*grabs pipe cleaners*

That's a lota smokin'.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

“It’s over!”

Well... For me it ended when they mandated the lockdowns (in 2020) and the herds of modern moron slaves didn't even emitted a single bah.

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I can't remember the moment that I 'figured it out"....I know at the VERY beginning I was believing it to some degree...it never would have surprised me with all the bio warfare research and development going on out there that some killer virus would eventually get released. At some point though I realized it was bullshit...it was early on, but not THAT early....the first article I wrote for Off Guardian was July, 2020....so four months into the plandemic that article came out...I figure maybe 2 months before THAT I was pissed enough to consider writing it??

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I figure it out after reading a couple of chinese medical records of "special pneumonia" (later labelled "COVID-19") in January 2020 and shortly after when I read that they would use PCR for "testing"!

That was it...

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

Thanks for that interesting article, i wonder too how the sheep will react in the long run, its definitly not easy for them. But i also was asking myself often in the last two years how many of the people who punished us with mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccines, means our politicians and their helpful buddies, how many off THEM really believed the pandemic narrativ. How many of them are vaccinated because they believe that this helps ?

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Exactly what the minions of the true power are thinking is an excellent question. The untold thousands of health ministers, doctors, minor politicians just towing the company line...are they part of the elite? Were they told, "just do what we say and you will have a place at the table"? I kind of doubt it. They are just sheep with some power...probably just as blinded as the peons. Hard to tell.

No telling how all this will go. If it all backs off, as it has done for the past six months, and never "gets worse" the sheep will probably remain about the same. But if news of sudden unexplained deaths get more and more prevalent...and if loved ones start dropping...things may change for the sheep rather dramatically.

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Sad thing is young people aren’t reading 1984. I had a young lady (early 40’s) who is a SCHOOL TEACHER in my clinic late 2020. She had never HEARD of 1984 nor Animal Farm. University educated TEACHER! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 we had some interesting conversations. I’m choosing to be hopeful. Take a look at Solari, Catherine AF has a video called I think Backstory. The idea is you imagine 2030 and our side has won, Mr. Global/Globo-Cap/Monsters have been defeated, governments decentralized, no CDBCs and you imagine how we get there from here. Very uplifting. We create what we think so that’s what I’m going to do. And I’m not wasting my energy trying to convince anyone but I’ll talk to anyone who wants to. Peace, love and Bobby Sherman. 😘

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I like that idea...to do a vision quest...to imagine a great world...to meditate on that...but not let that vision stop action now, not an excuse to become complacent. I was a practitioner for the Church of Religious Science for many years, and it was ALL ABOUT creating your own reality through belief and thought...I think I have much more mature insights about this now in my old age. I still believe the basic tenets of this, but also believe that you must engage in the material world WHILE holding the "truth" of love and God. It is more difficult to do that, but I believe ultimately that is what the teaching is all about...not turning away from "appearance" but rather turning away from what the appearance MEANS to you (which is pretty much nothing, or should be)...holding peace and love while staring head on into the appearance of evil and hate and dysfunction...if you have to turn away from the appearance, you have already allowed its power to terrify you. We are material beings here to live a material experience. If we are called to be in an evil experience, we cannot ignore it. Does that make sense?

Regarding 1984...that is utterly astounding to me. 1984 is one of the most important books ever written...so is Animal Farm....amazing a teacher had never HEARD of it! Wow...

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Absolutely deciding in your mind what you want is necessary in achieving it. Has worked whenever I've worked at it. I'd also say that the ability and willingness to see the truth, even if it is bad, is not something that everyone has, and many parents do their utmost to shield their children from anything negative, hence the snowflakes (also hurt by far to many vaccines).

My group of "freedom sisters" are thinking about doing a backstory together. I think we absolutely need to do this in order to maintain hope.

I was shocked too about 1984... Guess if Orwell was a POC, LGBTQ+2 or anything other than a cis white male he might still be required reading.

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Sad but very true...I think any group that holds truth as a vision...and I mean here by "truth", love, peace, creative source, etc....it is a good thing...more than a good thing, it is essential. Read my article "Hail the Dirt Warrior"....I address this, I think! I have written over 100 articles since April....I lose track! https://www.shrewviews.com/p/hail-the-dirt-warrior

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

I feel that many people have chosen 'denial' as a defense strategy, because deep down they know that if they question the current 'health' narrative, they will be forced to deal with the deeper deception which started thirty years ago:


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It started when they sunk the sister ship of the Titanic.

No...it started during the French Revolution.

Wait...maybe it was the Fall of Rome?

lol...they play a long game.

I'm getting my pipe, like the good doctor suggested and shall smoke on it.

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During your short lifetime how many "starts" are you aware of?

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My 49 years, this go 'round?

It's been one, long play. Or so it seems.

I've been aware of it since before 9-11 though. I've always been an avid reader and love to do research. You can't live in la-la land when you have a curious and open mind.

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Well... I'm also 49 and I've been aware since the Gulf War 1990–1991! After that shit show my Thought started to pay attention to things that before he wouldn't even process.

No la-la land for me since then, but with ZERO REGRET.

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It's lonely out here in reality, and sometimes pretty damn scary...no lie. But, I don't think I'd be able to blend in with the oblivious masses too well. I've always been that crazy bitch that won't join the club, that one chick that has always walked her own way, not even caring if anyone follows.

I've had issues with "authority" since I walked out of my indoctrination center in the 9th grade and never looked back. Thankfully, it was with my parents...if not blessing, understanding. They also understood when I moved out a year later, never asking for a dime or staying under their roof again. I love them dearly, I'm just that kinda girl. The kind you can't steer or herd, and being the one's who raised me that way, they knew it. Thank you mama and daddy!

I've never had an issue questioning someone else's word "for it". I've signed more Against Medical Advice forms than anyone I know. I've fired more doctors, told off more cops, and tossed more "advice" in the trash than I care to recall.

When I finally became a mom in 2000, I refused to vaccinate or circumcise my son. I refused to wean him (he weaned himself just fine) and had no problem telling pediatricians how stupid I thought their advice was.

When I started looking into the "stories" we're told, I found nothing but lies, obfuscation, and fabrications. That goes for science, religion, and government. All of it, everything people think they know is absolute bullshit.

Yeah...it's scary. And lonely. But, I'm used to it and even grateful.

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I agree 100%. The major problem with this whole ordeal is that when you see the truth the ENTIRE structure of your world collapses. Going all the way back to when you were a kid. At least it did for me. THAT is a lot to deal with. As long as it is easy enough to just deny it, or rationalize any signs of it as being "something else" in order to preserve that entire world image you've lived with your whole life, then certainly that is the way to go.

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