[This article was originally published on Off-Guardian]
It seems there is a clear global effort to make information uniform, and in particular, to make science uniform—One Science, Under Singular Rule, For the Good of All…I’m not making this up (well, I did just make up that phrase, but I’m not making up the central gist of it). Here is a quote from an article on the UN claiming to “own the science” on Robert Malone’s substack:
The thing is - when you listen to the full panel discussion linked above, the UN speaker -Ms. Fleming is not just saying that the UN is censoring speech on climate change. She also suggests that the UN with the WEF is censoring many scientific discussions, such as the topic of COVID-19, and the UN is in the process of setting up the tools to censor ALL misinformation that the UN deems unhelpful for a “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.
Let me repeat: “stable, peaceful, harmonious and UNITED world.” You know, common sense (there’s those two pesky words again) tells me that there has never been a time when all humans all agreed on one thing. That has always been considered healthy—debate, discussion, picking apart opposing ideas, new ways of seeing old things, etc. etc. So how in tarnation does anyone think censoring information that the “UN deems unhelpful” so there is only one “harmonious” truth, for a singularly “united world,” is a good thing? Are people really buying this? This is what Hitler wanted, Lenin wanted, Stalin wanted, Mao wanted, Saddam Hussein wanted, Osama bin Laden wanted, to name just a few recent ones (and maybe I am not being accurate here because what these men really wanted could have easily been manipulated by the media…but you get my point I am sure).
Since when has weeding out the misinformation from the real information ever been a job of the government, and using censorship no less…i.e., we are not allowed to even SEE what they are sorting out. If they just told us, “this is good, this is bad” but we still got to see it, which would be one thing (still not a good idea, but they have basically always done that, “We suggest, or recommend, or approve of, or whatever”). But censoring?? Are people really that daft that they think it is best that some authoritative body should be trusted to tell us what is good and bad and leave us entirely out of it? What would the government’s (or in this case, the UN’s) incentive be in doing this? Duh, really? Control? Dominance? Ya think?
When I say there is a concerted effort to flatten the world out into a one thought pancake, I am not meaning that any of the people doing this think it is a good idea for the people who largely inhabit the planet. It isn’t some ideological “perfect way” for all of us. It is instead much like the Great Reset mantra “in the future you will own nothing, and be happy.” The point is to get as many people as possible on the same page so they are easy to manipulate and manage…one truth, one medicine, one science, one currency, one religion, one way to be a human—one way for all. Easy peasy, eh? No one has to think, no one has to deal with much of anything. We will all be a clone of one another and as such follow one rule, one government, one ideal.
It is funny how all of this is cloaked in a “diversity, equity, inclusion” bullshit sound bite. They don’t want “diversity and inclusion” any more than they want us to “be happy.” Just like they don’t want the climate stabilized so we can enjoy a healthy planet. None of this is as it seems; what they are pushing has zero benefit to the masses. The UN statement is the same, they don’t want a stable, harmonious, united world, they want a controllable world, a world where the people are like numbers, faceless, uniform, NOT diverse, NOT unique, NOT inclusive. They do not want troublemakers, they do not want thinkers, they do not want diverse, interesting, and creative minds.
Once again I point you to Orwell’s brilliant 1984. Take a look at THAT culture if you want to see what “they want.” It is a pretty good example.
The world is supposed to be chaotic, filled with diversity, different species, different ways of taking the essential elements of physical reality and making something of it in a dissimilar and special way. There is unity in diversity, as all living creatures seek an expression of life often in very unique ways, but they all have a common goal to express life. Humans, in particular, have even a greater variety of expression. This is one of the unique things about us as a species. We create outside of the limitations of our instincts. We create music, art, dance, cuisine, architecture…in fact the variety of our creation is unlimited. We have active critical minds that think and think of all sorts of things. We make decisions about what is good for us, individually and collectively, by putting our minds into action with very few limitations. We can create a nearly perfect life if left to do this on our own resources without some elite criteria to meet set by an individual or a small group of individuals that benefits only them.
This is tyranny. Without tyranny we live in a chaotic world, but a world where the very chaos is what brings mystery, purpose, and meaning to our lives and spawns creativity. Chaotic confusion cannot be nailed down, it cannot be easily controlled nor is it easy to exert our singular, unifying, will onto it. It has a spirit of its own.
Carl Jung, the eminent Swiss Psychologist, stated many times in his work that the truly expressive life is lived in the tension of the opposites. The “in between two clear objective stances.” This is where mystery lies—chaos, uncertainty, and non conformity. This is the grey area, the unknown. This is the antithesis to singularity, the antithesis to “stable certainty of unilateral living.” The effort to destroy our uniqueness and our diversity in thought and perspective is the absolute worst thing that could happen to humanity—we cannot dismiss our thinking minds, and our individual compulsion to find meaning in a world that may seem chaotic and unharmonious due to its refusal to be controlled.
I don’t know how you pump these articles out so fast. It takes a lot of time and attention to self-edit. With minimal editing, I’m going to try my hand at your question; “Are people really that daft that they think it is best that some authoritative body … to tell us what is good…?”
Underlying this sentiment, that our government should have the authority to ram an agenda down our throats, is a group of “believers” who hold government in a God-space. And to be clear, they hold themselves in a God-space as well; this is how they are able to identify with this God.
These believers have subconsciously determined that this Government/God has wisdom beyond that of most of society. They say things like, “Somebody smarter than me has determined that we should all be wearing masks in public, so who am I to question them?” Underlying this feigned humility is the sentiment that they too hold wisdom, intelligence, and insight that is beyond the capacity of the vast majority of people.
“Believers” also conveniently allow themselves to believe that their government, which they have identified with, is benevolent and is only concerned with the greater good because this is how they see themselves. “I’m not scared of this disease state for myself; I’m just concerned about grandma.” They are so convinced that government, like themselves, is wise and benevolent that it is an easy hop to the belief that they should support government in pursuing the “greater good.” (As a bonus, this will keep them “safe”as well). With so much belief poured into the Idol/God that is government, it would make perfect sense to empower government to carry out the mutual goals of this God and its benevolent believers by silver or by lead.
How do we get ourselves a God? First, we must identify with it. Is this God all-knowing? Well, certainly we know everything there is to know about everything that we know. CHECK. Is this God caring and self-sacrificing? Well, if we believe that we care for the people that we love. (In order to do this, we must simply overlook the circumstances when we do not) CHECK.
This is how this whole shit-show of the past three years (and the entire human experience) is just spiritual warfare. We are all answering the question, “Who is your God?”
If you wander too far down this path, the believers who genuinely follow a crucified God should be the ones who would be the least likely to resolve their own fears at the expense of others, but I digress.
In answer to your question, “are we really that daft?” Yes, but it is not that simple. We must first delude ourselves that we are benevolently aligned with those who have God-like superiority; then, we can be that daft.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that the people most inclined to trust the system are by and large “specialists.” “Specialists” are people who live within a singular domain of expertise and do not wander out of their zone. These people live by the phrase, “leave it to the experts.” Apparently, they have also done a bang-up job of convincing themselves that they are the experts at something.
For those of us who are generalists, or jacks-of-all-trades, we have a better grasp of HOW MUCH WE DON’T KNOW. By virtue of the time and energy we have spent as students in multiple zones of expertise, we are acutely aware of how much we don’t know and when we learn to ask good questions, we learn how much the experts don’t know either. Some of us have tried our hand at plumbing, we have tried our hand at reading science journals, we have tried our hand at a plethora of trades and tasks, and we have learned that refining our questions is more important than refining our answers. These experiences have taught us not to be intimidated by The Experts.
As generalist we are forced to be more conscious of our own limitations. The time we spend exposing ourselves to new things outside of our areas of expertise teaches us more about the limits of the minds and hearts of men than about the topic being studied.
I may have inadvertently argued that men are sinful and simpleminded by nature. Go outside at night in an area of low sky-pollution like Kawaii. Spend 20 minutes looking up at the clouds and clouds and clouds of stars. Try to grasp the magnitude of that glory. If you can wrap your mind around a glimpse of infinity, then you are probably a God, and we should all do what you and your Idols say.