Greetings to Fellow Shrews!
As you all are probably aware, I am a practicing psychotherapist here in Toronto, Canada. I specialize in Depth Psychology (sometimes referred to as “Archetypal Psychology” or “Imaginal Psychology”) which is a form of psychotherapy that is informed by the work of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.
Within this practice, I tend to specialize in male psychology (ala Jordan Peterson, who is also a Depth Psychologist).
Recently I have created a video podcast called “ManTalk.” Every week I get together with my brilliant colleague William Empey and we discuss a variety of topics related to male psychology.
Please check out the channel here:
And if you like what you see, PLEASE subscribe, like and COMMENT!! So many of you have so many wonderful insightful things to say here on Shrew Views, so please contribute on the YouTube channel as well. Either or both of us (me and/or William) will surely respond!
Let me know what you think!
Todd Hayen, ShrewMan
Just listened to the video “ the Devouring Mother “ . I was drawn to this video as we have a situation of sorts within our extended family . I was very impressed with the content and the exchanges between the 2 hosts , each impressive with their own perspective . I learned a lot , this channel is well worth adding to your list .
This is a great podcast! I highly recommend it.