For all those who argue that the UN, WEF, WHO, Biden, Trudeau, et al are doing good for the world just because they say they are, think again. Most people seem to hold onto this belief that the people who have money and power on this planet wake up each morning blessing the little people of the world and hold their plight through poverty, middle classism, and “just not wealthy enough to be elite” foremost in their minds—hoping every moment for a solution to world hunger, wars, human humility, depression and hopelessness. Actually they do hope for a solution, but it isn’t a solution any of us would be happy with.
People can’t seem to understand that these people will tell us anything in order to get their agenda accepted and supported. What do we expect them to do? To come right out and tell us they plan to strip the world of all of its resources and keep it all to themselves? And in the process kill off as many of us as they can in order to bring about a little more manageable balance to the globe? Of course not. Why is that so hard to believe? Oh, that’s right, because these folks are nice people. They have hearts of gold, doesn’t everybody? They were born to help us, feed us, and nurture us. Yes, that certainly is what they want us to think, and no matter what they end up doing, that is what most of us do think.
Let’s back off a bit and just for yucks say they are not as bad as they actually are. Let’s say their heart is in the right place, and they are really trying, and really do care and all that flowery crap we find it so easy to believe with this “think positively” world-view of make believe many of us seem to embrace. How could this be even remotely true? If it were, don’t you think things would be better than they are? If these people really were “trying their best to be good to us” things would not be so colossally screwed up in the world where millions starve each year, and ten times that are homeless and destitute?
Do you really think that creating a world that operates even at the simplest level of decency would be all that difficult to accomplish? No it wouldn’t, not for a minute. The world is the way that it is because the intentions of those powerful systems (at this point I won’t even say “powerful people”) are not good. Not good at all. The world operates at the level of greed, monetary power, and self-aggrandizement. It does not operate from the level of compassion, love, or from a consciousness of the heart. It pretends to, but it is not honest or authentic, and its true intentions are actually evil (greed, monetary power, and self-aggrandizement).
We are dealing with men and women who are brilliant (in certain ways) and want to have projects that warrant their brilliance in complexity. They also want to play life in a very large way. They want to be on the leading edge of everything: technology, government, education, agriculture, and medicine. They want to play the big game, with other big people. They want to fly around in designer jets, wearing designer clothes and living in fancy mansions that only people of their power, money, and stature can afford. They are so high up there in the stratosphere that we can’t even see them for what they are, and they certainly cannot see us. We are like ants to them. We toil and spin in the dirt as they move mountains with one pen stroke. We are no longer human to them, and they are no longer human to us.
Does anyone really think these people are content with the same things you and I are content with? Does anyone really think they entertain themselves the same way, or find value in the same things we find value in? Does anyone really think the problems they want to grapple with in their lives, to bring it meaning and purpose, consist of the same problems we grapple with every day?
Yes, the complexities of life on earth and keeping everyone fed, happy, and with meaningful lives should be enough to entertain even the most exalted god-like human. But no, that sort of thing doesn’t interest them. Why?—because there is no money, power, or stature in it. Evil is more fun and exciting, and it is less humbling. Being good is boring, and the only thing it does for a person is warm their soul. The souls of these folks are gone, or at least out of touch. There is nothing there to warm.
So why would they attempt to achieve their life goals in any other way than the way they are attempting to achieve them? They are people who are above everyone (including God), so what better way to play that role than to work toward having control over the ants? They do need some ants to run the world. Even Hitler (yes, Hitler) had the dream of turning all those he conquered into slaves for Germany—literally. Slavery is a very appealing concept to those in power. Yes, they need a few of us. Why also would they not engage the ant-world in continual war? George Orwell saw the value in that when he created the ruling elite in his dystopian novel 1984. There are many wonderfully effective ways to control the ants and make them compliant with anything those in power fork out to them. Controlling their fear is a good one. Controlling their health and those things that attack their health is a good one as well.
Look around you. How can there be any other explanation for what you see?—a crumbling physical infrastructure around the world due to war, crime, inept government and leadership and other fiscal decay—a complete deterioration of societal morality and a rampant annihilation of what we have hitherto called humanity and decency. We are losing societal structure, educational structure, economic structure, governmental structure, and medical structure—not to mention spiritual structure, which few seem to care about. It is all clearly falling apart. And most people think it is falling apart because it is so complex it cannot be fixed. Or that it is falling apart because we all hate immigrants, or people of color, or trans people or that we don’t take good care of our climate and the weather is going to gobble us up whole. No, it is falling apart because these people in power I have described have it in their best interests to destroy it, and destroy it all they will.
I will end with several poignant quotes from Patrick Wood’s amazing book The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism:
I have also found it important to recognize that most core globalists fully understand that their aims, ambitions, agendas, and actions are self-centered and cruelly destructive to humanity—to all species of life. They are not dimwitted, ignorant, misinformed, naïve, or well-intentioned.
And lastly in the words of the elitists, as Wood imagines them to be:
We have dealt with God and he is dead. We run things now for our pleasure. We will reshape the structure and function of the world and then we will change you to fit into our new world. We will be immortal, omniscient, and omnipotent. You will not. You will be the resources we need to put our world in harmony. We don’t care if you like it or not, because you are hopelessly trapped and are powerless to stop us.
We are ants. But remember, ants in large numbers can eat a whole field of cattle. Keep that in mind.
[Author’s Note: I’m not making all this up, and I am not speculating on the character of these people. (Although, of course, some of this article is opinion.) Their intentions are well documented and if you follow the breadcrumbs you certainly will see all of this for yourself. A good place to start is the aforementioned book by Patrick Wood, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.]
Allow me to summarize... We are for the most part governed by psychopaths, and some of them are stupid psychopaths.
You've totally nailed it Todd . Thankyou