We are dealing with three basic groups of people here. The first one are the Shrews, us. This group consists of the folks who, for whatever reason, saw through all this subterfuge, and the truth came to us easily like the proverbial shit through a goose. The second group are the Sheep. No need for explanation here. The third group are the Sheep Masters, the group that so many of you say Mattias Desmet ignored in his seminal book The Psychology of Totalitarianism. This group consists of politicians, medical experts in cahoots with Big Pharma, and world globalists—the unelected folks who are vying to rule the world due to their “extra-terrestrial-like” acumen and unworldly insight. Others are probably in this group as well whom we never actually see. Maybe they are shape shifter reptiles who generally live under rocks or in other damp, dark, recesses that don’t see much sunlight. They also may qualify as demons, or the devil himself. Let your imagination run wild, it’s probably closer to the truth than you might think.
The “Shrew Group” seems to be endlessly at battle with the “Sheep Group.” We get into steamy debates, arguments, and “shut the f—k up” sort of exchanges with one another. Nothing ever is constructively accomplished, but it makes for good stories to tell and articles to write. The shrews seem to believe, or many of them do at least, that if the sheep actually listen to them, and hear the truth, they will come over to our side and join us in the battle with the third group—the Sheep Masters. All we have to do is get them to listen and convince them to use what seems to us to be their “empty” heads.
We are captivated by the delusion that if we show them the fire, so they can see it with their own eyes, we will have them flipped. I mean, really, isn’t that the way it usually works? We can scream all we want, “there’s a fire, there’s a fire!!” and if those we are screaming at don’t believe us, all we have to do is SHOW it to them and they will exclaim, eyes wide open and jaw dropped, “dagnabbit, you are right! There’s the fire, sure as hell! Let’s put it out!!”
Alas, no go. That doesn’t work. Many shrews have stopped playing Chicken Little and although the acorns continue to fall on their heads, they have given up trying to convince anyone else the sky is falling. Much to our dismay, logic, facts, and truth, have no persuasive power when it comes to convincing the “Sheep Group” of anything,
Many of us came to our senses in this regard long ago, but many of us still insist on beating the dead horse (I am one of those.) It seems to me that most of us who are still trying to flip sheep have loved ones who are sheep. We have a lot at stake if these people keep jabbing themselves with the elixir of Satan. And many of us are discovering it is simply too late…all five jabs have been administered, with more to come when dangled in front of their glazed over eyes.
Some of us as well have shifted our focus to the Sheep Masters. Not to say that we have not always been aware where the real problems lie. It just always seemed easier to wake up fellow victims, the sheep, to wage battle with the puppet masters in larger numbers. The sheep at times have become so vitriolic in their response to our efforts, it has been easy to forget who the real enemy is. And yes, in a very real way they are directly responsible for many deaths and for allowing this horrific campaign to continue as smoothly as it has. So it is difficult not to feel some bitterness toward them.
But what if battling sheep is all an intended part of the evil agenda? Surely a primary goal of the puppet masters is to divide us. What better way than to push us against one another? And what better way to do that than to tease us with nasty crap coming from both sides to annoy us and make us red with rage? Article after article comes out in the mainstream media still using worn out phrases like “vaccines are safe and effective” or “it has been proven Ivermectin is useless in battling Covid 19.” Are the authors writing these articles living under a rock? Surely they have seen mainstream reports on Sudden Death Syndrome, dropping dead athletes and article upon article describing the links from mRNA vaccines to heart disease and a plethora of other equally formidable ailments. Or is this annoyance intentional?
Why are we constantly getting these pokes into wounds that were at least starting to heal? And now all the talk about “controlled opposition.” What is that all about? Is it mostly just talk?—or is it one other thing thrown at us to question our foundational leaders? The idea of the good guys being controlled by the bad guys has been around forever. It is even a central part of Orwell’s dystopia in 1984. It makes sense that any sort of situation similar to ours would have a controlled opposition. But how do we identify those in our shrew ranks who are being controlled? Is everyone suspect? I was even declared controlled opposition at one point. For what? Who am I? What power do I have to disrupt this cause for truth? Then I wonder if the controlled opposition accusations are actually the real controlled opposition. It goes ‘round and ‘round—agent, double agent, double-double agent. Just the accusation is enough to compromise any sort of structure. It just all starts to fall apart.
And the battle between shrew and sheep? Where is that going? It seems the intense sheep position, such as repeating again and again, “the vaccines are safe and effective,” could be part of the agenda—the part that distracts us while we have our hands tightly around the neck of our sheep brethren—and their sheep hooves around tiny shrew necks. We then lose sight of the true enemy pushing the sheep at us as cannon fodder. Even if we win the battle of the sheep, we come out on the other end with the true enemy hiding behind a mountain of wool—wool over our eyes.
Of course many, many, many of us have always been focused solidly on the real problem. I think most of us are not fooled by this, but it is more difficult to engage an actual puppet master one on one. It is easier to yell at sheep. Needless to say, I think yelling is no longer effective (to flip sheep), and probably never was. At one time I think it was a noble effort, and there was a chance it would work, but it didn’t. Most of them are all vaxxed up now, and they can’t undo that. Fighting the vaxxed zombie hoard is pointless. I think nearly all of our efforts must be aimed at the multi-headed hydra. We must ignore the countless mindless articles, posts, blabberings, of the sheep, and go after the media sources themselves, we must focus our efforts, and our donation dollars, to alternative news media, to true investigative journalism, to the fight against politicians, courts, judges, doctors and hospitals and members of the elite themselves. Yes again, many of you have been doing just this, kudos to you and keep it up. The rest of us must pull the sheep wool from our eyes, and clearly see the true enemy.
“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy our economy ” – Chris Hedges
Ephesians 6:12 says that we do not fight against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness in high places.
Most people argue, but neglect prayer. Perhaps this is a spiritual battle, but we are pointlessly fighting on the ground. Hard to know.
Great points bro. Get to the root cause of any disease to have more chance to eradicate it . If you want to perpetuate it forever, treat the symptoms only.