We are being brainwashed to believe everything is just fine. Everything except a few things that the powers that be want us to think are not fine, but we will be protected from them by the Great Multicolored Hope. These sanctioned bad things include Trump, Putin, Covid germs (along with a host of others, named and not yet named), Racists, Misogynists, LGTBQ++-phobes, Palestinians, Iranians, and a litany of other little things too numerous to mention. The “badness” each of these things hold is determined by TPTB, and can come and go on a whim, only to be replaced by whatever else might strike their fancy.
Common sense, and maybe a little bit of experience, might lead us to believe there are other scary things lurking under the bed that we should be frightened of, like US/NATO provoked nuclear war, genocide (pick a place), starvation, ineffective and dangerous vaccines and other prescription drugs, corruption in medicine, corruption in food production, chemtrails, on and on and on. No, do not worry about these things, folks. They are nonstarters, nothing to see here, move on. We’ll let you know what to worry about. Stay tuned for further updates.
The things that our common sense tells us are worrisome are not sanctioned by the agenda to be worries. They are merely distractions and not worthy of our attention. Everyone around us is telling us they are conspiracies, denied science, or planted in the world by kooks and enemies of the state. If you think about them or point them out to others you are looking for darkness and ruining everyone else’s fun.
‘Round and ‘round the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel. Guess who the weasel is.
And to top all of this malarky off, we have a general, new-agey, propensity to ignore the dark side and see only the light. “Positive thinking,” they say. And if, God forbid, you are one of those people (like me, apparently) who is “always looking for shit” then you, and everyone around you, are doomed to wallow in it. In fact, not only will it fill your life, but you will be responsible for ruining the world for everyone else as well. That is how metaphysics works, right? We create our own reality, but some of us, the dark ones among us, create everyone else’s reality as well. That sucks.
Believe it or not, I actually believe this “create your own reality” stuff, but what I believe is a bit more complicated than what all these other people believe. As weird as this sounds, I think we all have our own individual reality—our own individual universe (it is actually even weirder than this, but I am not going to get into that because you would undoubtedly stop reading and sign me off as a super-kook). And if in our individual universe there is darkness and evil, then that is what we are supposed to experience (yeah, sure, you can say we created it, but it is our destiny, our calling). The weird thing I wasn’t going to tell you is this: that explanation isn’t correct either, as there are no individual experiences, it is all one, but in that “one,” there are an infinite number of potentialities and manifestations. Sorry, I suck at explaining this, and it really isn’t important in this article.
Suffice it to say we are supposed to experience exactly what we are experiencing. We are not looking for darkness and then create it because we are looking for it. We are experiencing it, and if it shows up (for whatever reason—whether we created it or not), we are required to pay attention to it. If we do not, then we are responding to fear. And responding to fear never works out (unless, of course, responding to fear is part of our current growth on our particular path).
We really cannot do anything wrong, however, we do all have a path, and we all are driven, compelled, and moved, to work toward our full unity with and awareness of source. And what we do in our life that moves us closer to an awareness of source, becomes our destiny.
Whew. Maybe that is too heavy for this little article. It doesn’t need to be heavy.
Let me look at this from a different perspective. We live in a material world that appears to be quite out of whack. I make this determination through an analysis of good and evil and how it has manifested in the world. Yes, there is indeed a judgment call on my part as to what is further from our awareness of source and what is closer to our awareness of source (I say “awareness” because we are always connected to source, we are just often not aware of it). I judge things like love, care, empathy, and beauty, to mostly being closer to alignment. Hate, useless and pointless destruction (typically man-made), intentionally inflicted pain and suffering is further from this awareness and alignment. There is certainly room for argument here as to what constitutes “closer” or “further” awareness, but I think you get the picture. (It is important to note that anything not in alignment is always man-made, all of nature is already in alignment with source—evil does not exist in nature (unless humans put it there, evil is a human construct.)
I believe one calling in life is to point out these things that do not align with God and love—and once identified, to make an effort to re-align them through understanding and compassion (lacking fear and hate). This is not everyone’s calling. Another calling could be simply to hold the peace in one’s heart or make an effort in one’s life to develop solutions and new ways of living, of raising children, and of creating human community. My calling is to do just what I am doing. I am not one of the “solution” makers. I have no plan and no understanding of a process to “fix” all that is broken. I am here merely to point things out, to dig through the deceit and confusion, and to offer insights as to what may truly be happening.
Are the sheep on a path as well? Yes, they are. Are they close or far away from an alignment with source? I am not one to judge. In my own world that I have been given to analyze, I would say many are not aligned with source. But I do not judge them, I assess their perspective, their insight, and their own beliefs about what the world around them is presenting. I think most shrews do this, I think most shrews are willing to bring their sheep brethren back into the fold. Some are so hurt and angry they may find this very difficult, but I have hope that one day they will be able to forgive.
What about the elite? Or the powers that be? What about the evil we see manifest in these people? I do not have much to say about this except they may not even be human. That would be an easy way out, however, and create then the ultimate “other” to hate and to try to destroy. This may be true, but we have to be careful. There is a difference between manifest evil, and simply a human possessed by evil energies.
I do know that hate is not the answer. Even toward those we believe are evil. Hate is a product of fear, and fear of anything in the manifest, material world is a complete illusion. In reality, there is no “negative,” no “dark side,” nothing to look for that is ugly. These are all illusions as well, in fact, it all is an illusion. But we must physically act as if it is all real (physically), without the fear that a dark reality could bring. And then we must do whatever we can to shift the dark’s alignment so that it all aligns with Truth—although since it is all within the purview of God, it already does.
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.
~Eckhart Tolle
You might call disavowal of the shadow side "toxic positivity." Think new age, yoga, and all forms of cults. It is impossible to fully appreciate the positive without acknowledging the negative. Only naive fools fail to see this.
Great writing again Todd. It's almost as if people are afraid to look at the issue. Avoiding it by saying "life is beautiful even with the scars" is far easier than dissecting what the hell is going on. Since the whole covid debacle hit and I meet someone and they are not a shrew, I actually can't believe how out of the loop they are. Maybe that is a judgment but it baffles me how you can still think we live in a democratic country, for example. Just ask those who had their bank accounts seized/held for donating a few bucks to the truckers. It isn't that we want to point out the darkness but how can they not see it for themselves?