The United States (as well as most other Western nations) has become a mob of selfish ninnies. Narcissism is not really the right word to describe this phenomenon — narcissism is too sophisticated. What I am describing is just plain ol’ selfishness. A mob of selfish ninnies is an apt description.
This move to selfishness, and ninnie-hood, has been coming along for quite some time, but it hit its peak during the “Covid” event. At least it reached a point where we all really noticed it. Funny how the selfish ones were very quick to point fingers at all of us shrew-types shouting, “You’re the one!” How many times were we told that we were selfish pigs because we didn’t get vaccinated to save grandma, or to protect the already jabbed? I have a feeling if it were true that we could save people by the jab, more of us would have taken it. But that is strictly fantasy—science did not change with Covid, getting vaxxed for anything has never directly saved lives (other than maybe the one vaccinated), and certainly being unvaxxed did not, nor has it ever, put people at risk.
Again, it is quite fascinating how people generally did not know this, and if they did know it, how easy it was to convince them of a re-invention of science in order to fit the agenda. All this is now coming to light with the Fauci hearings—that most of this garbage was made up on the spot. I am surprised that Dr. Science never told us to carry a rabbit’s foot around to ward off the spooky virus particles—such a mandate would have been no more unscientific than the garbage they got most people to do (masks, distancing, staying indoors, closing schools, parks, churches and sporting events—topping it all off with a “made in mama-Fauci’s kitchen concoction” of a “vaccine.”) (No offence intended for rabbit foot believers, actually that seems a more viable option than most of this crap shoved at us in the name of “science.”)
So, what does it mean to be “selfish” or for that matter “narcissistic”? There certainly is such a thing as healthy narcissism or healthy selfishness. In fact, being selfish in general is a healthy thing, it becomes unhealthy depending on the impetus behind it. Taking care of oneself first has always been considered a positive attribute of being a well-balanced human being. “Put your oxygen mask on first before helping others,” has been a mantra heard by anyone who has ever been on a flight. It is true, of course. Humans in general are expected to protect themselves first, then their families, then their friends, and then others—basically in that order (although I would venture to say that most parents will protect their children before protecting themselves).
For anyone to expect a perfect stranger to take a drug because some nebulous “science” says taking it might save others, is not in their right mind. First of all, everything said about the Covid vaccine was and is dubious. Nothing at all was a certainty, in fact, nothing at all even got close to being a certainty—efficacy, safety, transmission effect, the creation of herd immunity (whatever the hell that was supposed to be). None of this had any foundation in true science at all. Yet people took it all at face value and concluded that if a person did not get vaccinated, they may as well be plunging a dagger into granny’s eye—or in someone else’s children’s eye—or in their eye—or in everyone on the planet’s eye. Utter baloney—excrement from a large bovine mammal.
Of course, all of that was (is) agenda-driven. It is difficult to say if the average person would have thought that their unvaxxed neighbour was a selfish pig if the “powers that be” hadn’t told them to think it. But maybe so. Humans are a fickle bunch that way. Being a Jungian psychotherapist, I can’t help but think of Jung’s concept of “projection.” Projection is when a person “projects” on someone else their own shadow material. For example, if I think someone I know is incredibly selfish, I may be projecting my distaste for my own tendencies to be selfish. The old adage, “the pot calling the kettle black” is an example of how conventional wisdom used to think of projection (and no, that is not a racist maxim.)
But this idea of “selfish nation” goes further than the sheep calling shrews selfish because they didn’t get jabbed. We see it everywhere. What I am commenting on here is not how the nation (or nations, such as the USA, Canada, and others) view themselves in relation to the rest of the world, although that argument certainly could be made. I am talking about how sheep see themselves in relation to shrews. They are selfish. They believe their view of the world is correct, with no consideration at all that they could be wrong. They lack empathy for people who think differently than they do, they believe they are virtuous and continually “virtue signal” (the disingenuous expression of a moral viewpoint), letting us all know how superior they are in their thinking, their worldview, and their alleged greater understanding of science, politics, sociology, psychology, and medicine. They wish to discuss nothing and lack all epistemic humility. This all falls within the definition of “selfish.”
Why can’t we say shrews are also selfish? In a word, because shrews are right, sheep are not. Ha ha. Just kidding, (although that is fundamentally correct). I do not think shrews fit this definition of “selfish.” We do consider we could be wrong about many things. There is subtlety and complication in most of these issues we are concerned with, and we are willing to look at the issues from different angles to see the truth clearer. We don’t seem to be as invested in “our viewpoint” being absolutely correct. We know what we know, but we also know that what we don’t know could change our thinking, and we really don’t care if we end up seeing something differently than we started out. (For example, I really admire Robert Kennedy, Jr., and although I know he isn’t perfect, I do not believe he is wicked underneath his likable façade. But, if he is, I will be disappointed, but not devastated).
I also have not seen shrews virtue signal, I do not believe shrews think they are morally superior to sheep. And I believe shrews are very open to discussion, in fact, they relish it and wish deeply to engage in it. Shrews are not selfish, but most people they live in proximity of, are.
What really angered me (and continues to do so) is how multinational corporations fell in line to become enforcers of evil. Here in the U.S., thanks to our Constitution, the government was unable to force anyone other than Federal workers to jab up. But corporate America was only too happy to pick up that mantle of tyranny; threatening jobs, banning access, harrassing everyday citizens who didn't wish to don masks .... not to mention the social media giants only too willing to push the lies while censoring what has now been proven to be the truth. It's not just government we need to fear but multinational corporations as well ... Facism in it's purist form.
A wonderful piece Todd! I would only take exception to one thing: "...although I would venture to say that most parents will protect their children before protecting themselves." It was the fact that parents were not, for the most part, protecting their children before protecting themselves that was one of the most evil and selfish aspects of the scamdemic. What characterizes a healthy, liberal-minded society is the obviousness of not using children as human shields. Humanity failed this basic test in the most spectacular fashion. Further, the laptop class was more than happy to sacrifice the working class so that they could protect themselves from the "deadly virus" whilst sipping on drinks during Zoom cocktail hours. The Covidians were the worst examples of narcissism while believing they were saviours of humanity. But back to children, the shadow health secretary from Labour, expected to win the election in Britain, said the quiet part out loud: “The pandemic was the only time in our history that the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the young have been sacrificed to protect the elderly,” Mr. Streeting wrote. And that's the party who advocated for locking down longer and harder. It's bloody shameful, and even though my kids are grown I'm still livid at what was done to children. We will all be paying the price for sheep narcissism for the rest of our days.