Have you ever tried it? Squeeze a cat? I would be willing to bet my reputation I am right. You squeeze anything hard enough and you will get some sort of negative response. Certainly, any animal, if small enough to squeeze, will find it unpleasant. It will bite, scream, claw; its eyes will pop out, whatever. It isn’t a good idea to squeeze if you want to be friends. There are an infinite number of ways to squeeze as well—catch the “squeezee” in a painful trap, put it in a small box and take its freedoms away, chop its tail off. You get the picture.
Humans, since they are animals too, will do similar things. And being a bit more complex in its psychology, the varieties of squeezing become even more numerous. Not only physical squeezing, but also emotional and mental squeezing presents a plethora of creative methods. Even certain types of squeezing can be utilized that the human isn’t aware is a possibly deliberate attempt to get a response—as it would be in physical torture, or even in a “gaslighting” situation. Have you ever seen that movie Gaslight? It is quite fascinating.
I have mentioned on several occasions that I believe the human race, the entire race, is being intentionally manipulated psychologically. I have presented in other articles synopses of psychological experiments that have shown humans to “bite” in particular ways after being “squeezed” by some sort of psychological manipulation: “The Milgram Experiment,” “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” to name only two. These are psychological “squeeze to bite” scenarios. Through many other psychological experiments and observations, it has been clearly shown that humans have their psychological Achilles heels. We are very vulnerable to intentional coercion and pain. Very.
Inspired by the recent tragedy in Ulvade, Texas, I decided to write this article. It seems the popular approach to these incidents is to blame gun control, or the lack thereof, or to attack the NRA or Trump, of course Trump, he is always an easy target. No one thinks of squeezing cats, except me, so I wrote this…
Who is the cat in this situation? And who is the squeezer? Well, of course, the most obvious squeezed cat is the perpetrator, in this case, Salvador Ramos a local allegedly mentally ill 18-year-old. Who was the squeezer? Well, here things get a little more complicated. I don’t think the two AR-15s Ramos bought on his 18th birthday were, but certainly the lax gun laws in Texas played a role in the squeeze that sent Ramos off his rocker. But personally, I don’t think all that was as much of a play in this as everyone seems to think. It would be nice, wouldn’t it? If all you had to do was pass a bunch of laws restricting a bunch of things (the behaviour is already against the law, and the fact that Ramos would have spent the rest of his life in prison, or executed, if he had lived didn’t deter his actions either). Undoubtedly stricter gun control, or outlawing guns outright, would have prevented this tragedy having been manifest in the manner it was—shooting, with a powerful weapon, 22 innocent people. The further, and probably the most fundamental tragedy, that an 18-year-old boy would feel compelled to do such a thing is simply swept under the rug. “Take away the tools a sociopath uses to kill, and the problem is solved. If you can’t see the real problem, so what.” Well, that might work for a while, but as that squeeze gets tighter and tighter, the tools the squeezee utilizes, the ones that are then available, if not guns, may be knives, rat poison, arsenic, anthrax, fertilizer to build a bomb, ammonium nitrate, butane, erythritol tetranitrate, the list goes on, and although maybe not as convenient or easy as an AR-15 (difficulty of use or accessibility is indeed a deterrent), when you are squeezed hard enough you’ll take whatever you can get.
What other sort of squeezer can you think of? Well, this article would become a book if I listed all that I can think of right now. I will abbreviate my list to these four: family values and upbringing, psychotropic drugs, isolation, and a sense of lost meaning in life. I don’t have the space here to discuss each of these, but I will briefly tell you why they are on the top of my list. Most of these things are obvious.
So how do they come about?
They all overlap, and each one is also a contributor to the other. Loss of family values and an abusive upbringing creates isolation and isolation creates a sense of meaninglessness, so does loss of values. All of these can certainly occur organically, but, in my opinion, they are all a result of a breakdown of human culture that has been going on for quite some time but has accelerated since the industrial revolution of the 1800’s. Although that is a huge topic of discussion, my concern is not an evolutionary style of disintegration, but more of an intentional human intervention—in this case the agenda we have seen present itself over the past 3 years.
What is that you ask? No, I know you know, you would not be reading my Substack if you didn’t. And if you don’t know, keep reading here and elsewhere. Considering the opening of this article, I will focus on the squeeze that has resulted in the Ramos bite, and other bites yet to come. Considering the proliferation of psychotropic drugs (a topic for a future article) the escalation of suicides (most prominently among young people), depression, anxiety, destitution when jobs are lost, careers destroyed, businesses bankrupt, life savings dumped into the hole of lockdowns, there are a whole lot of bites going on since March 2020. We can also add global starvation, the nearly complete distortion of supply chains for food, medical supplies, fuel, and other material necessities—but I digress. Let’s stick with the wholesale and wonton destruction of humanity. How about that?
And the squeeze? You guessed it, masks, social distancing, lockdowns, useless vaccines, brainwashing, psychological manipulation, lies, inhuman control, isolation, loneliness, persecution, digital IDs, and the unrelenting march toward totalitarianism. Again, the list goes on, and these are the obvious squeezes, the subtle squeeze is hidden in these things, and other things as well too numerous to even ponder. There seems to be a conscious and deliberate effort to slowly kill whatever soul we have left in this culture—and nobody seems to be the wiser. “Of course, we should all wear masks, no matter what they say about the science behind it, it shows we are not selfish, and that we care about each other. And really, what’s the big deal?” “Just put the damn thing on, it’s a rule, or get the fuck out!!” Out of what? Oh yes, out of the human race I suppose. What’s the big deal? Well, the big deal is a deeper separation from our fellow human beings, a loss of a sense of connection, and of bonding. The “big deal” includes a society that is raising children oxygen deprived, socially deprived, and with a deep-seated fear of each other, nature, and life itself. You don’t think this is true? You don’t think that is a problem? Masks have been used for centuries to separate the wearer from their human-ness—masks historically depict evil spirits, strange and frightening animals, dark gods and goddesses, ghouls and goblins, criminals—they have even been used in prisons to break the prisoners’ sense of personhood. These things are known facts, and this is not just about masks! What about social distancing? Remote schooling? Lack of proper socializing? Restrictions on gatherings? The shadow of Big Brother everywhere you turn? I could go on, but I don’t have the space. It is all squeezing us. And we are biting, viciously.
Violence is up worldwide (duh)—short fuses, intolerance, frustration, depression, anxiety, (as I have already said). People can’t take the squeeze, and they are acting out in a variety of ways. Obviously, this is only going to get worse. I have read articles that are saying mass shootings will reach a level this year that is unprecedented. More than likely depression, anxiety, and suicides will continue to climb—and no one will think much of it, “climate change is doing it,” or “Putin is to blame (or Trump),” and if gun violence continues: “It must be the guns and the NRA.” Hey folks, none of these reasons are the fundamental problem.
If we all continue to allow the “powers that be” squeeze the cat, it will bite. It will bite hard and will certainly draw blood—a lot of it.
Another excellent essay sir! I just finished watching a short Russell Brand video about WEF plans to integrate school learning on the Metaverse platform and that learning of the future is Virtual and Augmented Reality. That just sounds bad but I was wondering if it’s due to my being uninterested in “fake” reality designed by people with ulterior motives.
You’re essay rang a bell about the squeezing danger of the sickness of separation from live human interactions that I believe will occur. We are meant to live as humans in community. We have as humans lived in communities for many centuries until (relatively) recently. Add the many compounding squeeze factors you list and I see almost a mathematical spiral of increasing events like this as the squeezing gets worse.
Coming back to a community, such as the one you have created here is a decompression from squeezing as we communicate with each other. Thank you for continuing to write.
You raise many excellent points, Todd, about what would push a person over the edge to commit such heinous acts. We are all collectively being pushed to our own “edges” by all that continues to be done to us. I too wonder about the mindset of young people through all this. There already was a negative world view permeating with climate change scenarios and the persistence of societal problems which are never addressed in any meaningful way. Now to have all this fear of disease, and to be discouraged from connecting with other people, along with all the tracking to come must surely be overwhelming to their view of the future.
I also am a person who examines things from many angles. So in addition to what you have stated about what would make a person decide to commit an atrocity, I also think about what outside forces might induce someone to do this. What I am getting at here are two other things to consider - a planned PsyOp, and a Manchurian Candidate scenario.
There is a long history of staged events in order to advance agendas. Even since this whole convid shitshow, there were videos from Wuhan showing people collapsing on the street which were easily proven to be crisis actors, or footage showing refrigerator trucks outside New York hospitals to store the excess dead bodies which were also proven to be false to point out just two examples. But for many, they see these images on their propaganda, err, I mean news programs and they get imprinted on their brains. I’m not saying the school shooting was a PsyOp but these days, we have to be especially suspicious of any event which fits so well with the message TPTB want to convey.
As for the Manchurian Candidate scenario, I am referring to the movie where someone could be hypnotised and then triggered to perform some action completely against their moral code. And who knows if that is going on? The vaxx is purported to have some adverse brain effects. There are all sorts of wi-fi, 5G towers and such which have all this digital noise flying through the air that could have an adverse impact on the brain. There could be subliminal cues built into television programs and ads to brainwash people.
But I guess we agree that we are all either knowingly or unknowingly being “squeezed”. And we either lash out or we pop.