“In the future you will own nothing, and you will be happy.” Klaus Schwab’s famous words. Most people I know, when reading or hearing this, respond with a creepy shiver. Why would anyone be happy owning nothing? That seems like common sense. But Schwab was correct to assume that many people, possibly the majority, would at least shrug their shoulders and say, “Who cares?” While many would actually nod their head, smile, and say, “Great!” The idea really isn’t a new one. We have for years been indoctrinated with the convenience of “not owning” and “renting.” Even though in a “lay away” plan we do end up owning after we “pay it off,” it was probably one of the first “rental instead of buy” concepts introduced to our culture (1930s), and it wasn’t that long ago. You actually didn’t even get the thing until it was fully paid for, the concept of “instalment payments” did come until later.
Now, we have no problem leasing cars, renting condos and apartments (usually because they are so expensive and unaffordable. This is another part of the plan). As well as running our credit cars to their max, buying things we really cannot afford. The rent we pay in that case comes in the form of interest payments, and boy is THAT rent high!
We certainly seem to have had no problem renting music and other media rather than owning it. It is interesting to note that when VHS technology first hit the scene, rental was the way to go. Because of technology, rentals became passé and media enjoyed a small period of sales. The flip back to rentals occurred big time when streaming technology reached a point that it was possible to stream movies and music, “one day you will not own any music, or any movies, and you will be happy.” Well, THAT worked out, didn’t it? Once again quality is sacrificed for convenience and economy. Out the window went an obsession in the 70s, 80s and 90s, of high fidelity audio systems, speakers that cost $5,000 a pair and could reproduce frequencies accurately and pristinely that the human ear couldn’t even perceive. Amplifiers costing as much as an economy car. All replaced by a tiny earbud, and a cell phone as the high fidelity amplifier. Just for convenience, and for the manufacturer to make more money. And everyone just went along with it—they were happy.
Computer software experienced the same quiet shift. Software became less and less available to purchase, and more available as rental, usually with yearly upgrades costing more in the “subscription” price. We were all led to believe this was better for us, better to make us happy—convenient and with constant upgrades and tweaks. Cheaper than a purchase price (until a year or so went by, and to keep the software, you had to renew again and again). There are probably people reading this that do not know a time when all software was purchased outright, there were no subscription-only apps (no apps at all actually). And we were happy then…right?
Same for literature and other media of course. As of this writing the rental of books has not taken off, but it is certainly being attempted. Kindle or reader books run the risk of “remote” censorship, which has occurred on several occasions, and will certainly become more prevalent with the new “misinformation” campaigns just now being implemented. Many (James Corbett) are actively encouraging people to download everything of interest they read or watch. Anything that resides on the Internet can be easily censored, edited, or removed entirely. Download, download, download is the mantra. Create your own vault, your own digital, as well as physical library, well protected from the regime’s access which would enable them to shove it down the “memory hole” never to be seen again.
Are we happy yet?
Obviously, digital media is the first, and easiest, stuff to transition into “rental only,” and no ownership. But, of course, the point of Schwab’s declaration covers all of it—cars, houses, furniture, land, all property. Anyone who doesn’t see any problem with this will probably be easy pushovers with everything else that is coming. These people are not stupid, there will be a carrot before the realization of the pain of the stick that always comes after the carrot. People typically don’t think past “easy,” and many of us will be conned into thinking all of this is a good thing. But it isn’t.
Now this “new world society” that Schwab talks of includes other things as well. It may seem a stretch that owning nothing is a form of control, but think about it. Someone owns it—duh. And YOU pay THEM for the USE of it. If that isn’t control, I don’t know what is. So what else is coming down the pike? We see definite signs of it in the making for a lot of it, if not a fully implemented version of it already on the shelves for use. Let me list a few, as well as presenting the carrot, and the stick, that comes with it:
1. Digital Currency. Carrot: oh my, so convenient! No need to carry cash! You will never be caught without it! One day the digital currency will be in a chip embedded in your hand! Yea! This is already being implemented in some countries. They are so happy. Stick: the banks, and whoever else who can order the banks to do their bidding (can you say “Justin Trudeau”?). These people in power can at any time they feel like it order the banks to do whatever they want them to do. Against the law? Don’t think for a minute they can’t do this because it is illegal (which it is). They will either call an “emergency” or change the law, or ignore it. They then can stop your transactions, remove money, control your spending, etc. Please don’t fall into the trap: “there is no reason for them to do that”…there are plenty of reasons; right now there are plenty of reasons (I had my own bank accounts frozen because I donated $100 to the Trucker’s Convoy). And yes, at first, they will make you think it is for your own good, for the good of the country, “you are using too much fossil fuel, you need to ration eggs, milk, you eat too much meat, you travel too much, the earth is dying from climate change.” Look up the “social credit system” in China where this is already in place. They are talking about this in many other countries—“credits for being a good citizen.” Needless to say at first it will be voluntary, but trust me, if there is a shadow side to it, we will see it. And it is always the shadow elements of any of these things (the stick) that is intended to fulfill the agenda.
2. Base Salaries. Carrot: No worry of making ends meet. Money from nowhere. No need for a job! Stick: The government owns you. They will want their money back in some way. Degradation of the work force, destruction of ambition, and self-esteem. Serfdom. Indentured servitude.
3. Digital IDs: Carrot: All your information is in one place. Ease of identification. Stick: Control, constant contact with the authorities—if ever needed, there you are. And don’t think “if you don’t ever do anything wrong, you will be safe” or “I have nothing to hide…” Ha.
4. Immigration Passes, such as ArriveCAN in Canada: Carrot: Again, all information in one place, easy to keep updated, ease of travel, Stick: Obvious, similar to digital ID. Stripping of basic rights of freedom of travel. And again, don’t kid yourself. It may not affect you at first, but opening this Pandora’s box will be hugely regrettable. Once we have handed out restrictions due to a state of emergency, the restrictions are never lifted.
5. Health Passports (a side shoot of Digital IDs): Carrot: All of your medical information is in one digital place. Stick: Obvious infringement of medical privacy, which can result in a lot of ugly things you may not even think of, restrictions at work, in public places, etc. Another terrible idea.
This is only a taste, there are many more examples. Share others you think of in the comments. And be careful not think, “oh, our government would never do such a thing (all the sticks, the carrots are fine of course). Think again. Governments are capable of doing this, and much worse (need I remind you?) Power, greed, and control are the incentives that this world has never had under control. In the West we have enjoyed a relatively sanguine several centuries where the corruption was relatively held at bay—although, sadly, it has always been there.
When these above mentioned policies been fully enacted, will we be happy? I won’t be. I’m already not. But will the normies be happy? Probably so, for a while at least. All those carrots, how can you resist? I am not certain that the whole world will turn into North Korea, or a sort of horror manifestation of Orwell’s 1984. If you have to predict which dystopian novel the future will resemble, it would probably be A Brave New World where everyone was happy, at least they thought they were, but their souls were dead. It’s hard to say which version of horror story our world will resemble. Right now it seems more like we are headed to the dystopian paradigm created by fear. But keeping people distracted and anesthetized seems to be a conscious tactic (like in A Brave New World or Fahrenheit 451) considering the cell phones, the disembodied ZOOM sessions, the video games, pornography, the internet, the alcohol, the marijuana, the antidepressants, the Ativan and Xanax, the…?
Here are some typical excuses that people, normies, blurt out if they are asked about this cloud of doom hovering over us.
· Progress marches on; we can’t stop it.
· It makes our life easier; it is convenient.
· What can we do about it if we don’t like it?
· We already live under many restrictions, what are a few more?
· It helps law enforcement, I’m not a criminal, so why should I care if it is easier to track and capture criminals?
· We can’t stop technology.
· It all doesn’t seem that bad.
· It’s good for the culture, and good for society.
· I’m too busy to worry about stuff I just don’t think is that big of a deal.
Any others?
Considering the question asked in the title of this article, how does all this turn us into being a slave? Well, it doesn’t necessarily turn into a movie version of slaves building the pyramids in Egypt (and if you don’t already know this, slaves did not build the pyramids). It turns into the sort of slavery we saw in Russia’s serfdom period, or indentured servitude in American’s earlier years. (Of course who knows what it will eventually, over a lot of time, turn into, but for the purposes of this limited article, this “serfdom” sort of slavery is what I am referring to.) This is slavery where people will not have the typical freedoms we are (or were) accustomed to: no free speech; no free discussion or writing, or even conversation without risk of being arrested; no free travel anywhere, even locally; no job freedom, or freedom to choose a course of education; no freedom to buy what you want, spend the money you would want to spend on what you would want to spend it on; no freedom to live where you want to live, or in the sort of house or apartment you want to live in; no freedom to decide who you want to talk to, or mingle with; no social media—its those sorts of things (and more) that will easily be stripped away.
This is the sort of slavery the title of this article is referring to. We will also be at the beck and call of the authorities, be where they want us to be, and be the way they want us to be (see 1984). So, the next question, will people be happy? Yes, in a word. The normies will be happy. They won’t know any better. It will be all taken away from them so slowly a lot of them will not notice a lot of things being taken away. And about the things they do notice, they will comment, as they are now, “the government knows best, they know something we don’t know, it is temporary, it is Russia’s fault (or whatever country who isn’t in favour at the moment) or it is for the common good.” If it gets so bad (which it might) and they do notice, then it simply is too late.
There will be no true ownership of life, meaning that people will just conform and adapt, they will eventually believe that they never had self agency over their own lives, that they were born to conform, to comply, and to be a tiny human cog in a huge lumbering machine that does absolutely nothing for them other than provide them with enough resources to barely stay alive.
Recently the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, went to Ukraine. There are numerous photos of him traveling around the country, mostly around other mask-less people, seldom wearing a mask himself. But the moment he set foot back into Canada, the mask went on. Who is he fooling?—apparently most people. Hardly anyone has made a comment. Even though only 35% of Ukrainians are vaccinated, according to his own set of rules he was continuously at risk. But what changes when he enters Canada? Here he has to put on the act. No one cares. “There must be an explanation we are just not privy to.”
CJ Hopkins, in his amazing book The Rise of the New Normal Reich, has this to say about the transition to totalitarianism:
You don’t surrender to it all at once. You do it over the course of weeks and months. Imperceptibly, it becomes your reality. You do not recognize that you are in it, because everything you see is part of, and everyone you know is in it…except for the others, who are not a part of it. The “deniers.” The “deviants.” The “foreigners.” The “strangers.” The “Covidiots.” The “virus spreaders.”
See, although the narratives and symbols may change, totalitarianism is totalitarianism. It doesn’t really matter which uniform it wears, or which language it speaks…it is the same abomination. 1t is an idol, a simulacrum of the hubris of man, formed from the clay of the minds of the masses by megalomaniacal spiritual cripples who want to exterminate what they cannot control. And what they want to control is always everything. Everything that reminds them of their weakness and their shame. You. Me. Society. The world. Laughter. Love. Honor. Faith. The past. The future. Life. Death. Everything that will not obey them.
Unfortunately, once this kind of thing gets started, and reaches the stage we are currently experiencing, more often than not, it does not stop, not until cities lie in ruins or fields are littered with human skulls. It might take us ten or twelve years to get there, but make no mistake, that’s where we’re headed, where totalitarianism is always headed...
Klaus Schwab and his minions are anything but stupid. They know how to run a good propaganda campaign. Most people, at the beginning, will be happy in that serfdom future. We will still have our cell phones to stare at, still have pot to smoke, booze to drink, pornography to in indulge in, sports to obsessively watch, video games to play, and catastrophes around the world, and horrors at home, to distract us. (I am guilty of some of these “pleasures” myself, I am not necessarily dissing them, but I believe a lot of these things, if in excess and used strictly as a source for instant gratification, are what has led us to where we are today.) If it is still convenient to them for us to be happy, we will be, but the time to shift from A Brave New World to 1984 will eventually come. If the Klaus Schwab crowd was hoping for the masses to be perpetually happy, they forgot one thing. When the spirit dies, that plan all goes to hell. They may not be counting on that. Wait for it.
So many things to dissect on this Todd. I so appreciate people who can get the gears in my brain turning.
I've often thought of that phrase of Schwab's "You will own nothing and you will be happy". We can all see the first part coming true. It inches closer each day. But the second part? Do they mean we will be happy like our parents used to say "you are going to eat everything on your plate and you are going to like it!". Or does he mean that once the people with functioning brains are all cleared away, the rest of them will see the word happy on their screens, or, hell, placed into their brains directly, and they will smile and nod and agree?
One area I thought would be a major problem for them is the bond of the family. They have done their best to erode that bond over the past several decades, but it does still exist with some families. And the overriding goal for any parent is to give their children the opportunities to do as well or better than they did. But if this gets taken away with this great reset, then that could get to be a huge stumbling block for them. Which is why, in my mind, they are trying to shame parents into getting their kids vaccinated. That would really put some major holes in that barrier.
Many people say we are living in the "Twilight Zone" now. I think that the show Black Mirror is closer to reality. There was an episode about how your social media rating affects your world that was so bang on. Here is the link to a summary of it - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nosedive_(Black_Mirror)
I often find myself wondering why I continue to resist. The cards are pretty much entirely stacked against me. But time and again, I always come away with the realisation that I would never survive in that world. It goes against every fiber in my being. I will leave you with the lyrics of yet another Rush song that I think best describes my thinking with all this:
There are those who think that life has nothing left to chance
A host of holy horrors to direct our aimless dance
A planet of playthings, we dance on the strings of powers we cannot perceive
The stars aren't aligned or the Gods are malign, blame is better to give than receive
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill
There are those who think that they were dealt a losing hand
The cards were stacked against them they weren't born in Lotus Land
All preordained, a prisoner in chains, a victim of venomous fate
Kicked in the face, you can pray for a place, in heaven's unearthly estate
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill
Each of us, a cell of awareness, imperfect and incomplete
Genetic blends with uncertain ends on a fortune hunt that's far too fleet
You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill
BOOM! 💥You knocked it out of the ballpark! Thank you for giving credence to how I think and feel. I was born in 1963, and I see now, that so much I was told is a lie-a straight up lie! I was fortunate to have had an extremely traumatic car accident two decades ago. My life was changed inwardly. Because I adore God and something “supernatural” beyond myself, I have no irrational fear. THAT has gotten me through the last few fear mongering years. Thank you for your keen understanding of reality. God bless you-you get it!