Are shrews jumping ship? It seems to me that some of the rank-and-file shrews are slipping into complacency. You really can’t blame them, can you? I mean the crises seems to be over for the most part. Sure, there are some rumblings that we are going to be hit again with a tsunami, but not really much evidence of such a thing. All is pretty much back to normal.
The super-shrews are still at it. Many of these folks have created new careers out of all of this hoopla. They have their own podcasts, their own substacks (oh my!), websites, interviews, etc. Some of them are making a lot of money doing this, but of course, most are not (moi). But still. When you get into a groove spending day in and day out researching, reading, watching, and listening, etc. it is then more difficult to slip back into “normal life” and just retreat.
So, what’s up and why does it matter?
I’m not really sure, and I can’t say I have any evidence that this is really happening. I know that even my own feelings are evolving. I have found myself thinking more positively about my own personal future (but if I think about the world, I still sink into despair). For example, I had a close friend suggest that the two of us, along with his adult son, visit Egypt in the spring (one of my favorite places to go) and I actually got excited for a moment about such a prospect. Last year I would not have even entertained it.
I have noticed subscriptions to the “yours truly substack, Shrewviews” slipping a bit, and I have been hit with a rash of paid unsubscribes lately, which actually have me a bit concerned (thanks to all of you who are hanging in there, God bless you!) It seems interest is starting to wane.
Human beings in general need to be constantly pumped up to stay with anything. This is actually a survival technique and is not always a bad thing. Otherwise, we would spend all of our time trying to squeeze blood out of a turnip. We typically have to be rewarded occasionally or have the noose around our neck squeezed a little tighter now and then in order to keep our ire up for long periods of time. I’m not accusing anyone of anything here, I am “guilty” of this common human trait as well.
I also believe this “slack period” is part of the agenda. Even this little “scare” of “I see the train a comin’, it’s comin’ ‘round the bend” could very well have been, or still is, an intentional part of the agenda. Kit Knightly, of Off Guardian, said this about the recent resurgence of lockdown and mask talk—this was only one of several “reasons” he cited for the “scare”:
It’s a bluff to discredit alt media. A standard ploy, the establishment deliberately feeds the anxieties of independent media outlets who reflexively report the sky is falling…and then they don’t follow through, making the indy media look like the boy who cried wolf.
Could be. Could be a lot of things. Could be that it is all set to come crashing down again very soon. But maybe not.
There are a lot of shrews out there now. More than there were, say, three years ago. Maybe too many for the agenda’s comfort. Intentionally giving all of us something to gnash our teeth about will only strengthen our resolve and make us even more ferocious. To trick us into more animated action would be a good ploy—the rug would get pulled out from under us at the last minute and then we are just the fools who show up to a party that never was actually going on.
It really is better to kill someone slowly. The old boil the frog routine. It’s less noticeable. Although the whole Covid thing was a big move, and I have no doubt there will be other such moves, they may be few and far between. If they really were trying to kill us, they impregnated quite a few with the beast, and the ticking time bombs in 5.5 billion people will eventually go off. All they have to do is sit back and watch.
I have little doubt that digital currencies, digital IDs, Smart Cities, UBIs and a number of other gems in the “sustainable development” scheme will come into play without too much resistance. I could be wrong. Yes, I believe there will be some resistance, but most sheep folks out there will be convinced all of this “is such a good idea.” And us shrews will be too few to make much ruckus.
Disappearing shrews? Well, why not? Many shrews I have talked to are just bored these days. Sure, a few juicy morsels of discontent come our way now and then, like the recent honor bestowed to a known Nazi by the Canadian House of Commons. A Waffen SS officer who fought against Russia in World War II (when Russia was our ally in the effort to eradicate Nazis). That was fun.
I am not saying that shrews are becoming sheep. Far from it. But they are losing a bit of their aggressive fervor. They are returning home, weary of the battlefield, and hoping that they can resume their lives with their family—traveling more, going out to dinner more often, going to movies, sporting events, etc. And again, why not? We are tired. Tired of the heightened stress, and of the constant barrage of freedom restricting mandates we endured over the past three years. We are tired of mask talk, and looking over our shoulders for the next curveball that will be tossed our way. We deserve a break.
But is this a good idea? Are we sashaying into the agenda’s trap? If so, what can we do to avoid this? I think we have to be even more diligent. We have to realize that none of this is going away, and that part of their plan is to slip all that they can right by us without too much ado—always attempting to make us think it is good for us. Although what I am saying may seem like “keeping the fear alive” I don’t think it has to be like that. We don’t have to be diligent due to fear, but rather due to the understanding that we must keep on guard, we must keep aware, and we must not rest until we have what we want.
“. . . never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
~Winston Churchill
I thought you were arranging a retreat for us ... I was all ready to go!
I think the massive attack on freedom of movement was to see what percentage would go along willingly or enthusiastically. That gives them a base from which to plan how to overcome the resistance. In a battle, you don’t waste ammunition on areas that will submit ahead of time. Find out where the resistance is, enlist the ones who are willing collaborators so you can cross them off your list of concerns, and focus all your resources on the difficult areas. Some of them will give in with increased pressure.
That’s where we are now. Go ahead and relax, but don’t think it’s over-or will ever go back to the way it was. Keep your eyes open