This is such a massive subject and your piece breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. It seems like every luminary on the side of the "vaccine free" inevitably ends up in the world of psychology and sociology, instead of biology and immunology. For example, RFK, Jr. often mentions early man on the plains of Africa and the importance of following a strong leader. Mattias Desmet in his latest book describes how a mother executed her own daughter on television in Iran because she was convinced that she was morally dirty and a threat to the political orthodoxy. Mark Crispin Miller often talks about respected scientists and doctors in 1930's Germany. He makes a good point that it was the *intelligencia* who towed the line for Hitler, more than the Maga, Walmart types (they were too busy to give a shit about politics).

The vaccine and Covid19 are the weapon, but the people wielding this weapon are the actual threat....and I have a feeling it's a devil's concoction of corrupted sociologists, PR firms and psychologists. Cate Blanchett plays a great role in Nightmare Alley, and I don't want to spoil the ending, but...yeah.

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Hi Todd, usually I just say “amen” but this time I have to say I haven’t really noticed a lack of empathy in the general experience in public. Certainly is isolated cases, I have where some are still very militant towards those who have not been COVID vaxxed but in general, things feel “back to normal”. I am terrified this is going to change when we get into the flu season!

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Lack of empathy can go dormant, and yes, it is probably just as easy to get it bank as it was to lose it in the first place. It may not show up as people being mean to one another, or hateful, but also show up in a general dismissal of how other people feel about other people's feelings...i.e., if I feel devastated by the fact that children are getting vaccinated, people respond to me in a rather hateful manner...there is no empathic understanding...i.e., "that really bothers you, I don't agree with what is bothering you, but I can see how painful that is for you."

Of course I could definitely be over reacting...with a sort of "negative sentiment" over everything...but...I hear this from client's as well...people getting into fights with neighbours and friends over stupid things where the one side will totally discount the other's feelings...just trash them...

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My impression - and of course I could be wrong - is that the sheeps' loss of empathy has to do with fear. Although it is irrational, they have been convinced that they have to fear everyone around them, especially the "vaccine free", the unmasked... (the shrews). They have been convinced that other people (especially those mentioned above) are capable of "giving them covid" and the result, of course, will be that they will die. This had never happened with any other disease that we have lived with in the past (as far as I can remember).

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Thank you, right on. Clearly this is a reason. I do wonder though about those who are not blinded by fear...there are many like this out there...even sheep to sheep there is a lack of typical empathy. Is it the Egregore? I am writing about that in a few weeks!

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It often seems to me that both sheep and shrew are hearing the alarm bells ringing, as you frame it. Shrews blame our situation, sheep blame shrews.

It really is quite difficult for me not to think of sheep as having a more primitive form of moral intelligence than shrews. But perhaps I am just projecting.

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I grapple with that as well...it is truly like there is a "bit" missing from a sheep brain system...

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The Answer and the Solution: is GOD (nature, peace and quiet, listening to the wind, gratitude, living in each moment NOW, respectful of all life…)…instead of looking outside yourself, look inside yourself. All answers are there. And I speak from my personal experience.

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I won't argue with that!!

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Expressions of empathy seem to have been dumped into the same can along with critical thinking. There was a study linking acetaminophen with the destruction of empathy. Maybe that is true. Maybe the vaccines have changed something in the brain. Seeing my once wonderful friendship of over 40 years disintegrate with each jab she got certainly makes me wonder. Perhaps chemtrail geoengineering is part of the toxic mix. People who are fixated on screens are not noticing micro expressions and vocal tone shifts that are foundational to empathy. Without activating mirror neutrons, empathy becomes almost impossible. Plus, empathy takes time. Attention spans have been deliberately destroyed by the ‘swipe and don’t think’ addiction to machines that most people mistake for real life. Interacting with other people on a small screen increases dissociation which always reduces emotional connection.

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Excellent Gwaihir...I have experienced very similar situations, and question the same things you do...as totally bizarre it is, there are family members that I truly believe have had some strange brain manipulation...5G, the jab, zombie juice (check out my Zombie article...) these people used to be SO CLOSE and loving, now...well...you know...


It seems that something REALLY strange is at the root of this sort of disengagement. I love all that you said about empathy, I had not heard of the acetaminophen issue...no telling what all these psychotropics do on a more subtle level. The screen delimma (although that should be impacting me as well, but I too have lost a lot of empathy for sheeple). This is good stuff, thanks for posting this!

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