on and on). Give all of that up for the glories of MY world...eternal life with no pain, no loss, all ecstatic pleasure"
What do people always say about the devil? His greatest piece of ingenuity is his ability to make us not believe he exists? It is always subterfuge...and the people who are conned by that subterfuge don't even know it.
OMG is all I'm capable of in response to all of this. Listening to Jennifer Bilek on the trans matter, the leadup to tech union, in her opinion, which is making sense to me now.
Youtube interview with her is embedded in this, from Mathew Crawford.
I'm adding this as a repeat here in case you don't get back to read all comments. It's a brilliant conversation examining where we are within a culture of domination and genocide. It's of benefit to all to listen and consider. https://tessa.substack.com/p/how-domination-drives-genocides
Thank you for posting this...I am out of the country right now (be back next week) and wifi is dicey...I will check this out once I get back to Canuckistan.
Thank you so kindly for sharing. I’ll review in more detail tonight. What helps me is remembering there are more people that think like us than them (despite their efforts to manipulate us to feel we are alone, like the removal of the dislike count on Youtube…) it’s all good. Humanity will prevail. I know it in my heart. We can’t give up. And we need to keep connecting. Take care out there!
Oh, don't forget that for a moment, that humanity will prevail. "Life has a way of finding a way"...humanity is life. It just could take a while...and we all must stay diligent and hold the truth...
I see this basically as three factions, three groups of people. There are the manipulators...the puppet masters, elite, "powers that be" whatever you want to call them. I am not sure who they actually are, but there is a swath of "minions" that carry out their agenda...they are in this "top group"....maybe only 5% of the population, not sure (most of them may actually be demons, or Satan, or aliens, lizards, who knows.) Then there are the "sheep" that just follow blindly. Which are the majority I believe...then us.
I am curious to know why you think we outnumber them? :-)
The reason I make this distinction is that I believe the sheep don't really have an opinion, they just stick with what the upper group says...they don't really know much about it, they don't research, they don't argue, they basically don't think...but they are REALLY dedicated...they will fight you to the death if need be...then are VERY committed. (they are like the Winkies in The Wizard of Oz) But they do not have an argument, other than things like "we have to do what the masters tell us because they are looking out for us" or "we can't be selfish, we have to take care of grandma" or whatever stupidity the masters have told them to say...
Medicine has been in the stone age since the Rockefellers took over in 1911 or so.
Would anyone like to comment on RFK Jr for President at https://rfk4president.substack.com/ or https://rfk4president.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-4-president? Do most of us agree that his candidacy will help End the Jab, whether he gets elected or not? And Republicans at the county level to Ban the Jab can make it a bipartisan movement?
God is a trickster. It can't be any other way. If the story of Adam and Eve is an allegory to a something meaningful then God tricked them to seek the knowledge of the unknown and that brought more suffering to the human race.
The fact is that we have no idea why we are here and why we need to go through this barely meaningful exitance of the ocean of suffering.
You are quite right, technology is another carrot that will become a stick.
We will have no chose but become one with the machine. It became a cliché saying but “Brave New World” is not a fiction story anymore.
There is nothing else to be done apart from sticking sticks in the wheels of the progress. We can slow it down but I am sceptical about stopping the train of so-called “reset” AKA Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Looking at the known history, Psychos always win at the end.
God is most definitely a trickster, but not at all a malevolent one. Trickster keeps people on their toes, trickster points out the stupidity in things, and yes, very often messes things up...it is the monkey wrench thrown in the machine that has gotten too big for its britches and thinks it knows everything. Trickster is probably the most important and necessary archetype out there.
We do have to remember there is a overarching push in our culture to become dependent on this crap...
God gave us the Bible to show us how man in the end due to their sin and rebellion against Him would destroy themselves. There was a beginning, it's called Genesis, there is an ending, Revelation.
2020 was a WORLD wide event and yet this fallen, sin cursed, God mocking, God rejecting world complains against the governments and don't give a thought to God and His Word or His warnings or to even think where they will spend eternity. The problem most worships false gods
Job 27:8 For what is the hope of the godless when he is cut off, when God takes away his life?
Isaiah 57:21 “There is no peace,” Says my God, “for the wicked.”
Isaiah 63:10 They rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit; therefore he turned to be their enemy, and himself fought against them.
Live for what last, the glory of the Living God and the kingdom of heaven. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6; Phil 3). Romans 6:23“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” At its core, sin is rebellion against God. Our sin separates us from God, the creator and sustainer of life.
"Christ warned that some would seem to receive the gospel with great enthusiasm only to become entangled in the world, discouraged, and disillusioned. They would eventually turn back from following Him. Many maintain a façade of Christianity without inward reality, deceiving perhaps even themselves. Never fully convinced in their hearts, they are unwilling nevertheless to admit their unbelief. “Examine yourselves,” Paul warned, “whether ye be in the faith” (2 Corinthians:13:5; Heb 1).
That faith for which we must contend was delivered by Christ to the original twelve disciples, who were then to teach those whom they evangelized “to observe all things” that Christ had commanded them. Like Adam and Eve, mankind still flees the voice of God, clothes itself with the makeshift garments of new theories no better than fragile leaves, and hides behind the trees of its latest excuses for unbelief and rebellion.
The Bible begins with God creating the universe and it ends with Him destroying it entirely and creating afresh a "new heaven and a new earth" (2 Peter 3; Revelation 21:1). From beginning to end history is the eternal God fulfilling His immutable purpose. Once we get a clear view of the cosmic proportions of God's plan, we lose any delusions as to our own greatness and are delivered from all mistaken notions that we can somehow fulfill human destiny by our own efforts." Dave Hunt (1926-2013)
This video is a good example of what is to come (Rev 13 ). Even the secular world knows something is not right, but they don't know why it is all happening. The LORD said, "It would be like the days of Noah. (Matt 24; Rev 6). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvPDnn1MkGY&t=2s
For most people technology = progress, but one does not follow from the other. As others have pointed out, we are not happier, healthier or less overworked so where is the progress? Of course technology has been weaponized as a means of control but we get suckered in by the idea of efficiency and convenience without considering the downsides. When I get the opportunity, I like to tell people that it would surely be more "convenient" if we didn't have to prepare our own tax returns and just let the government extract their many pounds of flesh straight from our CBDC accounts. Even normies get it when you put it that way.
We need to stop conflating technology with progress and keep in mind that just because we can do something -- like replace people with robots -- doesn't mean we should do it. Being human is to be imperfect and from our messy lives we learn and grow. Technology could very well usher in a degree of human stagnation under the guise of "progress" that will be the end of humanity as we have known it. I think those of us of a certain vintage are not as enamoured of technology as the generations that came after us!
Human beings are wired to be effective and lazy...back in the day, you could only stretch this to a point and you still ended up working your butt off...so the effort to be "effective and efficient (lazy)" yielded an axe (see other comment below)...you still put forth enough effort to stay healthy and not just rot on the vine...you could build yourself a proper house and avoid living in the drafty cave with the "high tech" axe.
Our built in push toward "effective and efficient" has led us to this...soon to be like the surrogates in the movie "The Surrogates"...there is no way out of it because it is our nature (read Kurt Vonnegut's book "Player Piano")...the only way out is to realize the problem...and to do what we need to do, as you and others are doing...unfortunately the powers that be don't like this, the "consumer nature" of our culture want it otherwise...the whole thing is screwed...
I myself have never been all that fascinated as well by some of the advances in tech. I originally bought my first cell phone when I had to drive about 100 miles a day back and forth for work and needed it for an emergency in case my car broke down. To this day, it's still basically just a phone to me. I don't play games, I rarely text, especially if the person is upstairs and I am downstairs. I don't use it as a computer. For God's sake it's a Friggin' phone and I don't need to stare at it 24-7, while sitting on couch or walking down the street!! Think how much of real life is passing these people by as they stare into the abyss. Linking as usual, Todd @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
You so right...and I am such a hypocrite because I don't possess your conviction...more power to you...thank you!
More just trying to be practical about the cell phone usage rather than it being a conviction as I will use it occassionally for other things. Unless somebody can't answer the phone I can see the texting aspect, but to just text back and forth as many do, I have never really understood. Why not just call and have a conversation?
Maybe a lot of folks would rather sit around all day and let machines (or others) do their bidding, but nothing makes me feel healthier, more alive and more deeply satisfied than doing hours of physical labor. I realize I’m probably a complete oddball but as a married woman at almost 70 years of age I still do all of my own housework, yard work and split my own firewood by hand with an axe. My only weakness for modern technology is my cellphone and the alt-right news sites. Otherwise I would be very happy living without most modern conveniences and certainly NO artificial intelligence anything. In my opinion today’s civilized masses have completely lost their way, I can’t identify with their thinking.
Lovely comment, wholeheartedly agree. I use an axe everyday also, I have three of them and each has it's function, though I noticed lately the biggest one seems unusually heavy! :)
My heavy maul only gets dragged out for the really gnarly and mostly uncooperative oak but most of the time my splitting axe does the job. Love Fiskars products, worth the extra $$.
You go girl!! I think you have a very important point here...where was that line drawn where we have just enough contraptions we need to make things as comfortable as they need to be...an axe for example...technology at its best...that is a good thing, life is better with an axe, but a chain saw? Maybe, maybe not...where is the line?
Joe Rogan did a funny joke in one of his Netflix specials about how women have so few big inventions compared to men.
However, the inventions women made improved life dramatically, vs the men working hard on shooting their loads into space 🤣 .
Sadly I cannot find the clip online, so check Netflix. I think it's the second to latest special.
Here's another funny video about technology by Joe Rogan.
Would like to see this!
Tech is overrated. Yeah, it has it's function, but take one look around. Are the people more peaceful because of it? More happy? More civilized? More prosperous? Nope. Like absolutely EVERYTHING else, it is weaponized against the people of the land. It is a direct attack on the entire being, however it is cleverly disguised behind pretend benefit. It is a control mechanism, nothing more and the people who engulf themselves are braiding the rope to hang themselves. History bears witness to this fact.
Yep...you got it...right on target...
Wow. You simply and succinctly verbalized what has happened, and sadly, where we are going. Thank you.
I have a love/hate relationship with tech. There's magic in making moving paintings in video and projecting them outside the sanctified white box gallery space. I've used Mac computers forever and know naught of tech. The early models enabled some grasp of how the system worked, you could go in and adapt and reconfigure it because there were icon-folders with names and their logic was apparent. As it became more complicated, that kind of getting under the hood was dropped out of necessity, I guess, and now system configuration is a few boxes to tick and choosing the wallpaper.
I depend on my internet connection more than I care to admit. Computers have improved my life in many ways, but when they were introduced into cars, for example, and everything else, and kids stopped learning cursive writing in schools because it's all screens now, and libraries and books and actual tactile repositories of, well, the history of everything, fell out of use because it's all online now. No thought of power failures. No thought of even a small tap with a computerized car can render it brain damaged and useless.
Must get to work, but leaving this as a must-listen conversation. Enjoy:
At its' healthiest it IS a love/hate thing...the cliché response is it depends on what you do with it...like atomic energy or atomic bombs...and I hesitate using this analogy, but what do we constantly hear from gun advocates..."guns don't kill people, people do"....technology does have a positive place...but even that positive place can lead to a negative outcome...which is where the argument really gets whacky...should we return to cave times? 1500s? 1800s? early 1900s? Look for my "Then and Now" article coming out on April 8.
Robots won't be buying much of anything. Maybe a robot doctor doing checkups on robots. The top 1% will wonder why their money dried up.
A.I. doesn't even let us type what we want without insisting on inserting the wrong word!
Yeah, I cynically love this whole AI craze about AI chat "you'll never have to write anything else again!!!" How obvious can you get...waiting for the "voice box enhancement" where humans will not have to think of what to say ever again!! A surgical implant that will speak for you...then..."you'll never have to THINK again!!!"...oh wait, they've already managed have that one implemented
I used to write a blog called TheForthrightOne. This was from a post I wrote in May 2019:
The World Economic Forum holds an annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. In a recent article by Kevin Roose, he says that in public, many executives were wringing their hands about the fate of workers due to the negative consequences of automation. But in private, they admitted they are quietly racing to replace workers. (Cue image of Grinch lying to Cindy Lou Who).
The U.N. decided last December in Marrakech that migration is now a human right. Trudeau signed on. So mass migration and declining jobs – that’s quite a recipe – for what I’m not quite sure, but I could guess.
Don’t worry, once the robots take over, we’ll have plenty of time to pursue endless leisure activities like reading books and visiting museums. Except we won’t have any money and we’ll be living in the street because we don’t have a job. Oh, but wait, robots don’t pay taxes so there won’t be any extra money for libraries or museums.
If you are in possession of a skill that cannot be exported overseas, done with an algorithm or downloaded, you might stand a chance of survival.
While most sectors will experience a slowdown, this will free up workers to focus on other tasks – like looking for a job or fleeing robots.
It is a strange world that is being built...if you make the destruction of humanity (assuming the ones engineering this are not human) then it makes perfect sense. I am not sure if it is supposed to "work"...
Read Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" for a laugh regarding all of this.
But after the museums--and before you're out on the street--- you must leave time for the Food Bank visit. I just read this morning that the Daily Bread Food Bank in south Etobicoke, Toronto, is receiving an additional 12.5 thousand clients each month, and the number has been increasing at an alarming rate since 2020.
That is quite interesting...what the hell is going on? And nobody gives a hoot in hell about it...
I completely agree. Technology has no real appeal to me. If anything, I find human’s overall use of it terrifying. A Framework for the Exploration of Biodigital Convergence is on the Canadian government’s website. See Barely Bruised Books @BarelyBook on Twitter. Read a the concerning article here: https://horizons.gc.ca/en/2020/02/11/exploring-biodigital-convergence/
Good lord....
If you do not believe in a literal Satan (which this is clearly that Satan in action) then you can at least look at Satan, and evil, as a metaphor...this is a perfect example..."come to my kingdom and rule in hell, stop being a servant to your body, and to the divine world of the natural cycle of life, pain, suffering. death, hard work, belief in God, (on and on). Give all of that up for the glories of MY world...eternal life with no pain, no loss, all ecstatic pleasure"
What do people always say about the devil? His greatest piece of ingenuity is his ability to make us not believe he exists? It is always subterfuge...and the people who are conned by that subterfuge don't even know it.
OMG is all I'm capable of in response to all of this. Listening to Jennifer Bilek on the trans matter, the leadup to tech union, in her opinion, which is making sense to me now.
Youtube interview with her is embedded in this, from Mathew Crawford.
I'm adding this as a repeat here in case you don't get back to read all comments. It's a brilliant conversation examining where we are within a culture of domination and genocide. It's of benefit to all to listen and consider. https://tessa.substack.com/p/how-domination-drives-genocides
Thank you for posting this...I am out of the country right now (be back next week) and wifi is dicey...I will check this out once I get back to Canuckistan.
Thank you so kindly for sharing. I’ll review in more detail tonight. What helps me is remembering there are more people that think like us than them (despite their efforts to manipulate us to feel we are alone, like the removal of the dislike count on Youtube…) it’s all good. Humanity will prevail. I know it in my heart. We can’t give up. And we need to keep connecting. Take care out there!
Oh, don't forget that for a moment, that humanity will prevail. "Life has a way of finding a way"...humanity is life. It just could take a while...and we all must stay diligent and hold the truth...
I see this basically as three factions, three groups of people. There are the manipulators...the puppet masters, elite, "powers that be" whatever you want to call them. I am not sure who they actually are, but there is a swath of "minions" that carry out their agenda...they are in this "top group"....maybe only 5% of the population, not sure (most of them may actually be demons, or Satan, or aliens, lizards, who knows.) Then there are the "sheep" that just follow blindly. Which are the majority I believe...then us.
I am curious to know why you think we outnumber them? :-)
The reason I make this distinction is that I believe the sheep don't really have an opinion, they just stick with what the upper group says...they don't really know much about it, they don't research, they don't argue, they basically don't think...but they are REALLY dedicated...they will fight you to the death if need be...then are VERY committed. (they are like the Winkies in The Wizard of Oz) But they do not have an argument, other than things like "we have to do what the masters tell us because they are looking out for us" or "we can't be selfish, we have to take care of grandma" or whatever stupidity the masters have told them to say...