Right at the beginning of this, I was so focused on telling everyone around me that the sky was falling. Again and again, I was met with disagreement, attack, and ugliness. But that didn’t stop me.
At first, my incentive and purpose was to help people. I wanted to help anyone who would listen but soon found out no one wanted to listen. Why did I want to help? Well, if a person is unaware a bear is waiting behind the next tree on the trail, and you are aware of the bear, you want to warn them. “There’s a bear behind that tree you are about to walk by!” You do that because you believe if they don’t know there is a bear there, there is a good likelihood the bear will jump out and eat them.
The first response I got with warning people about the lies regarding Covid, and then the vaccine, was, “Shut the f--- up you science-denying conspiracy theorist!” (Or worse.) I ignored this from most people and kept at it, figuring they just didn’t know what I knew. But it never stopped, no one ever listened, and most still think there was no bear that crazy moron kept telling us about.
Once most of my loved ones and close friends got six boosters I pretty much gave up with the vaccine warning. In fact, with those folks, I am unusually silent. If you invite the bear into your house, who is still determined to eat you, there isn’t much point in warning you about it. These people are either done for, or they got the placebo, or any suffering they may be marked for is so far into the future any correlation with the vaccine will be long gone. So, I say nothing to them. I only worry.
But that didn’t stop me entirely from my Chicken Little obsession. I kept yelling that the sky was falling, but this time for a different reason. I believed that the more people who knew about all these lies and corruption, the greater the likelihood it would stop. That was the mantra then, “Wake up everyone! The only way we will stop our demise is to not comply! Resist! Be part of the resistance, and thus part of the majority who saves us from this horror!”
Majority rules, or so I thought. The more the merrier in fighting this horror.
So, I kept it up. For a long time. I still believe there is good reason to keep up the focus on saving our children. But if the reason is to bring all the sleeping sheep into a new awakening so we have a greater shrew number, then I believe we are again wasting our time.
Yeah, really. Why? Well, if you think about it, that effort to wake up the zombie masses is futile. They are zombies. And zombies are way past the point of no return. They will not flip. Not on their life (ha ha).
Sad, but true. Sure, there are always outliers. There will always be a negligible number of sheep-types who will, on their own, see the light. Maybe there are more of these “savable” types than I realize, but I have to say, after all of my effort in this regard, I did not flip a single sheep. No sheep on my watch became a shrew. I can’t even say I have ever experienced a true sheep turning into a true shrew due to someone else’s efforts. I have seen a few therapy clients who were vaccinated that regret it, and even a few who never wanted it in the first place but were forced to get jabbed to keep their jobs, who wish they had resisted harder. But these types were never really hardcore sheep. They always had a little shrew blood flowing in their veins. And who knows, if some other made-up disease hits the airwaves, they may get right back in the sheep line. I would think quite a few “flipped sheep” will be doing that.
Ultimately, sheep flipping is a waste of time and energy. Time and energy that could be spent on activities that actually are not a waste.
Recently I saw a typical sheep comment on a post I had put up on FB—a post from an RFK Jr. speech about our current engagement in a spiritual war. The comment was dissing the whole idea of a “spiritual war” and essentially making fun of anyone—any “kook”—who would imply such a weird thing. Typically, back in the old days (last week), I would have made some sort of intense comment about how this commenter needs to wake up and face the music, not to mention facing the truth. Instead, I simply said, “You either get it, or you don’t. And it may be best for you if you don’t.”
That’s quite a departure from my usual “wake up, zombie!” rant. I have come to believe that if, by some miracle, we are here to help usher in a new world, we will be doing it by ourselves. I don’t think the sheep are going to join us. Yes, we can always keep our arms open for the stragglers who may, by chance, come to their senses. But we cannot waste any more time trying to talk them into it. Never try to teach a pig to sing, it is annoying to the pig, and a waste of your time. There is nothing truer these days than this statement.
So, what do we do instead? Well, keep preaching to the choir. All of us need to constantly hear that our ranks are not diminishing. We need to be encouraged to keep the front strong, we need to be supported by like-minds, and we need to form community. Have meetings, get-togethers, lunches, picnics, social gatherings, dances, barn raisings, and anything else you can think of that will keep THIS community strong. Do not exclude sheep, just don’t try to sell them anything they don’t want. We should always know that we can invite them into our fold, like the returning prodigal son, even though they may not have helped us during the most intense time. They are still our brothers and sisters, and we should never cease our efforts to love them.
The point here is that sheep need to be given their own space to cast off their sheep-ness. They have to come to shrewdom on their own accord. You can help them, nurture them, and love them. But you can’t coerce them to see the Truth. Once they are no longer sheep they can join us all in song. We can then teach them to sing, and we will not annoy them, and teaching them will not waste our time.
Just love your writings Todd. Always feel like I am talking to a friend. For me the immunization topic started long before Covid and was just one impetus to not fall for the reasoning to get the jab. When a mother of a vaccinated child would throw a tantrum exclaiming that an unvaccinated child posed a danger to her vaccinated child, I saw the writing on the wall. If you are vaxxed, how can I, being unvaxxed pose any danger? I was always appalled when the experts made this proclamation publicly. There is enough knowledge at hand to make an informed decision, which was another reason to question the motives. There were countless red flags at every turn. To each his own.
What a wonderful piece ! Yes I too tried the hard sell at the beginning……I was terrified for my children in particular. At some level I do understand a young person with commitments taking the jab to keep their job , the pressure in the workplace was relentless . The issue of why folks broadly outsource their thinking to another party though will be one of the biggest “why’s” of my life . There is another component to this for me that I have not figured out . So many folks we know who appear to be sheep would “ drill “ us over our cautionary practices and go out of their way to “ show “ compliance…..for us to find out they are in a packed restaurant the next week ? Is this control ?