If you are vaccinated it more than likely means you are a follower of the current mainstream and are against the so-called “conspiracy theorists,” the “anti-vaxxers” and anyone calling themselves “freedom fighters.” This letter is for you. I am your enemy. You, individually, may not see it that way, but that is the position that we both are in—opposition. But in reality we are brothers and sisters, both of our “sides” make up the human race. Each of us have loved ones on either side of this fence, and we are all, indeed, “in this together.”
We truly care, and want everyone to be safe and healthy. You can’t say that those of us on this side of the fence have not been treated badly. We have been ostracized, ridiculed, discriminated against, and even told to catch Covid and die (that happened to me twice by two friends who were at one time quite close to me). It really has been ugly all around, and I apologize for my part in this possible derision. Please forgive me, and I’ll forgive you.
Things are not good in La La Land. You may not agree with this statement, and your disagreement is probably at the heart of our problem together. But unfortunately this is a true account of what is happening in the world, whether you believe so or not. Sorry. Even if you can’t readily see any evidence for this, it is nonetheless true, and if you peeled back the bed sheets a bit you would see, very clearly, a teaming colony of blood sucking bedbugs. I don’t want you to take my word for it, as up until now you certainly have not taken our word for anything, I just want you to look. Or at the very least, stop your hatred, resentment, disgust, frustration, or whatever other negative energy you are throwing at all of us on the other the side of the fence where we are trying to do something about it. Honestly, if you don’t want to look for yourself, then fine…live your happy lives as you see fit. Just try to stay out of our way; please love us for caring about your quality of life and the quality of life of everyone else on the planet. We have made sacrifices in our effort to right the wrongs we see happening around us. And please stop accusing us of always looking for the darkness, honestly, we don’t have to look.
Yes, we all understand how horribly difficult it is for you to throw away nearly everything you have ever believed about government, authority, elected officials, public health, etc. and come to the dark side that is so busy blaming all the world’s ills on all of these assumed to be benevolent people. If this is nearly impossible for you to do, then take it in stages. Certainly you do not believe that the aforementioned is perfect, do you? Take it step by step, be willing to accept that there could be corruption, there could be mistakes made, misjudgements, narcissistic decisions, certain select people have made hoping for the reward of money and power? I think many people reading this absolutely hated Trump, and by extension all members of congress who sided with Trump during his term in office…if so, how did you see his corruption? How did he get away with it? And how did the US allow something like that to happen? “Shit Happens,” as they say, and it can happen anywhere and anytime.
Surely as well, you do not think that big business, profit focused, Big Pharma has done everything on the up and up for the decades they have been in business? It doesn’t take much scratching around to dig up the multitude of won lawsuits against them for horrendous breeches in trust, standard of care, even blatantly illegal actions that clearly show people’s health is not their priority . They are not by any means squeaky clean. Do you believe that the laws we have in place protect us entirely from wrong doing in the future? That is quite wishful thinking. As I am sure you are aware, big business is mostly responsible for the pollution of the planet, and they have indeed gotten away with it for quite some time.
I would also suspect that most of you believe that no matter how careful our system is, mistakes can, and often will, be made. And you must already believe egregious errors always have the potential of getting through the good intentions of governments and elected officials. And when they do, they have the potential of running amuck and snowballing into nearly impossible-to-manage energy and power. Yes, you do agree that is possible don’t you?
I would also suspect that unless we, as a society, are very careful with utilizing our checks and balances, there are people out there who are very powerful, and are not all that benevolent in their intentions. They are not necessarily consciously evil, but due to their hunger for power and/or money, wish to implement things upon the rest of the world that primarily fulfills their own wishes and desires under the guise of it being the best for the world. Even Hitler (and I am not comparing him to anyone in particular!) had good intentions for the German people. He had big ideas that on paper looked pretty glorious, yet his plans were not glorious for the rest of the world.
It can happen, can’t it? And more importantly, why doesn’t it happen more often? Do all of you really believe it doesn’t happen at all since the 1940’s? Yes, it hasn’t happened since then in most of Europe and North America, but why do you think it never could happen here? It is, and has, been happening throughout the world, and has many times. Why is that? Does it happen, when it does, all at once? Like as a result of a huge war, or revolution? Actually no. Totalitarianism grows from a seed. Usually this is a seed of complacency and inattentiveness. Totalitarianism, or “flavours of it” no longer need boots on the ground to occur.
Am I losing you? OK, fair enough, maybe for you right now the word “totalitarianism” is too strong. It sounds too much like “Communism,” or “Nazism,” or whatever. No, at this point you are right, full totalitarianism in the West is not in place. But if you study this stuff enough you will see that colony of bedbugs under the sheets have a plan. And if you look carefully you will see how that plan has been creeping along for many years. And remember, that “plan” doesn’t have to be “let’s take over the world.” People implementing the “plan” could very well think that their plan is a good thing.
Let me get back to the point. Let me stick with Covid, vaccines, and such. An awful lot has happened recently “for the good of the people” and if you really think about it, there should always have been a limit to what could be mandated and forced on a country’s citizenry in the name of “the good of the people.” First, and this is very important to understand, who defines “for the good of the people”—even if that decision is made in good faith, there still, at least in a free society, has to be limitations. A country’s constitution, as the instrument that sets those limitations, is the first thing that comes to mind. Are there any of you out there who believe it was constitutional, and right, to put Japanese Americans in concentration camps during the Second World War? Sure, in hindsight most will say it was not a good decision. But even at the moment, when the government actually saw it as a threat, was it the right thing to do? Were there better ways to mitigate that threat other than ripping US citizens from their homes and putting them in prisons?
Applying that analog to today, do you think it is right to bar any particular group of people from living their lives? Going to church, going shopping, going to work? Sure, it was “for the good of the people.” In hindsight do you really believe that to be so? Do you believe the people who made these decisions honestly believed what they were doing was “for the good of the people?” There were very highly educated, experienced, and credentialed people who called this out and claimed it was not the best way to deal with this threat. They were ignored at best, and forcibly silenced at worst. I am curious; did you know that? Do you not believe that happened?
Do any of you out there actually believe that only government sanctioned individuals such as Fauci and numerous “health ministers” can define science? With a medical emergency as unique and unusual as Covid and the vaccines that came out within 8 months of the disease’s recognition globally, do you really believe that no other scientist or doctor had an intelligent and valued word to say about it? Do you even know that thousands of such individuals around the world have been censored and threatened the loss of their license to practice, not to mention the loss of their reputations, are out there trying to be heard? Trying to debate? Do you really think blocking these highly credentialed and published individuals is a reputable thing to do in a free culture, and if it is done, as it has been and is being done, does not smell to high heaven? The rampant censorship and threat to these individuals is enough to righteously inspire any deep questioning of this entire ordeal.
What of all of the legitimate deaths and illnesses occurring throughout the world? Do you believe all of this is untrue? Or caused by things other than the most obvious? Do you not see how these very real spikes in excess mortality; sudden deaths, rampant cancer, etc. coincide with the release of the mRNA vaccines? Do you not accept that “coincidence” as being valid?
All these things should at least warrant a head scratch, and at the very least cause you to back off accusing the rest of us of being conspiracy theorists, science deniers, and whack jobs. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has webbed feet like a duck and hangs out with other ducks, it most likely IS a duck—at least it deserves some careful observation and sincere consideration to determine what it actually is.
Whether you believe that the world is in a dire mess or not, you need to understand that this dire mess is at least a possibility. If you look at all of this even at a cursory level, you should find plenty of evidence that shows the “unlikely” could very well have become the nightmare we believe it has become. Just look, and be curious.
"Tell the truth to those who want to be lied to, and you'll go broke."
Above all never forget that you are dealing with a CULT...
Excellent letter Todd. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/