Considering all views is intelligent and is the integral approach in seeking understanding of reality. It is the tendency of the human mind towards bias and logical fallacy, the realm of belief, which is limited, obscure and splintered. I think you can feel good that you are looking at all facets of any subject, it demonstrates courage, curiosity and intelligence.
Yes, Jung's tension of the opposites, Ying/Yang, etc. Duality is indeed a required attribute of a physical existence. Regarding germ/terrain...that debate more than likely IS a combo of the two...and the effort to polarize the concept is what is making the trouble in acceptance.
I know you are very familiar with Royal Rife's has been a while since I was deep in that rabbit hole, but what I remember, his theories required a bit of both I right?
The is covid thing has really opened my eyes to human behavior. it makes sense now why I have received so much flak and resistence all my years.
Showing a better way or being proud of discovering a new thing is offensive to a lot of people. They don't want to be shown off. Another person can't be better than them in any regard. Their self perception, however delusional, must take precedent and must never be pierced.
Most people don't value truth, nor is their goal that. They seem to be swimming in a self centered perception bubble that must not be challenged. Irrationality is okay. They are living thru tunnel vision where there is the push towards one goal without regard to other factors.
It seems what most people value above all else is being right...whether they actually are right or not. They pick an idea, or a stance, for a variety of reasons and then stick to it and as long as there are a few people that back them up they do not waiver. Obviously this is the formula for disaster. Truth is truth (in a broad sense) and if you are sticking with a falsity no amount of stubbornness is going to make it true.
It was the first Iraq war that changed me forever. Because there were many dictators on the world scene that didn't seem to bother Uncle Sam, it seemed a bit odd to me that all of a sudden THIS dictator was a real problem. And then someone I knew who worked for the U.N. said these four words to me "It's about a pipeline." Down the rabbit hole I went never to return to my previous NeoCon self. Basically, my entire belief system about the world crumbled to dust and had to be rebuilt from the ground up. That is the kind of open mind that is needed - one that hangs on to nothing and has the courage to stare into the abyss of their deeply treasured beliefs.
You woke up a lot earlier than I did...9/11 was my whack in the head, although I had already been a JFK assassination conspiracy theorist...and a bunch of other things most people don't give much thought to, like crop circles and pyramids...
9/11 did me in, but still not as globally as I now know it is...this Covid insanity really burned it in.
Everything you say here resonates with me completely. Keeping an open mind is all you can do. Be open to absolutely everything, you don't have to commit to an absolute unless you are comfortable that you have seen enough. The terrain/germ debate took me 18 months to actually decide that germs were bollocks. Then I got ill after my mother and then my wife and son seemed to get ill after me. I nearly regressed back to germ, but pondered on the toxicity of our surroundings (and I do include 5g), and the inability to isolate under scientific controls, or prove contagion naturally. So maybe I'm back on the fence, but two things that I believe are true is that they cannot prove viruses exist and that if terrain is not everything, then its 95%.. thanks Todd
Very well put...I might be about the same as you with the germ/terrain thing...I am also quite metaphysical and quantum in my belief system, so generally anything could be true...I have always said that there was a time when the earth actually WAS flat...when everyone believed it was!
Anyway...if we know all is flexible, and we can bend with the wind, I believe we will be closer to the truth...there really are no can be maybe 99 percent sure of something, but that 1% can be incredibly powerful if confronted a certain way.
Todd, I think the whole shrew vs sheep idea rests on being sceptic and open minded. People that are absolutist about anything are really sheep, that's it. Of course that includes all of us some times, being a sceptic all the time is beyond human nature. But still, the essence of "shrew thinking" so to say is openness to any idea, while the essence of "sheep thinking" is the believe in absolute truths that can not be challenged.
So I think you hit it again: a shrew is not loyal to anything other than his own sceptical thinking.
Great article, as usual, Todd. I can appreciate your open mindedness and not accepting anything a priori as "true" or "false". But, with this COVID madness, there are things that I can tell you with certainty that they are NOT true. Masks do not work to stop infection (if viruses exist). You cannot diagnose a "case" of a disease only with a laboratory test. People who are not "vaccinated" (for any disease) do not put anyone at risk, therefore there is no way that anyone can justify mandating a vaccine, ever. The COVID "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective. Therefore, everything that has been done with the COVID response has been based on false premises. No doubts...
Good points Ivan. I think we have to distinguish in our arguments:
- things that might be true, hence we need to be open about them
- and things that can be logically shown to be true or false, hence we can rest our thinking and our arguments on them
People tend to confuse this it seems, and get into pointless arguments where there is nothing that can be conclusively shown or where there is nothing really to argue about.
What seems to be missing also among "covid sceptics" is an universal willingness to hear and consider the other side. This is something I really appreciate in Todd's posts, he tends to show that there is often more than two sides to a coin.
Thank you! One of the finest compliments I could receive! Once again you put it well with your two points...and I like your comment on pointless arguments.
One thing I have missed on BOTH sides of this is the idea of "agree to disagree"...I have been thrown out of favour with so many people because I cannot say "yes! I agree with you 100%" IS actually astounding how many times I DO agree with other shrew's views. So I find that a bit uncanny, but when I don't agree I often get in a lot of trouble (now, I don't say "shut up you are an idiot I think what you believe is crap, and therefore YOU are crap!") I mean I just can't say "yes, I agree"...flat earth is a good example, although extreme, and germ theory is another...I have been blasted for saying "I'm not really sure...." (actually, I don't think I believe the earth is flat, although I do think some of the theories as to "why" it is are interesting...I like the idea of a hollow earth is more romantic...) I just love the fact that people can believe such weird stuff. I love that creativity...but then again, if they are using it to hurt people, or claim that anyone that does not believe what they believe are bad, and should be punished...or if they tell obvious lies that THEY know are lies......I get riled up.
Good point by both of you (Ralf and Todd). As Ralf points out, we need to distinguish between something that "might" be true, although we believe it isn't... and things that we feel certain (no doubt) that they may be true or false. That does not mean that any of us is infallible; it just has to do with our level of confidence. Independent of that, as Todd says, we should be able to "agree to disagree". On the other hand, I always make the point that even if I respect anyone's right to disagree, it doesn't mean that I think they are right. No animosity at all... but if think someone is wrong, I stick to my guns that they are wrong.
100% agreement my friend. Maybe the article was not clear...there are many things I DO believe...and what you state here are some of them. Its usually the truly fringe things I keep open. For example, I love to consider and listen to flat earthers, but also do the same with hollow earthers. Obviously they can't both be true!
Well , by 7 I should be on the way to work but I have to get my dose of substack to start the day ( like OJ). Yours was really helpful in resetting my brain after 45’s announcement last night. I need to turn over a new leaf or a bushel of leaves....
OK...that's what I thought you meant!! The post goes out before I get up! (7:30)...I want it sitting there waiting in everyone's mailbox!! Thanks so much for reading and your thanks!
Considering all views is intelligent and is the integral approach in seeking understanding of reality. It is the tendency of the human mind towards bias and logical fallacy, the realm of belief, which is limited, obscure and splintered. I think you can feel good that you are looking at all facets of any subject, it demonstrates courage, curiosity and intelligence.
Duality is present in almost everything . One cannot exist without the opposite being present.
Germ v terrain can both be true. Why does it have to be one choice only.
In some people, germs maybe the bigger problem and vice versa.
The universe is full of all possibilities and pure potentiality.
So you are smart to keep an open mind.
Yes, Jung's tension of the opposites, Ying/Yang, etc. Duality is indeed a required attribute of a physical existence. Regarding germ/terrain...that debate more than likely IS a combo of the two...and the effort to polarize the concept is what is making the trouble in acceptance.
I know you are very familiar with Royal Rife's has been a while since I was deep in that rabbit hole, but what I remember, his theories required a bit of both I right?
The is covid thing has really opened my eyes to human behavior. it makes sense now why I have received so much flak and resistence all my years.
Showing a better way or being proud of discovering a new thing is offensive to a lot of people. They don't want to be shown off. Another person can't be better than them in any regard. Their self perception, however delusional, must take precedent and must never be pierced.
Most people don't value truth, nor is their goal that. They seem to be swimming in a self centered perception bubble that must not be challenged. Irrationality is okay. They are living thru tunnel vision where there is the push towards one goal without regard to other factors.
It seems what most people value above all else is being right...whether they actually are right or not. They pick an idea, or a stance, for a variety of reasons and then stick to it and as long as there are a few people that back them up they do not waiver. Obviously this is the formula for disaster. Truth is truth (in a broad sense) and if you are sticking with a falsity no amount of stubbornness is going to make it true.
It was the first Iraq war that changed me forever. Because there were many dictators on the world scene that didn't seem to bother Uncle Sam, it seemed a bit odd to me that all of a sudden THIS dictator was a real problem. And then someone I knew who worked for the U.N. said these four words to me "It's about a pipeline." Down the rabbit hole I went never to return to my previous NeoCon self. Basically, my entire belief system about the world crumbled to dust and had to be rebuilt from the ground up. That is the kind of open mind that is needed - one that hangs on to nothing and has the courage to stare into the abyss of their deeply treasured beliefs.
You woke up a lot earlier than I did...9/11 was my whack in the head, although I had already been a JFK assassination conspiracy theorist...and a bunch of other things most people don't give much thought to, like crop circles and pyramids...
9/11 did me in, but still not as globally as I now know it is...this Covid insanity really burned it in.
Everything you say here resonates with me completely. Keeping an open mind is all you can do. Be open to absolutely everything, you don't have to commit to an absolute unless you are comfortable that you have seen enough. The terrain/germ debate took me 18 months to actually decide that germs were bollocks. Then I got ill after my mother and then my wife and son seemed to get ill after me. I nearly regressed back to germ, but pondered on the toxicity of our surroundings (and I do include 5g), and the inability to isolate under scientific controls, or prove contagion naturally. So maybe I'm back on the fence, but two things that I believe are true is that they cannot prove viruses exist and that if terrain is not everything, then its 95%.. thanks Todd
Very well put...I might be about the same as you with the germ/terrain thing...I am also quite metaphysical and quantum in my belief system, so generally anything could be true...I have always said that there was a time when the earth actually WAS flat...when everyone believed it was!
Anyway...if we know all is flexible, and we can bend with the wind, I believe we will be closer to the truth...there really are no can be maybe 99 percent sure of something, but that 1% can be incredibly powerful if confronted a certain way.
As I say to people more and more these days. I don't have answers, I only have questions.
Todd, I think the whole shrew vs sheep idea rests on being sceptic and open minded. People that are absolutist about anything are really sheep, that's it. Of course that includes all of us some times, being a sceptic all the time is beyond human nature. But still, the essence of "shrew thinking" so to say is openness to any idea, while the essence of "sheep thinking" is the believe in absolute truths that can not be challenged.
So I think you hit it again: a shrew is not loyal to anything other than his own sceptical thinking.
Yes! Thank you for adding that! In total agreement...I like that last statement...very good!
Great article, as usual, Todd. I can appreciate your open mindedness and not accepting anything a priori as "true" or "false". But, with this COVID madness, there are things that I can tell you with certainty that they are NOT true. Masks do not work to stop infection (if viruses exist). You cannot diagnose a "case" of a disease only with a laboratory test. People who are not "vaccinated" (for any disease) do not put anyone at risk, therefore there is no way that anyone can justify mandating a vaccine, ever. The COVID "vaccines" are neither safe nor effective. Therefore, everything that has been done with the COVID response has been based on false premises. No doubts...
Good points Ivan. I think we have to distinguish in our arguments:
- things that might be true, hence we need to be open about them
- and things that can be logically shown to be true or false, hence we can rest our thinking and our arguments on them
People tend to confuse this it seems, and get into pointless arguments where there is nothing that can be conclusively shown or where there is nothing really to argue about.
What seems to be missing also among "covid sceptics" is an universal willingness to hear and consider the other side. This is something I really appreciate in Todd's posts, he tends to show that there is often more than two sides to a coin.
Thank you! One of the finest compliments I could receive! Once again you put it well with your two points...and I like your comment on pointless arguments.
One thing I have missed on BOTH sides of this is the idea of "agree to disagree"...I have been thrown out of favour with so many people because I cannot say "yes! I agree with you 100%" IS actually astounding how many times I DO agree with other shrew's views. So I find that a bit uncanny, but when I don't agree I often get in a lot of trouble (now, I don't say "shut up you are an idiot I think what you believe is crap, and therefore YOU are crap!") I mean I just can't say "yes, I agree"...flat earth is a good example, although extreme, and germ theory is another...I have been blasted for saying "I'm not really sure...." (actually, I don't think I believe the earth is flat, although I do think some of the theories as to "why" it is are interesting...I like the idea of a hollow earth is more romantic...) I just love the fact that people can believe such weird stuff. I love that creativity...but then again, if they are using it to hurt people, or claim that anyone that does not believe what they believe are bad, and should be punished...or if they tell obvious lies that THEY know are lies......I get riled up.
Good point by both of you (Ralf and Todd). As Ralf points out, we need to distinguish between something that "might" be true, although we believe it isn't... and things that we feel certain (no doubt) that they may be true or false. That does not mean that any of us is infallible; it just has to do with our level of confidence. Independent of that, as Todd says, we should be able to "agree to disagree". On the other hand, I always make the point that even if I respect anyone's right to disagree, it doesn't mean that I think they are right. No animosity at all... but if think someone is wrong, I stick to my guns that they are wrong.
100% agreement my friend. Maybe the article was not clear...there are many things I DO believe...and what you state here are some of them. Its usually the truly fringe things I keep open. For example, I love to consider and listen to flat earthers, but also do the same with hollow earthers. Obviously they can't both be true!
Exactly... I just realized that if we are certain that something is false, then we are certain that the opposite is true.
Kinda early but this perspective is very helpful to my overwhelmed mind and psyche!!!! Thanks!!!!
Thank you!! What do you mean "kinda early"?? The 7 am release? All my articles go out at 7 am.
Well , by 7 I should be on the way to work but I have to get my dose of substack to start the day ( like OJ). Yours was really helpful in resetting my brain after 45’s announcement last night. I need to turn over a new leaf or a bushel of leaves....
OK...that's what I thought you meant!! The post goes out before I get up! (7:30)...I want it sitting there waiting in everyone's mailbox!! Thanks so much for reading and your thanks!