I have said this before, and I will say it again. Sometimes I wonder which side of this illusion I am on (meaning, am I crazy, or are they?). I say this primarily because I live among some of the most hardcore sheep you can imagine. The “lying world” as we shrews have come to know it, has zero validity in their world. Even when all of this is coming forward and seeping into the “mainstream,” the truth is still thrown into the dustbin as extravagancies, misunderstandings and untruths. How can that be? Either these folks are insane, or I am. Or maybe a little bit of both.
The sheep I am talking about are my wife’s friends. They are, for the most part, exceptionally intelligent people. Not just book smart, but “everyday smart” as well. They know nearly everything that is happening in the world, from legacy media of course, but still, that is a lot to know. Their minds are sharp too. Not only do they know a lot of “things,” they put thoughts together well, and although a bit too wedded to the “authority in rule” they do pretty well in keeping track of things that affect them and the world around them.
The other day I was invited to lunch with my wife and one of her girlfriends and her husband. Although the husband was also a sheep, he said very little, probably because I have had less to do with him over the years than with his wife. I knew this woman fairly well, as I knew her before my wife and I even met. We all got into a rare spiff about vaccines, loss of freedoms, and the upcoming Armageddon. My wife and her friend basically believe everything a shrew believes is utter nonsense. I rarely point out vaccine effects for obvious reasons (everyone at the table was vaccinated except for me), but I unfortunately, at the height of the argument, blurted out, “So what do you say about the kids in high schools dropping dead on the soccer field of heart attacks!” I don’t even know if that specifically is happening, although kids dying of heart issues much more so than expected, certainly is happening. My wife stayed silent, with that implied eyeroll look on her face, but this was her friend’s response: “That has always happened, kids have always died in sports like that, I knew of a few when my kids were in high school who died that way.”
Knew of a few? Really? How many of you out there knew of kids dying while participating in school sports back in the halcyon days of pre-nightmare-covid?
I don’t think this woman is a liar. But I cannot for the life of me believe she has had a true experience of young kids dying in school sports pre-2020. I just shut up. There was nowhere to go in that argument. I was dumbfounded.
So, I let it go. This woman was so convinced that what I babble on about is simply my distorted perspective and not reality, I do wonder if she is right about some of these things. I can walk out onto the street, take a walk in my neighbourhood, go to the local grocery store, drive myself to the mall and walk around, and other than maybe a mask here and there, see nothing that is a deviation from what life used to be, back in the day when kids dropped dead on the playing fields just as often as they do today.
I see no people dead in the street, no one hanging from lampposts, no brown shirt militia wearing swastika armbands kicking Jews in the gutter. Only subtleties: occasional masks as mentioned, more people dying from cancer than were a few years ago, maybe a kid here and there dying from myocarditis or stroke (“Kids Have Strokes Too,” you know) talk of QR codes required in Quebec to leave the city, some businesses not taking cash anymore. Life and the way we live it moves on, things change, things happen, maybe not all good, but all to be expected. Subtleties, yeah, subtleties.
Am I too sensitive? Am I making mountains out of molehills? Another thing sheep friends, and family say to me all of the time is that I am looking for trouble. “Why do you see the world so darkly? Why do you look for trouble and look for bad things happening?” They say this in such a way that they imply if I didn’t look for it, it wouldn’t exist. I have a hard time with this idea. I don’t feel like I look, I feel like I just see. As shrews have always said, it is all directly in front of us, we don’t have to look for it, we just have to open our eyes and see it.
Maybe they have a point, though. Maybe I do spend too much time digging, removing layers, removing the veils, looking around the corner for the speeding train about to crush me, and everyone around me that I love. If I didn’t see it, then maybe I could live those moments before it hit in bliss, and be happier, and smile more. How long will it take to come around the corner and wipe us all out? A day? A week? A year? Ten? Or maybe it won’t hit us at all. Maybe it will become derailed before the sheep even see it, and they will tell us, “See, there was no train, you wasted your life, you thought something was there and it never was.” Yet we will all know it was us, shrews, who derailed the incoming disaster.
Or, maybe the train does hit us, but only a few are killed, and maybe we will be told it was a good thing the train came. Certainly, the drivers of the train would not want us to think they were trying to kill us. They will tell us life will be better, now that we have Digital IDs, Social Credit Scores, and Digital Currency. It’s much better, now, isn’t it? Only the criminals will suffer, only the people who make waves, and hurt other people will suffer. It is a good thing that everyone will now be tracked, and then disciplined if they fall out of line, you won’t ever fall out of line, will you? You have nothing to worry about.
Hey folks, that is the oldest ploy in the book. It has been around since humans crawled out of caves. And it still works.
Not a future I want. I'll say it again "I'm glad I am old."
Very nice article, thanks for writing. It arrived by way of Frontnieuws.com in the Netherlands, nicely translated in Dutch.
I believe these people you write about are not "sheep." They are simply heartless and cold, devoid of a connection to the Source, and there are millions of them. Instead of showing a tiny bit of interest in the heartfelt and valid concerns of a humble fellow human, they act worse than stupid sheep. They intellectualize the reality of the dire state of affairs with their selfrighteous stalemate negations of it and expect you to follow suit, on top of it. This response, in and of itself, is testimony to their own callous and predatory nature, like the oppressors', but it satisfies their vanity for a sense of superiority over others, and that is what matters to them - to feel superior. In the end, though, they too are mere prey to the predators they revere, without ever realizing it. Human self-extermination at work. But I would not want to sit at the same table with these heartless cretins that actively endorse predation without question, so why bother, only to get clobbered and disappointed by these people each time? If only they were stupid sheep, you could at least feel sorry for them, and some of them you can actually reach... but vain and heartless people will never see the light and they will never appreciate your efforts to shine the light to prevent detriment to the fabric of our society and our human integrity. But please keep writing about this topic! It's very important that you keep planting this seed again and again, especially when it gets glyphosated by the heartless all the time. Much respect for your stamina!